• Published 10th Sep 2015
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(Short Story Chronicles 3) Cracked Armor - SaiyanUltima

There are lies amongst friends and families, and they always hit the one who is lied to the hardest. Shining Armor is that victim, and now he wants nothing to do with them. He, especially, wants nothing to do with the mare he married.

  • ...


Running from The Lies

My friends and family betrayed me.

There isn't another way to be so blunt with my statement.

It was all because of that bucking monster feeding them the sob story of her species on the verge of extinction. She manipulated them, thus took my only chance to have a family of my own.

I can never forgive her for this. I will never forgive my loved ones, not even my wife.

They did this to me!

Ever since I saw Cadance give birth to the egg, ever since I realized how much hatred I have for that bug. . .ever since I threw away my life, everything that makes me who I am has been shattered.

I should have known, I should have seen the signs, but I failed. How could I have been so blind by Cadance reason to not start a family?

. . .Why did she do this to me?

I guess I should start back to the day I found out my wife cheated on me. It was then that she and her fellow princesses drove me to the brink of exile. . .the one thing I never expected to do. I wished there was some other way to fix this. . .but there isn't.

No. . .no, there is no way to repair the damage that has been done. How could I possibly think that there is a way to make things right?

How could I have ever thought that my beloved wife was actually a skilled deceiver when it came to such drastic measures?

Why did she do this to me?

. . .

I opened my eyes to find myself lying in front of the fire I made a few hours ago. Looking at my satchel I counted the remainder of my rations, torturing myself with how little I have.

"I have to be past the borders of Equestria by nightfall or the princesses will have gained enough ground to block my route."

I slowly clambered to my hooves and began packing my stuff sluggishly, feeling just how exhausted I was from the long day of running.

Geez. . .Should've waited drinking the last of my whiskey when I got past the border. . ."

As I put the fire out and waited for the first bit of Celestia's sunlight to come over the horizon, I quickly realized there was no wildlife moving around me. I could not hear a single twig or leaf crunching underneath an animal. There was no wind, and I just slept through the nastiest gusts. There should be something.

In fact as I listened for the first sound of the Mist Forest I quickly concluded there was powerful magic approaching me. By powerful I mean it had me fighting for breath.

But there was a big problem to that. . .

The one releasing so much magic had her eyes on me. She watched in the darkness as I controlled my breathing. I had never felt this much power ignite in a pony, but this is a bucking goddess I'm talking about. She has enough magic to wipe out an entire city and not break a sweat doing it.

I knew I was in trouble, but I had to fight back. I had to get away from her before the others follow her trail.

That had to be the reason why she was crushing me with her magic pressure, to signal the others that she has found me.

All of a sudden I heard multiple voices screaming "the princess has found him." But before I could do anything, a small cage of yellow energy fell over me and shrunk to where I had little breathing space.

The maker of this cage stepped into the light of the sun. . .her sun. She looked sad. . .conflicted. . .but that cannot be right. She had no sadness for when my heart was broken by her and every one of those bucking traitors I call my friends and family.

The alicorn noticed me struggling to break free, her angelic voice irritating me.

"Shining Armor, just stop this already." she whispered, her voice balanced between disappointment and anger.

"Buck you," I concentrated all of my magic into the one spell she would never expect me to have mastered. "I'm not going back to the Crystal Empire, nor Canterlot. If you want me to go back YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO KILL ME!"

Her eyes widened in shock at this, but before she could say or do something else I found my focus point at the highest peek of the forest and pulled myself towards it. My body felt as if it were on fire when I broke down into millions of particles and reanimated myself at the hill. If it wasn't for the many years of enduring pain I would have screamed like a filly.

"Twilight told me teleportation is easy, but that bucking hurt!"

I leapt up from the dry mud I landed in and shook my body of the tingling that came with teleporting. My stomach felt as if somepony twisted it into knots. I wanted to throw up, but everyone saw me just now. Twilight and her friends. Princess Luna. Spike. . .

Even her. . .

"Shiny!" Cadance screamed while taking flight, her horn sparkling a deep blue as she chanted.

Before she could lay out a rune that would ensnare me, I aimed and unleashed a heavy kinetic force spell that knocked the wind out of her, her eyes widening as I took this moment to run deeper into the Mist Forest.

