• Published 3rd Sep 2014
  • 2,991 Views, 43 Comments

LazyEyes: A collection of AnnieXPrism tales - DarthSylar12

Based on the original characters of Kilala97's Next Generation pictures, comes a series of one-shots and fluffy drabbles featuring the pairing of Anthea and Prism Bolt.

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“I’m here! I'm not late!” Prism Bolt shouted as he burst through the, thankfully, open window and landed. He skidded to a stop before a group of ponies patiently waiting in the foyer of the small two story cottage. He drew in deep breaths through his nose and mouth as beads of sweat rolled from his face. The animals, that called the space home, retreated to their burrows and nooks from the commotion that was the pegasus colt’s arrival.

Starburst looked up at old cuckoo clock before turning her gaze to her out of breath friend and said.

“Well I’m surprised. You’re not only late but six whole minutes early. And here I thought you wouldn’t show because you were taking some pre-afternoon nap.” His breath still evading capture, Prism Bolt replied through pants.

“I don’t take a pre-afternoon nap short stack. My napping schedule is perfectly timed for maximum sleep. And you’re one to talk with how many times Del tells me you sleep away the afternoon after working on Sweet Apple Acres.”

“UGH! Only you would devote time to plan out being a lazy slob.” Starburst said, her eyes threatening to leave her skull from the force of her rolling them.

Prism Bolt just stuck his tongue out at Starburst and took a seat near the base of the stairs.

“She is right though Prism. Ever since you and Annie got together you’ve really put more effort into things. Glad to see her have such a good effect on you.” Said Golden Delicious.

Prism Bolt smiled. It was true. Ever since he got together with Anthea, Annie to her friends, he had put more effort into not only their relationship but in being more active in general. He made sure to schedule in time to be with her and help out with taking care of the animals at her mother’s cottage. He wasn’t bad with them either, except for these three baby rabbits who he swears must be demons from Tartarus in disguise. She had been great to him, not minding that he was little lazy and in fact most of their dates just involved finding a nice hill out of town and just laying in the soft grass watching the clouds pass.

“Yeah, she is pretty great.”

“Well I’m just glad you’re making the effort keep her happy.” Cotton Candy added. “Whenever she comes over to Sugarcube Corner all she talks about is how much fun you guys have on your dates and how strong and talented you are. Though I remember her telling me she hated the feeling of flying, yet she keeps on telling me that you make her feel like she’s doing barrel rolls and inside out loops. Not sure why.”

“Well Star I can say that Prism Bolt has made me feel the same way when we dated. So I don’t down for a second that Prism can take our little Annie to cloud nine.” Whirlwind said, shooting a sly wink towards the now blushing Prism Bolt. Cotton Candy burst out laughing at the implication that goody two horseshoes Annie and Prism Bolt having intimate relations. Golden Delicious awkwardly scratched his neck with his hoof. Starburst grinned seeing something get under Prism’s skin. Turquoise Blitz just scratched his head, the innuendo flying clear over his head.

“What happens in the cloud bed stays in the cloud bed.” Mumbled Prism Bolt under his breath as the sounds of hoof steps descending the stairs were heard.

At the top of the stairs stood Annie, a large canvas covered in a plain white sheet gripped in the green aura of her magic. She gingerly descended the stairs and stopped next to her coltfriend who wrapped a comforting wing around her barrel. She nuzzled his chest quickly before they walked together to the center of the foyer and depositing the still covered canvas on an easel.

“You ready to show everyone your new master piece?” Prism Bolt said planting a soft kiss on Annie’s head. She looked up and beamed. Even though she couldn’t see shapes or figures, her magic allowed her to see colors and nothing stood out more that red. blue and yellow mane of her beau.

“Yes. I am.” She gave Prism a hug and ran her hoof across his form as he left her side to take a seat on the couch next a still grumpy Starburst. Annie then cleared her throat and addressed the assembly of multicolored blobs that were in her mom’s foyer.

“Thank you guys for all coming to see my new art work! It really means a lot to me that you take in interest in my hobby. Now a lot of my work so far has been very…abstract.” She giggled as she remembered how befuddled her friends were when she painted a group picture that looked more somepony slapped paint on a canvas. She had improved since then and this picture she felt marked a real transition in her pursuit of the arts. “I also want to thank Prism Bolt, my coltfriend. For not only being the best thing I could ask for but also acting as the inspiration for this piece. I hope this picture doesn’t shock any of you but I wanted to really push my limits of artistic ability. Please do not be offended. Without further ado I present my painting.” She said. She then flung the white sheet off the canvas with her magic and revealed her painting to her eager audience.

