• Member Since 1st Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 2nd


Just some dumbass who writes bullshit stories.


TopWanted Thanks for the Cover Art buddy.

Edit: So, 3 years since I've updated this, but due to some personal things happening in my life, I'm gonna try and pick this back up.

Things will be different, and some of my original plans are have changed.

But, Expect something in the next few weeks.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 111 )

Bro this is funny cant wait to see wat happens next

Good think Twilight wasn't here to see this guy. He'd scare her pretty easily.

6586220 Oh trust me when she meets Wade there will be hell to pay....if she can get Wade to stop fangasming

Interesting, but a little too excessive in the use of language (cussing) for my tastes. Won't be reading.

My issue is with all the other characters cursing so much.

6587987 That...won't be happening outside the first chapter...or at least not unless necessary. My defense for Sunset is that 1. There is a strange man in bed with her 2. She just woke up and is NOT happy and 3......as I will reveal later on Sunset is not by any definition, a teenager. She's actually in her early 30s. Plus...Sunset is not having ANY of Wade's bull. Trust me I will rarely have the girls swearing and even when they get less...friendly later on I will only have them swearing on occasion and no where NEAR as much as Wade or some of the other Marvel heroes. So please read on and don't judge it by the first chapter. :twilightblush:

I have no idea how to feel about this.
This has never happened before.
I don't know what to do.

6601739 *sits in a fancy chair* Please explain to me what exactly is wrong

Sunset Shimmer is one of my favorite characters in cannon and fan fiction. I love every interpretation of her that I've come across so far, even here. But this is the first time I've come across a fic were she *takes a deep breath* gets pregnant from a drunken one-night-stand that she was set up on by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash with a guy she despised at the time and still despises.

6603854 The thing is this was originally written as a side thing for a Role Play group I hang with where I play as both Wade and Sunset. The thing played out perfectly in the Role play due to the fact that stuff like this happens daily for us during sessions. (we once had a food war between Wade and Princess Molestia and the next week Sunset pumped a supernova into Ultron) I decided it might make a funny fic so I turned the story into what you are reading. I never intended to be out of character or offensive, but stuff like this in the context of the Role Play makes a lot more sense, while here it does seem to come a bit out of no where. For example the "No sleep with ponies" rule was a HUGE thing in the Role play since I'm the only one in the group that doesn't act out the more....sexual acts of the RP, mostly just implying sex when it happens to Wade so when Wade slept with Sunset it meant a lot more and was a hell of a lot funnier. Also Pinkie and Dash never intended to get Sunset pregnant. They just wanted Sunset to have to endure a date with Wade as a bit of personal payback for the fall formal and years of bullying. As you will see the other girls do not approve with how things turned out and will hold this against them for a while. The intention of this fic is to explore what would happen if Wade came to the EQG universe and was forced to stay there for a while along with...other things but as River Song would say "Spoilers". Just keep reading and take it all with a grain of salt

Thanks for the explanation.

Just keep reading and take it all with a grain of salt

Will do. Also, what does that mean? I've seen it used, heard it used, but never seen an explanation for what it means.

6604215 it means just give the writer the benifit of the doubt and don't take it too seriously when something happens that you disapprove of.

Don't have an editor yet so you Grammer Nazies can open the flood gates

Oooooooooooooooooooooo pwhed by sunset

OK. Still not sure how I feel about the first chapter, but this one I liked.

6605595 yeah the first three chapters following the intro chapter are all gonna be about Wade winning over the Humain 5, minus Pinkie of course. After that I'll be introducing some actual conflict with the reveal of the main villain in chapter 5

Don't forget, I proofread this grammar Nazi's nightmare!

“Wait…why am I a teenager? Geez is this what Kidpool was going through? Man puberty sucks!”

MAY THE GOD OF AGE HELP! nahh he is just a dick.. also another part in the story was said somthing of one of his powers are taken away.... let me guess regen?


“I resent that. I support the Solar Empire”
We are NOT having this argument AGAIN!


Though if that worry's as dark as it gets, I don't think it needs Tragedy.

6648242 it may get a bit darker in the later chapters but for now that is as dark as it will get so :yay: no tragedy tag!

As long as she's able to come to terms with it somehow - and doesn't end up losing the baby afterwards - it should be alright.

6648280 Oh don't worry her coming to terms with is kinda the entire point of her arc. And her losing it is OUT OF THE QUESTION! I can't even write shit that dark!

going through the chapters and fixing anything I missed when reformatting after my proofreader fixed my grammatical nightmares #firstworldproblems

First things is I like this and can't wait for chapter 10 and second is this feels more like deadpools on 16 and pregnant

6649633 Oh, Tatsu, you've read a work I've edited? Huh.

Thanks man... :pinkiesad2: I had fun editing it. Oh, and BTW, I'm a teen.


Might I, as a Deadpool fan, just suggest something about this story? Deadpool has always been portrayed as being far more than laughter, except for a rather short stint of flanderization. But usually, for one thing, Deadpool tries to make himself laugh for the sake of burying the pain, which when he faces, would send him into a deep rage, and secondly, Deadpool is also shown to be extremely compassionate, because he knows what pain is, and can sympathize with others who've been through it. Even comedy requires some serious moments to offset the comedy and make it funnier.

However, I will say, excellent story so far, and I've mostly just read the first chapter! :twilightsmile:

6824517 it was my pleasure. BTW I totally agree. FotS is SOOOO much harder than TTFAF....I still have haunting memories of my fingers in pain from that fucker

6824527 trust me keep reading! It only gets funnier and Wade gets a HELL of a lot more deeper as a character...especially with what I have planned later on....trust me Sunset will not be the only ones facing her inner demons

Funny little tidbit, it was cupcakes that introduced me to the world of ponies, and before anyone can say it i know that's messed up but for your information i already know that.. The tiny discord in my head already says so. But dont worry im not crazy, so no silent judgments (especially you guy spanking it while reading.. You know what you did)


6824527 Here's a question: Why do you think Wade didn't just Ditch Sunset after he found out she was pregnant? He genuinely cares about her and the fate of his soon to be child and as you later find out....He adores her and his child/children (not spoiling that!) Wade has finally found a group of people that ACTUALLY like him for who he is and treat him like family. As you will later see Wade will display absolute rage and brutality when his new family is threatened. Wade says it best: He's no hero. He's just a man with the power to murder anyone who fucks with his family

6825182 right well the god in my head has asked me to pass on a note.. Ahem and i quote 'oh I do so enjoy enjoy watching this story of yours play out, It gives me a fresh brand of chaos i need to survive my captivity in here. We will be watching on with great interest from our little dungeon and if you wouldn't mind please warn wade to look out when taking a pregnant woman with mood swings around pointy things and things that can go through his skull.' end quote

Flutterbutter? That has got to be one of the most adorable Fluttershy nicknames I have ever heard!!!!

6882225 Thanks! :pinkiehappy: expect more Fluttershy nicknames as Wade LOVES to use em!

So. Much. Aesome! :rainbowkiss:Can't wait for more! Keep up the good work!:pinkiehappy:

By the way, for those who are wondering why I called out "Jerkwad"'s usage of the first amendment, I direct you to the amendment, as summarized by Wikipedia:

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

In short, the freedom of speech is actually the right to speak out against the government, not to say whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want.

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