• Published 30th Nov 2014
  • 3,177 Views, 40 Comments

Blazblue:Beyond the Boundary - steel soul

A strange pony warring a blood-red jacket and wielding a giant sword? Just another day in the life of a Ponyvillien

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Prolog-Lets End With the Beginning

She watched as the events unfolded below her, an almost regretful look residing within there blood red eyes. The same red eyes followed the broken and beaten body of the one she had known as the Bloodedge, falling steadily to the earth below. A steady flow of red and black flowed out of him, almost as if it were trying to escape the fate that had be-failed the one it used to resided within.

She watched as the beast that had plagued the poor pitiful throughout his life died within him, leaveing only its vessel to soon share its same fate.

She watched as the man fell to his death, the very blade that had fell many of the men who stood in the Bloodedge’s way, protruding from his very body. The blade’s handel held tight by the man in the red coat, as if not wanting to let if go.

She watched as his lips moved, uttering words that only she could understand at the time. Words so filled with regret...So filled with sorrow...Yet, so filled with the hope for a future that he will never see, that even she, a girl with a heart as cold as ice, could not help but close her eyes and look away from him.

“And so…” The little girl in the black dress spoke, her golden yellow hair flowing gently within the breeze of the nighttime sky, “Ends the tale of the Grim Reaper...The Bloodedge.” She paused for a long while before opening her eyes slowly. "Ragna..."

The girl, who had watched over him since he was born, turned her back to the man falling to his death not wanting to see the outcome of what was to be. Rather it was for her own well being, or to let the Bloodedge have his one string of dignity he had left, she did not know.

“I surely hope you find your peace in death’s embrace.” The little girl mused in a sympathetic tone.

Before she could get too far, a wave of intense magic caused the girl to turn around with a start. The energy was so greatly focused, its core centering upon the poor soul falling to his death. The was energy unlike any the little girl in the black dress had felt before in all her years of living upon this mortal infested world.

“This power...What is it?” She hissed, Her hand shielding the radiant light from her ruby red eyes.

The magic did not last long, as it had fulfilled its mission. The man...the Bloodedge...who had been in her sight mere moments ago, was nowhere to be seen. Gone was the energy, as well as the the man who it so desperately wanted.

The little girl frowned. “What manner of trickery is this?”

“Oh...but I thought you would be happy to know that your little boyfriend will be alive and well.” Said a coy voice, resounding around her.

The girl’s eyes widened before a scowl crossed her features. “You...What are you doing here? How did you even get here?”

The bodiless voice laughed. “Oh, I’ve been watching for quite some time my little dear. Building my...influence within this world little by little. The chaos helped more than I ever imagined too...heh...you humans are so...well...Chaotic since I really can’t find a better word.”

“You know what he has inside of him don’t you?!” She almost yelled. “You, of all others, know how dangerous it is!”

“Well…” The voice mused thoughtfully. “That I do, little princess, and it is why I’m doing what I am doing.”

“Explain yourself.”

The voice tisked. “Now where would the fun be in that. A little bit of chaos here and there justifies the means in the end. You, of all of us, should know that.”

The girl closed her eyes. “I could just kill myself…”

“You can...but know know if he dies now, something bigger will come. Something that will stop at nothing obtain a power such as the one he wields.” The voice said in a tone steeped in mystery.

The girl in the black dress eyes opened slowly. “So...he has returned?”

“I’m not quite sure, but as old Sunbutt herself would say ‘Leave nothing to chance’.”

“Does she know?”

There was silence before a small chuckle could be heard disappearing into nothingness. “Now wheres the fun in that? I not her after all. Like I said, a little chaos is good now and then, is it not?”