• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 18,450 Views, 422 Comments

A Nobody's Destiny - Golden Flare

Your name is Naxon, you used to work for Organization XIII, but you left, now you find yourself running for your life from dangerous creatures. Can the inhabitants of this world change your life for the better?

  • ...

Day 3: Whispers

Day 3

Canterlot High School - Main Foyer
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 8:13 AM

After having a good breakfast, sausage gravy and biscuits, courtesy of Principal Celestia, or to you, Mama Tia, you all made it to the school and entered the Main Foyer, where, coincidentally, Sunset Shimmer was waiting for you.

"Okay, Naxon," Celestia began, "we're going to head for our offices, Sunset Shimmer will kindly give you a tour around campus, then drop you off at your first class."

"Which reminds me, here's your schedule." Luna adds, handing you a piece of paper.

Class Schedule
A piece of paper filled from top to bottom with the classes you're supposed to attend and what time to be there.

Miss Cheerilee: English - Room 103 (8:30 AM- 9:30 AM)
Ms. Harshwhinny: Algebra - Room 145 (9:35 AM- 11:00 AM)
Lunch Period (11:10 AM - 11:55 AM)
Coach Spitfire: P.E. - Room 121/Gymnasium (12:05 PM - 1:00 PM)
Mr. Donkey: Biology - Room 222 (1:05 PM - 2:00 PM)
Free Period (2:00 - 2:30)
Final Bell (2:30)

After looking it over, you nod to your guardian before Celestia winked and said, "The free period was my idea, you can come see me or Vice Principal Luna during that time."

You nod again before turning your attention to Sunset, "So, Naxon," she began, "you ready to begin the tour?"

Once again, you nod and you two made your way through the halls, leaving the principals behind.


"Yes, Luna?"

"I can't help but worry that the students will become very hostile towards Naxon due to his appearance and shaded background, I mean, take Miss Dash for example; she attacked him, believing he could be a possible threat, despite what everyone else says. If she can do that, who is to say any other suspicious student won't?"

Celestia sighs heavily, "...I'll admit, I'm worried, too. But Naxon will let us know if something happens, if he does, we'll take serious measures."

"Like what kind of 'serious measures'?"

Celestia smirks, "You'll see."

Canterlot High School - Hallways
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 8:20 AM

Time slowly went by as Sunset showed you around the school, describing the classrooms when you didn't know what some them were. Soon, you two came up to a poster that read, "The Friendship Games" as the main font.

"Oh, yeah! The Friendship Games coming up again this year!" Sunset exclaims.

You raise an eyebrow.

"Oh...right," she blushes and rubs the back of the head, "I forgot you're still new here," she gets the heat in her cheeks under control and clears her throat, "well, the Friendship Games are a series of events that us, the Canterlot Wondercolts, and our rivals, the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts, compete in; these games were meant for all of us to get along, but Crystal Prep Academy always beat us. Always."

You pulled out your pen and paper,

Maybe there's something I can do to change that

Sunset went wide-eyed, "You want to compete in the Friendship Games?"

You nod.

"Well...okay, then. Let's just wait till your soccer tryouts, Spitfire will know if you're good enough to enter."

A long silence build between you two as you continued to walk the halls.

"Hey..." Sunset began, earning your attention, "I heard a rumor that...Rainbow attacked you yesterday."

You stopped in your tracks at the mention of Rainbow, the memories of yesterday flooding back to you like a blur.

"It's not true...is it?"

You silently sigh and write out your response,

Yes...it's true

Sunset gasps; how could Rainbow do such a thing? She couldn't believe that her friend would attack someone based on a gut feeling.

You write down anything that transpired between you and Rainbow, also adding how you didn't want her to get trouble, but you had no choice.

"Hi, Sunset! Hi, Naxy!" You two turn to the direction of the voice and see Pinkie waving her arms around as she joins you with the rest of the Rainbooms, minus Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, is somethin' wrong?" Applejack asks.

"Girls..." Sunset sighs, "the rumor about Rainbow is true."

They all gasp, compared to Sunset's, theirs is a little more overdramatic.

"How is that even possible?" Rarity asked.

"It wooould explain why Dashie's in detention right now." Pinkie adds.

