• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,681 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Prophecies and New World
(Sonic's POV)

Sonic was running around Green Hill, enjoying the peace and quiet.

"Hmm. Eggman hasn't come out from hiding or attacked us for a while. I wonder why?" Sonic thought while running around.

Suddenly a green portal appeared in front of Sonic and he ran into it. He came out the other end and ran into Shadow.

"Whoa. What the? Shadow?" Sonic said getting up, "What are you doing here? Better yet, where is here? Wait, is this Angel Island?" He asked looking around and seeing the Master Emerald shrine behind Shadow.

"Yes, and you're here because this guy said the three of us were needed together. And the Chaos Emeralds too." Shadow said pointing behind him.

Silver the Hedgehog was standing next to the Master Emerald, "Hey Sonic."

"Long time no see Silver. Why are you here?" Sonic asked the silver hedgehog.

"While I was in the future cleaning up the mess after Iblis was defeated, a mysterious scroll that appeared out of thin air. Well, more like out of a small green flame in midair." Silver said, "At first, I thought it was from Blaze, but when I read it, I discovered it wasn't from her. In fact, it wasn't even from our dimension or world. It seems to be a prophecy of some sort."

"Well who and where was it from?" Sonic asked tapping his foot getting a little impatient.

"I don't know. I have it here with me though. I'll read it." Silver said pulling out a scroll with a red ribbon held by a golden button with a C on it, "Two worlds' fates rest upon the heroes and friends of Chaos and Harmony. Together, these friends will stop the eternal darkness from spreading. But, only in one world can the darkness be stopped at a time. For one world will be saved, but the other will be covered in darkness and evil." Silver read, "And then it says that chant Knuckles says to the Master Emerald but a little differently, "The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart. Harmony is control, control of the Chaos power. Chaos and Harmony joined together to stop the darkness."

Suddenly the Master Emerald began to glow and the chaos emeralds appeared around the three hedgehogs and circled around them.

"What the hell?" Shadow said alarmed.

"Uh. Silver? What did you do?!" Sonic said worried.

"I don't know." Silver said confused.

The Chaos Emeralds began to circle around them until they looked like a ring around them.

"Oh no. No wait!" Sonic yelled.

The three of them dissappeared and so did the Chaos Emeralds, and the Master Emerald stopped glowing.

Unknown Dimension

"AHH!" Sonic yelled as he fell from the sky. He hit the ground and got his face stuck in the ground.

He push his hands against the ground and popped his head out of the ground, shaking off any dirt in his quills. Then he noticed he didn't have any quills, "What the? What happened to my quills?" Then he saw a silver horse statue with mirror on the base. He ran over to the mirrors and looked at his reflection, "AH! What happened to me!?"

Sonic had become a human. He had peach skin, his blue quills on his head had been replaced with blue hair, he wore a blue vest over a white long sleeve shirt, blue jeans with a couple rips on the knees, he still had his normal red and white sneakers, and he wore fingerless white gloves. He also had blue wrist bands on his wrists.

"I'm a human!" Sonic yelled.

"No duh faker." Someone said behind Sonic.

"Huh?" Sonic said turning around, "Shadow?"

"Who else?" Shadow said.

Shadow had also changed. His skin was peach like Sonic's, his hair was black with streaks of red in it, he wore a black jacket over a black t-shirt, black jeans and one knee pad with a spike on his left leg, he still had his inhibitor rings and his hover shoes, he now had black fingerless gloves, and he had a silver dog tag with Shadow's symbol on it.

"You're looking more ego centric and scary than when we were hedgehogs." Sonic said.

"Hmph. I'm still myself faker." Shadow said crossing his arms.

"Hey where's Silver?" Sonic asked.

"I'm here." Silver called.

"Huh?" Sonic said turning around and saw Silver walking out from behind the horse statue.

Silver's hair style looked very similar to his hedgehog quills; five points on the top pointing up and two long locks going down to the middle of his back, he had a gray fur sweater with white fur lining around the neck and gray pants, he had white fingerless gloves with the cyan symbols on the back and palm, he also had the same boots he had before with gold rings with the cyan lines on the top of the boots, and he also had the rings on his wrists too.

"What happened to us? Where are we?" Silver asked.

"Good question, but I don't know." Sonic said, "Hey do you guys have the Chaos Emeralds?"

"I don't. Shadow?" Silver said patting his pockets.

"Nope. But I can sense their energy scattered in the city and in that building." Shadow said looking at the large building behind them.

"Hmm. Hey before we go anywhere, do we still have our powers?" Sonic said.

