• Member Since 24th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I still love ponies

Comments ( 6 )

I liked it... It was nice to read something so simple, it was very relaxing.

I am proud to give this story its first Like.

We're is a contraction of we are... you mean were which is the plural past-tense of is.

Also, apostrophes and commas - and the correct usage of both - are important.

~ Slowly narrows eyes whilst smoking a small pipe in silence, gently blowing out a few bubbles into the air above.~

I was almost not sold on this idea at first, then you had ponies eating pigs.

And well then just say- Color me intrigued.


The new Paradox of Apex Predator Delights aside.

Let me give this well A Review.

That or I can simply say how much I enjoyed Clerks.

That in turn would also say how I felt about this fic.

Well to start this fic is quite Refreshing to say the least it is told in such a indifferent way I couldn't help but picture this whole fic taking place in good ole monochromatic settings.

Is that bad?

I'd say no- the Pacing is done really well unlike most fics which strive to move from point A to B in as little time possible you let the reader drift from Point to point, as if being carried on a calming lake raft.

The delivery of scenes were done, really well too each scene set up with care and detail others might have simply phoned in, but no you paint such a vivid picture of this place I felt as if the city were coming to life before my eyes.

The Character Development- Well not ground breaking or too insightful, gives the reader just enough to enjoy seeing things through this calm if a bit ansy Main Character.

His set of mind is done with such a calmness and good will, I thought back to Dante from Clerks- if this character is ever reused once more I'd say pairing him up with a slightly more mellow pony would truly bring out this characters persona to great heights.

Hay! Buttered could do this part maybe- if we really found out anything about him- he seems a bit more on edge and or perhaps mellow to our main character so a bigger story might have them give eachother great chemistry.

Forget Clerks think Be Kind Rewind.

Plot was overall average with a pony having to do something only to be sidetracked, what more can I say.

Story on the other hand was done with a refreshing indifference I found charming in more then one scene, the dry delivery of the dialogue at the post office, indeed kep't me on the edge of my seat.

Overall this story is calming and almost soothing to the reader, as if taking a stroll down a lively yet interesting block from the past.

Those who enjoy a nice Dry and slice of life story, will adore this fic for what it is.

Last Characters I have to say The main Character started off a bit uneasy but quickly and swiftly cleared up to showcase a interesting and dry persona, Like dante this character is surrounded by in a way chaos he being the only one, really certain that he is a sane pony within a mad world.

The Scenes with him are swift and charming- I couldn't go a few moments without just thinking if I'd seen this pony on the streets I'd like him- I just got that feeling from him is all.

Are the characters groundbreaking?- No they are interesting enough for this one shot though if ever used on anything bigger flushing out these characters could be a treat not only for the writer but the readers as well.

In all Characters are done with care and that is just rare to see.

Now My Rating here we go!!

Characters- 4 out of 5

Plot- 3 out of 5

Story- 5 out of 5

Detail- 5 out of 5

Pacing- 4.5 out of 5

Overall Rating- :duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck: Rare Raritys out of 10

Judgement- A Pig Banquet Thrown by Ponies!!

:yay:- Mmmmm this tender white food is great!!

:pinkiegasp:- Omigosh That's not white food it's meat!!!

:fluttershbad:- What!!?-Meat...but...but.... ~Whimpers.~

:pinkiehappy:- ~Starts Eating the rest of the pig off Fluttershys Plate.~ .....Om Nom I know shocking right?....Nom-Nom.


I Certainly agree with Blessed One, it is very nice to read such a relaxing and simple piece. The best part being that it never tried to be anything more than simple, which is, a nice change of pace for me. I guess that mostly comes from trying to write long winded pieces, full of complications and sub-plot.

I will say that there are a few grammar errors, words not being used correctly and such, but otherwise this is actually quite a charming story.

Good job! Keep Writing!

Whoah, I definitely did not expect to get this much reaction to my first story on this site. Thanks for the tips tho. I'll keep them in mind if I ever defeat procrastination and get around to doing some more stories.

British, British, British, British, British, British, British, Yorkshire Pudding, British, British, British, British, British LOL:trollestia:. I've only been to great Britain once and stayed there only a year. But this got me going. BTW, I haven't finished reading but the first impression was really good and the city name very appropriate. I would've called the country Unified Queensland but that's just really cheesy.

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