• Published 26th Jun 2015
  • 5,773 Views, 170 Comments

The Zerg of Equestria - Marsara

A woman goes to a store to get the final piece of her costume but gets sent to Equestria as a Zerg Broodmother.

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It was a beautiful day today, we finally had a day without rain and I was going to make the best of it. So I drive down to the store to buy the last of the materials for my costume for Blizzcon, it’s gonna be a Zerg Broodmother with a little Queen plushie.

Oh that reminds me, I haven't told you my name. It's Marsara Semmeture, I'm 21 years old but my friends say I act like a child, I have blue eyes, blond hair, and LOVE the Zerg. Anyways I get to the store park my car and walk in grab a cart and start looking.

After looking for a bit I see a pair of Broodmother talons, the last thing I need for my costume. I see what looks like a shadowy ball out of the corner of my eye, but when I turn around I can't see anything, 'Must of just been my imagination.' Anyways I buy them then leave the store get into my car and drive home. Not thinking about why a pair of Broodmother talons were being sold at a store.

*A few days later*

Finally time for Blizzcon and I’m excited. I get there put on my costume and… Start glowing? Then I felt the ground beneath me vanish and I started falling not knowing what was happening. Then it all stopped.

'My head.' I opened my eyes and looked around and saw a beautiful grassy plane, a dark forest next to it, and a tall, beautiful mountain with a waterfall, I was right on the edge of the forest. “Where am I?”

“You still haven’t named it yet Marsara.” Said a female sounding voice.

“Who’s there?!” I yelled.

“I’m am Karshra. And you must name this land.” She stated. I turned around and there was a creature with six legs all connected by a purple webbing of some kind, across the back part of it was green sac like things that would send a pulse down it every few seconds, the main body was kinda like a human girl with brown exoplating but its head looked more like a snakes with two pincers facing upwards one on each side of the front of its face, it had hair that waved in the non existence breeze and looked like a bunch of brown headless snakes, its two arms ended with talons, and on its back are two limbs that ended in blades. It was a Zerg Queen.

“Why am I here?” I asked it.

“You were sent here to control this world for the Zerg” She... Thought?

“Why does it sound like you're talking in my head?” I asked.

“I am using the Hivemind.”

I decided to try it by thinking too her. “Can you hear me?”

“Very good Marsara.”

“So I have to name this place?”

“Yes.” I tried thinking of a name for this place.

“How about… Vailscar.” Why? Because of its appearance... And because it sounded cool.

“A good choice Marsara. Now we must begin morphing a Hatchery.” Wait… Why can I speak to her with this ‘Hivemind’? I look at my hand only to find a talon had replaced it. Upon further exploration of my body I had found I had turned into a creature that looked a lot like the Queen in front of me but with spikes scattered about my body and without the limbs on its back. I turned into a Zerg Broodmother.

“WHY AM I A BROODMOTHER?!?!” I yelled.

“What do you mean? You were always a Broodmother.” She stated calmly. Ok, I’m probably dreaming this. Just close my eyes count to three and I will wake up in my bed. I did this and found that the Queen and everything else was still here.

“This isn’t a dream…” I said coming to realize it was real… It was all real.

“Of course it isn’t a dream.” She stated. “Why would it be?”

“Because I’m meant to be a Human. Not a Broodmother.” I told her as I started to cry.

“You mean a Terran? Why would you ever want to be a Terran?” She asked. Which made me snap.

“BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT I WAS BORN AS!!!” I screamed at her.

“Well… Now you're a Broodmother and nothing is going to change that.” She told me, seaming to start to gain the feelings I had.

“This isn’t right.” I started thinking about my family and friends. How I was never going too see them again. How they would never accept me if I did find them. How my husband is now left alone too care for our daughter. Finally accepting the fact I was more then likely never going back I decided too take up the mantel of the this Brood of two.

I heard rustling coming from behind me. I whipped my head around, only to see a small grey Pegasus with black hair. Clear blue eyes that looked comically big stared at me wide.

