• Published 14th Aug 2015
  • 3,840 Views, 38 Comments

Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

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Tyrannosaurus Rex

As the rain continued to pour down around them, the ponies in the vehicles didn't pay attention on just where the place they were stuck was. That place just happened to be right outside the Tyrannosaur Paddock. Right on the other side of the fence was the goat, still tethered to the pole. Thunder and lightning roared overhead as Applejack went running back to the second jeep.

"HooWee! It's a might mess out there." The earth pony said, shaking the water from her hat.

"What about their radio?"

"It's out too." replied AJ. "We ain't goin nowhere till the power comes back."

"The girls okay?" Rainbow asked.

"I didn't ask, why wouldn't they be."

"Kids get scared when the power goes out."

"What's there to be scared of Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked.

"Hey! I didn't say I was scared!"

"Ok ok settle down." Applejack interrupted before a fight broke out. "Just sit calmly, an' wait for the power to come back on."

"Hopefully that won't be too long." Rainbow asked, staring out the window at the goat. Over in the first car Flash had taken the chance to catch up on a few little z's. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were either daydreaming or being bored.

"Rain rain go away...come again another day..." Rarity's younger sister sang quietly to herself.

"BOO!" Scootaloo popped out from the passenger seat, startling her friends and waking Flash.

"What are those?" Applebloom asked, pointing to the goggles around the little pegasi's head.

"I think their night vision googles."

"Are they heavy?" Flash asked. Scootaloo weighed them before nodding. "Then their expensive, be careful with those."

"Anymore of those?"

"Only pair I found."

"I want a turn when your done with those!"

"Me too!" The older stallion simply rolled his eyes at the little fillies before going back to sleep. Scootaloo climbed to the back of the jeep and looked out the window.

"These are night vision!" She said happily, being able to see out into the darkness, and even into the second jeep. The little filly waved to see if anyone saw her. Rainbow squinted her eyes.

"What does Scootaloo have on?" Pinkie looked hard.

"Night vision goggles." Then she had an idea. "Oh! Oh! Make some silly faces at her."

"With pleasure." The cyan pegasus proceeded to make several funny faces, seeing Scootaloo laugh from the first jeep.

"Oh I hope we're not here much longer." Rarity said. "I really need to catch up on some sleep."


"You got your wish Rarity!" Pinkie said happily.

"How do you know?"

"Isn't that rumble the power coming back on?" The party pony asked confused.


"See there's another one. The rumble of electricity through power lines."

"Pinkie darling. Electricity doesn't make a sound."

"Oh. Then maybe it's my tummy." Pinkie listened on her stomach. "No not that either."


"What in tarnation is causing that rumble?" Applejack asked, tipping her hat up.

"Girls... look." Rainbow whispered quietly.

"Where?" Rarity asked, looking out the windows. "There's nothing here except rain."

"No......look." Rainbow pointed at the two glasses of water on the dashboard. "Watch the water."


There was another low rumble, which caused the water in the glasses to vibrate ever so slightly. Rings began to form in both of the small cup. Chills began to go up the spins of the mares present. In the first jeep the CMC began to notice the rumble as well.

"Girls, you feel that?" Scootaloo asked quietly.

"Look at the cups."


The rumbles were causing the same eerie ripples in the water. Flash had finally woken up, noticing the mirror would also shake when a rumbled happened.

"Maybe it's the power trying to come back on?" He asked himself quietly. Scootaloo slid the goggles back over her eyes to peek out the window. The older mares were still in the first jeep, it was pouring down rain, the goat was gone, and...

The goat was gone?

The little pegasus frowned as she looked where the goat should've been, but it was indeed gone. The little chain that held it there was swinging freely. The others in the jeep noticed this as well.

"Where's the goat?" Sweetie Belle asked Flash. Then a loud thud could be heard. Glancing up, the ponies in the car backed away at the sight of one of the goats' bloody leg. Scootaloo slowly raised the goggles off her head. Every pony in the jeep could see a two clawed hand rub against the high voltage wire, showing the fence was off. On the other side a horrible growl could be heard as a huge head slowly began to appear over the top. In one swift move the creature swallowed the goat, before staring down at the jeeps. Standing on the other side of a powered off fence stood the star attraction of Jurassic Park, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Oh Celestia!" Flash was beginning to panic. Then to the surprise and horror of the CMC, he threw open the door, and bolted off into the rain.

