• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 3,424 Views, 123 Comments

Rarity's Fairy Tail - CosmicAlchemist24

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RFT EG: Chap.1

Location: Outside of Canterlot High,

“Sweet, we finally made it.” A boy said as he and a girl next to him were standing in front of the school.

“Aye, this is going to be great.” the girl said excitingly.

“You bet, I’m all fired up!” The boy said with a toothy smile.

Location: Cheerilee’s classroom

“What do you mean you have to cancel!?” Rarity said in a shocked tone. Flash was standing in front of her and had a guilty look on his face.

“I’m sorry Rarity, but I have to go out of town with my parents for a funeral tonight. You sure you can’t find someone else to model this male clothing line of yours?” Flash asked.

“No I don’t and the presentation is two days away, I’ll never find another boy with the right look in time.” Rarity said.

“I’m sorry Rarity, really I am.” With that Flash went back to his desk. Rarity then put her head down on her desk.

“I can’t believe this, I just can’t believe this. No what am I going to do, I can’t show up to the presentation without a male model.” Rarity said in a sad tone. Just then, Ms. Cheerilee walked into the room and everyone immediately gets into their seats.

“Good morning everyone.” Cheerilee said with a smile.

“Morning teach.” Everyone said back to her.

“I hope everyone studied for their Algebra test today.” Cheerilee said grabbing a stack of papers off her desk. Rarity quickly lifted her head and stared at her teacher with horror and shock.

“What test!?” She asked.

“Ms.Belle I announced this earlier this week, don’t you remember?” Cheerilee asked placing a paper on Rarity’s desk. Rarity tried to think back, but nothing came to her.

Oh this day just keeps getting better and better.” She thought to herself.

Location: Principal Celestia’s office

“Alright, Natsu Dragneel and Coco Pommel, correct?” Celestia asked the two new students in front of her.

“That’s right.” The boy now known as Natsu said.

“Aye.” The girl known as Coco said.

“Well you two, I’d like to welcome you both to Canterlot High and I hope you both will enjoy yourselves for the next two years.” Celestia said with a smile.

“Thank you ma’am.” Coco said smiling back at his. “Yeah thanks.” Natsu said. Celestia nodded and handed the two new students a piece of paper.

“These are your schedules for the year, I hope you both will get along with all the students and the teachers.” She said.

“Yes ma’am.” Coco said.

“You go it.” Natsu said.

“You both better get a move on, classes have already started.” Celestia said. Natsu and Coco both nodded and walked out of the office.

“Alright I got Ms.Harshwhinny for Economics right now, who do you have Natsu?” Coco asked.

“Um...Ms.Cheerilee for….Algebra, Oh man!” Natsu said with a groan.

“Starting off the day with your worst subject, ouch.” Coco said rubbing Natsu’s back.

“Ugh!” Natsu said.

“Come on bro, it won’t be that bad.” Coco said.

“Hopefully you’re right, I’ll see you later sis.” Natsu said walking off to class.

“Don’t get into trouble.” Coco said to him.

“No promises.” Natsu said with a smirk. Coco just rolled her eyes and proceeded to her classroom.

Location: Ms.Cheerilee's Classroom

Someone kill me!” Rarity thought as she struggled with her exam. “I was so worried about the presentation on Saturday, I forgot all about this exam and now I’m going to have wing it.” She thought as she gritted her teeth. Just then, a knock came from the classroom door.

“Come in.” Cheerilee said. The door opened to reveal a boy with tan colored skin, onyx colored eyes, and rose colored hair. He wore white pants which were held up by a red belt, a white t-shirt with a red jacket over it, red shoes and a white scarf that looked like it was made out of some sort of scales around his neck. The entire class just looked at the boy in awe.

“Oh my gosh, he’s hot!” Flitter whispered.

“You got that right.” Cloudchaser whispered back.

“He seems a little weird to me.” Flash said.

“Agreed I mean, what guy has pink hair?” Norman asked. Everyone started to talk about the rose haired boy, but Rarity just stared at him with.

Those pants, that jacket, that scarf they’re amazing.” Rarity thought to herself.

“Ah you must be the new student, Mr...Dragneel?” Cheerilee asked.

“That’s me, Natsu Dragneel! Nice to meet you all.” Natsu said with a toothy smile. The girls were immediately in love with Natsu’s trademark smile.

“He’s mine.” Minuette whispered with a blush on her face.

“You wish.” Twinkleshine whispered back.

“Yea, let me have him.” Moondancer said also with a blush on her face. The boys just gave Natsu either a look of shock or of anger.

“You can’t be serious, this guy’s a lady killer.” Flash said glaring at Natsu.

“I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose.” Microchips said.

“He seems cool to me.” Sandalwood said. Rarity also looked at the boy with slight interest.

Hmmm….IDEA~!” Rarity thought to herself with a smile on her face.

“Everyone back to your exams! Well Natsu, I’d like to Welcome you to Canterlot High. As you can see we’re in the middle of an exam right now, so why don’t you find an empty desk and wait until everyone is finished.” Cheerilee said.