"Hang on a sec, are ya tellin' th' truth, Naxon?" Applejack asked suspiciously as she walks up to you.

You give her the paper you wrote on that explains the previous day, she exchanges her gaze from the paper to you every few seconds, slightly unnerving you. Until she stops with a look of dread, which then changes to despair.

"He's tellin' th' truth," she says, defeated.

They all gasp even louder.

You start to panic,

I didn't mean to get her in trouble! I was put in a tough spot, and

"Naxon, it's okay!" Sunset said, halting your writing by grabbing your shoulder and massaging it to calm you down, "we'll talk to her about this later, and if it makes you feel better, we'll tell her that you feel terrible about what happened."

You were very hesitant, but after a while, you nodded to them.

(stop music)


"That's the first bell!" Rarity exclaims, "We MUST get to class!"

"You guys go ahead," Sunset says, "I'll escort Naxon to his first class, besides, he and I both have Miss Cheerilee this period."

"Okie Dokie Loki! See you later, Sunny and Naxy!" Pinkie cheerfully says as she bounces down the hall with the others.

You two made your way through the halls once more to find your first for the day. On the way, Sunset hands you a map of the school, saying that it's in case you ever get lost.

Canterlot High School Map
A map to help you navigate Canterlot High School.

"Here it is!" Sunset declares as you two arrive, "Room 103! C'mon, Naxon!" You nod and follow her in.

Once inside, you noticed that nearly the entire class stopped any and all conversation they had when they saw you walk in. With an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, you take a seat right next to Sunset's, knowing that she can help you out should things get hairy. The second bell rings, indicating the beginning of class and the beginning of the lectures and written tardy slips from your teacher.

"I do hope some of you will get better at being on time," she scolded, but brightened up as she official began teaching, "anyway, we have a new student joining us today, I heard from the principal herself, Naxon? Could you stand up and introduce yourself to the class?"

That feeling in your stomach grows stronger as you slowly stand up and write your introduction,

Hello, my name is Naxon, and I hope to get along with all of you

"Oh, that's right, Principal Celestia said you were a mute," she giggles softly, "nearly threw me for a loop there, well, let's get started," you took that as your chance to quickly sit back down, "if you could all get out your textbooks, we'll begin studying the riveting stories of Sherclop Pones and the author."

You realize you don't have a textbook and your eyes went wide in fear of what might happen if you don't have it.

"Psst!" You hear a voice hiss, you turn to see Sunset holding an open textbook, "We can share one for now, okay?" She whispers to you.

You gratefully nod as you scoot closer to Sunset's desk. The next thing you knew, you heard other hissing voices:

"Isn't that the guy who came during the storm?"

"That's gotta mean he's another magical monster or something!"

"Yeah! And that black coat's creepy, too!"

"Wonder if it's some sort of sign?"

The hissing voices are greatly upsetting you, and one look at Sunset shows that she senses your distraught. You clench your eyes shut and try to drown out the whispers by remembering the day you met...him.


The Castle That Never Was - Your Room
Time of Day: ???
Weather: ???
Time: ???
Days Passed By: 137

You continued to sit on your bed in your room after waiting one hundred-thirty days for Vexen to return like he said after giving you your "tune up" as he called it, mentioning something about taking over the Organization. You didn't understand what that meant; you never understood anything, there was no reason to, you were made to obey, nothing more, nothing less. You estimate at least three hours before you heard the door open, but it wasn't Vexen, not even Saïx or Xemnas, it was a boy that looked similar to you in height and weight, he was wearing the same black coat as you, with ocean blue eyes, and had golden brown hair that had a spiked tip at the front of his hairline.

"Hello?" He weakly greeted.

You remain silent.

"Who are you? Are you okay?" He asked.

You don't know how it happened, but a thought of how to communicate came to you; you picked up your "0"-marked diary and opened it to the back of the last page, grabbing a pen in the process. You began to write your response:

My name is Naxon, and I am as you say, "okay"

The newcomer appeared confused, "Okay...you can't speak?"

You shook your head left and right.

"Hmm...you kinda remind me of a friend of mine."

You tilt your head in confusion.

"A friend. You know, a person you spend time with?"

In that case, no, I do not have a "friend" as you call it

"Really?" He asked, and you nod, "Maybe WE could be friends. I'm Roxas."

