• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


With all the beings that exist in Equestria, from Discord to Alicorns that control the sun and moon, Minotaurs, Griffons, even Ursa's, is it so hard to believe in more outlandish creatures? Monsters an ordinary pony would call "supernatural" are not so odd when compared to the things dwelling in the Everfree Forest.

For Rainbow Dash, these creatures are about to become all to real in her world as she is forced into the darkness by a seemingly crazy pony. Not all is at it seems, however, and as truths start to come out she learns things about her friend she never could have believed had she not seen it with her own eyes.

Yes yes, another vamp-dash fic, I know I know. But hey, give it a shot; you never know. Ignores all cannon after Twilight's coronation.

Weekly updates for as long as I can manage, new chapter every Monday!

Editing and pre-reading generously provided by jwizard and soulwinds.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 88 )

This time, however, he predicted her doge


I think you meant dodge, otherwise interesting premise, have a like and fav



Due to a mixup when transferring the Gdoc, a scene was left out of the original version of the chapter. This has been fixed as of the posting of this conment. It's not a bit scene, but it is important for the coming chapters. It's just at the end, and nothing else has been changed.

My apologies for the mistake; I'll make sure to double check everything copied smoothly from now on.

5994423 so are you gonna finish this story before working on any others or are you gonna bounce around?

My plan for right now is to finish this before moving on, but we'll see how long it can hold my interest, as that's my biggest problem when it comes to completing stories.

Glad I came back to check out the comments. I missed that bit.
And here goes the fangirling again. :rainbowkiss:

I vill alvays hope vor TwiDash.

Also, WTF is wrong with that guy?!

5996522 If you mean the guy in the story and if you've read Kodeake's journals, I think you'd know.

Spoilers: Remember Count Dracula? Yah, I did.

5995023 That's my question exactly.

Mainly because I've been wait like for-danged-ever for Four is Greater to update!:facehoof:

*sighs* Well, I'm with you on this one for however long, Kodeake. You've got a good start on it, so we'll see how it goes.


A promising start...

YAY!!! A new Kodeake fic!!!!

Sees this:

1. Late Nights · 18th May 2015 4,504

Then sees this:

3,985 words total

AH AM CUNFZED?!?!?!?!?! :derpytongue2:

I've been a vampire fan for quite some time now and I'm hopping that some things will happen in this fan fiction.
I'm sure you're going to write at least one of those things :D

A fic combining my favorite pony, my favorite ship, and my favorite mythological creature? I am ok with this. The one thing I am not okay with is I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL MONDAY TO KEEP READING! Now granted, that's only four days away from now, but still! I shall await the next chapter eagerly!

Ignores all cannon after Twilight's coronation.

Cannon = replicaplans.com/CannonCivilWar/CivilWarCannon1.jpg

Wheee! A new story! A new Vamp!Dash story! A new TwiVamp!Dash story. A new.... Whatever the heck Twilight is story.... A vampire hunter? Star-crossed lovers from District Ponyville.

The idea that you can change someone so much into a supernatural creature but can't ever fix it always bugged me. If you have the power to make a vampire you have the power to make it something else, too, even if you can't reach quite where you started.

Best. Monday. Ever! Your world is amazing! :rainbowkiss:

Ohhhhhh.... vampire-dash...... never really read one of these.... but WOAH.... For some odd reason I think that this will be awesome :twilightblush:

Luna, don't be an idiot. Not even your corrupted self's creations can stand against the power of artifacts used as weapons against gods and Archdemons. How do you know the Elements won't work? And even if they don't, this is the bucking Element of Loyalty we're talking about. If anypony can handle it, she can.

No! Why did you have to end on a cliff hanger?! Still, this is fantastic! I shall wait eagerly for the next chapter.


I really liked the lore of how your vampires have been created. Very ingenious and creative! The sad part of finishing such a great chapter is now I have to wait another 7 days to read the next :fluttershysad:
However, these last seven days have been filled with quite a bit of excitement and anticipation, so that's good :twilightsmile:

A few mistakes here and there. A missing comma or an apostrophe, but whatever. It shouldn't be enough to take someone out of the story.


Speaking of, how did that stuff sound?

Very nice. I liked it.

6016352 I've always figured that it's one of those things akin to a chemical reaction. You can't un-toast a slice of bread.


Why exactly would turning X into Y prevent turning Y into Z? Do vampires have some "no more transformations" trait?

It wouldn't be a problem if this was a "mortals can't undo the supernatural" thing, but Luna literally invented them. So why exactly is reverse engineering her method impossible, particularly for a very smart Alicorn who can ask the inventor for help?

I touch on this in a later chapter (I have so much exposition to take care of for this fic... ugh...) but it's basically this;

Vampirism, in this fic, isn't so much a metamorphosis as it is a debilitating disease. We humans can genetically modify and even create diseases, but we can't cure all of them, even the ones we ourselves make. (I imagine this would be the same in Equestria - otherwise what would they need hospitals for?). Even if Luna created it, that doesn't mean she can necessarily undo it, like 6018836 's example with toast, or the one I prefer being you can't un-fry an egg once it's been fried. You could burn either, yes, but arguably being burned is worse than being cooked.

