• Published 28th Nov 2015
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The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...


Twilight decide to look at the file on SCP-105, before looking at the incident with her-or it-and 2219-2.

Since SCP-105 was held at Site 17, she couldn't see her/it. But she did find her file in the archives.

It read:

Item #: SCP-105

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-105 is implanted with a tracking device and is currently housed at Site-17. SCP-105 is currently allowed Class 3 (restricted) socialization privileges with approved site personnel, granted based on continued good behavior and cooperation with Foundation personnel.

SCP-105's personal camera (designated SCP-105-B) is to remain in a locked safe-deposit box at Site-19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure.

At no point are SCP-105 and SCP-105-B or any other camera to be allowed to come into contact without approval of the current managing researcher.

Description: SCP-105 (formerly known as Perfect Picture) is a pony mare of Vanhoover descent. Records indicate that SCP-105 was born in ████, making her ██ years old at the time of acquisition. She has a blond mane and blue eyes, and at the time of this article, is 1.54 meters in height and 50kg in weight. She does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal pony being in good health.

SCP-105-B is a Polaroid One Step 600 camera, manufactured in 1982. SCP-105-B does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons aside from SCP-105.

When SCP-105 holds a photograph taken by SCP-105-B, the photograph changes from a still image to that of a real-time image of the location in question. SCP-105 is also able to reach through the photograph and manipulate objects within reach of the original point at which the photograph was taken. Persons witnessing this manipulation report seeing a disembodied female hand (determined to be that of SCP-105) reaching out from an invisible portal and carrying out the actions indicated. SCP-105-B and the photographs taken by said camera have no unusual properties when used by any other individual.

SCP-105 has demonstrated limited ability to manipulate objects through other photographs, but can only achieve fine control using photographs taken through SCP-105-B. So far, SCP-105 has only been able to significantly advance her ability by using photographs taken by SCP-105-B.

Appendix 1: Circumstances of Acquisition: SCP-105 was brought to the Foundation's attention shortly after the murder of her boyfriend. SCP-105 claimed to have been on the phone with the victim at the time of his murder, prompting her to hurry to his side; however, telephone records did not correspond to her story, making her suspect in the murder. SCP-105 informed her lawyer that she had, in fact, witnessed the murder through a photograph she had taken with her boyfriend several days prior. The attorney in question disregarded the story and recommended that the subject plead guilty. Subject refused to do so and subsequently told her story in court, offering to demonstrate her ability. This lead to Foundation contact.

Subject was immediately contained by the Foundation. Foundation Personnel retrieved SCP-105-B from SCP-105's home (replacing it with an identical model), and returned it to her. SCP-105's parents were informed that she was killed during the botched escape of another patient while both were in custody of the █████████ ██████ psychiatric care facility.

Appendix 2: Excerpt from Interview Log 105-08-4426, dated ██/██/████

<Begin Log>

Dr. █████: Please give a brief personal introduction, including date and place of birth, and your name.

SCP-105: Okay… My name is Perfect Picture, I was born in Vanhoover, Canada, on May 12th, ████.

Dr. █████: Good. First question, when did you become aware of your abilities?

SCP-105: I'm not sure, but I think I was either ten or eleven. I remember because I was looking at a picture of the ocean, and I noticed that the waves began moving.

Dr. █████: How did your parents respond when you told them?

SCP-105: They just said that I had an overactive imagination.

Dr. █████: When did you discover that you were able to manipulate objects through a photograph?

SCP-105: It first happened when I was… eleven, twelve, maybe? My family took a trip to the Grand Canyon. I looked through the photo album after we got home, and brushed my hoof up against one by accident. When I did, I pushed a rock over the edge, falling into the canyon; I could actually hear it clatter on the way down.

Dr. █████: Go on.

SCP-105: I became fascinated with photography after that. Most of the time, it didn't work with photographs I took, but my parents got me a Polaroid One Step 600 camera — I'd been begging for them to get it since Christmas. <SCP-105 starts smiling.> After I got the camera, the photos got… easier to interact with.

Dr. █████: This is the camera we refer to as 105-B? Your personal camera.

SCP-105: Yes sir.

Dr. █████: How many photos can you focus on at one time?

SCP-105: I've gotten up to ten at once with my personal camera, but I'm sure I could do more eventually.

Dr. █████: What is your impression of your time with the Foundation so far?

<SCP-105 remains silent.>

Dr. █████: Please, do answer. We don't take offense at these things.

SCP-105: It's sort of like… New prison, new warden. But I know it's better than what could've happened to me.

Dr. █████: You've been very cooperative during your time here.

SCP-105: I'm a pretty well-behaved sort of pony. I also like doing the experiments. Some of those things with photographs I would never have thought of.

Dr. █████: Do you know why I am asking you these questions, Perfect?

SCP-105: No, sir.

Dr. █████: We've been setting up a special program. If it goes through, you'll be occasionally allowed to leave the site and move about in the outside world. All we ask of you in return are a few favors. Are you interested?