It's an honor to meet you, Roxas

"Y'know...there's no need to be formal," he comments.

"Yo! Roxas, where are you!? We have a mission, remember!?"

Roxas jumps at the sudden loud voice, "Axel's looking for me, I gotta get going. I'll see you later, okay?"

You nod, and Roxas exited your room. But little did you know that that day was the beginning of a beautiful friendship...


(stop music)

You feel a jolt of surprise as the teacher's voice forces you out of reminiscing, making the students laugh quietly at the situation you're currently in.

"Are you alright? I was talking to you and you weren't answering, is something wrong?"

You give a sideways glance to Sunset and notice that she seems very worried about you, as if she knew something like this would happen. You recollect yourself and write with a slightly shaky hand,

I'm fine, really, I am, please continue

"Well..." Cheerilee looked unsure, "...okay then. Let's continue, shall we?"

As Miss Cheerilee went back to her lesson, the whispers started right back up, unsettling you once more, but Sunset rested her hand on your shoulder and slightly massaged it while flashing a reassuring smile. It was enough to get you through the lesson and both you and Sunset made your way to your guardian's office before the next class...

Canterlot High School - Principal Celestia's Office
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Cloudy
Time: 9:31 AM

Once inside, you and Sunset took your seats and the latter explained exactly what happened in first period, thankfully, Vice Principal Luna was conveniently delivering some papers to Celestia just before they came in, so she heard everything as well.

Celestia hummed, "I see...we had a feeling that Naxon would experience some trouble on his first day here, and I have a simple solution to this."

"You mean your, 'serious measures'?" Luna asked.

"Exactly. Sunset Shimmer," at the mention of her name, Sunset focused her full attention to her principal, "from here on out, you are to escort Naxon to all of his classes to ensure his safety from the more hostile students."

"You can count on me, Principal Celestia." Sunset said.

Luna looked at Celestia with slight annoyance, "That's your idea of 'serious measures'?"

"Well..." Celestia droned, "I was considering of using our positions as principal and vice principal to scare the students into leaving him alone, maybe even be his friend, but..." she looked down in shame, "I quickly banished the thought. It would be an abuse of our authority and a bad example for my new son and my sister's new nephew. So I decided something different, Sunset and her friends could help Naxon through his days at this school, and help the rest of the school open up to him and vice versa, especially Rainbow Dash."

"Don't worry," Sunset began, "the girls and I can handle this, right, Naxon?"

You didn't answer, you just sat with your head down, wondering why everyone's thoughts bothered you. You knew they all would be skeptical of you, it shouldn't bother you...

...So, why does it?

"Naxon?" You felt a hand on your shoulder, shaking you to get your attention, "Naxon, wake up."

"He's probably still upset." Celestia said, "Sunset, take very good care of him today."

Sunset nodded, eventually, she finally got you to snap out of it and took you to your next class, which ended just like the last, the same with lunch, third, and fourth period, all those times you felt like a machine; you were working, but your mind wasn't focused on any of the lessons, you were completely zoned out the whole day, much like your days with the Organization...locked in your room. No...your prison.



That's all you see.

But for some reason, you can see your own hand, maybe the rest of the world is darkness, but you're not?

Then you hear something.

Something that scares you to no end.


You can't make out what they're saying, but they're scaring you, making you put your head in your hands.

So you ran.

You ran and ran and ran.

Though they were quiet, to you, they felt like they were growing louder, even when they weren't.

Then they stopped.

(stop SFX)

You removed your hands from your head and looked up.

Someone stood before you.

Someone you know.

It was Sunset Shimmer.

And she doesn't look very happy.

"Liar." She muttered.



Oh no.


She knows. How did she know?

Tears formed in both yours and her eyes as screeched that same word again.


Your Home - Your Room
Time of Day: Late Night
Weather: Cloudy - 40% Chance of Rain
Time: 12:04 AM

You woke up with a start, forcing yourself into a sitting position, silently breathing heavily. You found your face dripping in cold sweat, looking around, you notice that you're in your room with Luna, who is sitting on the edge of your bed, rubbing your back to calm you down.

"It's okay, Naxon," she assured, "you were just having a bad dream."

You look at her with a horrified expression, continuing to hyperventilate as you unknowingly giving her your gratitude from your now relaxing muscles.

