• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 11,761 Views, 215 Comments

A Child of Kindness and Laughter - Autum Breeze

A human finds himself trasported into Equestria, but as an anthropomorphic filly alicorn. The problem is, the ponies of this Equestria are quadrapeds.

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Chapter 4 - Introductions… Sheesh, Those Could’ve Gone Better

Chapter 4

Introductions… Sheesh, Those Could’ve Gone Better


I stir from sleep, feeling odd.

Not that I can blame myself. Talk about a weird ass dream. Get sucked into a wall and wake up in Equestria as an anthro Alicorn filly?

If I didn’t drink, I’d swear I must had too many after work.

Suddenly, my senses seem to return and I realize it wasn’t a dream. I am an anthro Alicorn filly!

I quickly sit up, holding the covers of the bed I’m lying in with my right hand.

Looking around, I realize I’m in Fluttershy’s bedroom.

Fluttershy isn’t in here, so I’m guessing she’s out either somewhere else in the cottage, or out in town.

Taking a deep breath, I let the covers fall and look down at my new body, lifting my hands and staring at them.

How in the world did this happen? How did I go from your average joe to suddenly being transported to Equestria and becoming the youngest Alicorn in the land, not to mention the first ever anthro one?

Suddenly, I lift my head, my new nose picking up the scent of something delicious cooking somewhere outside the room.

I hesitate, glancing down at myself. Should I go out there? I don’t want to be a bother to Fluttershy.

I just sit for several moments, before my stomach grumbles loudly, pretty much demanding I go get food.

Waiting a few moments more, I slowly slide off the bed and move towards the door. As I reach it, a white ball of fluff bounces into my view.

Angel glares up at me, tapping his foot on the ground.

I cock my head. “What?”

He makes several motions and squeaks.

I frown. “Hey! I didn’t choose to come here, ya cotton ball. I dunno why I’m here and just because Fluttershy let me stay doesn’t mean you get to be so rude.”

Angel’s anger vanishes, replaced by a look of shock.

“What?” I say, slapping a hand against my chest. “You think you can talk to me like that and I wouldn’t defend myself? I’m only a five year old in body, Angel, not mind.”

He squeaks a few more times.

I cock an eyebrow, folding my arms. “Well, of course I understand what you’re saying. I wouldn’t be responding to you if I couldn’t, would I?”

He squeaks again.

I open my mouth to retort, before my expression changes to curiosity and I lower my arms. “Wait. Until now, Fluttershy’s the only pony who’s understood what you’re saying?”

He nods, before looking down, suddenly looking sheepish.

I cock my head to the side. “What?”

He rubs his neck, making several squeaks.

“Oh,” I blink, taken aback, rubbing my neck too. “Well, okay. Apology accepted, I guess.”

There’s silence between us for several longs minutes.

I rub my arm. “Okay, yeah, even after everything that happened last night, this is weird.”

“Angel, have you woken up Tailor yet?” Fluttershy’s voice calls from the kitchen.

We both blink, realizing we’d just been standing there and I follow Angel as he leads me into the kitchen.

As we enter the living room, it’s to find several animals milling about. They all stop when we walk in, all of them looking at me.

I look away, rubbing my right arm.

“Everyone, be kind, okay?”

I turn as Fluttershy enters the room, balancing a tray with a sandwich, glass of water and sliced fruit of some kind. She moves over to a small table by the couch and places the tray on it, before looking to me.

“Good morning, Tailor. Did you sleep well?”

“Surprisingly, yeah,” I say, sitting down once I realize the tray is meant for me. You would think, being only the size of a five year old, it would be harder to move around… but pony stuff is perfectly sized. It’s kinda weird, if you think about it.

“Now, I realize you might be a bit nervous,” Fluttershy says as I take a bite of the sandwich (peanut, thank god it’s something normal), “but, I think it would be a good idea for you to come with me into town today. Maybe meet some other foals.”

I pause, having just been about to take a bite and give the mare a raised eyebrow. “Fluttershy, you… do realize I’m not really a child, right? I only look five. I’m over twenty.”

