• Member Since 9th Jan, 2013
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Scramblers and Shadows

Politicians prey on the vulnerable, the disadvantaged and those with an infantile sense of pride in a romanticised national identity which was fabricated by a small to mid-sized advertising agency.


“I lose myself in the music and tug cold, dead notes on a page into sonorous, transcendent life. And momentarily they fall back into oblivion, these notes. It's an immediacy and tragedy no writer or painter or sculptor could know; it's a magic of a kind no unicorn horn could ever come close to, and I am privileged and humbled to be a part of it.”

“I can see the smile on her face, all genuine, and I can see the concentration on her brow. She's into this performance. She's really into it. You can feel, FEEL the passion wellin up inside of her. In her every motion there's nothin but pure, unapologetic life. She's doin what she loves, she's good at it, and there's nothin sexier than that.”

Stress. Self-betrayal. Worries about where you're going in life. And a chance encounter with a fellow performer to show you that maybe it's not all not all that bad.

Pre-read by the inimitable Blue_Paladin42 & jlm123hi. I arrogantly spurned their advice on literary conventions, so if your eyes start to bleed, blame me.

Warning: Contains feels, cuddling without sex, naughty words, and more than one endash.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

I have to admit, I'll be a bit disappointed if there isn't at least one person who comes swooping down with the intent of pointing out all the grammar errors in sections 1 and 3.


Couldn't get past moderation with them. Bit of a blow, but I think the styles are divergent enough to make it work anyway.

I saw it coming, but I really enjoyed it. Have an internet cookie.


Yeah, I didn't want to make too much of a fuss over the twist, because it's a fairly small part of the story.

Anyway, thank you for the support!

5619235 I find stories that have a predictable twist, without the story being centered on said twist, really enjoyable. It gives the reader a sense of accomplishment and gets them deeper into the story.

Thanks to this story i9t is now my headcannon that Tavi is a foul mouthed Seras victoria. I love this story it really does give an interesting look into the mind of everyone's favorite string muscian. the style was rather interresting as well. This is going in the favorites. Keep up the good work.


Actually, yeah, that's a really good insight. I think I'll keep it in mind for writing twits into my future works.


I added to headcanon! Awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the fave.

The mental image this produces is unspeakably awesome.

5619494 If you like that try picturing her acting like crowley (the king of hell from supernatural)

"Are...are you drunk?"


"How do demons even get drunk?"

"Easy mate...I found a liqour store...and then i drank it."

He must have just looked up the Spanish Inquisition.

Octavia's manner of speech had me like:

But it was definitely fun to read. Nice cover art choice by the way. : ]

Well, I have to say I did not like the story. At all. The character you described as Octavia was anypony BUT Octavia. The way of speaking and even thinking you picked up for her was SO out of character, so I simply feel compelled to give this story thumbs down.


Nah, I tried to make her narration a little bit funny in places, so that's a good reaction! Thanks!


Ah well. Sorry to hear you didn't like it. Still, an honest comment to go with your downvote, so thanks for that.

DWK #17 · Feb 13th, 2015 · · 1 ·

>muh headcanon
Far be it from me to rag on someone for not liking something, but saying that a background pony with zero canon characterization is "out of character" is silly. You're either having a stroke or you've lost sight of the fact that your Octavia tulpa isn't an actual character in the show.

5621029 Well, indeed. I am personally strictly against giving the downvotes without letting the author know what exactly I did not like so much. I am not trying to be mean here, after all.

5621040 You sound exactly as your icon looks.


I would hope so.

I haven't seen you in a while.
I'll get to this soon.


Hey man,

Yeah, I've been squirreling away under the radar for a while now. Life's been hectic enough that I haven't been able to give fimfic much attention beyond a bit of writing in the evenings, which is a shame, but I guess it can't be helped.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

Woah. That threw me off so hard, but it was pretty damn entertaining. Definitely was not expecting any of this.

I can't wait to see what the EQD rejection letter says.

Wait, you already submitted it to Equestria Daily? What did they say? Did it make it in or not? I hope it did.

You can put things in italics by typing [ i ] without the spaces in front of the words you want and then putting [ / i ] behind the words you want.

and we talk about Grdznth's new album

I see that the griffins have finally run out of actual names that start with G, and have resorted to just throwing a bunch of letters together. :trollestia:

Okej first of i think i broke a rib. I wasent ready for this at all. love the tavi going all sailer on us and vinly is shy in the begining.

i give this a thum up for going out of the norm of what is tavi and scratch and the way you just blow my mind (and stomic) with laughter :raritywink:

I was initally very thrown off and confused by Octavia's mannerisms. Not so much because "THIS IS DIFFERENT AND I DON'T LIKE CHANGE :raritycry:" as it was because I wasn't aware that you were supposed to read it with an accent at first. :twilightsheepish:

I loved the story, though, once the concept registered with me. It's a very cool spin on two characters whose personalities are usually quite solidly fixed in common fanon.

Well I must say, this was a treat to read. I do enjoy alternate takes on Octavia and Vinyl, but I must say this was my fav. With out a doubt, my most favorite part was the slight change in narrative style depending on what 'mode' Octavia was in. It really captured the feel of just how she was trying so hard to be someone else with her 'mask'. Vinyl's change up was a bit less interesting, only because after we got past her introvertness she was kinda the same...but then again that's kinda how introverts can be, once out of their shell not seeming so shy. So that's hardly a complaint.

I enjoyed how you never lost focus of the theme, what with Octavia more or less excepting who she is. And not revealing Blueblood's decision was perfect seeing as in the end it's not supposed to matter. Great fic and one I'm happy to add to my favs


I should've said this sooner, I know, but -- life, eh? Anyway, thanks for the support y'all. I was half expecting this to get downvoted to oblivion when I posted it, so thanks for keeping an open mind and all that.

Loved it. I was sad to get to the end, great writing style.

It is soooo refreshing to see a "tavi is a clubber" fic
I have read only One fic where this is the case and it actually flipped Vinyl's and Tavi's accepted personalities
so Vi was the introverted posh pony and Tavi was the loud mouthed party pony
but this was toning down the standard Vinyl must be vulgar loud and think of only "THE WUBS"
then taking the excess and poring it into an intense Octavia
and it fits so well

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