The foyer was silent as all eyes scanned the unveiled canvas. It was in laid landscape showing a full scene. Like most of her previous artworks this piece was abstract, a collection of blobs and splotches of various colors. Like she stated in her speech the subject was Prism Bolt, though it was obvious based on the inclusion of his tri colored mane and tail. He was obviously reclined and laying in some manner with his head or what can be assumed is his head, resting on the left side of the canvas while it looked like his tail stretched out and off the canvas. The background was bluish-purple that they had since learned was how Annie depicted night time, which bled into the blue in Prism’s coat with white specks depicting stars. Whatever Prism was lying atop appeared to be a warm forest green in color, perhaps a blanket. But what drew the focus of the eye and caused the observers, included the subject himself, confusion was a odd protrusion on Prism’s body. Situated closer to his tail but reaching to roughly a third of the length of his whole body was a thin curved splotch of pitch black. It was obviously the most important part of the picture but for the life of them none of the ponies in the room could determine what it was.

“So what do you guys think?” Annie said shattering the silence. The six ponies quickly looked at each other unsure what to say. None wanted to bring up the elephant in the painting but knew that someone had to speak up. Prism, being the artist’s special somepony, bit the bullet and said.

“It looks, great Annie. I mean I can totally see me in it.”

“Of course you see you in it. It’s a picture of you. And I’m glad you like it. I was so worried you would be embarrassed by it.”

Prism left his seat and wrapped his unicorn marefriend in another wing hug and said.

“I am never embarrassed by you and don’t let something like that get in your head. I love you art and I love you.” Annie smiled and nuzzled his chest as he enveloped her with his wings. The others did their best to take this time to decipher the visual riddle before them.

Just then the door to the cottage flung open as Crystal Clarity, sister of Turquoise Blitz, entered the foyer.

“I do apologize for my tardiness, Annie. I had a jewelry order that I simply had to finish and you can’t really speed up the time it takes molten metal to cool.”

“It’s okay Claire. I only just unveiled my piece a few minutes ago. Go on and take a look.”

Claire did just that. She approached the piece and stood a foot away from it. Her eyes scanned the piece from corner to corner and like the other found her drawn to the peculiar shape at the forefront of the image. She ran her eyes along the length and then stepped back as if to take add her more detailed look into the big picture. She then raised a claw to her face, as if to stifle a giggle or conceal a blush. She then cleared her throat and turned towards Annie, still wrapped up snuggly next to Prism and said.

“Annie. I do find this piece very…interesting. I am correct in saying that this a picture of your Prism Bolt?”


“And that based on the starry sky background that this is night scene.”


“And that the forest green colored thing that Prism is lying on is in fact the bedspread that my mother gave you a few years back for your room.”

“Yes again. Are we playing 20 questions Claire?”

“No dear, but I do have one final question. What is the title of this artwork?”

“His pride and joy.”

The room became quite enough to hear a pin drop. Everypony in the room began to puzzle in what Claire’s questions and Annie’s title could reveal about the picture. Then they understood. The black shape in the picture, the intimate bedroom setting and the title were the final clues needed to determine what they were looking at. It was so obviously from the very beginning. Her request of that they not being offended, her fear that Prism would be embarrassed it all made so much sense because the picture was depicting a stallion in his most vulnerable and exposed state.


The sound preceded the unfurling of Starbursts and Whilwind’s wings, both of them blushing profusely. Cotton Candy began to giggle uncontrollably as Golden Delicious covered his eyes with his hooves and began muttering about how he would have to bleach his brain. Claire did her best to hold her mature and professional mask as she fanned herself feeling the temperature of the room inexplicably rise. Turquoise still couldn't put the puzzle together but declined to ask the others what they had just realized.

Prism’s jaw dropped as he realized what his marefriend had just done. Annie just kept on smiling while she hugged Prism.

"Are you embarrassed now?"

The End

Comments ( 43 )

El Oh El YES! Thank you! :rainbowlaugh:

4944624 I hope you enjoy it. I wrote this immediately after seeing your picture. I was just struck by inspiration.

Oh-ho, not half bad. :ajsmug: Love to see more!

4944853 thank you. It was written quick, but it was just an idea that struck me suddenly and needed to be written for somereason. I might have another chapter out some time this week. It just has so many possibilities.

Comment posted by DarthSylar12 deleted Sep 3rd, 2014

4944911 be carful with the t x Annie fans!

Lance blazer

4945403 I will. I've seen my fair share shipping wars, not just in this fandom either. Thanks for reading and commenting. Everyone who does is good in my book.


