• Member Since 30th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


The Force is the Force, of course, of course, and no one can horse with the Force of course--that is of course unless the horse is the Jedi Master, Ed ("Stay away from the Dark Side, Willlburrrr...")!


The daily give-and-take among the denizens of Ponyville and its environs. An open-ended anthology of short subjects and vignettes, each too small to post independently. "Offered for sale in fifty fairs..."

Art contributed by the gracious and generous Magello!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 16 )

I actually forgot the line in question...

~Skeeter The Lurker


It's when Quill describes Groot to Rocket as "Your friend, The Giving Tree..."

Damned if I can't see Discord acting in the exact way.

~Skeeter The Lurker




~Skeeter The Lurker

It was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He sent a series of letter to his friends in Parliament saying "We are discovered. Flee immediately."

One of his friends vanished and was never seen again.

I felt the need to offer an addition to this most excellent tale:

"They know.

The little shaggy unicorn with the drab coat and the air of somepony who ran clear out of patience some decades ago fixed me with baleful yellow eyes for a few moments, his lips working soundlessly as if trying to work something out.

"I doubt it," he said, at length.

Well. I didn't expect that. Quite caught me off-guard, it did. So I babbled. Bad habit. I do have a few, here and there.

"Why," I asked for lack of a better idea.

The shaggy bastard gave me a thin smile that owed nothing at all to humor.


And then he left! Didn't even spare a glance! Third time that week I'd struck out, too.

Well. I stopped hunting around the Tower of Sunset immediately. Bureaucrats are much less fun to tease than you'd think.

Ah, Discord, sowing discord for fun and hypothetical justice. And of course, he would be vulnerable to his own tricks! :trollestia:

I wouldn't have caught the meaning behind the mention of Big Mac if it wasn't for your blurb at the end, so I'm glad you included it. It takes a story which is already personal (to Aj) and makes it doubly so. I actually kinda wish it had explored this inner facet of her more--how she views and possibly takes for granted her older brother.

I've never read The Giving Tree, but I'm pretty curious now as to what your view on it is. Or put another way, who you actually agree with: Fluttershy or Aj. For most of the story it seems as if Aj is winning the debate (and by extension, you), but then you obviously turn it around at the end, so now I'm not so sure. Care to tell?

This is a Discord who fits more naturally with my headcanon--to me, he can never really be a true good guy. I'll always hate the fact he's no longer a villain in the show. Your snippet of him here fits right into just how devious and cruel I like to think he can be.


I wouldn't have caught the meaning behind the mention of Big Mac if it wasn't for your blurb at the end

Yeeeaaaahhh...I'm gonna have to work on that. When a writer's so clever he has to explain himself, he isn't really being very clever.

I've never read The Giving Tree, but I'm pretty curious now as to what your view on it is.

I think I may write a blog post about that because it changed as a result of writing this vignette.

For most of the story it seems as if Aj is winning the debate (and by extension, you), but then you obviously turn it around at the end, so now I'm not so sure.

This started out (before I ever saw Guardians of the Galaxy) as my rant about The Giving Tree coming out of AppleJack's mouth, with Fluttershy as my strawhippie. But I didn't want to make Applejack a bully or Fluttershy a doormat, so I gave Fluttershy an observation that allowed her to come out on top at the end.

Applejack does kinda take Big Mac for granted because she's so brash and outward-looking and he's so taciturn and inward-looking. But their relationship will never become as dysfunctional as that of The Giving Tree because a) they're equals, b) they've already had a good upbringing that taught them to watch out for self-centeredness and ingratitude, and c) Applejack is the Element of Honesty, and honesty mitigates against self-centeredness and ingratitude.

But she's not the Element of Being Especially Perceptive, and what with him being so quiet and head-down in his work he tends to get overlooked. Not that he minds it: he even may feel a bit vain of how much he can bear and forbear without speaking up (and it's not like he's naturally dull or inarticulate--witness they way he went off on the CMCs in Ponyville Confidential).

