• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Stories about: Feelings too complicated to describe, ponies


A Dark Fic. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack explore the pitch black room, looking for any sign of where they are, or where they might go, trying to avoid the dangers unseen to them...

It's all downhill from here.

[Note: This Fic Has A Surprise Twist Ending]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 70 )

I am not sure if the Dark tag is right. maybe a light-dark. Like, it is only just dark enough to pass as dark.

Thumbs up.

"Forget this!" Applejack declared, "I'm flying out of here!"


Twilght sighed

You know, all this time I thought they'd teleported in the lion's stomach, and I was waiting for acid to come out of the walls.


What... what the hell is up with that.


I'm imagining this being the actual case now and laughing my arse off. I think I was correcting another line and my cursor slipped, that's my only explanation.

...why [dark]? I almost didn't read it because of that, ya big dingus[1]!

Otherwise, great fun. I especially liked the twist ending. Very Shyamalan.

[1] "Called.... somebody... dingus..." Well, there's that crossed off the bucket list.


It's the whole reason for this fic's existence, and probably the reason it's probably already got three downvotes.

It's a very dark fic.


Punning in the tags should be banned on pain of summary defenestration. And you wouldn't want anything to happen to your fenestras[1], would you?

[1] Which reminds me of my favorite obscure ponyfic joke (well... not joke as such...)

"And then I told him that if he didn't clear out right now I'd defenestrate him! You shoulda seen him run! It was awesome!"

"Defenestrate! Wow, Rainbow, all that reading's paying off, isn't it," said Twilight, smiling, "bit of a serious threat, though? Wasn't he an earth pony?"

"Gross, Twi! I wasn't actually going to do it! I just knew he was gonna run off 'cuz he was afraid for his fenestras."

"That's not... what?"

"Oh! Does that word have an egghead plural again? Fenestri? Fenestrae? Fenestrim?"

"No it's just that... I mean nopony would want damage to their fenestrae. I certainly wouldn't. Even if the temporal ones are closed, but... "

"What! You... you don't have those. Right. Because you are a... you know. Mare," Rainbow said, whispering the last word and casting a furtive look around and putting two hooves on Spike's ears. Or where Rainbow thought Spike's ears were which, as it happened, was a few inches off and, by sheerest coincidence, quite close to his fenestrae.

"Of course I do! One, anyway. So do you."

"What?! No I don't! Who told you that?"

"Everypony does!"

"I have two! Temporal. Open ones, too," said Spike smugly, batting away Rainbow's forehooves.

"Oh, well done Spike! You did read that Cladistics for the Curious book I got you," said Twilight with a bit of a hop, clapping her forehooves together.

There was a lengthy silence during which Rainbow looked up, left, right, sideways, back, and in several new directions she invented on the spot. She brushed the back of her neck with a hoof. Finally, gaze firmly fixed on the ground and blushing furiously she spoke.

"Um... guys," she said, voice cracking, "I'm gonna level with you. I don't think I know what 'fenestra' means. 'cuz I don't think it means what I, uh, thought it meant."


The fic is very dark in much the same way as it's got a twist ending.


I feel like I should be forming an eyerolling mob to glue a few feathers to you and run you halfway down the block on a rail.


I feel it's cheating if your comment is funnier than the fic it's attached to, Ghost.


I didn't give the kid a margarita, but the temptation was overwhelming. You see this fic, like a good cocktail, needed a Twist of Lime. :twistnerd:

TGM #9 · Sep 10th, 2014 · · ·

but....but that fic didn't have a surprise ending at all—

[Note: This Fic Has A Surprise Twist Ending]

...dohohoho youuuu.

Oh, please. It's hardly funny at all. The comment, I mean. It's just a bit of foolishness.

RIP my sides... :rainbowlaugh:

This might possibly be one of the darkest fics I've ever read... The only way it could have been any darker is if I were wearing sunglasses while reading. :coolphoto:

[Note: This Fic Has A Surprise Twist Ending]

It's almost never a good idea to say such a thing in the description, but for this story, I'd have to say I rather enjoyed it. :twistnerd:

Litterally, the ending was a surprise Twist. This is definitely a dark fic.

