• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,117 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

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Dawn of Friendship

Chapter VI
Dawn of Friendship

Twilight,deep in her slumber, kept having thoughts of yesterday's battle replay in her mind. Seeing Sora transform into his Wisdom Form was baffling in her eyes and she wondered how something like that was possible, and why it took away her magic. It was something she had never seen before. As she still contemplated the whereabouts of how something like that was possible, Twilight felt her body rock from left to right repeatedly. As Twilight started to wake up from all the rocking, she started to open her eyes and was startled to see a figure in front of her causing her to fall out of bed. After a few blinks and a groan of pain, she looked up and could tell that the person was no one other than Spike trying to wake her up.

"Twilight, you overslept." Spike said as he recognized how the girl looked so disheveled. "Wow, you look terrible."

Twilight gave an irritated look towards Spike, "What is it?."

"Wow, rude," Spike said.

"Well, this is what happens when you shove me out of my sleep,"Twilight said as she picked herself up and sat back on the bed eyes half closed. "I was dreaming about something very interesting."

Spike looked at the girl with a questionable demeanor. "Are you talking about what happened yesterday with Sora turning into some kind of all powerful wizard and taking all those diamond dogs down by himself? When I heard the story from Sunset Shimmer and how everything happened, all I could think about was how awesome it had to be!"

Twilight was surprised at how Spike looked at the situation. "It was not awesome, it was insane!"

"Aw, come on Twilight, you have to admit it was a little awesome," Sunset said as she walked up towards Spike and Twilight.

"It's just that I've never seen anything like that happen before, and when it did, Rarity and I couldn't use our magic," Twilight said to Sunset.

"Maybe it has something to do with you being an element of harmony," Sunset said.

"Maybe, I don't know." Twilight said. "But, he has to know something about what's going on."

Sunset, growing bored of Twilight's theory decided to give her a solution to her problem. "Why don't you ask him yourself at the picnic today, I'm sure that he wouldn't mind you asking."

"Picnic?" Twilight said quizzically. "What picnic?"

"Well, it's such a beautiful day today in Ponyville, so the girls and I decided to schedule a little picnic in the plains," Sunset said.

Twilight looked out her window and saw the rays of light penetrate her window showing her the beauty that the world had today. "It is nice out, today."

Sunset then helped Twilight out of bed and lead her to the changing room. "See, now go get changed, we don't want to keep the rest of them waiting forever."

"Plus, I heard that Pinkie baked a jewel cake just for the picnic, and there is no way that I'm going to miss my chance in eating that cake," Spike said with a serious demeanor.

Twilight laughed at how serious Spike was about his desserts. "We definitely don't want to miss out on that do we?" It was a only a few minutes later until Twilight was ready to go to the picnic. "All right, I'm ready to go."

As soon as she said this, Spike started pushing Sunset and Twilight towards the door to leave and go. "That's great, now let's go, that jewel cake is calling my name. As Twilight opened the door with her magic, Sunset had the sudden realization that Spike was still pushing them towards the door at the same time.

"Ummm, Spike, maybe you want to slow down there a bit before we get to the door," Sunset said. Too bad Spike didn't hear a thing as he was lost in thought about that cake. What that boy wouldn't do for some cake don't ask me. Before Spike could come back to his senses, he had already pushed them out of the house causing both of them to trip and fall.

"Ow," Twilight said as he started rubbing her head. "Spike, I understand that you really want to eat that jewel cake, but was pushing your friends out of a door really necessary for you to-" Twilight stopped as she saw Spike converting all of his attention to something else. "Honestly Spike, we really need to work on your focus, I mean, what could have you so out of it right now?" Twilight turned around to see what had Spike's attention and what she saw made her speechless.

Sunset was still on the ground wondering why she was not in that much pain from the fall. After a few seconds, she started to realize that she did not fall directly onto the ground, but rather she fell on something else. Or should I say someone else?

"Well, that was another way to greet someone," a familiar voice said. "Um, Sunset, do you think you can get off of me?"

As Sunset realized whose voice that was, she immediately looked down and saw Roxas laying under her. As they were both face to face with each other, Sunset started to blush immensely, and in a bashful state, she decided to get off of Roxas to evade anymore embarrassment than she already had.

"What are you doing?!" Sunset shouted at Roxas.

Roxas, surprised at how Sunset interpreted what had happened, got up and went towards Sunset. "What am I doing, you were the one who fell on me."

"You're acting as if this was all my fault," Sunset said.

"Well, you were the one who, I repeat, fell onto me," Roxas said. The two then starting arguing back and forth each having a comeback for what the other had to say. Sora then starts laughing at the two as they kept arguing about.

"Wow, they are arguing like a married couple," Sora said laughing through his words.

Twilight looked at Sora with a questionable look. "Sora, how did you get here?"

"Oh, I was just a few steps behind Roxas, good thing too or I would have been in that amount of trouble," Sora said as he looked at Roxas and Sunset still arguing about what happened.

"Why are you even over here?" Sunset said while still trying to hide her blush.

"Well, earlier this morning, when I woke up I found a note placed on my chest and it was from Applejack," Roxas said. "It told us to meet up with the rest of the girls for a picnic in the plains." "That's where Sora and I were going until....." Roxas was cut off as Sunset put a hand in front of him telling him to stop.

"Ok, ok, I get it, can we just go to the picnic now?" Sunset said.

"Yes, yes we can, now come you guys the jewel cake, I mean, our friends are waiting on us," Spike said.