Fluttershy sees him for what he is, though, because she's attuned to his self-sacrifice through her Element of Kindness. And you know who else would do that? Rarity, through the Element of Generosity.


When a writer's so clever he has to explain himself, he isn't really being very clever.

Actually Ed, I disagree ^.^
I mean, yeah, sure, there's an argument to not being so obtuse no one understands you, but for one, that's not at all the case here, and two, if anyone wants to be that obtuse, well, who am I to say no? I've read stories where I was one of the few who "got it" and I've read stories where I was one of the ones who didn't, and for most of those I wouldn't have advised making it easier to understand. There's nothing wrong with trying to hide something, even hiding it very well. "Never Too Far From the Tree" has one of those "quick-punch" endings, where you make a sudden flip or turn at the end which is supposed to make the reader gape and their minds realize something important--you convey an entire idea with a final sentence. "How's Big Mac?" Bam. And of course, it's built off of everything that comes before. The fact I didn't get that the first time I read it doesn't mean the story was too obtuse. I've ended stories like that myself lots of times. There's always gonna be the risk of a reader not getting it.

I mean, I suppose you would have to see how other readers responded, but even then. Some people get angry if they've missed a fic's meaning and then see it explained in a blurb at the end, but I'm not one of them. I definitely didn't mean to convey otherwise :3

But I didn't want to make Applejack a bully or Fluttershy a doormat, so I gave Fluttershy an observation that allowed her to come out on top at the end.

Ahh okay, I see. I think you made the right choice there. It takes a simple soap-box stand and turns it into something more--and makes it an actual story, too.

Applejack is the Element of Honesty, and honesty mitigates against self-centeredness and ingratitude...But she's not the Element of Being Especially Perceptive

Ooo you read my mind, because I was going to comment something to the effect of your second sentence there before you beat me to it. Because yeah it depends a bit on how you view honesty, right? Is it simply 'not lying'? In that case (which might be the case), it has almost nothing to do with perception of the actual truth--you may tell what you honestly think is the truth, but you may be wrong. Doesn't mean you're lying. But if you apply "not lying" to yourself then by being honest you're therefore introspective enough to avoid self-deceit, and if you're self-honest enough to avoid that you'll be able to spot it in others.

Canon-wise, I think Aj is very much the 'not lying' to others type but not especially perceptive inwardly, like you say. For the most part though this tends not to cause her too many problems because she's not an overly complicated creature (I don't think) and was raised well, like you say. Though personally, in my head canon I sometimes like to alter her Element to mean that she's not simply honest, she also sees the truth of the situation, or the other person. She can detect when someone is lying to themselves. It's an idea I've toyed around with, at least. I like to imagine that perfected in her Element Aj would always be able to "see the truth" better than anyone, regarding personal truths. Twilight of course will always be the one to grasp the larger, universal truths.

This tale. This tale, oh goodness. This is worth an upvote just by itself. That is so exactly Discord. Oh, I don't have words. Have a :heart: instead.

"Overhearing" you and Axis talking about "Never Too Far From the Tree" made me realive I missed something. I may or may not have spoiled it for myself. I can't tell, so maybe not; but either way I'll have to go and re-read it sometime that's not y'know midnight.

5918332 Me too. But this is great, Ed. But I already told you that. I hope.

Since everything I'd have to say to this has already been said, let it suffice to say: this is brilliant. Thanks for writing this.


Thank you! I do enjoy writing in Discord's voice: it provides an outlet for my own snottiness :trixieshiftright:

5919140 Second best are the 6 words that ruin anyone's political career when whispered to someone else in sight of them but just out of clear earshot: "Don't you think she looks tired?"

Thanks goes to 2nd-best Doctor (Tom Baker shall always be #1)!

Also, clearly Doyle was one of my troll kin...

I still hold the hope that you'll add some more to this someday.

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