• Member Since 12th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


hello, my name is KingKang. I'm just your average guy who ocassionally hears voices. So i hope you enjoy! Miranda: "Enjoy what?" my work. Morgan: "you mean the stuff i blow my nose with?" Aw F*UCK YOU


Okay, so, my life so far has been a little wierd. Somehow, I ended up in Equestria. And I am for some reason a house. But not just any house, THE monster house. Like from the movie? Anyway, after a while, I figure out how to move around, and move the things around me.

However, ponies start noticeing me ( it's not every day a spooky looking house suddenly appears), and I start thinking 'since I'm here, i might as well have a little fun' This will either end really badly or Extremely badly.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 34 )

I remember that I did not really care for the movie all that much, but your story has piqued my interest, so kudos for that. Not enough to warrant a place in the favorites just yet, but I will be sure to keep an eye on this.

Wonder how much that tiara is worth?

You get a fave! Make the next chapter a bit longer and you get a like!




"Well guys, there it is." Scootaloo gestured at the old house before them. the* old, rickety house that has sat at the edge of Ponyville for as long as anyone could remember. Despite this, however, the house only had minor damage to it. What made this even stranger was that nobody has* ever even lived here*. The lawn and trees surrounding the house were dead.* The wood was grey and dulled.* The whole thing was inside a tall metal gate.* The young flyer looked at her friends.* Sweetie Belle was hiding behind Applebloom, the little farm filly trembling in fear herself. Besides them were two newest additions to their friend* circle, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The two looked the* the house in fear, holding each other* hoofs* for comfort. "So," Scootaloo said with a mischievous grin. "who wants to go first?"


*What made this even stranger was that nobody had*

*ever even lived there.

***The three sentences, while fine on their own, should be together as a list.

*"The young flyer" Who? We haven't even mentioned Scootaloo yet, and that's asking for confusion.

*friendship circle

*The two looked at the house in fear, holding each other's hooves for comfort.


"WHAT?!" shouted Sweetie Belle, jumping up from behind her friend. "Are you crazy?! Do you know what this place is?!"

"Yeah, its* just some old house."

"Just some house?!" Diamond exclaimed, stepping towards the Pegasus. "This is the most feared house in all of Ponyville. My dad told me all about it."*

"Here we go again..." Silver said, rolling her eyes.

"Years ago in the early days of Ponyville, the citizens woke up to find a house* suddenly appeared over night. The house was completely abandoned, her* it strangely had furniture inside it, as thought* someone* was already living there. For a while, ponies just left the house alone, thinking it simply some summer home a unicorn magicked up. Then, one Nightmare Night, a group of foals, felling* mischievous, decide to have a little fun with the house. they* walk* in through the door, only to have it slam shut on them seconds later! Nobody* knows what happened to them in there, but when they came out, they were sobbing, terrified messed*, shivering to the bone in fear. Since then, everypony* who went into that house never came out the same. And* so, ponies avoided ever going near the house, lest* they be haunted by its* dark spirits."*



*A little contrived, but I'm guilty of worse

*a house had suddenly appeared overnight.

*her... wat? Do you mean but?


*somepony, but then again, guilty as charged of the same mistake





*they were a sobbing, terrified mess. Except it's plural, so "they were a bunch of sobbing, terrified messes" works better.

*You used everypony here. Pick one and stick with it unless explained otherwise.

*AND?! YOU STARTED A SENTENCE WITH AND?! Please don't, there's going to be so many people flipping out. Just use so.

*Lest. Considering it's a ghost story, I'll let it slide.

*It's. Look here for more info.

*Whew, that was a long-winded and lampshaded paragraph of cliche! Break it up next time so my eyes don't glaze over like a doughnut.

*I'm also guilty of visible silence, but okay. Hold your ellipses, use them sparingly.


"Wow, that was just...wow..."*

"Sigh*, she goes on like this every time its* brought up." Silver said, putting a hoof on her trembling friend.

"Well, haunted or not, our ball is still way over there."Scootaloo said, pointing towards a kickball sitting in front of a dead tree. "So one of* is going to have to get it." All her looked at each other*, none of them speaking up. "Oh come on, one of us here has to get it.."*

"Well, if you* so brave, why don't you get it?" Applebloom said, giving her flightless friend an annoyed look. Scootaloos* eyes widened as everyone stared at her.

"Well, uh...you se I would but uh..."*

"Ha! I knew it! You big Chicken."*

Scootaloo glared at her Country friend. "What did I say about calling me that?" she growled.*

"OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE!"* Sweetie screamed, Finally* fed up with her friends. "Would somepony just get the-um where's the ball.*

*Agreed. Wait, to her rant or mine? Also, space between ellipses please.

*It's "Silver sighed", not having her actually say sigh. '"She goes on like this every time its* brought up." Silver sighed, putting a hoof on her trembling friend.'


*So one of us

*All of them looked at each other

*Extra period

*You're. Same issue as it's.

*Scootaloo's. Your possessives need to be perfected. Gg.

*"Well, uh, you see I would but..." There we go.

*"Ha! I knew it! You big chicken." Chicken is not her actual name. Capitalize only proper titles, like Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Ponyville, etc.

*""What did I tell you about calling me that?", she growled.' Also, really?


*fed, not capitalized.

*"Would somepony just get the... wait, where's the ball?" You also forgot to add an end quotation.