"Where are you going?!" Flash ran until he came to the small outhouse just on the other side of the paddock.

"He left us..." Applebloom said in horror. In the other jeep the older mares frowned as Flash ran off.

"Where does he think he's going?" Pinkie shrugged.

"You gotta go, you gotta go." She reasoned. A loud creaking sound drew the mares attention back to fence. Then they watched as one by one the wires began to pop out like overly tight guitar strings. A large frame piece groaned loudly as it began to lean forward. The fillies in the first jeep were now down right scared.


"Rarity?" The filled wanted nothing but their sisters here right now. With one massive tug, the T-Rex ripped the last wire loose, before taking it's first step out of the jungle, and in between the cars. Every pony present could only watch as the monster roared loudly at its freedom.

"...you guys ever get sick and tired of Twilight always being right?" Rainbow asked in shock as the rex roared again, taking a few steps, curious of its new surroundings. "Nopony move a muscle. Remember what the car and Twilight said."

"My knee's feeling pinchy..."Pinkie moaned.

"Not. A. Muscle." Over in the first jeep the CMC was ignoring this life saving fact. Applebloom hurried to the back of the jeep, looking for anything to signal the mares behind them. Opening a large case, see pulled out a large flashlight. The T-Rex absent mindlessly bumped its head against the older mares car as a beam of light shot from the first jeep, getting its full attention.

"Turn the light off...turn the light off!" Applejack said through clenched teeth as the Rex stomped towards the car.

"Turn the light off!" Scootaloo yelled. The Rex didn't notice the fillies in the vehicle. Sweetie Belle desperately grabbed the driver side door and pulled it shut.


The dinosaur's head snapped down in the direction of the car. The vehicle now had its full attention. The CMC froze up in fear as the dinosaur sniffed the car, looking for what made that sound.

"Where's Fluttershy when you need her?" Sweetie Belle moaned as the T-Rex lowered down, peaking an eye right through the window, and into Applebloom's light. The dinosaur's iris shrunk at the light, before the beast moved up. Looking down, the Rex let out an ear shattering roar. The CMC clutched their ears as the Rex bent down again. The fillies backed away to the other side of the car, giving the Rex all the movement it needed to show that prey was inside. The fillies began to scream as the T-Rex gave the car a shove with it's head.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle scrambled over to Applebloom.

"Turn it off!"

"Give it here!"

"I'm sorry!" The three fought for the light unaware they were pointing it up. The three stopped their fighting and looked in the direction of the light...

The Tyrannosaurus broke through the sunroof, pinning the CMC onto their backs. The three fillies held the glass separating them and the Rex up as it forced its snout in again, screaming bloody murder as they did. The glass broke in two as the Rex roared, trying to get its prey. From the other vehicles the older mares watched on in horror; Pinkie had to wipe her side of the window clean of fog so she could see. The Rex rammed the car once, before ramming it again, this time overturning it. The windows in the jeep shattered as soon as the roof touched the ground, sending shards of glass all over. The dinosaur then planted its massive foot on top, beginning to tear away at the jeep, also crushing it down in the progress by its sheer weight. The screams of the poor fillies inside rang out.


Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had seen enough. The three mares scrambled to the back of their jeep, looking for anything that would help out in this situation. The cyan pegasus threw junk in the back all over as Applejack ripped the case open. Taking a quick look, the earth pony pulled out a flare.

"What's that gonna do?!" Rarity asked in panic.

"Light it! Now!" Rainbow yelled at Rarity, who used her magic to light the flare. Back at the second car, the CMC, now suffering cuts from the glass, huddled close together as the mud began to seep into the car. As the three sobbed in horror, the three older mares jumped out of the safety of their jeep and into the pouring rain. Rarity held the flare up with her magic.