“The hay…?” He asked himself, his voice gave away his gender. He backed up a bit.

“Intruder!” The Queen yelled, reading for an attack.

“No wait!” I said before it was too late.

“What is it Marsara?” She asked.

“We can’t just kill him!” I mentally yelled at her.

“But it is an intruder.” She stated.

"Still, we shouldn’t just kill him… He might be useful.” I told her, hoping she wouldn’t attack him.

“Very well Marsara.” She said.

“Don’t worry little one. We won’t hurt you.” I told him. He seemed uncertain, and cautiously trotted towards them. I saw a weird tattoo on his... flank, of a black cloud. “Whats your name little one?” I asked him.

He spoke in a slightly raspy voice, “Paranoid Sittings. And I’m not little! I’m a teenager!”

“My apologies.” I told him. “Do you live around here?” I asked.

“N-no… I was separated from my people during a storm. I don’t even know where we are…” He said. “So wh- who are you?”

“I am Broodmother Marsara.” I told him, since I was gonna be a Broodmother, it only fitted. “But you may call me Marsara.”

“I- uh… Guess it’s nice to… meet you?” He asked more than stated. He seemed a bit nervous, and scuffed his hoof across the ground.

“Well you can stay with me if you like.” I told him as motherly as I could. He seemed to calm down a bit, and sat down.

“O-okay… S-sure…” He replied.

“This is going to be the start of a great friendship.” I internally smirked.

{Present Day: Third PoV}

The Everfree was quiet… To quiet… A squad of Royal Guard’s slowly made their way towards a cave that was rumored to be the hiding place for statue thieves. Princess Celestia sent twenty-four guards to investigate these ‘sittings’ of weird creatures that went everywhere with the rumors.

When they were near, they heard a strange growling from inside the cave.

Inside said cave was non other than the Zerg. Hidden away, and forgotten.

The lieutenant whispered. “What in Equestria are those!?” The commander shuddered, but responded.

“I have no bucking idea!” He continued. “Their some sort of monsters.” He looked over the Zerg, which were about seven Zerglings, small four legged creatures with pincers in front of their mouth, a small tail, two limbs that ended in blades, and claws on each foot.

Renamed as Sprinters, two constructions, and what was called a Queen, but renamed as a Sin, and saw their goal: Marsara’s statue prison.

The Commander smiled, and ordered his men to surround the cave. Before he could continue orders, a creature he hadn’t seen before came out. It almost looked pony, and made the commander sick.

A grey… Pegasus? It was hard to tell, the wings were bug-like, two talons came out of it’s back, its eyes were yellow, its teeth were sharp, and blood covered it. It looked at them with its glowing eyes, which widened.

The Commander had enough. “Attack!”

With that, all of the guards swarmed the cave. The pony monster lunged, and was followed by the rest of the monsters. Both sides slammed into each other, and blood went flying through the air.

Paranoid, the Zerg Pony, bit into a guard's neck, and pulled. A sickening sound graced his and everypony else's ears. At that, the Commander yelled and threw a spear that rammed into Paranoid, who screamed and fell to the grassy floor. The spear had penetrated the Zerg Ponies left hind leg. Half the pony guard were dead or injured at this point, and all but two Sprinters were killed.

The statue started to crack and broke, surprising everypony in the cave. A creature that looked like a bigger version of a Sin stepped onto the ground and announced. “No pony hurts my children… NO PONY!!!” It screamed.

Author's Note:

So!!! My first story is up and kicking. I want too thank BronyParasite for helping me by proofreading and editing.(And getting my sorry butt to work on it) If I did good like it. If I did bad please don't dislike but instead tell me why you don't like it.

Edit: I've changed it from Comic-con too Blizzcon and added a Queen plushie too explain why there is a Queen there.

Edit 2: I add a bit more detail too the story. As well as colored Hivemind speech so you can tell who's who.

Edit 3: I added detail as too what all the Zerg units look like.