Everypony looked towards the dead oak tree, the ball nowhere to be seen. They all looked towards the house, to see it instead lying on its* steps. The five started to tremble. "H-how did the ball get there... when it was already over there?" Silver pointed, her hoof trembling.

"You know what, I'm done. I-I'm done!" Diamond said, throwing her hooves in the air. She started walking away.

"H-hey! W-w-where ya going?"* Applebloom asked* staring at her departing friend. Suddenly, something wizzed* past her head, nearly hitting her. It instead, struck* Diamond in the back of hers, causing her to fall face first in the dirt and her tiara to go flying off her head. "What the-"*

Immediately everyone gathered around Diamond to see if she was alright. Helping her to her hoofs*, they all got a look at what exactly it was that hit her. They stood shocked to see the same red ball that was just sitting on the porch only a few feet away from them. what's* more was on the front of it was a scratched on picture of an evil looking face.


*"Hey! W-w-where ya going?" I'll agreed that they are stuttering, but too many hyphens for one sentence.

*Apple Bloom asked,


*No comma after instead

*"What the?!" Ellipses and hyphens are your favorites, aren't they?




They all reacted the way an* normal pony would react.



"...hhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH FORGOT MY TIARA AAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh..."*

Meanwhile, a deep rumbleing noise sounded from the house. To anypony listening closely, they would have sworn the house was...Laughing?*


Ha! That was Priceless! the* looks on their faces when they saw the ball move. And* when* I chucked it at that one filly's head.

That might have been too much...Aw who cares! It was hilarious!* Oh, looks like they forgot it. And* left it right where I can reach it. Well, another one for my collection! I use my tree limbs (Shut up that's a thing)* to pick it up and toss it right into my 'mouth.' I then guide it from my throat into the basement where all the other toys I've taken are.

Okay, before we continue, can I just say how odd it is that I've collected so many of these things!* I mean, when I first got here I didn't have anything down there. Now my basements* practically overflowing with kites and balls, its* like I'm a magnet to this stuff! I cant* be the only one who-*

Oh, I'm getting off track, aren't I? Yeah, I have a bit of a habit of rambling when I really get into it. So I guess some introductions are in order, huh? alright then.*

My name is Lizbeth, and I'm...well, I'm a house!

*They all reacted the way any normal pony would react.

*"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Forgot end quotation. Also, nice use of capitalization.

*Should be replaced with describing them running off, then Diamond running back to grab it, even if it was obvious.

*Meanwhile, a deep rumbling noise echoed from the house. To anypony listening closely, they would have sworn the house was laughing. There is no one around to listen, so no question should be made. You're using a metaphor.

*This is excusable.


*You need to go home and reevaluate your life, because you keep starting sentences with "and".

*When. It's the start of a sentence. Please, please make it so.

*Comedic timing is present in certain ways. Watch:

That might have been too much.

Aw, who cares! It was hilarious!


*Of course it's a thing. No need to tell us that.

*of these things? Needs to be a question.




*Um, who else there is a talking house? No one. Not that you've described anyway, so this sentence is meaningless.

*Alright then. Capitalize, please.

*My name is Lizbeth, and I'm a house! Still seems too chipper for her predicament, don't you think? If you have a reason she's so content at the moment, explain such. Maybe not in the first chapter, but at least by the second.


If I missed anything, someone tell me.

You know, this could have been the fastest displaced story ever if they decided just to burn that shit to the fucking ground.

6579090 Amen, although another short one could be a non-immortal Displaced getting a nice, regular prison in Tartarus rather than being stuck in stone...

"...hhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH FORGOT MY TIARA AAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh..."

I can actually see this happening, both in the movie and the show, so kudos.

Why did this fic have to die? It could have been one of the great wonders of fimfiction... but it died. Excuse me, I must grieve for all the greatness that could have been:applecry:. Welp, I've seen dead-er things come back to life, so I've put it on tracking.

So no making children cry....I like her:pinkiesmile:

I love this story please continue

Just waiting for the house to cry, like in the movie

Its a good thing ponies haven't invented Dynamite.

this... this is perfection... MORE!

I’m pretty sure this story is dead

May you please resume this story it's so good to read :fluttercry:

please resume this story, i loved monster house when i was a kid. and seeing this story on fimfiction is so badass!!66.media.tumblr.com/d942339a88c4af4fa843ddc41e85a98b/tumblr_ovzhm1IySc1w8qokno1_500.gif

Holy shit it’s monster house! The nostalgia of seeing this is something. I remember the movie and I even played the game on GameCube for fuck sakes! I hope to see this story live again cause I mean come on it’s fucking monster house in multicolored magical pony land! Hijinks are sure to insure and I want to see that nonsense! Please bring it back alive my good sir fill my need to read a story with ponies and an old show I watched as a child!

You can't just burn it you have to destroy the heart

do more chapters I like this story:ajbemused:

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal

Me gustó mucho él concepto de la historia 😀👏👏

well, in case the author doesn't continue this book does anyone else want to continue this book?

Nothing we can do about it. The author must have been lazy or too busy to work on any more chapters. The only way to make it possible is for someone else to take over this story & finish what this author started.

Well do I have bad news for you.

Hmmm who would live in her/MH I would say twilight but book horse so maybe Luna actually no Gilda maybe no wouldn't work ah I know starlight or sunset.

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