"Hey!" The three called out. The T-Rex roared as it turned its attention to the three.

"Over here big girl!" Rarity shook the flare about, getting the Rex to follow it like a dog would a stick.

"Throw it!" The unicorn threw the flare back into the paddock, the Rex roaring as it stomped away from the car and chased after it.

"It's following it..." Then to both the surprise and horror, the glow of a second flare lit the area.

"Over here Rexy!" Pinkie called out, a lit flare in her both.

"Pinkie Pie freeze!"

"Get the girls!" She called to her friends as the Rex roared at the party pony.

"Get rid of the flare!" Pinkie galloped up the road, the Rex hot in pursuit.

"Try and catch me!" The pony ran off towards the outhouse Flash had taken shelter in. The lawyer pony shook in fear on the toilet as the rumbles grew louder in his direction.

"Sweet Celestia!" The Rex's head broke through the straw structure, flinging Pinkie off to the side. The pony struck the ground hard as she ended up being buried in material from the building. The outhouse collapsed around them, leaving Flash perfectly exposed to the Tyrannosaurus. The dinosaur stared at the pony curiously.

"No no no!" The Rex stomped forward and bit down on the pony. The lawyer could only make one scream as the Rex began to shake, breaking every bone in the pony's body...

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash rushed forward to the trashed jeep, desperate to help the CMC inside it.



"Hold on girls! We're here!"

"I'm stuck!" Scootaloo cried out. "The seats got my feet!" Rainbow jumped to the other side of the jeep, attempting to get the filly out. Applejack reached in, beginning to pull her sister free from the wreckage.

"It's ok sis, I got ya!"

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cried out. The older unicorn mare used her magic to pull her sister free from the car. Sobbing, the two fillies huddled close to their sister.

"Scootaloo reach for us!"

"I can't!" Rainbow pulled out from the car, and looked up.

"Uh…..girls?!" Sweetie Belle and Applebloom began shrieking into the night, until their respective older sister shoved a hoof into their mouth.

"Don't move! Twilight said that thing can't see us if we don't move." Applejack said through clenched teeth as a giant foot sank into the mud right in front of the ponies. The Rex lowered its head so it was nose to nose with the ponies. One puff of air from the dinosaurs nostrils blew Applejack's hat right off her head. The ponies held each other tightly in the awesome presence of the beast. Then the Rex hit the car with its head, spinning it and forcing the ponies to move. The sibblings now stood on the other side while Rainbow Dash was now staring the beast, until it turned the car again. The cyan mare went with the car, wings out, until the beast spun the car the other away, slamming it and one of the pegasus's wing against the concrete barrier. Rainbow Dash screamed out in pain as her friends pulled her loose. The wing was beginning to ooze blood

"She's pushing the car!" Rarity screamed as the ponies scrambled on to the barrier.

"NO DUH!" Rainbow screamed back.

"Scootaloo's still in there!" The car pushed forward, almost knocking the ponies off the cliff behind them.

"She's pushing us off the cliff!" Applejack yelled out. "Hang on!" She threw Applebloom onto her back, Rarity doing the same thing with Sweetie Belle. Rainbow grabbed a wire and began to propel down the wall with her friends in close pursuit. The Rex continued to push the car, the poor pegasi filly inside screaming in terror. Due to the sheer amount of rain, Rarity's grasp on the wire slipped. It was only due to her biting Rainbow Dash's tail on the way down she and her sister we're still alive.

Once more the cyan mare screamed out in pain. Applebloom almost lost her grasp on her sister, forcing to hold on tighter.

"Ack! Applebloom...yer choking me!" The earth pony called out. The headlights now glowed down to them. Rainbow realized Anypony on her line were in the way.

"Rarity grab the wire!" She began to use her good wing in an attempt to propel them forward. Rarity madly tried to grab the wire, missing on several tries. "GRAB THE WIRE!" On the final try the unicorn took hold as the jeep toppled over the cliff, missing the ponies by mere inches. The jeep plowed into the treetop below them.

The Tyrannosaurus looked down below before roaring triumphantly into the night.