• Published 27th Aug 2015
  • 17,293 Views, 10,944 Comments

BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony - I-C-U-P

After fate saved his life, BlackWarGreymon starts a new heroic life in Equestria. Making great friends along the way.

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Chapter 43: Tides of Battle

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I'm back a lot sooner then you expected.

As a thank you for helping this story reach 300 likes, I decided to reward you with the latest chapter which concludes the epic fight between BlackWarGreymon and his diabolical clone.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave a like. Leave a comment. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

A shocking development had occurred at the Crystal Empire. King Sombra, the tyrant that once ruled the kingdom, was dead once more.

No longer needing him, ChaosBlackWarGreymon, his own creation turned on the Unicorn and destroyed his body. Vaporizing him into smoke. With the shadow ponies and the king gone, the evil Digimon was all that’s left.

The citizens of the empire all saw the scene with their very eyes and had no idea how to feel about it. Should they be happy that the evil Unicorn king was no more? Or frightened that his monster was the one who caused his death?

The Mane Six, Spike, Princess Luna, the royal couple and Flash Sentry all had the same feelings. Mostly disbelief.

“I don’t believe it! He killed Sombra!” Prince Shining Armor uttered.

“Seems we were right about ChaosBlackWarGreymon being independent,” Princess Cadence joined.

“Don’t suppose this means he’s on our side?” Flash Sentry asked. Curious about the development.

“Don’t be fooled, Flash. He is BlackWarGreymon’s evil incarnate,” Princess Twilight said, dismissing the guard’s claims.

“Yeah. He probably did it because he wanted to,” Rainbow Dash added.

As silence followed, the group all turned to BlackWarGreymon to see what he thought of it. What they saw startled them, the Mega remained silent as he stared at his clone in anger.

“BlackWarGreymon,” Princess Luna said, concerned about what was going through the Digimon’s mind.

High in the sky, ChaosBlackWarGreymon turned his sights onto the group below and glared at them in hatred. He then began to slowly descend towards the ground. Moving closer to his enemies.

The ponies and dragon took several fearful steps back as the evil Digimon approached them. Seeing how easily he killed King Sombra took away a lot of their confidence. However, the only pony who didn’t back away was Luna. Instead, she moved closer to BlackWarGreymon. Knowing it was safer by his side.

Then ChaosBlackWarGreymon paused. Hovering thirty feet above the ground, he stared silently at BlackWarGreymon as he stared back.

By resorting to use his ultimate ability to get rid of a powerful city destroying attack, BlackWarGreymon lost his special power. His body reverted back from his Ascended form. ChaosBlackWarGreymon also had a massive loss of power by creating the said attack in the first place.

The two Megas were in the same boat. But despite loosing most of their strength, they would continue to fight to the bitter end.

But loosing power was the one thing that the evil clone hated the most. Even if he used his magic, he wouldn’t be able to defeat BlackWarGreymon very easily.

‘Grrr… this is ridicules! I need more power! But where…?’

Then a blue glimmer caught his eye. Looking in its direction, he saw the crystal castle to his right. But it wasn’t the castle itself that gained his interest, it was an energy source he sensed beneath it.

The Crystal Heart.


Princess Cadence noticed that the evil Digimon had his sights turned on something else. Looking at the same place he was, she immediately got a disturbing thought.

“No. He wouldn’t. Would he?” She asked quietly.

“MINE!!!” ChaosBlackWarGreymon shouted as he immediately flew towards the castle. Surprising the group.

“He’s after the Crystal Heart!!” Cadence shouted. Panicked that he would steal its power.

Not wanting another disaster to happen, BlackWarGreymon took off after him. Unlike ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s desire for power, the determination to protect the empire was fueling the black armoured Digimon’s speed. Gaining on him in an alarming rate.

The grey armoured Mega could be heard chuckling loudly as he closed the distance between him and the glowing heart shaped relic. Extending his arms as he prepared to grab it.

But before he could even get close, he was immediately tackled to the side by BlackWarGreymon.

After he flailed backwards, ChaosBlackWarGreymon growled angrily at his foe before diving down to fight. Within moments, the two Megas were once again locked in a duel of combat.

“Would…you…just…get…lost…already!!” The clone violently shouted as he and BlackWarGreymon launched punches and kicks at each other.

On the sidelines, Twilight and her friends watched on in awe.

“Ah can’t believe that despite everythin’ they been through, they’re still fightin’,” Applejack said.

Then Rarity became concerned.

“And with their energy reserves so low, you don’t suppose that…this is… a fight to the death!?”

The air around them suddenly became cold at the thought of the possibility. The image of the two Digimon destroying each other. They then looked back at the fight, hoping that BlackWarGreymon wouldn’t push himself too far.

As the duel continued, BlackWarGreymon found a brief opening and went for it. He gave ChaosBlackWarGreymon a punch to the face that sent him back several feet. The clone growled in anger and frustration at his rival before the two started to spin. Conjuring up their tornado attacks.



Like missiles, the two columns of green and black winds flew up and prepared to collide into each other head on. Then as the two tips met, it created a powerful burst of wind and energy. The two Megas kept on spinning as they pressed on their attacks. Trying to force one another to back down.