:rainbowlaugh: The puns!

Ah, I see you wrote a sequel to White Box. Good job turning the concept dark.

... What am I supposed to do with this? I can't even save it because all the humor is in the tags.

4982246 When I read the tag and description my immediate though was this strip: Dork Tower.

Also nice :twistnerd: at the end.

What an excellent twist! :twistnerd:

:twistnerd: Snappo bricks. :rainbowlaugh: I expected a youngster, of the human sort (though).


The room was black and moonless and it reeked of sickly-sweetness, like the innards of an eviscerated gummy-bear.


I'll admit, you got me. I was almost certain I knew what the twist was early on. I was completely and totally wrong.


That was great. Got a chuckle out of me. And... Very nice use of the dark tag. :twistnerd:

The worst place they could've possibly ended up... It would've been better to have stuck with the lion.

:trollestia:, that is all



Thumbs up! :eeyup:

"I hate to say it, but we're delicious."

Is it bad this is my favorite line?


I feel it's cheating if your comment is funnier than the fic it's attached to, Ghost.

And HOW many times have YOU left little bits of utter hilarity on someone ELSE'S fics, HMMMMMM? :derpytongue2:

Also, stop updating when I am at work. :raritydespair:

Mr Numbers!

Love, Love, LOVE finding unexpected shorts from you!:pinkiehappy:

Didn't see that 'twist' coming, had a completely different one building up in my head!:derpytongue2:

As always, made me smile even though I'd been crying ten minutes before reading it! :fluttercry:

Thank you for brightening up my day!:heart:

Literal neat.

"Gracious, no. I think I stepped on a Snappo brick."

So... then they're most likely in a child's bedroom. And thus, not in immediate danger.

...can't these unicorns just make their horn glow? :facehoof:

"If I can't see, then I can't... Oh, dear Celestia, I'm an idiot. Rarity, just focus your magic with me for a moment."

Yeah, snicker all you want about Rainbow's head, but she was the one who figured it out :rainbowlaugh:

Twist stared at them from the doorway, hoof still poised over the lightswitch.

Heehee. Child's bedroom. Called it. :twistnerd:

This was nice! Maybe a little dark at times, though :pinkiecrazy:

A couple of remarks (in case you didn't see me dump 'em on the irc):
> Anyone of us could be next.
Should be "Any one of us", since this is really just "one of us" with "any" in front of it.
> The room's own lightbulb flickered on, pinning everypony underneath the gaze of the irritated owner.
Missing paragraph break after this. Add an empty line.
> ...Had she not barelled out of the closet
Continuation of previous sentence; this shouldn't have a capital letter. Also, "barrelled" has two r's :raritywink:
Was wondering if you fixed that last one, but I guess "barrelled" with two L's is British spelling :twilightblush:

Hey Mr. Numbers, got another small fix for you in bold: "Not to be a bother or anything, but has anypony tried moving yet? Or are WE all still just huddled around Twilight talking?"

Another brilliant bit of comedy with humor on multiple levels. An excellent subversion of GrimDark tropes done with great aplomb. A tip of my hat to your sit!

Wait, what fic is this because it sounds like a great read right before bed and I've never heard of it before. Is it one of yours?

Alas, no. It's just a fragment I wrote out.


I've seen fics with FAR shakier premises and "Comedies" with way less entertainment value that stretch on for pages than this one snippet. Please, for the love of all ponykind, I beg of you to finish the fic!

Awww. Thank you kindly. It's not a... I mean, it's not a story idea as such. It's... well. It's a joke. I was thinking about Rainbow's new voracious reading habits and how new readers tend to have strangely asymmetrical vocabularies and amusing misconceptions about what words mean. I also worked out a similar routine[1] for Rainbow misusing 'squamous and rugose[2].'

[1] And one that doesn't require you to have a working understanding of taxonomy to get, too.
[2] With Spike going "What's wrong with being squamous? I'm squamous." "No, you are not! You are nice! And cool!" "Well, gosh, thanks, but I'm still squamous." "And Granny Smith's quite rugose. What do you have against her?" "She is?" &c &c.