Upon hearing Cadance scream in pain I felt my chest compress and my heart collapse in shame. I vowed to never harm the love of my life, I swore to Celestia that I would never cause her niece any pain. It was the only thing I had left to call myself a good stallion. I could not protect anyone from our enemies, not even my own sister. And now I have nothing for honor.

I hurt my wife. . .No, I hurt the mare that hurt me. I made her feel what it is like to have lost again what was so close to your grasp that you can almost feel it snuggling in your hooves. I made her feel my pain.

"Shining, please stop!" somepony screeched through the forest. "We did not mean to hurt you!"

All of them were possibly horrified or disgusted for my assault on Cadance, but she deserved it.

I know that is wrong of me to say, but she really deserved it.

They seemed to snap out of their bewilderment when I turned away and ran over the hill to my next destination. As if some mystical force took over my body, every fiber of my being accelerated and did not stop; even though I was thinking differently, something was making this happen.

I ran and never looked back, because that would show weakness.

"G-gotta get to t-the border," I stammered between deep breaths. "If-if I can reach t-the border I-I will be home free. Celestia and L-Luna will not dare cross borders to retrieve me."

All of the daylight was quite blinding as I darted around trees and bushes. I felt my eyes dry out with each second of the mountain wind and sunlight burning in them without mercy.

"Where? Where is the town?" I asked myself, trying my utmost to stay focused and calm.

"Shining Armor, cease your running at once." As if I ever needed to guess who that is. I looked to my right for a surprise attack by the Princess of Night. She dove through the trees with her magic flared, her eyes burning with anger.

"She sure is persistent. Celestia chose her right for this." I slid under a broken tree, dodging Luna's sweeping tackle to my side. I'm not sure what happened next, but the best way to describe it is the blue alicorn said many foul things to herself, while pounding the ground with her hoof.

If I didn't know any better I would say she is having a tantrum.

"On second thought, maybe she should have chosen someone else to chase me."

The screaming died in the distance and I aimed for the clearing ahead of me. Heavens be with me at this moment.

"I'm almost there, just need a little more time and I'll be—" I broke off when I leapt through the opening, before skidding across the ground to what must be the most shocking moment in my entire life.

I grimaced at the swords and spears pointed directly at me and watched as their commanding officer dove in front of me, wearing my old armor in front me.

"How dare he!"

"Shining, surrender now and come back to the Crystal Empire, quietly." Flash Sentry demanded. He tried to approach me with most of Canterlot's guard backing me into Celestia and fellow pursuers, but one glare from me and a deeply infused channel of hatred and magic was enough to make them stop dead in their tracks.

Flash, however, was unfazed by this revelation. It wouldn't surprise me, though. He has seen enough of it to be fearless.

"Dark Magic," he whispered, almost as if he were disappointed. "What will you do next?"

"Move—" I lowered my horn as it seethed with the rage of my marriage being a lie. "—Or I will show you why I was the most talented combatant in the Royal Guard."

"Then I am sorry, but we have orders to bring you back. . . even if it means breaking every bone in your body. . ."

Just as they were about rush me, the color of true magic shifted into a hazy aura of red and black and grasped every guard by their manes. I lifted them into the air and compressed their weapons to dust, causing them to gasp before scream in agony. I threw them in different directions. Flash experienced the worst of it, though. His right wing went crashing into a boulder and flexed backwards.

I could hear the bones crunch and pop as he fell to the ground screaming in agony. His other wing folded tightly in the cut of his armor and his eyes dilated, just as they should in that circumstance. I am certain that his wing is broken in multiple places, although the given response indicated that.

I am not the kind of stallion to enjoy the pain of others, but this pathetic excuse of a captain was somewhat enjoyable in the perspective I am seeing. Flash Sentry had asked Twilight's hoof in holy matrimony just weeks ago, and she was the main reason Cadance kept secrecy about giving birth to a Changeling.

This is not Dark Magic corrupting me. This is pure revenge for having my marriage twisted into a lie right after I devoted my life to that cheating horse. I love my sister with all my heart, and I could never take my rage out on her.

Flash Sentry, however, is a different story. He's a male, and I can inflict Twilight with pain by hurting someone close to her. . .Just like she did by suggesting Cadance to lie about her pregnancy.

"That felt a little good," I whispered, before turning away to resume my escape. "But I don't have time to get even. I'm on a tight schedule."

I took the momentary silence to catch my breath and keep the Dark Magic under my control, only to have it give me another sharp headache.

