• Member Since 20th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday

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It was a fact, not a decision.

Equestria no longer needed anypony to bear the Elements of Harmony. So six mares suddenly found themselves in a position of incredible freedom. True, they all dreamt of a purpose outside of sitting around in Ponyville, waiting for an attack. They all had talents that could benefit elsewhere.

But everything isn't perfect. It never is.

Related to this story, but it is not necessary to read that.

Spoilers in the comments, so beware.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 77 )

An interesting start. I will watch this one and see where it goes. You do have my interest. :pinkiehappy:

"It's going to be a long, wild ride, folks."

I surely hope so. I too will watch it. I think it has huge potential. :twilightsmile:

MM, I like it so far. I actually haven't seen too many stories with the mane six rendered obsolete. Good show.


In her fluffy butt bed

excuse me what

5548245 I have a chrome extension that changes cloud to butt. So yeah.

5548275 that would explain "Buttsdale"
you should probably pause that while writing stories

the pillars of Buttsdale

Well, anyways, I can already tell this is going to beautiful. Keep it up!

This is very interesting. I'm not quite sure how to feel about this yet, but consider my curiosity piqued.

Nice idea, but I believe you mean "obsoletion."

5552220 Nope, I don't. The title is a play on words.

I find myself being drawn into this story, for some odd reason. I think it's the sparseness of the words and the emotions they evoke. That's hard to do. I'll be tracking this as long as you keep writing for it.

I'm...surprised at Rarity. Is there an in-story reason she was so snippy?

5567432 Yes, but you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out.

Things are going to get interesting. You really kept my attention. This is going to be good. I just know it. :rainbowkiss:


That beginning...

Well I'm hooked. This was a great start.

Huh... so she's overworked and lost her love for her craft.

I'm anxious to see where this goes, but I have a horrible feeling that this won't have a happy ending.

This chapter was so sad! :raritycry: I'm very surprised at how Rarity reacted, and where is Pinkie Pie?

I guess I'll just have to keep on reading to find out....

:yay: for Fluttershy, first not to run away from the :fluttershysad: issue.

How succinct and powerful. I'm liking this story already.

Thinks are very bleak and depressing. This is hitting Twilight and most certainly the rest very hard. God, this chapter hit pretty hard.

Jesus, this . . . I don't know. This story keeps on flinging punches straight into my stomach. Now it feels like there's an iron bar in my stomach because this whole chapter felt . . . off. Not the bad off, mind you. It was just . . . perfectly short and also way too short. This story confuses me emotionally. Stop it, you!

Ahh, so monotony and the lack of texture in one's life is a recurring theme. It's hilariously ironic that I'm reading this with my phone's screen on greyscale to save power.

I still don't know why I like this so much. It's so tranquil and calm and sad. This just works so well.

Maybe AJ should have gotten a stipend or "imminent danger pay" for her services as the Element of Honesty...

Twilight's melancholia is contagious—very nice work.

Hmmmm, Fluttershy seems to be coping well......:duck:

Great, the B word again....:coolphoto:

I really hope the next chapter is all about Pinkie, so I can know where she went off to!

This one, this one is directly celestia's fault for thoughtless phrasing, compounded by her refusal to speak in person to her greatest friends and champions of the realm!!!

Fact 1: Celestia's letter ordered the Elements of Harmony to be decommissioned.

Fact 2: Pinkie Pie (was/is/will be) the literal embodiment of the Element of Laughter. The magic of Equestria willed her fate to be set in stone from conception, to be molded more perfectly into her role than any other host!

Fact 3: The Element of Laughter is the unifying Harmonic force. Alone, or without direction, The Element of Laughter is worthless, useless, non-functional.

1+2+3= ...Pinkie Pie was ordered to decommission herself by the highest authority in the land.

That hit far too close to home.

They had cameras way back then?

5823302 Yes, there are cameras, and photographs in the show.

I mean, at the time Celestia was YOUNG. :facehoof:

HOW COULD YOU KILL OFF PINKIE?!??! :flutterrage: :raritycry: :twilightangry2: :fluttercry:

5823625 Oh, you're talking about the story celestia tells. Yeah, that's my mistake.

Dammit but this is heavy. I've really.... enjoyed? I'm gonna go with "enjoyed", this story. Pinkies suicide was kinda a punch in the gut. Are you gonna write more of these? This is a pretty reasonable ending point, but you're note at the end leads me to believe there's gonna be more.

There's definitely more. We're only about a third of the way through. Glad you like it!

Great job with this chapter. I have to say, I really dig the style you have here. It works well with the story.

a very moving story. very emotional. the feeling of no longer being needed really comes through well. its like the feeling felt, when leaving the military. or the feeling, upon finishing high school. what do I do now. the purpose of your life seems to have been taken away from you. it reminds me of the story of Louis and Clarke. one of them committed suicide some years after their incredible adventure was over. everyone goes their own way, and you are left feeling very lost. the greatest adventure of your life is over. how can you go back ? how can you replace the feelings of comradery that held you together. it slips away from you, and you don't know how to replace it.

... yeaaaah, noooo. This story isn't what i call good. True it tries to be deep but it stumbles completely.
Why on earth would pinkie pie commit suicide? That my friend, is utterly forced. Its illogical an action on her part

I am not seeing what everyone else is enjoying. Its just feels like a forced narrative. Not the worse example admitably, i have seen monstrously frustrating ones. Still, idea that they would just not be need is implausible.

Even more so stating that at any point the hwole element bearer thing would consume their lives is also implausible. It would undermine their harmony if they did.

I've been waiting for more of this. Thanks. :)

6380407 I completely agree. It was a completely illogical decision. Which is why it happens.
We've seen from the show that Pinkie isn't exactly the most mentally stable. But it's always her friends that pull her out of it. The disbanding of the Elements only serves to isolate all of them, and that's how she deals with isolation. In a way, it's supposed to come out of nowhere, to seem entirely implausible, until you actually think about it, until you look back.
The elements becoming obsolete is a device, plain and simple. The entire premise of the story is "what if?", and this is my answer to that question. I want to examine what being an Element of Harmony actually means. And so, the elements do not consume their lives, but rather, I view being an element as more of a single thread, and once cut, a lot of things come crashing down.

I have just one word to describe this chapter:

Oh hey, this is a thing.

Good chapter. I also find Fluttershy incredibly difficult to write, but I think you made it work here.

6702768 Dude, so do I. Was literally just talking about how much I struggle with her in the SA chat.


Here's hoping Zecora slipped her a placebo.

And you don’t want any to give anypony any ideas

That first 'any' serves no purpose.

Also, I am very sad, but listening to awesome Disney music, so I'm managing not to cry.

she would be one the ones

you're missing an 'of'

minimalistic and and natural

too many ands

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