• Member Since 30th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Writer/Artist who's been active since the inception of the fandom.


This is the story of Mjolna. An otherwise unremarkable mare living an unremarkable life in Ponyville. After dealing with an unfortunate accident that leaves her injured and otherwise incapacited she spends her days walking about town, certain that she'd never be able to return to her old daily life. Little does she know that fate has something much grander in store for her....

Edited by 59caddyyel

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 45 )

What kind of reaction is that?

:ajsmug: I see you took some humor from the show...but now I don't know what it is that is so appealing about this story.

It's going to build up to something greater. The first chapter is sort of mundane because of the circumstances of the central character. The end, I can say, is going to be written rather explosively.

Hmm. Ouch. Curious to see where you're going with this.

i like her name
and how it was twisted from Mjolnir
lets see how far this rabbit hole goes shall we?

Ok, this is an interesting start. You've got a set point in the canon timeline established for your story, so we've got a decent idea what will be happening around Ponyville outside of what your character is doing, at least for a few chapters. I guess that not being an Element Bearer, Mjolna doesn't get any of the seemingly supernatural speed healing that the Mane 6 do for their injuries (at least for now, anyway.) You've set up a character I want to know more about, so I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens next. :moustache:

tentative track, with the assumption of Norse awesomeness to come.:unsuresweetie:

She's going to be swung by the tail to beat evildoers about the head?

Ohdamn. Interested in how this'll go.


If not, then shame on the author for missing such an opportunity...

549700 Says the guy with a raging fluttershy in space marine armor for an avatar... you have seen the outer limits of the human imagination already haven't you?

I await norse goodness and ponies being used to cause grevious bodily harm. Yes.


555528 lol
jokes on you
my skyrim character was a redguard

555557 Ah, but my point still stands.

555634 Okay, that was made of win.

555640 i have been told that
by many people

A strange metal rod eh? We all know it's never that simple in fiction. What mysteries does that silent bar of iron hold? I for one want to know... now only to wait for it to reveal itself.

Hmm, and now the plot thickens.

:pinkiegasp: "I am appalled and shocked, shocked that you would comment on a mare's physique like that!"

...You're an evil little pony, Pinkie Pie.

:pinkiehappy: "Aww, I was just teasing."

You still make me want to drink in the hopes it'll erase your mind-virus infection of my brain.

:pinkiesmile: "You know you'd miss me."

Only if I didn't use a scope.

:pinkiehappy: "Oooooh, are we gonna play more UT then?"

....ANYWAY. More interesting stuff, and some plotline of a sort getting going. I'll be interested to see how this goes.

I can't wait to read more. Very rarely does an other background pony story appeal to me but you have created quite the life for this character. Keep up the great work!

Very interesting so far.

I bet I already know what it is. VERILY!

Ares is greek Thor is Norse :ajbemused:

Ramhalla? Valhalla with goats... Do want.

20 bits Twi flips when she finds out about the this escapade.

Idea thought, a fimfic about a ponyification of Ragnarok! Called it no one else gets it!

OhmyCelestia. You go girl!

>> BadWolf9510

Actually, sooth be told, Thor and Tyr were both gods of war. And Odin had some particularly warlike aspects about him. The old Norse for Frenzy, Odr, was derived from his name and Berserkers tended to be his followers. Most, if not all of the Aesir, could be described as a God or Goddess of War.

End of Norse Mythology rant...

728224 I know Thor is a thunder god, the issue I was being annoyingly pedantic about was the fact that the author was using gods from two different pantheons:twilightangry2:

I think the author might mean Aries, the Ram from western astrology. Which is still Greek, but then, so is Pegasus, the Hydra, and Cerberus. I think if anything the Nordic premise would be the more objectionable.

Of course, to me the ponies came about from Loki and that one specific incident that anyone who's studied mythology knows what I'm referring to, so I have no problems mixing mythologies for the magic-using, talking technicolor ponies.

And for the author: glad to see this story ain't dead! I was beginning to worry. It's been interesting so far, and I really want to see more of how this plays out. :pinkiehappy: Git r done! :eeyup:

ah yes, that ended up being an interesting bet for loki.:rainbowlaugh:

Why didn't somepony TELL me this story was based on Norse Mythology! :flutterrage:
(I was searching for a "Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok" fic, when this hit the radar, from an author I was already watching.)

Ares? Wat?
Besides that little oddity,this has been an amazing story. I await greatertales of glory!

shee spat in her sink, filled half a cup with cool water, and ook

>Ramhalla :rainbowlaugh:


I found stuff like that before... of course for me it never led to anything.

“No, I getcha. It’s gotta be rough after Mr. Brown dumped that box on ya. I sprained my hoof once. It was awful. It hurts everyday.”

Well, once I had double vision for about a week. It was seriously freaky. But it wasn't all bad. I did get to eat twice as much.


“Here and there. Amazing it is how many treasures there are in this world if one simply stopped for a moment to look around. Even then, you still have to pick it up.” The vendor gestured towards an ornate winged staff. “This I picked up underneath Cloudsdale. If the Pegasi had any foresight they would put up a net.”

As the saying goes, "Treasures abound where rarely sought".

“I’ll take it.”

Reminds me of


“Sorry about that. Spike can be kind of… blunt about things.”

Just be glad it wasn't Applejack. :ajbemused:
She can be brutally honest.

“Belligerent? Wow! That’s a word indicative of a stronger vocabulary. I’m impressed! Keep reading and you’ll be an egghead like me in no time.” complimented Twilight. Rainbow Dash groaned and nosed back through her book. Snickering to herself, Twilight returned her attention to the mare before her.

That could possibly happen. :ajsmug:

EDr. Rainbow Dash, MD, PhD, etc.
Rainbow Dash has an unusual way of learning, and Twilight’s determined to take advantage of it. Before she knows it, Rainbow’s life unravels before her eyes as she becomes the smartest pony alive.
FrontSevens · 4.6k words  ·  1,468  72 · 19k views

North was where she would achieve her destiny, as directed by Ares himself.

More like Aries, judging by the description.

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