Delightful! I hope that you'll have some time to work on them this Holiday season! With so many people regurgitating the same tired tropes it's very exciting to see some real word play. Don't be a tease and just leave us hanging!

Thanks again for writing this Mr. Numbers, I forgot to favorite it earlier but I'll correct that now.

I have so much to say about this story, just I am unable to put it all out in logical sentences.

5210418 I'd read a collection of these.

This fic, and then...
Really, Ghost? Really?


:facehoof: You need to open up the shutters some and let more of your awesome get in normal places.

Incidentally, the joke works without it, but now I'm intensely curious what 'fenestra' means in this context, and the limited search-fu I've thrown at it is not helping. Eg naval cavity and temples? But that's not taxonic... I don't think...

No, you are right. Fenestra is Latin for window, and it is used in taxonomy and comparative anatomy to describe openings. Without qualification 'fenestra' refers to the temporal fenestrae: openings on the side of your head which are exceptionally important to cladistic taxonomy because a big split in species lineages is diagnosed by seeing how many temporal fenestrae open during development. Twilight and all other ponies are, of course, synapsids by way of being therapsids (obviously, they are mammals, after all!). The cladistics of dragons (this should be a title of something) is less clear (ha!) but I decided to make 'em diapsids just like, say, dinosaurs. And given where the closed fenestrae (temporal arches, essentially) are on a generalized diapsid skull, if you tried to put your hands over spike's 'ears' you would have a high chance of actually clapping them over his fenestrae.

So that's the biology. And, wow, Firefox thinks I've misspelled half the words in that last paragraph.

Anyway. The joke is that Rainbow somehow got it into her head that 'fenestra' are naughty bits of some sort or another and that threatening to defenestrate[1] someone is threatening to, ah, remove said naughty bits.

[1] Term meaning 'to cast a person or a thing out of a window' and has been coined to name the, ahem, First Defenestration of Prague and the Second Defenestration of Prague the second of which was an important factor in starting the Thirty Years' War. Which... yeah. The Polish do not muck about.

I got the joke, just not the biology. (Which I'm now going to go research more intensely, thanks so very much /sarcasm /sacrasm-maybe)

I have no reference frame for how seriously to take you regarding the Second Defenestration of Prague. Either way, however, that is really awesome.

You think stepping on Snappo bricks is painful? You ain't seen nothin' yet:

Hey... I do this kind of thing, too. Occasionally. On Bad Horse's crap, mostly. There was one time on HoofBitingActionOverload's tentacle smut story, though.

It's, like, you start writing a joke. But then you think up funnier stuff to add and soon there is a writhing ball of awkward and bad humour and it can pass as a story because it's, like, 1k or 4k long, yet it's merely a comment. An act of vandalism, in short story form. Although, I don't think the vandalism is emphasized enough for it to be actual vandalism...

It can also be interpreted as one-upmanship to the author whose story the comment is posted on. Maybe. Though, that really isn't the intention. Speaking for myself, I do it cuz it's fun.

I think this the closest Ghost will get to writing raunchy comedy. I shall savour it as such, for my perviness demands it.

It's like one of Bad Horse's fave lines, "Squeezing out a foal", except not as graphic. Hey... that's actually a good selling point for Regidar to get on the Bad Horse bandwagon, seeing as he's into that kind of stuff.

Anyways, according to Rainbow Dash, the mother prolly "defenestrated a foal". Multiple foals, actually.

Check your PM ^_^

I don't do that very often, mostly because two days later I have to nearly tie my hands together to stop me from deleting the comment from sheer embarrassment.

I just got four comments on this story in an hour?

Did it stop being stupid all of a sudden?


Ah. No. Someone just tagged all the other comments that he could.

I see.

Comment posted by yamgoth deleted Jan 11th, 2015


Mmmfughuhwha? What's going on? Aaaaaag, light!

Ahem. Yes, well. Anyway.

I don't know why Pinkie isn't involved either. It seems like there should be a really good[1] pun of a reason why not.

[1] For that value of 'good' by which puns are measured, anyway.

Comment posted by ShiningNova deleted Jan 12th, 2015
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