"What was it about, if you don't mind me asking?"

You look to your nightstand to find your pen and papers, pick them up, and write,

The whispers

You deliberately left out the part with Sunset, knowing the reason for that.

Luna was a little surprised by your response, but regained her bearings and began stroking your hair, "It's going to be okay, Naxon. If it'll make you feel better, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."

You wrote with a hopeful look,


Luna smiled, "Yes."

Z-Link Level Up!
VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - 3/20

No. VII Saïx's primary weapon: his claymore.

A power that can only be used with Lunatic; randomly inflicts Silence upon your opponents, which prevents them from using magic.

With your new aunt's comforting words, you lay back down onto your bed when you hear the pitter-patter of rain on your window. Strangely, the sound, along with Luna's soft hand continuously stroking your slightly sweat-matted hair, was able to lull you to sleep. No nightmares overtook you this time...

Day 4

In the morning, Luna explained what happened last night to Celestia, after hearing what she had to say, the new mother made her decision.

"That's it, we're taking a family day." Celestia said with finality in her tone, "I'll have someone watch over the school while we're gone. Go wake up Naxon, we're going to the beach."

Later that day, they all did indeed head to the beach, where it was raining last night, it was bright and sunny today. Celestia gave you a pair of denim blue swim trunks that she had as a spare when one of her male visiting family members forgot to bring theirs.

Swim Trunks
A bathing suit made for males.

Speed +1
Water resistance +5%

As time went by, you noticed that Sunset Shimmer has arrived, but wearing her usual clothes, asking where you all have been, and Celestia explained the situation.

Guess school must be over today already, you thought, man, time flies.

For the remainder of the day, you and Sunset talk—you with your papers, of course—about quite a few things; what happened in school today, Rainbow's detention, the Rainbooms, and even your nightmare, which Sunset gave you her condolences. After Sunset headed home, Celestia and Luna decided for you all to do so as well.

Z-Link Level Up!
VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - 4/20
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - 4/20

Burn, baby!
A power that can only be used with Eternal Flames; turns the entire battlefield into magma, which slowly depletes your opponent's HP.

Day 5

You returned to school and followed your usual schedule, but Sunset escorted you to all of your classes, mainly in silence.

Good thing Principal Celestia put us both in all the same classes, Sunset thought.

This time, with Sunset's help, you were able to ignore the whispers of the other students and focus on the lessons in your classes.

The rest of the day is uneventful...

Day 6

Another day of school, and Sunset is walking with you again, only now, you two are making conversation. The students seem to be paying less attention to you today, more so when you and Sunset head for the school's amphitheater for band practice, after your stunt four days ago, you don't plan to play guitar again anytime soon. After practice, Sunset walks you home, and Celestia offers her to stay for dinner, which she obliges. Celestia and Luna made spaghetti and meatballs, enough to fill the four of you up. During dinner, you finish off the fizzy apple cider you started to drink the day of your welcome party, then you all make small talk until it gets late, and Sunset takes her leave.

As you prepare for bed, you can't help but feel that you and Sunset are about to become closer than ever before.

Much like you and...Roxas.

Author's Note:



No. VII - Lunatic
No. VIII - Eternal Flames


Gift Card: $10.00 (Sugarcube Corner)


(E) Black Coat (Defense +2)
Pajamas (Defense +1)
Wondercolt Uniform (Strength +1, Defense +1, Speed +1)
Swim Trunks (Speed +1, Water resistance +5%)


Apple x 7 (+20 HP)
Fizzy Apple Cider x 6 (+50 HP)
Sm. Chocolate Cupcake x 1 (+30 HP)

High Jump LV1
Shockwave (Lunatic only)
Burn, baby! (Eternal Flames only)


Key Items

Popsicle Stick
Paper Stack
Luna's Pen
ePhone 6
Celestia's Number
Luna's Number
House Number
Pinkie's Number
ID Card
Canterlot Animal Shelter Flier
Class Schedule
Canterlot High School Map


VI - Trixie Lulamoon - Lv. 1/20
VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - Lv. 4/20
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - Lv. 4/20
XII - Flash Sentry - Lv. 1/20

Forgive me if the class schedule doesn't look right, in my high school, we only had four extended class periods and lunch in between.