• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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1 - Down on the Farm

Applejack drove her hooves back into the tree with a deep thunk. Apples rained from the sky into her carefully-arranged baskets and she smiled. "Still got it," she proclaimed before picking up several baskets and setting them on a faintly-glowing disk. The disk floated along after her as she trotted to the farm.

When she arrived, Big Mac was taking a breather. He watched her walk past with the apple baskets. He didn't say anything, but Applejack could feel a faint disapproval from him. She set the baskets down safely before returning, "What's on your mind? Don't like the magic?" asked Applejack.

"Nope," replied Big Mac. "Yer strong enough on yer own, what do you need that fer?"

Applejack glanced back at the glowing disk, then back at Big Mac, "It lets me get the work done faster. It's still a heap ah work, it just gets done in three days instead'a five. What's the harm?"

Big Mac said nothing, and Applejack trotted past. She would prove her case by working extra hard! She threw all she had into apple-bucking season, determined to show her trip away had been for the better.

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had gathered in their treehouse. "Do you have it?" asked Sweetie Belle, grinning at Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom reached into a saddlebag and produced the heavy book, setting it down between all three of them.

Scootaloo clopped her hooves together, "Real magic! That anypony can use!"

Apple Bloom raised a hoof, "It gets better! Ah heard Twilight say she made all kindsa fancy notes about all kinds magic!" She pointed at Sweetie Belle, "Ya kin hold a note real well, right?"

Sweetie Belle shrunk a little, "I guess..."

Apple Bloom flipped the book open eagerly and nosed to the right page, "Yer voice can be magic! Ya kin be lahk a superhero or somethin'!"

Sweetie's interest was captured and she leaned forward with bright eyes.

Apple Bloom pointed at Scootaloo next, "Ya like ta move a lot. Ya kin learn what mah sister's doing. Magic and kicking flank!"

"Buck yeah!" exclaimed Scootaloo, her small wings fluttering wildly.

Apple Bloom pointed at herself with a hoof, "And Ah'll keep up with mah alchemy, except instead of just making a plant grow..." She grinned with triumph, not finishing the thought.

Without prompting, their hooves met together in a communal hoof-bump, "Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spellcasters!"

Days passed, which turned to weeks. Applejack went away on some kind of adventure with Twilight and their friends for some reason, and that suited the CMC just fine as they had all the more time to practice their magic. The first real test came when Sweetie Belle tripped going up the ladder and scraped herself on the ground. Tears turned to triumph when she managed to sing away the ouchie, and the moment of victory served to heighten their dedication.

One day Apple Bloom stood before the others, "This is our last chance!"

Scootaloo tilted her head, "Last chance for what?"

Apple Bloom pointed at the big tower castle, "Ta get Twilight's book! It has a lot more spells in it, and she's coming back tomorrow."

Sweetie Belle shrunk a little, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Scootaloo grinned, "No, it's a great idea! Put Applejack's book back and let's get the big one!"

Soon they were moving as one, dressed in all dark outfits that did little to hide them in the brightly-colored town of Ponyville. Other ponies took note of them, but said and did nothing. The CMC were just being the CMC, and that was hardly unusual. They snuck through the town with all the grace of a stampeding giraffe and soon arrived at Twilight's new home.

It turned out that Twilight is a trusting soul, and very little stood in their way, except...

"Hey guys," said Spike, waving at the foals that had failed entirely to hide from him.

Standing close to Spike was his strange new marefriend, the half-blind half-pony known as Soft Mane. She smiled at them, "Are you looking for Twilight?"

Scootaloo glanced at her conspirators, then back at Spike and Soft Mane, "Uh, no... We were just..."

Sweetie Belle suddenly spoke up, her voice squeaking adorably, "Getting a book!"

Apple Bloom nodded, "Yeah, getting a book."

Spike and Soft Mane accepted this as truth. "Plenty to choose from," said Soft Mane, gesturing inwards. "Need any help finding the right one?"

Scootaloo waved dismissively, "Nah, we know the way." All three of them smiled with faked innocence, then scurried past the guardians into the depths of the tower.

When they had rushed past, Spike looked to Soft Mane, "Sure you don't want to visit Big Mac with me? Hoofball's a fun game!"

Soft Mane held up her palm, "No, thanks. You enjoy your stallions' night out."

Spike smiled widely and marched off to hang out with Big Mac.

The Crusaders searched high and low, digging through the books in a great upheaval that would surely send Twilight into fits when she returned. There was no sign of Twilight's spellbook.

Scootaloo suddenly perked up, "Duh! It's probably in her room!"

They scurried up the crystal steps and shoved open the door to find Twilight's little sanctum from the world. Everything was in perfect order, waiting patiently for their owner's return. Sweetie Belle suggested, "We should be careful. Twilight'll get really upset if her room's messy."

Apple Bloom pointed, "No need! There it is!"