Shadow clenched his fist and green orbs formed around his hands, "I still do."

Silver looked at a small rock and focused his thoughts on it while pointing his open hand at it. A cyan aura formed around it and it levitated, "I'm good."

Sonic ran around the building five times in seven seconds. Then he jumped into the air and did a homing attack on the rock Silver was holding with his psychokinesis, "Yes. I'm still the same hedgehog I love being. Except just in human form."

"I'm sure humans here do not have abilities like us, so only use your powers when needed." Shadow said, "We want to keep our cover until this whole thing blows over."

"Agreed." Sonic said.

Suddenly it began to rain.

"Ah! Rain! Water! Need to go inside, NOW!" Sonic said running inside the building.

"Sonic! Wait!" Silver said running after Sonic.

"Uhg." Shadow said running after the two teens.

After the three of them got inside, they noticed the building was empty.

"Where is everyone?" Sonic said.

"Maybe this place is abandoned." Silver suggested.

"Silver, if this place was abandoned then the walls would be crumbled." Shadow told him.

"Sorry, I come from the future where most of the buildings are abandoned remember." Silver said, "And if it's not abandoned, then where is everyone?"

A bell began to ring and then students began to pile out the doors and flood the hallways.

"Found everyone." Sonic said.

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were trying to walk around the halls, avoiding the students as best as they could. Many of the students were eying them. Some were whispering to others, few giggling, and many girls were blushing at them shyly waving at them.

"Hey um Sonic, why are they starring at us?" Silver whispered to Sonic.

"They've never seen us before, we're new." Sonic said.

"Oh. Ok." Silver said nodding staying close to Sonic and Shadow.

Sonic saw two teenage girls blushing and waving at him. Sonic smiled and winked back. The two blushed madly and fainted.

"Oops." Sonic said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"Nice going hot shot." Silver said nudging Sonic's arm.

"Quit fooling you two. We have a job to do. We need to locate the Chaos Emeralds and figure out what the rest of that prophecy means. We need to..." Shadow said but was interrupted by a female voice.

"Excuse me you three, are you new here?"

The boys turned around and saw a female adult. She wore a golden jacket with purple pants. Her hair was a mixture of light green, light blue and light pink with a Sunbelt across her waist.

"Uh. Yes ma'am. We're new." Silver said.

She smiled and then said, "Well allow me to be the first to welcome you three to Canterlot High School."

"SCHOOL!? Oh man." Sonic thought.

"My name is Principle Celestia. Since you three are new, I would like to give you three orientations. Please follow me to my office." Celestia said.

The three teens followed Celestia to her office while Sonic was whining in his head that he was in school. Sonic never liked school. He wanted to burst out of the school doors and run off somewhere else. But since he and the others were gonna do an orientation, there was no way out of it. And he would blow their cover too.

They went into Celestia's office, "Please have a seat." Celestia said.

The three of them sat down and Celestia pulled out a piece of paper and pen, and then began asking them questions.

"Okay first, what are your names?" She asked.

"I'm Sonic." Sonic told her, "These two are my brothers."

Shadow raised a brow at the idea of Sonic saying they were brothers, but then rolled with it.

"I'm Silver, Celestia." Silver said.

"Hmph, name's Shadow." Shadow said folding his arms.

Celestia wrote their names down and then asked for their middle initials and last names.

Sonic and Silver began to panic since they didn't really have middle initials or last names other than hedgehog.

"Our middle initials are T and last names are Robotnick." Shadow said keeping his cool.

Sonic didn't like the idea of his last name being the name of his nemesis, but Egghead's grandfather was the one who created Shadow. And it was Maria's last name too.

Celestia then asked them what city they were from and if they'd been enrolled in school before Canterlot High.

"We're from Emerald City and were enrolled in Emerald High." Silver told her.

"Thank you for cooperating and here are your schedules for the year. And once again, welcome to Canterlot High." Celestia said as she handed the boys their schedules, "First period starts in ten minutes."

"Thank you Celestia." Silver said following his brothers out of the office.

"Hmm. That was an interesting orientation indeed. I've never heard of Emerald City or Emerald High before. I'm gonna have to keep my eye on those three very closely."Celestia thought.

Author's Note:

And that's Chapter 1! So, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been teleported to the world of Canterlot High. They've been enrolled in school again, and have to locate the Chaos Emeralds again. What's this school year going to be like? Find out next chapter. DarkMaster0224 signing off. PEACEOUT everybody.

Link to original story on Fanfiction.net: Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - Fanfiction.net