But as they pressed on, the two horizontal tornados kept growing and growing. Causing the twin swirling vortexes to release powerful gusts through the streets of the empire. As the group kept low to the ground, trying not to be blown away, they saw something unsettling. The hurricane-force winds ripped several parts of buildings and roofs clean off. All being carried off in the currents.

“If they keep this up, it will shred the empire apart!!” Shining Armor said, realising the amount of damage that was being caused.

“We have to help! We must end this fight!” Cadence added. Then Twilight joined.

“But how!? Even if they’re at low power, we’re still outmatched!”

As blasts of winds kept blowing their manes wild, Luna realised that there was something she could do.

It was true that BlackWarGreymon trained the group to fight in response to the threat. But only to fight either King Sombra of his Shadow Legion. So to them, the arrival of ChaosBlackWarGreymon was unexpected. However, before Sombra reappeared, Luna had gone through special training with BlackWarGreymon himself. Though it was pretend, but she indeed fought him. And even surprised him a couple of times. The Night Princess realised that out of the whole group, she was the only one with experience of fighting Digimon.

Knowing exactly what she must do, Luna bravely stood up against the winds. Her wings flared out, prepared for flight.

“Luna, what are you doing!?” Twilight asked, she and the others were surprised by the Alicorn’s actions.

With her horn glowing bright, Luna teleported away. Reappearing high in the sky, she looked down to see that she was high above the two warring Digimon.

With her glowing horn ready for action, Luna dived down to the fight. A blue trail of magic escaping from her horn.

The group below all watched her with worry. Wondering what she was about to do. Or if it would work.

As the blue Alicorn continued to descend, she started to spin her body around. The blue trail slowly wrapping around her body as she spun faster and faster. Within moments, she transformed into a swirling blue tornado. Diving towards the Digimon like a torpedo.

The group stared in amazement, never seeing a pony performing such an attack. Of which was in fact a move Luna was experimenting before with their Digimon friend.

“Is she… replicating BlackWarGreymon’s tornado attack?” Twilight asked herself. Wondering if it was possible.

It seemed so. All the while she was aiming for ChaosBlackWarGreymon.

Then it happened. Luna’s magic attack slammed into the side of the green tornado. With the impact of the magical attack, as well as the unrelenting force of BlackWarGreymon’s attack, it forced ChaosBlackWarGreymon out of his attack and flailed wildly as he crashed into the ground.

Surprised, BlackWarGreymon immediately stopped his attack and turned to the blue light to his left. As the light faded, Luna was revealed. Rubbing her head from the impact she made.

“Ahh! That actually hurts,” She said as she tried to sooth the pain.

BlackWarGreymon was almost speechless before he spoke to her.

“Luna, what are you doing up here!? It’s too dangerous!”

“I had to do something. The empire is being torn apart.”

Hearing what the Alicorn said made the Artificial Digimon look down at the empire in concern. It was true. Nearly every building he saw was either damaged or heavily scratched up. The empire itself seemed to have lost the gleam it once had.

BlackWarGreymon started to feel guilty. Some of his actions had caused some of the damage. Showing that he was just as destructive as his clone was.

But one thing was clear. He was fighting to protect the empire, not destroy it. He then looked down to where ChaosBlackWarGreymon crashed. Seeing the dust cloud before he spoke.

“I understand now. This fight must end.”

“I’m fighting too.”

The Digimon was surprised to hear Luna’s response. He wasn’t expecting her to say that she wanted to join in what could be the most dangerous fight in Equestria’s history.

Before he could protect against her, BlackWarGreymon saw the determination in the Alicorn’s eyes. Enough to even make him startled.

“Y…you’re serious, aren’t you?”

Luna looked down at the dust cloud before speaking.

“Yes. I’m worried that this would turn into a fight to the death. I… I don’t want you to fight alone anymore. You got friends who can help you.”

Luna then turned towards BlackWarGreymon. Her voice and her eyes almost showed that she was pleading.

“Please! Let me fight alongside you!”

Again, BlackWarGreymon wanted to protest against it. Knowing that Luna would only put herself in grave danger. But seeing her expression prevented him from doing so. But as he thought about it, he remembered that the Alicorn was a decent fighter and the strongest pony of the group. Capable of holding her own in a fight. He also remembered that just hours ago, she was the only one who sparred with him. She even caught him by surprise on several occasions. But even so, ChaosBlackWarGreymon wouldn’t hold back even if she’s involved. But in his weakened state, Luna might have a chance to inflict damage to the clone. Plus she might be right that if he continued alone, it could very possibly end with a duel to the death.

He closed his eyes as his mind became conflicted. Should he fight alone and risk further damaging himself even more to a point of death? Or have Luna join him and risk getting herself hurt or worse?

But the turning point was that he knew Luna all too well. Even in dangerous situations, she won’t take no for an answer. It was one of her duties as princess.

After releasing a quiet reluctant sigh, he gave his answer.

“Ok Luna. But only if he’s focused on me.”

The princess gave him a determined smile.

“I understand.”

Back on the ground, Twilight and her friends watched BlackWarGreymon and Luna. Wondering what they were talking about. Then to their surprise, the two descended towards the ground. Then landing side by side while facing the downed ChaosBlackWarGreymon.

“Wait! Princess Luna’s joining in the fight!?” Flash Sentry asked in disbelief.

“What is she thinking? Has she forgotten how powerful ChaosBlackWarGreymon is?” Twilight asked in concern.