Sitting right on her bed was the book. They rushed for the tome and reached for it simultaneously only for their hooves to bounce off a suddenly-visible dome. Twilight's voice began to speak, "I assume that this is you, Spike. You don't have the training to cast that spell, and I'm disappointed you would break into my room to try anyway! Turn around and we'll talk when I get back. I'm not angry at you, just let down."

They stared with building frustration at the book that was so close, and yet barred to them. Scootaloo suddenly had an idea and grinned. "Hey, Apple Bloom. Can you kick as good as your sister?"

She shook her head, "Not as good... I've practiced ah few times. Why?"

Scootaloo pointed at the bed, "Kick the bed, this way."

Apple Bloom looked uncertain but moved into position. She gathered her will with a deep breath, then let out a high-pitched cry as she lashed out her hind legs. The bed nudged over a few feet, and the book fell out of the bubble which had no bottom. "Ta da," proclaimed Scootaloo, grinning with pride.

They claimed the book quickly, stuffed it into Sweetie Belle's saddlebag, and ran off past Soft Mane to freedom and victory outside. Soft Mane followed them out, "Did you girls knock something over? I heard a thump and screaming. Everything OK?"

Sweetie Belle smiled as she swayed back and forth, "Oh that was just me being a klutz. I might have knocked a few books over, sorry..."

Soft Mane huffed a little, but smiled. Even to the half-pony, the CMC were adorable little scamps. "Alright, I'll clean up, but next time, just ask."

All three bobbed their heads, then they were off. Soft Mane returned to the tower and poked her head into the library to discover the mess the CMC had left behind. She clopped a hoof on the ground with a grunt, making a mental note to shadow them in the future if they wanted any books. Still, there was work to be done. "Mother didn't raise a slacker," she said to herself as she got to organizing and cleaning the piles of books to a state that wouldn't send Twilight into a frenzy.

The three fillies were ignorant of the trouble they left behind, focused on rushing back to their tree house and slamming the door shut behind themselves. They set the book down with over-eager smiles. It was bigger and heavier than Applejack's by far. Apple Bloom looked to Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie gave an 'oh' and her horn glowed, carefully opening the book. They all looked on as she slowly flipped through the pages. There was just so much to choose from! Sweetie clopped her hooves excitedly, "Now we can really get started!"

Apple Bloom mused, "What if Twilight notices her book's missing?"

Scootaloo got a devious expression, "She'll blame Spike?"

Sweetie shook her head, "We should try to get it back as soon as we're done with it. I don't want Spike to be in too much trouble."

A nod was shared by the three, then they got to work.

Predictably, Twilight returned and had a fit loud enough to be heard through town, though the words were lost over the distance. The CMC worked on, intent on completing this crusade. Even while at school, their minds were full of strange arcane facts and spells, rather than whatever thing Cheerilee was speaking on. Her lessons seemed so small in comparison. Who cared about why bees liked flowers when held up against hurling fire out of your hooves or teleporting half-way across Equestria?

Over the weekend, Apple Bloom was busily mixing some plants together into a little packet. Sweetie watched her curiously, "Whatcha doing?"

Apple Bloom tilted her head, "If it works right, we kin use it to fight off Timberwolves n' stuff!" She tapped it down with a hoof, then grasped the packet in her mouth, moving to the balcony of the treehouse. "Watch this!" she said muffedly before she clenched her teeth down on the packet and then hurled it away. It exploded on hitting a tree, catching it on fire in a sudden burst of flames and heat.

Scootaloo's jaw dropped, "Uh, you can put that out, right?"

Sweetie ran in place a moment before shrieking, "Run away!" And run she did, half-sliding down the ladder before fleeing the scene with Scootaloo right behind. Apple Bloom rushed back into the tree house and grabbed the book before moving to escape, but the flames were spreading all too quickly, having already jumped over to the combustible wood of their clubhouse. Apple Bloom was trapped.

"Ahm coming!" came the bellowed voice of Applejack.

Apple Bloom tucked the book away as she shouted, "Up here! Help!" She glanced at the window a moment, considering leaping through it.

Applejack suddenly burst through the window. She grabbed Applebloom up by the scruff and threw herself right back through it, swinging down the tree with all the skill of a monkey. She set her little sister down with a loud panting, "What in tarnation's going on!?"

Big Mac was hurrying to the scene with a water wagon strapped to him. Apple Bloom looked at him, realizing by the time he got there... "Ya saved me, sis. Thank you!" She grabbed Applejack around the neck and squeezed, sobbing into her fur. Applejack didn't interrogate further, just hugging her precious little sister.

Big Mac arrived shortly afterwards and, with Applejack's help operating the pump, they soon had the fire out. The clubhouse was a total loss, but the fire didn't spread to the rest of the orchard at least.

Author's Note:

Welcome to the newest installment of Ponyfinder/MLP hijinks! I think this is a much stronger starting chapter compared to what we had to work with last time, but let me know what you think.

Eager little CMC are known for leaving typos everywhere for other ponies to clean up...

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