4945484 welcom

Lance blazer

This is wrong on so many levels, even if kilala herself ships this in secret.

Still, instant fave.

4945539 thanks for the fav. I guess sometimes something wrong can be the right choice. I will continue to create short little stories for this pair just cause.

4945570 You keep right on with that, brother.

I absolutely love the idea of this fanfic. Man, I actually think that Annie and Prism fit better than their canon pairings...don't lynch me please :fluttercry:. Anyhow, Annie's perverted side made me laugh with the picture she draw and the reactions of Starburst and Whirlwind were hilarious. I will always be thankful to kilala for making such a tiny, cute, and innocent-looking girl to be the raunchiest member of the next gen characters.

4945707 I agree with you fully in this comment. When I found out that Annie painted and that she had such a raunchy side I knew that she'd one day paint something very much like this and because her art is abstract she could get away with it. Pairing her with Prism just made the justification perfect. Yes Starburst and Whilwind's reactions were my favorite part of writing this. Thanks for commenting I appreciate each and every one. :eeyup:

everyones entitled to there own ship but I e artist came up with T X ANNIE FOREVER:flutterrage:

still good story though:twilightblush::twilightsmile:

4945484 Might be best if the 'Alternate universe' tag was added. Otherwise all Annie x T will start a war with you

4946094 Actually, kilala herself confessed to having a liking for this ship, even though T and Annie are canon. Our friend here was just building off what she said.

4946548 well like I said everyone can look at different ships that's the good part of OCs but Im just not all 100% for this one.

PS I luv the stories of urs:twilightsmile:

Annie is such a TROLL!!!!!!!!! Trolololololololollllloooooooooollll :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

4949993 that she is. She enjoys a good prank as much as Prism.

I really like this ship. The obvious things that Annie and Prism share like their silliness and etc. really make them a good couple. Plus, the bonus of a slight perversion here and there because the both of them are a bit wild. :twilightblush::rainbowkiss::derpytongue2::rainbowwild::yay:

I'm hoping to see more of this.:twilightsmile:

Keep up the good work.:twilightsmile::twilightsheepish:

Fantastic! I love this pairing. So much potential with these two.

Looking forward to seeing more! :twilightsmile:

:rainbowlaugh: omfg this awesome I cant stop laughing.

That end line though XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

4999399 Glad you enjoyed it.

:rainbowlaugh:: of course my son would be proud of that

I told you it was good:rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

Annie is a freaking badass:rainbowlaugh:

As soon I red the title of the painting I covered my face and laughed :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Oh my god I haven't laughed like that in such a long time. I made an account and of course faved it the moment i finished reading it... alright the moment I finished laughing anyway. This was just too funny

5359083 wow thanks. Comedy hasn't always been my strength and due to school I haven't been able to continue this. I do intend to add more this winter now that school has ended. I hope you enjoy future installments. Is there anything in particular you liked that you wish me to touch upon or include in future chapters.

5367862 Will it still be a PrismxAnnie? Although it was short I do LOVE everything that you did :D I love how you described the painting bit by bit and i feel that you captured everyponies reactions PERFECTLY xD I love how although you didn't specifically write it you can just tell that Annie knew that everyone finally figured it out.... but T of course. I read it the day i commented so it isn't fresh in my mind! But if there is anything I could do to help i'd most definitely love to! I feel that when it comes to judging i'm very fair, but I really can't find anything wrong with it. unless there was a grammar mistake I catch most of those but of course i don't want to be a grammar nazi. I will definitely be commenting and looking forward to your next work :D I have an AnniexPrism I myself would like to try~ but i've never really written anything like a fanfic xD

5368287 Most likely it will be another PrismXAnnie, this more of an anthology or oneshots than a full length story. So yes this will most likely what I post next and any comment here is helping become better at fanfictioning...I know that's not a word but I don't care!

I love where this is going!!! Keep up the good work!

5378478 thank you sir or madam. I will most certainly due my best to keep up my work in this area. Thank you very much for your kind words as they fuel for the machine that creates these works of fanfiction.

5379501 I my fellow good sir/madam am a dude.

5380001 good to know, sir. I am also of the dude. Now that we have cleared that up I shall now continue to work on my next update to this popular story.

How will this continue?

Why is this story in the Rule 63 group?

Can you get one thing straight for me sir please? When you have a story that has the status " incomplete " does that mean all hope is lost? Cuz there is also a status named " cancelled " witch judging by the amount of replies I've gotten from said fics ARE hopeless.

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