While the others felt worried for the Princess of the Night, Cadence watched on in awe. Luna wasn’t a fool. She knew clearly how powerful the evil Digimon was. And yet, she was willing to aid BlackWarGreymon in battle.

The pink Alicorn was surprised at how determined and how dedicated Luna was to help the black armoured Digimon. In fact, deep inside, it made her smile.

Back at the scene, ChaosBlackWarGreymon emerged from the crystal rubble. Pushing a slab out of his way. As he looked over to see that Luna was by BlackWarGreymon’s side, he realised that it was her who interfered. He then chuckled in psychotic delight.

“Huh. So the little bug has come to die,” He said as he bared his claws ready.

As the two hero’s glared at the evil Mega. BlackWarGreymon spoke to Luna.

“Be careful, Luna. He’s unlike any opponent you’ve ever faced.”

The princess smiled at him before responding.

“That’s not exactly true. I did face you earlier, haven’t I?”

BlackWarGreymon released a brief chuckle. Understanding the hint about their little match.

‘Background music’ ‘Awake and Alive by Skillet’

The three fighters all glared at each other as they prepared to charge. Negative yellow and aqua blue eyes staring at a pair of crimson red eyes. Then after seconds of stunned silence, the three charged. One side was the angered ChaosBlackWarGreymon, and on the other was the defiant BlackWarGreymon and Princess Luna.

As they got near, the cloned Digimon turned his sights onto the Alicorn.

“You’re first, pony!!”

As the cruel Mega was about to strike, Luna cleverly teleported out of the way. And in her place was BlackWarGreymon’s left Dramon Destroyer. He received a punch to the face that sent him hurtling back, but quickly regaining his footing. Then the good hearted Mega flew in close and dished out several more punches.

After his fifth punch to the face, ChaosBlackWarGreymon reached out and caught both fists. With their claws locked together, the two began to wrestle for strength once more.

Then to the evil Digimon’s surprise, a blue bolt of magic smacked him in the face. He yelped in surprise as the light caused his vision to go blurry.

As BlackWarGreymon held him in place, it allowed Luna to attack from the air. After flying around, she again fired her thunder-shaped beam of magic. Crackling across ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s body as sparks flew everywhere.

Realising what was going on, the evil Mega sent BlackWarGreymon flying by slamming his foot into his chest. With his rival out of the way, he looked up to see Luna and pointed the glowing claws of his left gauntlet at her. As the green glow surrounded the Alicorn, she found herself unable to move. Caught in a levitation spell.

As ChaosBlackWarGreymon swung his arm down, he slammed the princess to the ground. Then just as she was about to stand back up, the Digimon charged in with his right gauntlet ready to strike. Chuckling insanely.

For a brief moment when Luna closed her eyes, she thought it was over for her. But then a sound of metal clashing caught her ears. Opening her eyes in amazement, she saw that the evil Digimon’s attack was intercepted by BlackWarGreymon’s claws on his left arm. The clone glaring at him in anger and surprise.

“Don’t you dare!!” The black armoured Mega said as he swung his right arm out and punched his clone in the face once again. Sending him stumbling back.

Using his Black Tornado attack, BlackWarGreymon tackled ChaosBlackWarGreymon. Pushing him back as he tried to drill into the Mega’s chest. The clone grunted, trying to ignore the pain. Then as the attack stopped, BlackWarGreymon sent his rival flying by giving him an uppercut. After taking off and flying behind him, the black armoured Mega spun around and kicked him in the side. Sending him crashing into the ground.

As ChaosBlackWarGreymon recovered and was about to fly, he was surprised when Luna appeared with a large crystal slab in her magical grip. Which she used to swat him away and into a building.

With a loud grunt, the blue Alicorn sent the slab flying into where her opponent was. But the Digimon smacked in aside as he emerged. After glaring at her, he shouted as he flew towards her.

“You’re mine now!!”

But before ChaosBlackWarGreymon could even scratch her, Luna cleverly teleported out of the way. Leaving the Digimon to crash into a large building she deliberately stood in front of.

Reappearing behind him, Luna smirked at the evil Mega as he recovered. His eyes burning with rage as he charged out of the building.

“You’ll pay for th…!!”

He was interrupted when BlackWarGreymon appeared and slammed his shoulder into his side, sending the clone crashing and skidding across the crystal ground.

On the side-lines, the group gasped at what was happening in front of them. Their friends seem to be winning and Luna was causing damage to ChaosBlackWarGreymon.

“Wow. When it comes to strategy, Luna’s brilliant,” Twilight said, impressed by the Alicorn’s tactics.

“And ah thought no pony could hurt him,” Applejack added.

Back at the fight, BlackWarGreymon and Luna were briefly startled when ChaosBlackWarGreymon charged at them quicker than before.

“Tag team all you want, but you still can’t beat me!!”

With the treat approaching, Luna took to the air while BlackWarGreymon charged forth. As the two Megas closed in one another, the grey armoured Digimon teleported behind BlackWarGreymon and kicked him in the back. Causing him to stumble over.

Before ChaosBlackWarGreymon could continue, Luna fired an ice spell at his side. Freezing his right arm and leg in place.

“What the…!” He said as he looked at parts of his body encased in ice.

With his foe temporally pinned, it allowed BlackWarGreymon to recover and come flying in to slam into him feet first. He then quickly stomped on his clone as he was above him.