Besides, diseases have funny ways of evolving, especially after a thousand years. It's entirely possible that the thing infecting ponies int eh present is not the same as the thing Luna created as Nightmare Moon.

I'm really curious as to what the rest of the main 6 are gonna be like. Whether they are normal mortals, or vampire hunters, or various other monsters... I can't wait to find out!

Oh no! The shield! I'm hoping Twily finds a way to save the day (heehee, rhyme... I am such a child...) but with you being the author, I'm really not sure what's going to happen - just that it's going to be amazing. Great. Now I have to wait another week to see what will happen. Couldn't you do what SSaE does and update daily? Pretty please? For me? :fluttercry:

At the moment I'm stuck between two emotions. :rainbowkiss::raritydespair:
I can do it! Only 6 more days till the next chapter!
And 13 till our adventure really starts. :twilightsheepish:


L.O.L Cliffhangers :pinkiehappy: Cmon Twilight! You can do it!

Looking super good! A long time ago you gave us a small snippet of a passage of what happened to Rainbow as the curse was taking over. (Maybe what happened to Rainbow in that dome before Twilight got to her?... I figured this chapter would have been as good as any to fit that in. The forest scene seemed to fit what you showed us.) Are you incorporating that into the next chapter?

Why must I wait 6 more days? :twilightangry2:

This is such an amazing story :heart:

That snippet was at the very end of the first chapter. I actually left it out of the original publication due to an error when transferring it over from Gdocs. It's there now.

Wooo, Another Chapter! I'm going to read it tomorrow...or before going to bed, I don't know yet.

I just wanted to drop this of:

Contains a spoiler for chapter 2!

First off, oh my gosh it's amazing think you so much.

Second off, what happened after Rainbow passed out in Chapter 1 will be revealed in a few chapter's time. Guess we'll find out how accurate you were.

I'm glad you like it.

I hope that I'm not too far away from what actually happened. But I'll wait for the chapter that reveals it.
I've read the new chapter yesterday. I really like the way you choose for saving her. It makes a lot of sense after thinking a bit about it.

Ya know even if I wanted to say I wouldn't be able to; I haven't written the chapter yet, and this fic has been evolving on me faster than many of my other stories did. Hell, until I wrote it the part where Luna appears I thought I was gonna have the vampires be able to retain their minds.

As for how I dealt with this... I didn't have many options. Once I decided to go down the path I did with my vampire lore, it kinda snowballed to me needing to find a way to make Dash's mind somehow safe from it without her being totally immune (which even I would have called bullshit on). First thought was obvious; element of loyalty, strong enough will to overpower it. But the more I thought that the less I liked how cheesy it was, but it ultimately led me to the idea of having her element protect her.

Also, I'm surprised you managed to surprise me with that picture; I am actually watching you on DA.

6046507 I know what you mean, stories can evolve amazingly fast sometimes. I notice it very often in my comic or when I try to write something.

I just noticed something... Rainbow is going to be a Vampire without going crazy if everything ends well. I be that Twilight wants to find out more about Vampires when she realizes this:twilightsheepish:

I guess you read your fimfiction messages before going to dA. That would be a good explanation.


A cannon is a big gun that shoots things.

Canon is the works of a particular author or artist that are recognized as genuine, or a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.


I agree with Luna and Rainbow. Bringing a vampire to a meeting of vampire hunters with no warning is just asking for trouble.

With warning is another matter entirely - at least then Rainbow won't have to dodge instinctive attacks.


Princess Luna saves the day! ... Dream...?
I'm seriously looking forward to the appearance of all the other demons and monsters.

Summer sickness's suck... Get better soon!

Damnit not again! Why do you have to finish the every chapter like this?!? This is so annoying!
Uh...I like the chapter by the way...and keep your cliffhangers if you want... It certainly makes it more interesting.

Twilight hides her identity but why not also Dash's? Wouldn't it be bad if they knew that one of the elements is a vampire?

I was just thinking that! But I guess that would be less dramatic or something - and quite frankly, as long as I get another chapter next week, I don't actually care what he does (I know it'll be good anyway).

*sigh* I guess I deserve this cliffhanger...:ajsleepy:

Did I mention that I really like your vampires this far? I wonder how Dash gets and reacts to her first drink.

I also just noticed that I don't see the author's notes when I download the fic with my phone.



Oh, dear. Now who is this?

Curse you! And by that I mean have my love because that was awesome! I love when you make my Mondays better. <3


I was waiting for Twilight to go "No, bad idiots. Shut the hell up and listen to one of the rulers of your dumb asses." And you did not disappoint. The part with Shining afterwards about overthrowing her was icing on the already epic cake. Well done, I look forward to more.


Nooo! Rainbow, don't go to the dark side!! It doesn't matter how many delicious cloud berries they have!

6096273 I personally like cliffhangers... It makes me look forward to the next chapter even more. Am I weird? :pinkiecrazy:

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