She blinks, something seeming to pass over her eyes, before she shakes her head, looking apologetic. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I completely forgot. Um…”

I put the remains of the sandwich down and sigh. “Don’t worry. I doubt you’ll be the last. Then again,” I rub my chin in thought, “you already know what my physical age should be. To most other, they’ll probably think I’m just a really youthful adult.”

“You… are rather tall for your age. Um, the age your body is now, I mean,” she says, before catching herself.

I shake my head. “Actually, in my world, this is the normal height for someone my new age.” I look up at the ceiling. “This won’t be easy. How does one just explain away an anthro filly Alicorn showing up out of nowhere in a world of quadrupeds?”

We chat for a bit over breakfast, Fluttershy filling me in on a few details that help me figure out where in the MLP timeline I’m at… and it’s not exactly helpful for me.

The last events she explains that sound familiar to me are the ones from Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?. After that, everything she tells me does not sound the least bit familiar, which tells me I’ve arrived sometime during the latter half of season 5… which had yet to air in the real world before I came here, so I’m completely lost.

Rarity opened a boutique in Canterlot, though that’s not too much of a surprise, since it makes sense she’d do that, but then Fluttershy mentions something about a pony named Wind Rider, who sounds like a dick since he tried to have Dash expelled from ever joining the Wonderbolts by framing her for something and all just so he could prevent Dash from breaking a record he’d set in his prime.

I blink, glancing up at my horn and fluffing my wings. If the princesses let me, I wouldn’t me giving him a piece of my mind. I’ll probably be here for a while, so why not have fun with it?

Rarity and Applejack themselves are apparently going out today because the Cutie Map called them for something. What that something is, I dunno. It’s a Friendship Mission. The Map wasn’t exactly clear with its last two missions.

We both yelp with a start when a green flash burst between us, before forming into a scroll.

I take it, glancing at the mare and she nods.

I unroll the scroll and read. “Dear Fluttershy and Tailor, please come to my castle as soon as possible. The princesses wish to see Tailor and decide what to do with her. From Twilight Sparkle.”

I frown, looking over the scroll again, before turning it around, trying to find more.

Angel makes some dispassionate squeaks.

“I agree, that’s it?” I ask, lowering the scroll. “Nothing else. Sheesh, talk about lack of tact, Princess of Friendship.” Not to mention she spelled my name wrong.

“Hmm?” Fluttershy cocks her head, confused.

I sigh, shaking my head. “It’s fine. Let’s just finish eating and go. You wanna come too, Angel?”

He looks to me and nods.


“Why does this bother me so much?” I murmur, staying close to Fluttershy, hugging myself.

After we finished breakfast and sorting things out for the rest of Fluttershy’s animals, the three of us left her cottage and made our way into town, Angel riding at my head.

Within moments of walking into town, though, any confidence I’d had vanished once ponies started glancing my way with looks of curiosity and confusion.

Now, I’m normally a pretty confident person. I can walk through a crowd dressed in a bright light-blue Japanese school girl uniform and flaunt it without a care.

But now… now I’m feeling anxiety like I never have as ponies look at me, making me huddle close to Fluttershy, somehow it making me feel a little bit safer.

Though, I suppose being butt naked isn’t helping my moral very much. Can’t spend over twenty years living in a society where being naked outside is taught to not be the norm and then feel totally at ease walking through a completely foreign town in your birthday suit.

I mean, I know they’re more than likely focused on either the being an Alicorn or biped or both as opposed to my being a nude child, but that doesn’t really help much.

“It’s okay, Tailor,” Fluttershy rubs my side with a wing. “It’s not too far to Twilight’s castle. Once we’re there, we can figure things out.”

And hopefully find Rarity so she can make me some clothes so I don’t have to walk around naked anymore.

“Watch out!” a familiar trio of voices shouts comes from behind us.

Turning around, it’s too see an orange and purple blur coming towards us at rapid speed.

I yelp, grabbing Fluttershy, vaguely aware of warmth on my horn, before a crashing sound comes from… behind us.

I open my eyes to see the blur no longer in front of us and turn around along with Fluttershy to see a certain trio of fillies in a pile by the road, a wooden scooter and metal wagon laying upturned a bit away from them.