As her friend moved out of the way, Luna fired a magical blue orb at ChaosBlackWarGreymon and exploded on impact.

She was briefly startled by the fact at how near ‘perfect’ her orb was. Plus it was double her size.

Infuriated at how persistent the princess was, the evil Mega threw a Shadow Destroyer sphere at BlackWarGreymon first. The dark orb pushing him into a nearby building before exploding. With his rival out of the way, he quickly turned towards Luna before teleporting behind her. The Alicorn’s startled reaction caused her to teleport away, but ChaosBlackWarGreymon was one step behind her. Every time she teleported away, he did the same and reappearing behind her.

As their unusual chase carried on a few times more, Luna realised she had to break the pattern. After teleporting on the ground, she spun around and formed a forcefield around her for protection.

Shockingly it seemed ChaosBlackWarGreymon anticipated her actions. As he reappeared in front of her, he swung down his raised right arm for the first wave of one of his attacks.


To Luna’s shock, the wave of energy shattered her barrier like glass. But to her horror, she knew what came next.


As he threw his left arm up, he unleashed a wave of green fire upon the Alicorn.

At first it all went black for Luna. Closing her eyes so she wouldn’t see the cause of her demise. But as she thought the flames would get her, she felt something protecting her. Opening her eyes and to her amazement, it was BlackWarGreymon. Cradling her in his arms as he shielded her from the attack. The cost was his back and shield being terribly burnt.

‘BlackWarGreymon,’ Luna thought to herself. Amazed that he threw himself on the line to protect her.

Then as he spun around, BlackWarGreymon performed his own attack.


The wave of red-purple fire engulfed the evil Digimon, burning the front of his body. As his opponent screamed in pain, the Artificial Digimon came in and threw several punches at him. At first the clone took the punches to the face. But was then quick enough to block the attacks.

Then as he found a brief opening, ChaosBlackWarGreymon shoved BlackWarGreymon back and then used a levitation spell to lift him up. Turning around, the clone threw him into a building.

As he had his back turned, a small blue sphere exploded against the back of his head. As he turned around, he saw Luna in the sky high above him. He was admittedly surprised at how tenacious the Alicorn was, despite the situation.

But his shock was quickly replaced by anger as he took off to the air to intercept her. Just as he was half-way towards the blue princess, a small Terra Destroyer attack flew past. Narrowly missing his right shoulder. After looking down to see BlackWarGreymon on the ground, ChaosBlackWarGreymon quickly flew down to fight him. But as he got closer, he was once again struck by a blue orb. He turned around to make the attacking Alicorn pay, but was once again distracted when a red orb struck him in the back. The rhythm went on for several moments.

The tactic what BlackWarGreymon and Luna were doing was by constantly making ChaosBlackWarGreymon move, his constant momentum would wear him down and be left vulnerable to attack.

At first it seemed to be working. But after an enraged yell, ChaosBlackWarGreymon ignored Luna completely even after being hit by her attack. He dived down and continued his fight with BlackWarGreymon.

As the two duelled with punches at one another, the right foot of the clone’s leg glowed green as he kicked his foe in the chest. The energized attack sent him flying. But as ChaosBlackWarGreymon was about to chuckle in some sort of victory, Luna came diving down yelling with all four of her hooves glowing blue. Throwing her first punch, the Alicorn slammed her left energized hoof onto the top of the Digimon’s head.

The surprise attack not only surprised him, it hurt him.

As he stumbled from the slight ringing in his head, he failed to notice Luna landing in front of him as she threw her energized rear legs at him. Kicking him straight to the stomach. The clone gagged briefly before stumbling back. Turning around, the blue princess hovered in the air as she threw energized punches left and right at the Digimon’s face.

The group on the side-lines were amazed and impressed that Luna knew such effective spells. Most of them rarely seen her in action.

Sensing that ChaosBlackWarGreymon was slowly recovering, Luna quickly flew back and out of his reach. Glaring angrily at the Alicorn for inflicting pain on him, he attempted to fly to catch her. But as soon as he left the ground, BlackWarGreymon appeared and grabbed the clone’s right leg. Then as he spun around in circles, he smashed the back of the evil Digimon’s head into every crystal structure that was around him.

After his tenth spin, BlackWarGreymon hurtled ChaosBlackWarGreymon through the air and towards the awaiting Luna. In which with a lot of effort, used her levitation spell to spin the Digimon around her and then threw him into an empty crystal building.

After landing beside her, BlackWarGreymon and Luna charged up their attacks. The Alicorn fired a large blue beam of destructive magic while the Digimon fired several bursts of his War Blaster attack.

As the two attacks flew into the hole where ChaosBlackWarGreymon was, they exploded on impact inside. The building destroyed as it was engulfed in blue and green light.

As the shockwave from the blast travelled through the ground beneath the onlooking group, the ponies and dragon struggled to stand. All the while amazed at how well BlackWarGreymon and Luna worked together. The way they fought alongside one another was astonishing.

As the two watched the light of the explosion fading away, the Alicorn and the Digimon looked at each other. Determination written on their faces.

“Are you ready, Luna?”

“Let’s finish this together.”