"Twilight," Flash screamed through his pain. Surprising, really. "He's over here, hurry!"

I merely stood there for a moment. . .before leaving a fake magic trail and sprinting to my destination.

The only train that leads out of Equestria, Mist Mountain Express.

Leaving those bastards to writhe was more than enough to have the princesses and element wielders stop long enough for me to get out of the forest. But how long would it be before I'm found again?

How long did I have until she found me?

Would I ever have peace, or will she pursue me to the ends of the planet?

And so I ran as fast as I could, never looking back to see if anypony ignored the injured to keep me in their sight. Thankfully the only thing pursuing me is the wind nipping my neck.

Or so I thought. . .


The clearing darkened to what had to have been Luna's magic ensnaring me into some sort of illusion. The world went black and my hooves slowly froze in place, causing me to stumble against a tree. I was neither afraid or nervous of Luna, but this was not a good sign. Hence why I stopped running.

Unfortunately it was not Luna.

I spun to my attacker. My horn flared ever so slightly with the darkness as I saw the pink pony use her power to set runes around us. She was still as beautiful as ever, but I could not see that beauty the same way I do about her appearance. On the inside, in my eyes, she was nothing more than an ugly horse that has taken my heart and shattered it.

And that is why I CAN love and hate her at the same time.

She looked surprised when my horn curled and sharped, blazing in dark colors when I released my hatred again. She was hurt by this, even more than when she mistakenly dumped me in high school for false rumors and yet the slightest twitch in my glare was all it took for her to know how furious I am.

The Alicorn snapped out of her runic chanting and lost control of the atmosphere when I snarled at her. Light returned as she unfurled her wings and took a step forward with my our wedding bands on her hoof.

"Shining, don't. . .don't do this," she requested, tears in her eyes as she slowly approached. "Don't leave me. Please come home."

She looked desperate when I increased the flare and aimed at her chest. Then again, I would probably be the same way if my spouse threatened me.

"I have no home!" I growled, launching a small beam that just grazed the side of her mane. "I have no home with you or anypony in this bucked up family, just myself!"

"That is not true," she yelled, heartache and disbelief obvious in her expression as eyes watered. "You have an empire that needs you and a beautiful wife that wants you to come back home with her."

"No, I do not!" I barked. "You are not my wife, because I refuse to let you lie and deceive me anymore!"

"Dark Magic," she whispered, before approaching. "Shining, you've allowed your hatred to take hold on your magic. You're ill."

Before she could take another step towards me, I shoved her back with another kinetic force spell and sealed our distance with a dome of my own, burying myself in this corrupted magic as she slid across the ground, fighting to stay on her hooves.

"I am not ill, you cheating horse!" I screamed. "Now get the buck out of my way before I get really angry!"

I threw another kinetic spell at Cadance, but she strafed to the right and lowered her horn. Love Magic was obviously about to happen, but I know better than to let that garbage hit me. I know better than to let her attack, because my magic, light or dark, will not stop it.

It was only once I recharged my core that I fazed through my barrier and threw it at her. The beam she used shot through the hollow ball but failed to touch me, for I was faster than her.

I somersaulted to the left and teleported behind Cadance, using the dirt under my hooves as an added distraction. She had no way to dodge both without giving me another chance to get away. There were only two options to this: Block the shallow barrier or get out of the way.

Either way, my escape is inevitable.

"Shini—" I did not have to look back to understand why Cadance went silent. She was foolish enough to turn from the attack and try stopping me.

She screamed "My eyes!", and then screeched after my attack hit her in the back, causing her to fall directly into a shrub that is full of thorns. Disgust fills my stomach as I look from the corner of my eye to see her standing up with tears washing out the dirt.

"Stop!" she tries to charge me, but the thorns have her tail and mane tangled. "Wha—NO! Don't you dare move, Shining Armor!"

I leave the Alicorn to untangle herself, knowing this will be the last time we see eachother.

"Goodbye. . .Cadenza."

"Shining, wait!" is all I hear in the distance, before embracing the shadows of the mountainside. "Shining. . .SHINING!"


Mist Mountain Express

I threw my belongings against the wall and crashed with little care of other ponies hearing me, although I should take into consideration the colts and fillies around me that are scared to see angry I am.

Colts and Fillies. . .Foals. . .Little Ones. . .

I shut the door to my room and locked it before anyone could bother me about my ill behavior. They can buck off for all I care. None of them know the nightmare that is my life.