Sora looked at Twilight confusingly. "Jewel cake?"

"It's a long story," Twilight said.

As the five were walking to the picnic, the rest of the main 6 were already where they needed to be waiting on the latter. Applejack was resting on the trunk of a nearby tree as Rainbow Dash was Sleeping on the branch of that same tree, Pinkie Pie was setting up the picnic blanket and food, Rarity was lying down on a red couch that she had brought from her home, and Fluttershy was sitting in the grass holding the summoning charm that Sora had gave her. Every time she looked at the charm she would always think of Sora, which would cause her to blush and feel flustered. Fluttershy then pulled out a yellow wayfinder that she had made herself.

"I wonder if he'll like it," Fluttershy said to herself.

"I'm sure he will Fluttershy," Rarity said as she had seen and heard everything that Fluttershy had done.

Fluttershy had jumped from Rarity answering her question and tried to hide the way finder that she had made. "Sure, who will?"

"Now come on Fluttershy, do you really think that I can't tell that you have feeling for Sora and that you made that charm for him?" Rarity said looking at how dumbstruck Fluttershy was.

Fluttershy let out a deep sigh, "Is it that obvious?"

"It's really surprising how no one else has caught on it yet," Rarity said. "So what is that charm anyway?"

Fluttershy pulled out the charm again and showed Rarity. "This is called a wayfinder. It's used as a good luck charm, but it's also a representation of our friendship for one another."

"Fluttershy that is so thoughtful of you, there is without a doubt no way that Sora can not love that gift." Rarity said in a gleeful expression.

As Rarity finished the discussion on the charm, she looked out over the horizon and saw Sora and the rest of their friends walking to the picnic. "Well well well, look who's arrived Fluttershy," Rarity teasingly said.

"Hey everyone," Sora said to the rest of his friends.

Fluttershy started to become nervous as to what she should do. After massing up enough courage to start walking over to Sora, she pulled out the wayfinder and started presenting it to Sora. As she was preparing to call for his attention, something got in her way.

"Sora, Sora, you have got to try this jewel cake that I baked, if you think you liked the sapphire cupcake, then you're going to love this," Pinkie said as she lead Sora to the cake.

Spike started running beside Sora and Pinkie following them to the cake. "If anyone is going to eat that cake first, it's gonna be me.

Fluttershy was disheartened by the fact that she couldn't give her gift to Sora yet,but she decided that she would try again a later time, but right now she would enjoy the picnic with her friends.

As the picnic went on, everyone started having a good time with one another. Whether it was Applejack and Rainbow competing in a athletics competition, to Pinkie feeding Sora any kind of sweets that she had baked, to Roxas and Sunset having a battle of wits with one another, to Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity having an afternoon talk, everyone was doing something and the picnic was lively.

Twilight looked at Sora and saw how much fun he was having with everybody then she looked back towards Rarity and Fluttershy. "So, what do you girls think about Sora?"

"Well, I think he has a childlike disposition to him, but that's what makes him so unique from the rest of the boys in Equestria," Rarity said. "Wouldn't you agree Fluttershy?"

"Oh yes, he's a really nice guy who thinks of everybody as his friend and that's something that you just have to admire about him," Fluttershy said.

"Don't you think that he's hiding something from us?" Twilight said. "That there is something that he is not telling us?" "I mean, how can you explain what happened with the diamond dogs, and him being able to use magic like that, it's not logical."

Rarity and Fluttershy were completely silent.

"And what if he has more things that he's not telling us about?" Twilight said. "How can he be our friend if he's keeping this many secrets from us?"

"Why don't we just ask him then?" Rarity said as she started walking towards Sora. As she was walking, the ground started to rumble making her wobble a little bit as she tried not to fall down. Everyone stopped what they were doing and were concentrated on where the rumbling was coming from. They all turned towards the horizon and saw a huge, black figurine off in the distance.

"I wonder what that could be," Applejack said.

"Maybe it's a Colossus," Pinkie Pie said. "Or,that could be it's shadow."

Rainbow looked at Pinkie and said, "Pinkie, what are you talking about?"

"I'm saying, maybe that's the shadow of the colo-" Pinkie was then cut off by the giant figure jumping in the air and landing right in front of the group of friends. Now with a close up look, everyone could see that the being in front of them was the three headed, fire breathing canine himself.

Twilight looked at the being and knew exactly who it was. "It's Cerberus!" Twilight said.

"Wait, that is Cerberus?" Sora said. "He looks like a three headed bulldog. That's not scary, that's adorable."

"Sora, I promise you, that Cerberus is someone that you don't want to joke about," Twilight said as she started to back away from Cerberus.

"Wow, you guys are really scared of this guy," Sora said to the group. Cerberus then decided to bite at Sora which he evaded by backing away from him. "Alright, let's get this over with," Sora said as he summoned his keyblade. He then looked up towards Cerberus with a smirk on his face. "Just so you know, you're nothing like the Cerberus that I've fought before." Sora's words caused Cerberus to roar out of anger.

"You just had to make him mad didn't you," Roxas said as he summoned his key blades, having both keybladers prepared to fight the guardian of the gates of the underworld.

"What can I say, I was just testing the waters," Sora said with a chuckle.

Author's Note:

Everybody thanks for reading my story I'm gonna try to put more time into more chapters of this story because last thing I want is for me to post like one chapter after a 5 month period. Keep commenting, and also today's my b-day, so drop some happy birthday shoutouts in the comments below for me.