“Oh my gosh! Girls, are you okay?” Fluttershy hurries over, checking if the three are alright.

“That was an interesting spell,” a firm voice says from behind me.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that before,” says another voice that sounds… wait. I recognize that accent. That’s Australian!

Turning around, I’m met by the sight of two mares. One is an Earth Pony with an amber coat and a two toned orange mane and tail and a palm tree and yellow heart for a Cutie Mark, while the other is a slightly stout Pegasus with a turquoise coat and purple mane and tail with a faded purple stripe through each and a sheep with wings for a Cutie Mark.

I blink. Okay… who in the heck are these two? I don’t recognize them at all.

“Sorry, Auntie Lofty,” Scootaloo’s voice makes me turn back to see the three fillies having righted themselves and dusting themselves off.

The turquoise Pegasus laughs heartily. “I did warn ya, slugger. Bet ya learned your lesson now, huh?”

The three fillies blush.

I blink, before my eyes widen. Wait a minute. Auntie Lofty?! She’s Scootlaoo’s aunt?! Scootaloo actually has family?!

“Sorry about that, Fluttershy,” the Earth Pony mare says, looking to her, before she notices me and blinks in surprised confusion. “Oh. Who’s your friend? Can’t say I’ve seen her around Ponyville before.”

Fluttershy turns her attention to the mares. “Oh, that’s alright, Holiday. And, yes, she is new. This is Tailor. She… arrived last night.”

“Huh? Interesting type, ain’t ya?” Lofty asks, looking me over. “Never seen a pony like you before. You half Minotaur or something?”

“That’s… a long story,” Fluttershy comes over, standing closer to me as I just stand there.

I’ve been barely paying attention, though. I’m still stuck on the whole “Scootaloo isn’t an orphan after all” thing. The fuck?

“Bit early to be dressing up for Nightmare Night,” I’m pulled from my thoughts as the three fillies suorund me, looking me over, Scootaloo frowning in confusion. “What’re you even supposed to be? One of the princesses?”

I don’t understand where they’re coming from.

“What kind of spell was that?”Sweetie Belle cocks her head at me. “We went right through you.”

“Ah think Twilight mentioned it once,” Apple Bloom says, looking to the sky in thought. “She called it Phasin’, Ah think?”

“Wait a minute! Look at her flank!” Sweetie Belle’s cry causes me blood to freeze.

The three Crusaders all look at my thighs, making me incredibly self-conscious.

“How can ya be a grown up an’ still not have yer Cutie Mark?” Apple Bloom asks, looking stunned.

“I didn’t even know that could happen!” Scootaloo says, before her eyes widen in horror. “What if we don’t get our Cutie Marks before we’re adults?!”

The three fillies look at each other, before they scream and start running around frantically.

“Wait!” I call, whirling back and forth, trying to get their attention. “You don’t understand. It’s not like — I’m not— ”

I look to Fluttershy, begging for help. How’d things fall apart so quickly?

Fluttershy look around, before taking a deep breath. “Girls!”

The three halted in place, looking to her.

“Tailor isn’t an adult. She’s a foal, just like you. She’s just a bit different due to some unknown magic. We’re going to Twilight's to see what she can do.”

Uh… well, that’s technically not a lie. We are going to Twilight’s to see what she can do for me… just not exactly the way Fluttershy worded it.

Without another word, Fluttershy leads me off, myself glancing back in confusion.

Well, that could’ve gone better.

Author's Note:

Promised i'd update this before February and here we are.

Little annoyed with how little I aas able to do with this chapter. It's been so long since I last updated ot that I spent over half an just trying to confirm where in the timeline I'd already set it, in the end having to crosscheck the date I released the first chapter with the nearest episode release date.

Also annoyed I couldn't explore Taylor's interactions with Fluttershy and Angel more, not to mention the CMC.

So much i wanted to do but couldn't because of time constraints.

Still, Taylor is in Ponyville now and heading for Twilight's castle.

How will her interactions with the Princesses go? Will Luna distrust her due to the Nightmare Moon eyes?

What's Pinkie Pie up to?

Find out whenever the hay I get around to the next chapter.

Hope this one was at least enjoyable and, til next time, later everybody