“Sounds good to me.” Natsu said with a nod. He then looked around for an empty seat, he then saw a seat next to a certain purple haired girl and walked over to it.

“Mind if I sit here?” Natsu asked. Rarity looked up to see the Natsu with a smile on his face.

“O..o..of course.” Rarity stuttered.

“Thanks.” Natsu said taking the seat next to her. Rarity then began to look Natsu over.

Body type is right, just a bit taller and his eyes are perfect. I think I found my new model...well maybe….hopefully.” Rarity thought with a smile on her face. Natsu noticed that Rarity was staring at him.

“Um...is something wrong?” Natsu asked awkwardly. Rarity then snapped out of her thoughts and began to blush.

“Oh uh no dear, I’m just….um... admiring you clothes. They look wonderful on you.” Rarity said hoping he would buy her lie.

“Oh thanks, my sister Coco made them for me.” Natsu said. This caught Rarity’s attention.

“Your sister made those for you?” She asked.

“Yea, she a nut about designing outfits and stuff like that.” Natsu said.

“Is that so, well-” “Ms.Belle, you're in the middle of an exam.” Cheerilee said causing Rarity to flinch and go back to her exam. Natsu began to snicker and looked at Rarity.

This is to be an interesting year.” Natsu thought to himself.

Timeskip to lunch

“He bailed on you!?” Rainbow said with shock.

“Yes, he has to go to a funeral this weekend.” Rarity said looking down. Sunset then put a hand on her shoulder.

“I'm sorry Rare, can't you find someone to fill in for him?” She asked. Rarity’s mind went straight to the new boy in her class, but she had just met him and asking him out of the blue would be rude.

“No, Flash was the only one who fit the style of the outfits I made.” Rarity said before taking a bite out of her apple.

“Oh come on now, there has to be someone.” Applejack said. Rarity just shook her head.

“I guess I'll have to pull out of the presentation.” She said.

“Rarity, you can't do that.” Fluttershy said in a worried tone.

“Yea, this is your chance to get your work out of Canterlot City and into the world.” Sci-Twi said. Rarity sighed.

“I thank you all for the enthusiasm, but without a model I can't do anything.” She said.

“Oh oh, I got an idea!” Pinkie said in excitement.

“Pinkie, you're not dressing up as a guy…..again.” Rarity said.

“Aww.” Pinkie said crossing her arms. Everyone else at the table raised a brow at this.

“What do you mean ‘again’?” Sunset asked.

“I'd rather not talk about it.” Rarity said shaking her head. Before anything else could be said, dome of the girls in the cafeteria began squealing over something.

“There he is.” Moondancer said.

“That’s the guys you told us about?” Vinyl asked with shock in her voice.

“We told you he was hot.” Flitter said with a smile.

“Yea, but you didn’t say he was that hot.” Mystery Mint said.

“Who’s the girl next to him?” Twinkleshine asked.

“Oh please, don’t let that be his girlfriend.” Lemon Hearts prayed. The Humane 7 all wondered what the girls were talking about and turned to see Natsu walking with Coco.

“W...who is that?” Fluttershy asked with a small blush on her face.

“I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Whoa there Sunset, you don’t even know the guy.” Applejack said.

“Did I not just imply that I was going to get to know him?” Sunset said as she kept staring at Natsu. Applejack just shook her head.

“You can’t really blame her Applejack, look at him.” Sci-Twi said gesturing to the boy.

“Aw not you too Twi, he’s just a regular guy like every other guy in this school.” Applejack said.

“I’m with AJ he’s cute, but not that cute.” Pinkie said taking a bite of her pudding. Rainbow nodded in agreement, but she also stole some quick glances at Natsu. Sunset shrugged her shoulders.

“Your loss, now I just need to his name.” She said.

“His name’s Natsu Dragneel.” Everyone turned to Rarity, who was also staring at Natsu.

“You know him?” Sci-Twi asked.

“Yes and no, He just transferred in and he sits next to me in math.” Rarity said.

“Why didn’t you say anything, what’s he like?” Sunset asked.

“I can’t say much, we only talked for about two minutes before I went back to my exam. He does seem nice though.” Rarity said.

“Well that’s something I guess.” Sunset said shrugging her shoulders. Rarity just sighed and looked to Natsu again.

Well, I guess he is kinda cute.”

With Natsu and Coco

“Well someone’s popular.” Coco said as she and Natsu sat down at an empty table.

“Ah shut it.” Natsu said.

“Oh come on Natsu, don’t pretend you don’t like the attention.” Coco said nudging Natsu with a sly smile on her face.

“Not really, it’s weird having everyone staring at me...especially the girls.” Natsu said.

“That means they like you Natsu.” Coco said with a smile.

“They don’t even know me.” Natsu said.

“That won’t stop them from trying to get to know you, who know you might find yourself a girlfriend by the end of the month.” Coco said with a chuckle. Natsu just gave Coco a deadpanned expression.

“That'll be the day.” He said taking a bite out of his salad. Coco giggle.

“It maybe sooner than you think.” She said. Natsu just rolled his eyes.

“Whatever.” He said taking another bite of his salad.

“Anyway, how was Algebra?” Coco asked.

“Well, since everyone was taking an exam I got to relax.” Natsu said with a smile.

“You got off easy bro.” Coco said. “You’re telling me. What about you, how were your classes so far.” Natsu asked.

“They were great, I have an amazing English teacher and I met this one girl in my Geography class. Her name is Starlight and she seems pretty cool.” Coco said.

“Nice to see you making friends sis.” Natsu said smiling at her.

“Thanks, did you meet anyone interesting in any of your classes?” Coco asked. Natsu thought back to his classes this morning and no one really stuck out...well except one person.

“Well, there was this one girl I sit next to in Algebra. She seemed nice enough a little weird, but nice.” Natsu said.

“Really, what’s her name?” Coco asked.

“Uh...i’m not sure I never got a chance to ask since she was taking her exam. I think the teacher called her...Belle.” Natsu said scratching his head.

“Belle huh, well I’m sure you’ll see her later on.” Coco said. Natsu just shrugged his shoulders.

“I guess.” He said.

Timeskip with the Rainbooms

“Finally, time for practice!” Rainbow said as she and the girls all headed to the music room.

“Agreed, I need to relieve some stress.” Rarity said putting a hand on her head.

“Well between the loss of your model and the brutal algebra test I can understand why.” Sunset said putting a hand on Rarity’s shoulder.

“Cheer up Rarity, it’ll be ok.” Pinkie said smiling at the fashionista. Rarity nodded and smiled back.

“I know.” She said.

“Good now let’s- do you guys hear that?” Rainbow asked as she and the girls got closer to the music room. Upon looking in, the girls saw Natsu and Coco both with guitars in their hands. Natsu had an electic on him while Coco had an acoustic.

Rarity’s Fairy Tail EG: Snow Fairy

Hey Fairy
Where you going?
I'm trying to assemble all this light
I'll shine it down and make tomorrow bright!

(Oh Yea)
Now do you hear the voices
Calling out your name?
(Oh Yea)
Because I lost my voice while
Doing the same
(Oh Yea)
I'll never quit until I feel your beating heart
(Oh Yea Oh Yea)

The sun and moon have joined in celebration
Have you forgotten their affiliation?
When you're not here to share your laughter with me
I just can't find my inspiration

Natsu and Coco
Now it's snowing
Keep going
Be honest
Keep smiling because
We're approaching
The clock keeps on ticking
And it never stops
Hey Fairy
Where you going
I'm trying to assemble all this light
I'll shine it down and make tomorrow bright
Why? Why? Why?
Don't say goodbye

“We still got it!” Natsu said with a smile.

“Aye sir!” Coco said also smiling. The Rainbooms just stared at the two for a few seconds before Sunset spoke up.

“He’s mine.” She said with a small blush on her face.

“Screw you, he’s mine!” Rainbow said. Fluttershy also had a small blush on her face.

“You two are completely hopeless.” Applejack said shaking her head.

“I say again Applejack, can you blame them?” Sci-Twi said blushing as well.

“Those two were amazing.” Pinkie said with a smile. Rarity just stared at Natsu for a few seconds.

“Hmmm… maybe...just maybe.” She thought putting a hand on her chin. Natsu then turned to the door to see the Rainbooms staring at him and Coco.

“Sis, I think we have an audience.” He said pointing at the Rainbooms. Coco turns to see them as well.

“Oh...um hi.” She said with an awkward wave. Before anything else could be said, Pinkie ran right up to Natsu and Coco.

“OH MY GOSH, YOU BOTH WERE SO GOOD!” Pinkie said jumping up and down. Coco and Natsu looked to one another, then back to Pinkie and smiled at her.

“Well, thank you.” Coco said.

“Yea thanks, we worked really hard on this song.” Natsu said.

“Well, i think we all agree when I say your hard work paid off.” Sunset said as she and the others walked in. Natsu looked over the girls and noticed a certain purple haired girl.

“Hey,you’re the girl I sit next to in Algebra, um….Belle right?” Natsu asked pointing at Rarity. Rarity stared at Natsu for a second before giggling.

“Yes that’s me, but i don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Rarity Belle, nice to meet you dear.” Rarity said with a smile. Natsu smiled back at her.

“Nice to meet you too, the name’s Natsu Dragneel and this is my sister Coco.” Natsu said gesturing to Coco.

“Hello~” Coco sang.

“Pleasure to meet you dear and these are my friends, Sunset Shimmer.”


“Twilight Sparkle.”


“Rainbow Dash.”






“And you’ve already met Pinkie Pie.”

“HI!” Pinkie said still jumping up and down.

“I like her.” Natsu said smiling Pinkie.

“So do I.” Coco said.

Author's Note:

I know it's been a while, but I'm back and I hope you guys enjoy this little side series I'm putting together.

Natsu: HAHA! So good to have my hands back, Now who's the first person I get to punch?

Rarity: Natsu calm down, can't you go one day without fighting someone?

Natsu: Hmm...Nope.

Rarity: Ugh, you're impossible!