As if in sync with one another, the two took to the air. As he emerged from the rubble, ChaosBlackWarGreymon paused as he saw the two rising heroes. Their bodies glowing in blue and red as they readied themselves. On the side-lines, Twilight and her friends watched on in anticipation. Noticing orbs of energy forming on the tip of Luna’s horn and in-between BlackWarGreymon’s claws.

“TERRA DESTROYER!!!” The black armoured Mega said as he raised his arms over his head. The small orb reaching fifty feet in diameter.

At the same time, when Luna reared her head back, she not only finally formed a perfect energy orb, but the orb itself drastically increased beyond any she made before. Measuring twenty feet in diameter, it was an impressive feat for a pony.

With the two attacks primed and ready, the two holders threw them down towards ChaosBlackWarGreymon below. The evil Digimon was about to move out of the way, but something happened which caused him to freeze.

As the two spheres flew towards him, Luna’s smaller blue sphere and BlackWarGreymon’s larger red sphere seemed to be merging together. As the two cores fused together, the two attacks combined to form a single large reddish-purple orb. With blue beams of light shining out from its surface.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon only had enough time to cross his arms for protection as the fused attack struck him. The burning power of the explosion caused the evil Mega to scream in pain and anguish.

Everyone in the area had to shield their eyes from the red and blue blast that shook the ground like earthquake. Almost blinding by its intense light.

‘Song end’

As the explosion slowly died down, BlackWarGreymon and Luna landed back on the ground. Both exhausted from their battle. It was the longest BlackWarGreymon had ever fought in, and for Luna it was definitely the toughest.

As they tried to catch their breath, they could hear cheering in the distance. Turning around, they saw the Mane Six, Spike the royal couple and Flash Sentry calling out to them in praise.

“Seems we finally did it,” Luna said to BlackWarGreymon. Giving him a warm smile.

The Digimon responded with a chuckle and a soft expression in his eyes.

As Twilight and her friends were about to rush over to them, they saw something moving in the rubble of the smouldering crater.

Alarm rang through the group when they realized who it was under the debris.

“Luna! BlackWarGreymon! Behind you!!” Princess Cadence called out.

Alarmed by the pink Alicorn’s warning, BlackWarGreymon and Luna quickly turned towards the crater. In time to see ChaosBlackWarGreymon climbing out of the rubble, pushing aside a crystal column out of his way.

As he stood in front of the rubble, the damage caused was evident. His body was in a complete state and parts of his armour were missing. Both his gauntlets were cracked, and he even had his own oil leaking and spurting out of his body. As he trembled in pain, the expression in his eyes were of pure hate. Grunting angrily as he became furious of what happened to him.

It wasn’t just the sight of his condition. What unnerved BlackWarGreymon and Luna was the fact that he survived the blast.

As it seemed he was glaring at both of the heroes, ChaosBlackWarGreymon was in fact staring at one of them. But not BlackWarGreymon!

He knew that if it wasn’t for Luna’s intervention, the fight would’ve played more in his favour. Also the fight would’ve been longer and in his part enjoyable. The fact that the blue Alicorn ruined his fight was getting the better of him. He wanted her to be out of his way… permanently.

Raising his right Dramon Destroyer at her, his middle claw glowed green as he used a lethal spell.


BlackWarGreymon’s eyes widened in horror, realising that it was aimed at Luna. Then within a second, a single green beam was fired.

Before the Alicorn could react, time seemed to have slowed down when BlackWarGreymon rushed aside and stood in front of her. Taking the hit to the side of his chest.

The Digimon briefly yelled in pain as the beam burned through his damaged armour. Leaving a black burnt patch where his skin was.

When it dawned on Luna of what just happened, she gasped in concern before seeing her friend collapse on one knee. Grunting in pain.

“No! BlackWarGreymon!” Luna cried out as she rushed to his side. Resting her hoof on him to comfort him.

Though she was deeply concerned for the Mega, she was once again amazed that he kept throwing himself in harms way to protect her. Even if it would hurt him instead.

Twilight and her friends grew ever worried for BlackWarGreymon. Afraid that he was pushing himself too much.

Then the sounds of heavy foot steps caught Luna’s attention. Looking at its source, she saw ChaosBlackWarGreymon taking a few staggering steps towards her. Glaring at her all the while with hatred.

As he stopped ten feet away from her and BlackWarGreymon, he growled in anger as he decided to end it once and for all.

“This is where you die.”

His body began to glow green as he charged up with destructive magic. Adding in a pinch of his negative energy.

As Luna began to feel fear overwhelm her, she felt BlackWarGreymon slowly rising up. His yellow eyes snapped open with determination.

With his energy reaching higher, ChaosBlackWarGreymon stretched his arms out as he released it all.

“AWAY WITH YOU!!!” He screamed as a massive pulse of green energy was released from his body. Both engulfing and disintegrating everything around him.

Luckily the group were outside its range. But to their horror, BlackWarGreymon and Luna were.

As the explosion faded, smoke filled the air while crystal shards rained down everywhere. The group felt a sharp pain in their hearts, thinking that their two friends had perished.

In the heart of it all, ChaosBlackWarGreymon huffed and puffed as he tried to get his breath back. Feeling deep satisfaction.

“That…should do it.”

He started to chuckle in delight. But as the smoke started to clear in front of him, he saw a faint blue glimmer.


He then received a great shock. As the smoke faded, both BlackWarGreymon and Luna survived unscaved! With the Digimon’s Brave Shield and the Alicorn’s magical forcefield, they combined to form a powerful barrier.

