• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 12,315 Views, 601 Comments

My Little Girl - CrackedInkWell

One night in 1986, the twelve year old Lauren Faust wakes up finding a talking pony under her bed. She follows the pegasus though a tunnel into a place called Equestria.

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11: Of Generosity and Kindness

After breakfast, it was agreed that Lauren should get some proper clothes to wear so her pajamas can get cleaned. Of course, Rarity volunteered to make her something new to wear. “Just give me some materials and about an hour and I’ll give her something civilized to wear.”

Celestia lead Rarity the workroom for the royal tailor to have her work. When Lauren and Rarity went into the workroom, they were amazed to find that the place was a library of materials. With yards upon yards of every material, patterns, buttons, lace, buckles, feathers, and everything else either of them could think of. As amazed as Lauren was, she couldn't help but notice that Rarity looked like a kid in a candy and toy shop in one.

“Just look at all of this!” Rarity said, darting from fabric to fabric. “Silks, wools, even cotton. Oh, the possibilities of all the dresses and suits I can make with all of this. Dear,” she turned to Lauren. “Even though you may wear one of my works for today, I am obligated to make sure to make you look glorious. And that is not a guarantee, but a promise. But first thing’s first, I need to measure you.”

Rarity took out some yellow measuring tape, taking notes on the numbers of her height, waist, arms, legs, and even her feet. Rarity took some brown paper and placed them all over her, drawing and cutting out pieces, “What are you doing?” Lauren asked.

“Making out the pieces for your clothing dear, since I've never made clothing for a human before, I need a different pattern so you can be comfortable wearing it.”

That made sense to Lauren. Rarity studied the pieces that lay before her. “Let me see what I can do with this.” She took out a notebook and started drawing; Lauren couldn't help but take a peek at the other drawings.

“Those are so pretty!”

Rarity couldn't help but smile, “Why, thank you, darling, those are just merely sketches. You should have seen the real thing.”

“You know, you kinda remind me of a pony from the show.”

“What show?”

“My Little Pony,” Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“That’s a rather odd sounding name for a show, what’s it about?”

“Ponies mostly.”

“Um, alright then, so which pony do I remind you of?”

“Sparkler, she likes fashion stuff too, only she likes everything and anything sparkly. She even makes dresses that sparkle.”

“Sparkles? Really? Why dear, Sparkles are so last year. Nowadays it’s sapphires. Oh, that’s good come to think of it! Oh, by-the-way, you do wear dresses right?”

It wasn't too long after that that Rarity took out three different kinds of blue fabric, measuring, cutting and sewing them together with one of the sewing machines in the room. Putting sapphires here, a pocket there, she came up with a light blue shirt with white buttons; dark blue pants made out of cotton; and a silk royal blue overcoat where her stitch patterns and sapphires really stood out.

By the time that Lauren got a chance to take off her pajamas to replace them with the blue clothes and got a look herself in the mirror, she fell in love with the clothing. “I love it! I wish I had something this nice back at home. I never had clothes tailored for me before.”

Rarity gasped, “That is foal abuse! You never had any clothing tailored for you!”

“No. Mom or Dad always buy our clothes because they’re already made. Never had one made around me except for some Halloween costumes.”

“But, but this is not a costume at all dear, it’s meant to be worn! Oh, and before I forget,” Rarity levitated a pair of slippers that were as white as a cloud to her. “Much better. And you know what, you can keep them.”

“The slippers?”

“And the clothes, you can have them all for nothing.”

“Really! You mean it?!” Lauren squealed in delight.

“Why of course I am. No one should ever go on living without clothing that’s tailored for them. Consider it as a form of generosity. Now, let’s get these pajamas washed.”


In the royal gardens, there is an Aviary which provides homes to birds from faraway lands. From Owls from the Frozen North to Birds of Paradise from distant tropical islands, it was time that these birds had to be fed. Amongst the few ponies feeding them, Lauren and Fluttershy were there.

“I know, I know. I agree that it is going to be a very good day for flying,” Fluttershy said to a crowd of Chickadees. “But I was told you must be patient, please eat first though before you go flying.”

“Do you know what they’re saying?” Lauren asked.

“Oh, um… yes,” Fluttershy said, giving the Chickadees some seeds, hiding her face behind her mane all the while.

“Not much of a talker, huh?” Fluttershy shook her head. There was a moment of awkward silence until there was a crash. At the sound, she saw Fluttershy jumped high in the air with a loud “Eek!” before hiding behind Lauren. As it turns out, the crash came from a Pegasus who knocked over a bucket of seeds and now the birds were flocking towards the mess.

The pegasus tried to shoo them away, trying to make sure they don’t get overfed. Lauren turned to Fluttershy, “Can’t you do something.”

“Um… okay,” she said quietly. She went over to the birds and quietly said, “Um, excuse me.” Most of the birds stop eating and turned to Fluttershy. “I know that you’re all hungry, I understand that. But, don’t you think all of you should wait your turn? I mean, all of these ponies are trying very hard to get all of you fed, and if I remember correctly, some of you already have already eaten. So, w-would you please let us clean this up while the other ponies can feed all of you properly?”

And to Lauren’s amazement, not only did these birds understand, but they did as they were told. They left the mess of seeds alone.

“How did you do that?” Lauren asked.

“I, umm, asked them?” She answered tentatively.

“But how come? How come they listen to you?”

“It’s rather simple. Sometimes, when I ask any animal nicely, they do it because I am kind to them. It usually works better if you’re kind to them, to give them respect and to help them understand. That is if that makes sense.”

“I think I get it. So you’re saying that if you be nice, you can get everyone to do anything?”

“I don’t make someone do something, I just ask. That’s all. So, can you please help me clean up?”