"Freedom," I whisper, smiling for the first time in days.

I curled under the blanket as fast as I could and reached for the newest edition of the Weapons Informer Magazine, finding where I left off in the Longsword Section.

I actually felt my exciting compelling me to buy one of these babies when I get into the Gryphon Kingdom. A Longsword is an odd choice for a stallion like me, but it is something I've always wanted to own since I saw my commanding officer use one during the breakout in Tartarus.

I'll never forget how General Blackfire cut down Tirek by taking away his horns. She should have been the mare I married, but, unfortunately, she is in a relationship with Princess Luna.

"Filly Fooler,"

The thought of her sweating in armor carried me to relaxation and another place I will not explain. It helped me get over having to run and fight for my freedom.

"I'm finally done," I told myself, but it wasn't as easy as letting go.

Exile is an easy thing to do when you nothing to live for, but my current situation has plenty of reason for me to rethink about my decision. That, however, would just take me back to the one thing I do not want to feel.

. . .A Broken Heart

And of course I have to torture myself with the not so fond memory of this all starting back at home.

"Why can't things just be simple?" I asked myself.

. . .

Cadance told me during our teenage years that she was not going to live forever unless I am there for her. She could not go a day without me at her side. Father Time would never claim her, and it would never claim me if I devoted myself to her, we would still exist in the eternity that her aunts said would be hard when I die.

There was so much heartache and anger when Cadance was denied the spell that would make me immortal. It was the first time I ever heard her say she hates Celestia.

But, thanks to a little thing called negotiations, we got what we wanted out of this deal. Sure it was a pain in the flank to have Celestia tell my parents what is going to happen, but everything turned out okay. Mom was upset at first; at least for twenty minutes.

Binding her magic with mine is what Celestia called it.

But I was furious to find out the bargain we agreed to was ended by that bug.

I had lost my one chance to have a family with Cadance. We spend years planning this out, and that thing ruined it all with her inability to die off.

Would I have understood if the princesses told me straight away what needs to happen?

Not at first, but I would have considered giving up my chance to build family. Yes, yes I would have let this happen. I would have given Chrysalis the opportunity to rebuild her species.

But now I have nothing, she had stolen it from me. I felt sick to my stomach. I could not look at my wife the same way.

And in that moment. . .I lost myself to rage.

There were Crystal Guards circling me, but no one tried to stop me. Everyone was here when I threw my ring at Cadance. . .and her aunts just stood there to hear me, to feel how much of a pair of failures they truly are to making things right.

"I have waited for us to have a foal for years, but you decide to sacrifice your embryos to Chrysalis so she can have a daughter!?" I yelled furiously. "Did you ever think that maybe this is something worth telling me!?"

Cadance was already in enough pain from having an egg fall out of her loins. But upon hearing my words and seeing the ring land in the blood she produced, whatever pain she had left seemed to have died.

"I know this upsets you, my love, but let me explain myself!" Cadance begged at the edge of her bed, frightened tears dripping into the bloody sheets upon picking up the ring with her magic. "Shining, I am sorry for doing this to you. But there is still a way for us to have a family. We can adopt a colt or a filly!"

"No, I have to preserve the family name!" I replied scathingly. "I told my father that I would give him and mom a colt or a filly. I promised them a grandfoal. But that is not going to happen because you gave up our chance to have a foal to that sadistic horse!"

"Shining Armor," Celestia said sternly as I turned around, not just to pack my things but also leave this country to find out the hard way what has happened. "You have every right to be angry with us, but being foolish will not fix anything."

"Foolish!?" I barked. "You're one to talk about being foolish. You're the one who was too stupid to see how lonely Luna was when you reigned over Equestria as the most loved pony. Buck, you can't even prevent a disaster from happening, so you send my sister into perils that can kill her. And you're insinuating that I am being foolish!"

Celestia did not say a word after that. She just stood there, a disappointed look adorning her face.

What for?

Who has disappointed her?




Who cares. . .

"Shining I beg of you, don't go!" Cadance pleaded desperately. "I swear to you I will fix this. I will use as much magic as needed to give you a foal. I'll fix myself. I'll give you a son or daughter, just please give me a second chance!"

There it is. . .that idea of fixing our problems by giving me whatever I want.

Well not today.

