• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 12,334 Views, 857 Comments

Gunsmoke - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer and Desert Mirage... what exactly is the connection?

  • ...

Chapter 05: Planning


by Wanderer D

Chapter 5: Planning

If there was one thing Desert Mirage particularly approved about the bars in Gun Gale Online—besides the fact that they served alcoholic drinks that at least tasted alcoholic, even if they couldn't really get you drunk—was the decidedly more heavy-metal music they chose as a background.

She enjoyed all sorts of music, but she had really needed something decidedly less vanilla than her last few months had provided. She snorted. Not that that would be a problem anymore. She had been having a surprisingly good time since she had arrived, and she didn't want to think too much on what had transpired that morning. Instead, she took her attention back to the video she had streamed onto a tablet and grimaced.

"This gal is blocking bullets with a sword like a freaking Jedi, Surgeon." Mirage said, drawing the attention of the four others sitting at the table back to her. "Bullets. Not bright lasers. Bullets. And she's doing it behind her back while doing a back-flip."

Surgeon rolled his eyes and leaned forward, taking the tablet off of her hands and turning it off. "I already checked, neither this 'Kirito' nor her partner/enemy 'Sinon' registered in any team this year."

There was a collective sigh of relief, but one of the others raised his hand in a placating gesture. "That doesn't mean we're off the hook."

"Heavy Collar is right," The Lion grumbled, his large frame hulking over the leaner forms of the others. "Why, don't you tell us about it."

"I'd rather wait for a few more of our team members to arrive," The Surgeon said. "This involves us all, after all, and I have additional information that will decide our chances of winning. I did send Mirage the information I bought to get the team together."

"So we're waiting on Vice Pr—Nightmare Moon, then," Desert Mirage spoke up, taking back her tablet and summoning a player summary. "She was gone from the game for a few months, but she's finally back. She left roughly at the time I started playing, which is why I hadn't heard from her."

Mirage's eyebrow rose. "She was the second place in last year's Bullet of Bullets?"

The Surgeon grinned. "Yes she was."

Mirage whistled and continued reading. "Her primary weapon is an ultralight material KSVK 12.7 monster drop. Her secondary weapon is a Kagemitsue G4 photon sword with a deep-blue blade. She wears a black-ops style marine armor called 'Midnight Coat' which could be a monster drop of the same name as well, or simply a very expensive, custom-made armor she named that because of her moon obsession."

She tapped the table with her free hand. "I guess that sword makes sense. If someone closes up on her, she can't use that sniper rifle of hers at that distance." She glanced at The Surgeon. "Tell me she doesn't slice bullets from the air too."

The Surgeon grinned. "If she did she wouldn't have lost last year."

Mirage huffed. "Let's see. The Lion is here. We already know your weapons and style. Surgeon... you bought info about yourself?"

"Hey, a guy needs to know when to change weapons to throw people off."

"Right." Mirage swiped to the next person. "Let's see, Heavy Collar." She looked up at the man, who was wearing a classic leather cowboy outfit. "It says here you're a demolitions expert. Doesn't list a primary weapon, but you seem to use rocket launchers from time to time."

"Yep, but the information is incorrect," Heavy Collar said, leaning back on his chair. "I'm less of a demolition expert and more of a trapping expert. Explosives just tend to get rid of enemies quicker. For now I'm comfortable with my FN Five Seven and a cute teammate like you."

The Lion leaned back. "I can't say I'm not honored, Mr. Collar but—"

"Not you!" Heavy Collar slammed his fist on the table. "Her!"

The Lion grinned and Heavy Collar crossed his arms in annoyance, looking away. "Jerk."

Mirage couldn't help herself and started laughing. After a moment, the others grinned and joined in, returning to their drinks only after they had calmed down enough.

"And there she is," The Surgeon spoke up, looking at the far entrance of the bar. The elevator doors closed behind Nightmare Moon like wings announcing the end of an era, or at least that's the impression Mirage got with just how everyone in the bar had gone quiet, except for a few rookies that were quickly shushed.

She was taller than Mirage, although not as tall as the Lion, and like her file had said, she was wearing a black ops armor. The lower half of her face was covered with a deep blue bandanna, and the helmet covered most of her hair, except for a long blue ponytail that flowed out of it. A half moon decal on her right shoulder armor was scratched with bullet and flame marks, and she wore a black cloak that fit under the shoulder guards and flowed around her like living darkness.

Mirage shook her head. "I'll say this about her," she muttered loud enough for the table to hear. "She makes enough of a dramatic entrance for me to start thinking poetically. And that says something."

Nightmare Moon looked around and quickly spotted them, making her way through the bar without any apparent care of the looks the several players in there were giving her. When she sat down at their table, even the whispers hushed before they began again, with more than one information broker giving them measuring looks.

"Glad you could join us," The Surgeon said, nodding at Nightmare Moon.

"It's the least I could do, after my long absence."

The Surgeon laughed. "Well, let me do a quick introduction. The big guy is The Lion, he's our minigun user. The cowboy next to him is Heavy Collar, the gal in the mantle is Desert Mirage, infiltrator extraordinaire."

Nightmare Moon nodded at them in turn. "I studied the profiles you sent me. It seems like a very solid team, but we are still missing two members." She summoned a menu and ordered a drink.

The Surgeon nodded. "I'm working on it. I've contacted Coyote to be part of our team."

Mirage raised an eyebrow, calling up the summary on her tablet. "Oh I remember him. The guy with the AK-12. He seemed competent enough. Who's our seventh?"

"Still looking," Surgeon replied, tracing the edge of his glass with a finger. "I thought about a heavy gun user, but that would render us basically immobile."

"You should just get another automatic rifle user," Desert Mirage said, leaning back on her chair and looking up at the slowly rotating fan on the ceiling above them. "I had thought about another sniper, but with the addition of Collar here, we can really dominate a battlefield in game with two fast players." She looked at the others. "We'd have everything we'd need."

"Sounds good to me," The Surgeon said. "And I've got just the man to do it."

"What about our opposition from across the sea?" Nightmare Moon asked. "I have no doubt our team will represent the American server, but do we have any information about the other team?"

The surgeon smirked. "If you can call it a team." He glanced at the Lion. "They also have a Lion of their own: Lion King Richie. Heavy gun user. The squad leader is one of the best players of either server: Yamikaze. He might be faster than you, Mirage." He winked at her. "They have an automatic rifle user of some success named Dyne, Kakouton who also uses an assault rifle, and Shishigane, a heavy-armor berserker type with a light minigun. Their sniper is a gal calling herself 'Musketeer X' and they have a mostly unknown player called Ginrou, who uses a sub-machine gun in their roster"

Nightmare Moon hummed. "It doesn't sound like a very cohesive unit."

"That's because it isn't," Surgeon said. "And that's where we have the most advantage. All of us are used to working in teams." He pulled up a video of a shoot out. "If you look at this, you can tell that they're all really working separately."

"They're still pretty tough," Lion acknowledged.

"Yes, but they're relying one hundred percent on their personal abilities," Collar pointed out. "Look, Yamikaze, wasn't it? This guy is really fast as his name would imply, but he's letting those guys follow him so that he can shoot them. If it was Mirage instead, I'd probably help her set up a trap. She wouldn't have to risk a gunfight if she's already getting them to follow."

Nightmare Moon nodded. "And look at their "Lion" sitting there shooting all over the place without back-up. A single shot would take him out."

"They are all experienced fighters," the Surgeon pointed out. "But we can take them out with the right teamwork. Are you all with me?"

The group nodded and he smiled. "Excellent. Let me get a hold of Coyote and see if my other option is available. Our first battle will be in two hours, I suggest you get some rest and prepare."

Finishing their drinks, the group went their separate ways, except for Nightmare Moon, who held Desert Mirage back.

"Um, what is it?" Mirage asked.

"This." Nightmare Moon said, summoning a menu and pushing a few buttons.

A ping appeared on Mirage's screen, and she opened it. It took her a moment to recognize what it was.

"Is this homework?"

"You left early." Nightmare Moon shrugged, and leaned down to stare Mirage in the eyes. "And if that's not done by tomorrow, your detention will last forever."

Dear Twilight,

This day started badly... I really felt things would collapse around me, that I was doomed to just be alone again. But then, something happened.

I feel like I've made new friends today.

I've known a some of them for a few months, but I never really sat down to talk to all of them before and... it was fun. There was a lot of banter, a lot of bragging and plenty of planning a contest we want to win. But I haven't laughed like that in a while, and it felt so good!

It was... honest. A really honest, heart-felt laugh. I think the last time I had one of those was on your first visit, before you had to leave. We talked about learning from Princess Celestia and we were comparing notes, remember?

It was like that, again... and guess what? One of my new friends is none other than Vice Principal Luna! It's just... so different, and so interesting to find out that she and I have such things in common.

We talked tactics and teamwork and so many things related to this event! It was great to be with people that get me.

I'm glad I met with all of them earlier today. I'm meeting them again, soon, but I wanted to let you know that I learned an important lesson about friendship today:

Sometimes you try too hard to fit in. Sometimes it's worth it, and sometimes not... but there's always a place for you, where you fit and where friendships can bloom.

~Sunset Shimmer.

"Come on girls," Rainbow Dash whispered. "She just turned off the lights! She might be going to bed!"

"Rainbow Dash," Applejack pulled her hand free of her friend's grasp. "It's six pm. No one goes to sleep that early."

"But she ordered pizza half an hour ago! Maybe she ate too much and is in a food coma!" Rainbow Dash insisted.

"Well, darling, if she just turned off the light I imagine she just wants to relax."

"And we can't let her!" Pinkie Pie bounced up the stairs. "There's no time for relaxing when your friends are here!"

"Um... maybe that's a problem?" Fluttershy spoke up.

"Well, if she wants to relax that's fine," Rainbow Dash said, "But I just want to apologize first, alright? Then we can let her be."

"Don't you think that's a bit pushy, darling?" Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe." Rainbow Dash bobbed her head. "But, if we don't do it now, when?"

"Ah still feel tomorrow would've been better. Let Sunset simmer down a little, ya know?"

"Tee hee! Sunset Simmer!"

"Thanks Pinkie Pie, I think we all thought about it when AJ said it." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Well, here we are."

She knocked on the door.

They waited patiently, but there was no reply, so she knocked again. "Sunset? It's Rainbow Dash. I'm sorry about the last few days, can we talk?"

There was no answer still and the girls exchanged looks.

"Look, I get that you're still upset, I understand," Rainbow Dash called. "But... we really appreciate your friendship, and we'd like to fix things. Can you, y'know, let us in?"

"Rainbow Dash, maybe we should go," Fluttershy said,

"No. Come on, Sunset! We know you're in there! Your motorcycle is downstairs and you ordered pizza a little earlier!"

"Come on, sugarcube, she ain't answering."

"But it's not fair! Sunset! Don't you care at all?!" Her voice rose and she banged on the door again until one of the neighbors looked out her window.

"If you kids don't stop that banging, I'm calling the police!"

"Oh, we're so very sorry, Ma'am," Rarity said quickly, looping her arm around Rainbow Dash's. "Won't happen again. We were just leaving."

The woman grumbled, but pulled back in.

The girls walked in silence down to the street, until they had crossed it. Rainbow Dash looked over at Sunset's apartment. "She didn't come out. She didn't even look out the window or shout back at us through the door."

"Maybe it's too soon, sugarcube."

"Or maybe she doesn't care anymore," Rainbow Dash said, bitterly kicking a small rock onto the road. She turned around and started walking away. "Whatever. I guess our friendship really is done."

The others shared helpless looks, until with a collective sigh, they followed in Rainbow's wake.

For all their confidence in friendship, it really felt like they had lost this time.