As the blue dome faded away, BlackWarGreymon placed his shield back on his back. Then the two glared back at the clone defiantly.

The group, mostly Twilight, were impressed at how they withstood the blast. By using his shield, BlackWarGreymon was able to block the worst of the attack that was aimed directly at them. And Luna’s forcefield was used to both reinforce the shield and provide protection on the rest of the sides where the blast was less dangerous.

As he stared in disbelief, ChaosBlackWarGreymon grunted in frustration and anger. With all six of his claws glowing bright, he pointed them at the two heroes with only one goal.


Within a blink of an eye, a massive volley of energy blasts was fired randomly from the clawed blades like machine guns. All bearing down on BlackWarGreymon and Luna. Of which the two quickly leapt out of the way.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon continued firing his endless magic attacks. And both BlackWarGreymon and Luna kept dodging out of the way. But while the Artificial Digimon could take the hits with little problem, he knew Luna wouldn’t.

Glancing to his left, he could clearly see his Alicorn friend struggling to evade the green blasts.

“She can’t keep this up for long! I have to do something!”

As he looked down at ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s out-stretched arms, he realised there was something he could do. But it would cause his clone the kind of pain he never felt before.

But it had to be done.

By landing quickly on the ground, BlackWarGreymon gained ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s attention. Causing him to point both his claws at him and fire. As he did, the black armoured warrior charged through with his right shoulder in front. Storming through the hellfire of green blasts with little effort.

The clone kept on firing as he shouted.

“Die! Die!! Why won’t you…!”

He paused his sentence when BlackWarGreymon came in very close. Within mere seconds, he raised ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s left gauntlet up with his right arm. And used his left claws to gain a firm lock on the clones’ right.

Then in one swift motion of his raised right gauntlet, using ultra hard force, he slammed his armoured arm straight onto the clone’s unprotected upper arm!

The blow caused ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s attacks to stop as his motions froze. Time itself froze for him as immeasurable pained flowed through his arm.

In fact, the pain was so severe, he hardly made a sound.

As the whole world went quiet, Luna, Twilight and the others watched the two Megas in confusion. The only thing that was unsettling was the evil Digimon’s eyes. They were incredibly wide and his pupils were extremely tiny.

One thing was certain, ChaosBlackWarGreymon was in tremendous pain. But they wondered what had BlackWarGreymon done to him?

To their discomfort, the damage was revealed. The moment BlackWarGreymon released his hold… ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s right arm dropped down. Lifeless as it became limp.

“Did he…broke his arm?” Rainbow Dash whispered to Twilight’s ear. But the young Alicorn didn’t respond. Everyone silently gawked at the unbelievable sight. Spike meanwhile fainted in shock.

BlackWarGreymon took a few steps back, giving room for his clone. ChaosBlackWarGreymon felt his whole body trembling in shock as he grabbed his upper right arm with his left hand. Then after taking several staggering steps, he collapsed on his knees.

Unable to contain his pain anymore, the trembling clone cried out in anguish.


As he continued to wail uncontrollably, he felt as if the pain suddenly got a lot worse after every breath. Causing him to yell and scream even more.

As everyone watched on in stunned silence, Twilight Sparkle saw something… different about ChaosBlackWarGreymon. A side of him she never thought he had. His crimson eyes, she could see them watering.

For a moment, the Princess of Friendship actually felt bad for ChaosBlackWarGreymon. He was crying. His eyes genuinely had real tears.

BlackWarGreymon then slowly levitated to the air, believing that his clone would attack soon. Despite his injury.

After he finished screaming, ChaosBlackWarGreymon breathed heavily as he tried to fight his pain and his feelings. His pain filled expression became mixed with rage as he slowly glanced up at the one who hurt him so.

“If you think breaking my arm is enough to defeat me,” He growled.

After he got back on his feet, with his broken arm dangling freely, he took off in the air to attack BlackWarGreymon. Surprising the pony group that even in his state, he continued to fight on.

“I’ll show you how wrong you really…!!”

His sentence was paused when he felt his legs froze in place. Looking down, he saw both his legs caught in Luna’s magical grip.

“What the…!?”

He was immediately interrupted when he heard Luna yelling as she appeared in front of him. After seeing the surprise look on his face, the Alicorn threw a magically charged punch directly at his left eye.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon yelled as he backed off. Covering his injured eye with his left hand.

“AHH!! MY EYE!! Why the ey…!!

He was again interrupted when BlackWarGreymon came in and repeatedly punched him in the face. Already feeling agonizing pain in his body, ChaosBlackWarGreymon was unable to defend himself.

The black armoured Digimon then sent his clone towards the ground with a blow on the top of his head. Then before his rival could hit the ground, BlackWarGreymon landed on the ground first. And then slammed his foot into the unprepared Digimon’s chest. The evil Mega was sent screaming into a crystal building. Crashing through the wall.

As BlackWarGreymon stood tall, Princess Luna landed by his side. And along with the group, the two waited patiently. Wondering what would happen next.

At first everything was quiet. But then the sounds of heavy footsteps and shattering crystals echoed through the air. Then, despite all the beatings he took, ChaosBlackWarGreymon emerged from the building. At first, it seemed he was preparing to fight on. But all of the sudden, his legs gave way from exhaustion. Resting on his knees, supported by his only working arm, he grunted in anger and frustration. Almost as if he was sad.