It was incredible when we were high school students falling in love with one another more and more on a daily basis, but after growing up I began to realize how much it affected me. I felt like some dumb puppy that can have his frustration quelled with a treat. We never fought, just argued every so often. But whenever there was argument between Cadance and I there was a bed to suffer our love-making in the end.

I should have stopped it when I still had time.

I felt Twilight's wing trying to gently curl around my leg, but after grasping the cold fact that I can never have foals with Cadance I pushed her away and ignored Cadance' sobs.

"Shining, please!" Twilight cried. If anyone suffered the most out of this. . .Twilight was the one. "We're sorry for hiding the truth. We just wanted to—"

"Don't talk to me, you lying, backstabbing, pampered brat!" I growled hatefully, throwing the birthday gift she gave me, a new crown, to her. "You are the same as everyone in here. And that make you dead to me!"

After seeing Twilight fall to her haunches and sob to Celestia, I went to my room, packed my things, and planned my leave for the middle of Luna's night. It was best and only part moment to leave this deceitful family.

Night guards lazing around on their patrols.

Everyone is asleep.


In all honesty I had thought to have been in the clear when I reached the border of the Crystal Empire . . .but after Cadance' screech across Equestria.


"She must have woken up early!"

The many sounds of ponies to find me was almost frightening. I could hear the crystal armor of those I trained clanking and scraping across the meadow as I ran for the woods.

Day after day passed me by with no rest, relaxation, or a moment to breathe without someone finding me. I could feel Cadance and the others closing in on my location every night. And having camp set up was not the best idea.

Luckily I had one advantage that no one, not even Celestia herself, can use against me.

Surviving on so little.

. . .

"Room Service," I heard on the other side of my door, knocks in the background of her voice.

And so I stood up and approached the door, hoping that maybe this untidy junker of a train will at least have tolerable food. I sighed deeply into the window and turned the knob as she repeated "Room Service" with a deeper tone.

Clearly I was supposed to respond by yelling back, but what's the point?

I've yelled enough already, so I might as well open the door and tell her to go away.

"Keep your bonnet on," I grunted, before opening the door. "I'm here now, but I don't want anything. So would you please—"

I barely managed to blink before the mare in front of me threw her hoof to my cheek. I gasped as the redness stung and she barged into my room, locking it with green magic.

Wait. . .green magic?

She couldn't have been more than two feet away from me when her eyes flashed a deep hazel and her body was engulfed in flames.

She glared at me and hissed ever so slightly, before pushing me onto the bed.

"You really are the biggest moron in Equus, you know?" she barked.

I had to grit my teeth in order to stop myself from flinching at the pain.

"Chrysalis!" I growled, seething with fury as she sat next to me.

"It's your fault Cadance had to give birth to my egg," she said mockingly, shaking her head in disappointment as those reached me. "But I guess you're like all stallions, ignorant and full of themselves."

I blinked in uncertainty. "My fault?"

With slight anger in her voice she slid closer to me and hissed. To my relief it was only a hiss and not a bite my neck or some sort of hypnotic spell, and so I glared at her, confusedly.

Only to freeze when she pointed at the door and giggled like the monster she is.

"Did you really think you could escape us?" she mused.

I turned to the door, and my eyes widened in shock of the many eyes looking through the window.

"Are you bucking kidding me?" I asked angrily, before punching the wall.

"Cadance has you tracked very easily—" Chrysalis scooted closer. "—But I'm not here to help them drag you back to the Crystal Empire. I'm here to let you know that running away is stupid, because Cadance giving birth to my egg is entirely your fault."

"My fault!?" I snapped. "How is it my fault that cheating horse popped out your disgusting egg out of her marehood!?"

Ultimately my anger got the best of me and I stood up to finish this abomination off with everything I have. But, as always in my life, the answer stops me before I make that move.

"It's very simple," Chrysalis quipped. Suddenly her playful attitude turned into a foul nature of ill intention, a scowl that made me cringe on the inside. Her hooves moved to the alcohol shelf to my right, and she poured herself a glass. "You, you stupid dolt, killed my children and my ability to reproduce."

End of Chapter One

Author's Note:

Just so we are clear on what this is about.

This chapter is just a little something that's been eating me away for a little while. I've been trying to find a way to write this but never could because of my current situation.

But I have it done now, so I hope enjoyed this chapter.

And yes. . .Damn me and my cliffhanging! (Evil Laughter) :trollestia: