• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 1,789 Views, 73 Comments

Silent Jade - Wanderer D

The story of Silent Jade, the Assassin. Prequel to The Empty Room

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Chapter 3: The Offer

Silent Jade

Chapter 3: The Offer

By Wanderer D

Rarity took Gaius downtown first to show him the interesting places in Ponyville. They had walked, through the market and around the Town Hall, drawing more than a few raised eyebrows. Gryphons weren't a usual sight in that side of Canterlot, after all. She had then walked him to Sugarcube Corner, where Gaius had bought her a slice of strawberry cake and a chocolate milkshake.

They took one of the tables outside the bakery and Rarity had spent the next hour or so telling him all about the ponies she had fixed clothes for, how she had gotten her cutie mark and about her costumes for the school play. She told him about school, about Ardeur, and how her new friend Applejack had the largest apple farm in all of Equestria.

After that, they had roamed around town, and Rarity had pointed out Miss Book Belt's school building, and Rarity's favorite see-saw.

Not once did she bring up her mom in conversation past mentioning that they had gone to one place or another together, however. She'd talk about what she had heard about the Everfree Forest and how monsters would come out on Nightmare Night and gobble up unwary ponies.

Eventually, they had wandered towards the park, and it was there, when they reached a small hill that overlooked Ponyville that Gaius had finally asked her.

"Tell me about your mother."

Rarity looked at Gaius with a confused frown. "But you knew her, right?" She gulped, looking away. Every reminder that she was gone still hurt.

"Of course," Gaius said with a smile. "But I knew the her from before you were born. Tell me about Prench Seam, please." He guided Rarity to a flat area of the hill and sat down next to her.

Rarity gave him a quizzical look before taking off her saddlebags and sitting down as well. Out of habit, she levitated Ardeur out of her bag and held the plush phoenix against her chest as she glanced down at the town.

"My mom was a seamstress," she said after a moment. "The best in Ponyville! She taught me all about sewing and fabrics..." She looked down. "She was nice. And warm. She loved to sing to me when I was going to sleep. She loved going to the market with me and getting excited about flowers and Granny Smith's apple pie or Zap Apple Jam." She sniffled. "H-her favorite food was mint-chocolate cake, like the one Angel Cake makes at Sugarcube Corner. She drank tea, not coffee."

Rarity closed her eyes and fought the tears. She didn't want grandpa Gaius to see her cry. When she felt the wing wrap around her, she leaned onto his feathers and sobbed. "S-she liked to smile at ponies!" she forced out. "She would give old Mrs. Rich a secret discount because Mrs. Rich loved her dresses! She made me promise never to tell!" she cried.

Her body shook harder than she thought it could, but she held onto Ardeur and Gaius, desperately, trying to calm down. His feathers were strangely soft, especially when she could feel how strong his muscles were under it. His wing around her shoulders weighed nothing, and yet, she felt so warm and protected. She looked up at him, and saw his eyes had watered a bit as he smiled down at her.

He was family.

Rarity cried for several minutes while he remained motionless, wing covering her and waiting.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what—"

"It's okay," Gaius interrupted, his smile gentle. "You did a great job, Prench Seam was a wonderful pony. An amazing mom. I'm even more proud of her than I was before."

Rarity nodded, sniffling and wiping away her tears. "Was she very different with you, granpa?"

Gaius barked a laugh that made Rarity jump. He kept laughing for a few moments, before he controlled it and grinned, not looking at Rarity or Ponyville, but rather at the sky.

"Oh, Rarity. Your mother was... amazing." He shook his head, eyes distant. "Before coming to Ponyville, she did things, had adventures, fought monsters... just—" He cut himself off and chuckled, looking down at the awed filly.

"Your mom had a difficult and dangerous life growing up. She made me proud with every achievement, every challenge she took on and succeeded. When I knew her—when she lived with me, learning from me and following in my steps, I never imagined she would turn out to be who you described.

"I think..." Gaius trailed off, staring into Ponyville. "That the only time I saw that side of her before she met your dad was... one time, when she sang to me." He smiled, albeit a little sadly. "I was injured, neither of us knew I'd make it home alive." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "That is my favorite memory of your mother. Singing to me while holding my head to her chest."

Rarity smiled and hugged the gryphon, not feeling at all anxious about the sharp claws when his foreleg gave her a gentle squeeze. She pushed back and looked at him in awe. "But, how did my mom do all of that while learning how to sew in Prance?"

Gaius grimaced. "It's not a story I can freely repeat," he said, patting her head. "Nine years ago, after I... visited Canterlot, I stopped by to talk to your mother here. She had a lot of responsibilities she chose to leave behind and as such I took them over."

Rarity slowly closed her mouth. "A-are you disappointed?"

Gaius shook his head, looking down at Rarity. "No. Your mother did better than the life I could give her." He very gently used a talon to lift Rarity's chin, so she would look at him. "For all her adventures and achievements, looking at you now... this little, brave filly that is so much like her it hurts... I can tell you in all honesty, I couldn't have wished for a different result in how she chose to lead her life. You and Sweetie Belle are miracles she brought to this world. And I am so glad she lives in you."

"But then what's the problem in telling me?" Rarity asked, her grip on Ardeur tightening.

Gaius looked at the plush toy and smiled. "When I gave her that little toy of yours, she made me promise to take you in, if there was no way around it. I didn't want you to go through the same things she did, but your mother, she... well, she knew exactly how our group operates."

His smile faded and he looked down at the town. "Your father is a good stallion, but he's struggling and he doesn't have the means to keep you and your sister... I already heard rumors from the social services office in Ponyville, and they have him on probation. Soon they'll push a case saying that he can't afford you both and he'd lose Sweetie and you both."

Rarity gasped, looking down at her home in horror. "But—"

"However," Gaius spoke up. "According to my order, I am allowed to take you from home and offer your father a large sum of bits in recompense. He'll be able to afford taking care of Sweetie, and we'll make sure you save money and help them out too, if you choose to do this."

"Is this why you were telling daddy about having to take me with you?" Rarity bit her lip. "What would I have to do?"

Gaius cleared his throat. "I can't tell you unless you accept, for your protection and your dad and sister's."

Rarity pouted. "What if I say no?"

"I don't know. I am very capable of doing a lot of things, but my direct involvement in other ways would draw too much attention." Gaius was quiet for a moment. He closed his eyes, shaking his head. "I'll have to find some other way to help, but I would be severely limited. It would be less quick, and might cause some problems with the social services office here while we sort it out, not to mention..." he glanced at her. "Well. Other things."

Rarity gulped.

"Listen to me, Rarity," Gaius said at length. "This would not be a happy life. It would be dangerous, and you will have to do things you're not going to be proud of. At least I hope you never are." His wings ruffled. " But you will grow strong, you'll learn skills that will help you in the future and you will help your family." He took a deep breath and repeated, almost to himself, "It's not a happy life."

"But," Rarity spoke up, touching her hoof to his talon. "It's the same thing my mommy did?"

Gaius hesitated, but nodded. "It will change your view of her forever, Rarity, and you will have to leave Ponyville for a long time."

They remained silent for a long time. Gaius even laid down on the soft grass, next to Rarity, who held onto Ardeur like it was her lifeline.

She thought about her school and her friends. About Applejack and not visiting Sweet Apple Acres anymore. About no more cake. And no more Ponyville. No more farmer's market every Saturday. No more looking at Canterlot Castle in the distance and dreaming of becoming a princess.

But most of all, she thought about her dad, working himself to the bone trying to get enough work done to afford them. About her sister... and she thought about the idea of losing them and being sent over to be adopted by different families. Faceless ponies walking in and holding her dad back while they marched Rarity out of the house and picked up Sweetie Belle.

What if Sweetie Belle was sent over to another city?

Rarity shuddered in the breeze, and once again Gaius put his wing around her. Sighing, she rested her head on his shoulder, gazing down at her home.

Her mom had a strange, secret past that she had told nopony about, and only grandpa Gaius knew the truth about it. Her mind drifted to her mother's smile, her gentle kisses. 'Could it really be that bad?'

She sighed.

"Grandpa Gaius?"


"I want to go with you."

Level Spirit closed the door to Rarity's room and sighed, walking up to the kitchen, where Gaius awaited. "She's asleep."

The gryphon nodded, gazing into his tea thoughtfully.

"Do you really think this is the best for her?" Level Spirit asked, taking a seat across Gaius. "Taking her away from home?" he added bitterly.

The gryphon sighed and looked up with a tired look. "I don't know, Spirit." He looked down at his tea again. "I have to wonder what Prench was thinking when she said it was an option."

Level Spirit looked away, tapping at the table with his hoof. He looked back at the gryphon. "I remember when we met, nine years ago."

Gaius looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"She tried not to show it, but Prench was terrified when you showed up at our door."

Gaius didn't reply, simply shrugging while Level Spirit stared at him.

"She made me promise to stay inside. She didn't answer when I asked her what was wrong, or if she was coming back."

Gaius nodded.

"And then, a few minutes later, she comes in," Spirit continued, "crying and smiling and telling me that you're her dad and that she was worried you wouldn't approve of me, and she showed me Ardeur and said you bought it for our first born."

Gaius chuckled.

"Was I good enough?" Level Spirit asked, not looking at Gaius.

The gryphon took a sip of his tea before speaking up. "When I came here to find Prench Seam... I didn't know what to expect." He scratched his beak. "Certainly, finding her married to an unknown stallion was..."

"Unexpected?" Level Spirit offered.



"But not because of you," Gaius said slowly. Ponderously. "I had an epiphany earlier that same night, so when I saw you, I wasn't disappointed in her, or you. I was disappointed in me. I let my little girl think that she had to hide from me." Gaius laughed. "No, Level Spirit, back then I didn't think you were not good enough for her."

"That was back then," Level Spirit said, glancing at the gryphon. "What about now?"

"Does it matter?" Gaius sighed. "It wasn't me who decided your worth. It was Prench Seam, and she thought you were definitely worth it."

"But you did such a great job with her..." Level Spirit whispered. "And now—" He stopped when Gaius started laughing and narrowed his eyes. "I don't see what's funny."

"I didn't do a great job with her," Gaius choked out, coughing a little before he could look up at Level Spirit. "I taught her skills to survive and how to make it wherever she went... but Prench Seam..." he chuckled. "She was her own pony, even if I had the honor of watching her grow into the mare she became."

He gave Level Spirit a considering glance. "You've done well with Rarity. I can see much of Prench Seam in her. And I'm sure you'll do an excellent job with Sweetie Belle too."

"Then why do I have to lose my daughter?" Level Spirit blurted out and grimaced. "If I'm a good father, then why can I barely afford our livelihood? Why can't I offer them a better future on my own?"

Gaius shook his head. "I don't want to take her away, and you're not losing her, Level Spirit," he said, reaching across the table and poking Spirit's chest with a sharp talon, making him jump. "I'm going to make sure she learns a way to live, but more importantly to her, we're making sure you and Sweetie Belle get to stay together and greet her when she comes home."

Level Spirit nodded sullenly.

Gaius sighed. "The money will help you even out, and also take better jobs when you hire somepony to watch Sweetie. Rarity will learn a trade that will set her up for life, and she's already looking after her dad and sister." He grinned. "You've done a good job. A great job. Let me help the best way I know how."

Level Spirit looked at his father in law. "I miss her."

Gaius leaned back and nodded. "Me too." He glanced at the empty cup. "I miss her too."