“No. It…can’t end like this. This can’t be real. I was created to destroy. Not being beaten! This is not the way… it ends! Damn it!!” He shouted as he punched the crystal ground. Making a fairly large crater.

Knowing that the fight had reached its conclusion, BlackWarGreymon spoke to his beaten rival.

“Just give up. This fight is becoming pointless. Your strength is gone. Your power is depleted. And your body is damaged. You can’t defeat me.”

“It would be wise to oblige,” Luna added, giving stern looks at the evil Mega.

But just as it seemed that the heroes had won, to their confusion, ChaosBlackWarGreymon started to chuckle. Slowly becoming louder by the second.

As he raised his head to look at his foes, he managed to speak up as he slowly rose to his feet.

“You think you have won? You’ve won nothing today.”

The clone then said something truly surprising.

“Just wait until the boss hears about this. Then you will be sorry.”

Time seemed to have frozen for the ponies. There was another who ChaosBlackWarGreymon served? But who? It couldn’t be Tirek because he was in Tartarus. It couldn’t be Discord because he was reformed. They hardly would believe that it was Queen Chrysalis. And if it was only King Sombra, then the evil Digimon wouldn’t had killed him in the first place.

If it wasn’t the four major villains that lived in Equestrian lands, could there be a fifth? Or was everything the Digimon said was a lie.

Either way, the group didn’t like it one bit. Luna meanwhile was curious.

“Wait. You mean you serve someone other than Sombra?”

“Yes. And if you all had difficulty beating me, then you all won’t stand a chance. I’m merely a love tap compared to him.”

The ponies and dragon became afraid. ChaosBlackWarGreymon claimed that his ‘boss’ was even stronger than him. BlackWarGreymon however was unfazed.

“It matters not who your so-called master is. Because whatever he may be, he won’t hear a word of this fight.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean? You plan on imprisoning me?” The clone asked in curiosity. But the answer he received was the kind he didn’t expect.

“No. I’m going to destroy you.”

Everyone looked at BlackWarGreymon in shock. Wondering if he wasn’t serious about taking the life of his own clone. Especially since the way he said it, it sounded that he would do it in cold blood. But few of them, ChaosBlackWarGreymon included, could tell he was serious by the look in his eyes. He was determined in his own words. So determined, it was scary.

“You don’t really mean that, do you?” The clone asked, trying to see if it was all a ploy just to frighten him. But by the sound of his voice, it worked in a way.

Then BlackWarGreymon explained his reasons. Hoping that his friends too would understand.

“I do. You’re a part of me that I hoped to forget. A part of me that should never exist in Equestria. You’re my dark incarnation. The version of me of what would happen if I embraced my evil ways. If not, you’re more evil then I ever was.”

He then summed up his conclusion.

“All of Equestria would be in danger if I let you live.”

Everyone around the two Digimon finally understood. ChaosBlackWarGreymon was the embodiment of all of BlackWarGreymon’s rage and anger. Hate and malice. If their digital saviour wasn’t around, not a soul in Equestria could survive the cataclysm that the evil Digimon could bring. Not even the Alicorns. Not even Discord himself.

BlackWarGreymon spoke sense. Even if they didn’t like the sound of it, it was probably for the good of Equestria.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon must die.

Realising the truth in BlackWarGreymon’s words, ChaosBlackWarGreymon looked at his counterpart in disbelief. Trembling in the thought of his demise.

But aside from his fear of death, rage was burning through his body and mind. Blocking out all sense of remorse and reason. Just like his rival, the clone was defiant to the end.

His red eyes shifted to pure anger for his foes and frustration of the truth. He wanted nothing more then to erase his enemies from existence.

As he spoke, half way through his sentence he leapt into the air. Gaining distance from the ground below.

“No. No! NO! NO!! NO!!!”

The group below were surprised by the evil Mega’s defiance to accept his fate. As ChaosBlackWarGreymon reached to a good height, he raised his left working arm high in the air. And by combining what was left of his magic with what was left of his negative energy, from the tips of his claws he formed a glowing green sphere. Slowly growing larger as the clone channelled every last drop of power he had into his final last desperation attack. The sphere itself resembling a burning green sun.


While BlackWarGreymon was startled by the size of the attack, reaching near one hundred feet in diameter, the rest of the group took steps back in fear. The clone was about to unleash his might upon them.

Then the moment of truth happened. ChaosBlackWarGreymon reared his arm back, preparing to throw.

“The one who dies here… IS YOU!!!”

Throwing his arm down, the evil Digimon sent the giant green sphere down towards the group below. While the group ran for their lives, BlackWarGreymon stood his ground. Bravely staring at the oncoming attack in defiance and determination.

Looking back, the ponies and dragon watched on in horror as the giant burning orb seemed to have slammed into their digital friend. Then slowly pressing itself into the crystal ground.

“BlackWarGreymon!!” They called out as the giant sphere pressed further into the ground. ChaosBlackWarGreymon however was laughing hysterically. Believing that he had won.

“Heha. Haha! Hahaha!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

Just as the group were about to grieve over the apparent loss of their beloved friend, the whole ground began to quake unexpectedly. Then all of the sudden, the green orb seemed to be retreating. As if it was being pushed up.

“What!?” The mares asked, joined by ChaosBlackWarGreymon. Who stopped laughing as he sensed the change.


Slowly the giant green orb rose out of its newly formed crater. Then amazingly, a bright red glow formed beneath it.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s eyes widened in horror as he realised what had just happened.


As the sphere continued to rise off the ground, BlackWarGreymon was revealed to be the cause. Unexpectedly transformed into his Ascended form, he had the strength to lift the giant orb effortlessly and walked out of the crater.

All his friends gasped in astonishment and joy from the sight of him being strong once more and having survived such an attack.

“Y-You’re ok! You’re ok!!” Twilight called out in relief. The others could be heard cheering.

In the air, ChaosBlackWarGreymon stared on in horror. Gawking at the sight of his desperation attack being held in the grip of his foe. He was too in shock to speak or move.

Back on the ground, the Ascended BlackWarGreymon could see the fear in the eyes of his clone. With the attack firmly in place, the glowing Mega finally had the opportunity to end the battle once and for all.

“Is this attack yours, ChaosBlackWarGreymon!?” He spoke out for all to hear.

While his choice of words may sound confusing, ChaosBlackWarGreymon understood the meaning. He flinched in response. Then pointed his working arm at BlackWarGreymon in protest.

“No! You wouldn’t! You wouldn’t dare!! You don’t have the nerve!!”

The way the evil Digimon shouted caught the attention of the citizens of the Crystal Empire. With the feeling that the end of the fight was near its end, the crystal ponies came out of hiding in curiosity. Those in the area turned towards the scene of battle. Though surprised to see a giant glowing orb of mass destruction, they could tell that it was held by the one that was dubbed ‘the saviour’. With the evil clone shouting in the air.

As moments ticked by, Twilight and all her friends too understood what BlackWarGreymon said. Wondering if he would go through with it.

But when it seemed that it wouldn’t happen however, BlackWarGreymon shouted back.


To the surprise of the whole empire, the ascended Digimon threw his clone’s own attack back at him!

ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s crimson eyes widened in surprise and pure horror from the sight of his own attack hurtling back towards him. With no magic, he couldn’t teleport away. With his power gone, he couldn’t block, counter or deflect it. With his body drained of energy, he couldn’t even move out of the way.

As the giant fiery green sphere drew ever closer to him, all ChaosBlackWarGreymon could do was shout out in fear and defiance.


The great creation of evil screamed as his body became consumed in fiery light. Then silencing him.

What followed next was a colossal explosion that lit up the sky like a second sun. Blasts of air blew through the whole empire as most of the citizens hide for cover. BlackWarGreymon and his friends watched the blast in fascination.

As the bright green light faded into black smoke, fragments of grey Chrome Digizoid rained down from the sky above. With an unusually large piece crashing into a frozen lake on the outskirts of the empire.

BlackWarGreymon briefly chuckled as the last patch of smoke faded away. Victory. It seemed the living relic of his past, ChaosBlackWarGreymon, was finally destroyed.

“You…you did it!! You’ve won!!” Twilight cheered as all her friends joined in the celebration.

Just as BlackWarGreymon was about to respond, he immediately dropped out of his Ascended form the second he felt fatigue kicking in. With his body completely drained of energy, the tall Mega fell forward. Collapsing on the hard ground as he lost consciousness.

Gasping at the sight, Luna was first of the group to rush to his side in concern.

“BlackWarGreymon!! BlackWarGreymon, can you hear me!? Please say something!!”

But the Digimon merely responded with a quiet grunt of pain. His closed eyes could be seen squinting from the strain in his body.

As the blue Alicorn stared at the battered Digimon in sadness, a small cracking sound caught her attention. The moment she turned towards the source of the sound, she gasped at the sight of the large crack on his chest growing bigger. Even with him facing down, she could clearly see it from the side. It then grew slightly larger before her very eyes.

“Oh no, please hang on!!”

Luna then turned towards the rest of the group, all worried and wondering what was going on.

“He needs medical attention, quickly!!” Luna demanded, earning looks of surprise and horror from all her friends.

“Quick, let’s get him to the hospital!” Shining Armor said as he and the rest approached BlackWarGreymon’s side in concern.

“Right!” They all responded. Determined to help their friend.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire, over to where an object crashed through a frozen lake, its icy waters started to vent steam. As if something hot was brewing in the watery depths. As the ice around the lake started to melt at an alarming rate, the water started to boil and bubble.

Then all of a sudden, something burst out of the lake and shot straight through the air. Screaming in pain and burning rage.


Back at the empire, all of BlackWarGreymon’s friends heard the screaming and quickly looked at the sky above. Then a horrible realisation dawned upon them.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon was still alive!

At first the group thought that he would return to them for vengeance, but it seemed he had enough. Completely ignoring them, with pain and frustration in his long scream, he shot high over the empire and sped off in the distant horizon.

As the clone’s form disappeared over the snowy landscape, his screams became quieter. Until they were heard no more.

The group silently stared in the direction where the evil Digimon headed. Wondering where he was going.

Miles away from the Crystal Empire, ChaosBlackWarGreymon stopped screaming as he landed on top of a snowy hill. Breathing heavily, his entire body felt like he’d just been to hell and back.

Grunting angrily, he turned around back to the direction of the Crystal Empire. After grunting in hate, he shouted in rage. His voice echoing for miles.


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