<End Log>

Addendum 3: History of Service with Mobile Task Force Omega-7:

SCP-105 was the second ponynoid SCP recruited to Mobile Task Force Omega-7 under the Pandora's Box initiative. Unlike "Team Able" (associated with SCP-076-2), which was assigned to strike and capture operations, "Team Perfect" had the primary mission of reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. "Team Perfect" carried out over twenty missions in cooperation with the Bowe Commission. These missions were carried out swiftly and without incident.

The first disciplinary incident involving SCP-105 involved the escalation of Team Perfect missions from reconnaissance to wetwork. SCP-105 violently opposed the use of her abilities to carry out assassinations, even after members of the Bowe Commission repeatedly attempted to secure her cooperation (see Interview Log 105-21-6543).

During these events, SCP-105 became emotionally distressed and attempted to deceive Foundation personnel into believing that her anomalous traits had disappeared. Dr. D███████ submitted a report recommending that SCP-105 be re-classified as Neutralized, undergo amnestic treatment, and be released to the public with regular monitoring. This recommendation was denied.

Following this, Dr. D███████ aided SCP-105 in a containment breach aiming to escape Foundation custody. This breach was unsuccessful and SCP-105 was re-contained (see Incident X45-Site-17).

Investigation afterwards determined that Dr. D███████ had intentionally encouraged SCP-105 to claim loss of anomalous abilities. SCP-105 re-demonstrated her anomalous abilities in exchange for restoration of limited privileges.

Following the end of the Pandora's Box Initiative, all Mobile Task Force Omega-7 teams were disbanded, and SCP-105 was returned to Site-17. Because of the security risk she represents and lack of current utility, SCP-105 is presently not allowed access to SCP-105-B.

All further information regarding Mobile Task Force Omega-7 is sealed by order of the Records And Information Security Administration.

Director ██████ ███, Records And Information Security Administration

That was interesting. It would've been very fun to manipulate objects through photograph.

Now to find Incident-105/2219-2-A.

She searched it up on the foundation database. She found it quickly:


On the date of 7/21/2013, SCP-2219-2 and SCP-105 were put in a testing chamber together temporarily when their cells were being decontaminated for any infectious agents. Through security camera footage and eyewitness reports(of security personnel), SCP-2219-2 and SCP-105 had a conversation. The audio from the conversation is below:

Twilight clicked the link. A message popped up stating that she had to input her credentials first.

Name: Twilight Sparkle

Age: 19

Clearance: L-2

Date joined the foundation: 2015


She clicked the submit button.

Welcome, authorized personnel.

Audio Log-click to play.

She clicked the "play" button.

SCP-2219-2 is placed in test chamber along with SCP-105. Door is closed behind them. SCP-105 expresses nervousness towards SCP-2219-2.

SCP-2219-2 is dressed in a black and red hoodie, with SCP-105 being dressed in a white sweater.

SCP-2219-2 looks at SCP-105.

SCP-2219-2: "Who are you?"

SCP-105: "A-are you talking to m-me?"

SCP-2219-2: "Yeah. I got no one else to talk to but you."

SCP-105: "Well, m-my name is, uh, Perfect Picture."

SCP-2219-2: "Alright. My name's Christchurch O'Halley."

SCP-105: (Relaxes) "Nice to um, meet you Christchurch. So, why are you here?"

SCP-2199-2: "They told me I'm 'in study'. You?"

SCP-105: "Uh...same, actually. What are they studying you for?"

SCP-2219-2: "Apparently, I'm really lucky. I've seemed to escape situations that no one else can. How about you?"

SCP-105: "I can move objects through photographs."

SCP-2219-2: (Scoffs) "Your kidding."

SCP-105: "I kid you not. I can't prove it to you, they took away my camera."

SCP-2219-2: "How do they keep you 'in study'?"

SCP-105: "Well, if I behave, they let me walk around this place. And sometimes the outside world."

SCP-2219-2: "It's the same for me. Do guards follow you around?"

SCP-105: "No. Do they do to you?"

SCP-2219-2: "Yeah. Four, actually. Five when I walk outside."

SCP-105: "God. You must be dangerous."

SCP-2219-2: "I guess. I suddenly know how to fight. Fight good."

SCP-105: "What do you mean?"

SCP-2219-2: "Well, I can probably escape."

SCP-105: "How?"

SCP-2219-2: "Well, whether the glass is thin enough to break through, I'll jump through. This will stun the guards. I'll kick the one on the left in the gut, and then I'll throw the one on the right into the one on the left. Then, I'll kick them both. This will incapacitate both of them."

SCP-105: "Wow. You must be an escapist."

SCP-2219-2: "Not really."

SCP-105: "What did you do before they started 'studying' you?"

SCP-2219-2: "I was...uh...a 'Freedom Fighter'."

SCP-105: "A what?"

SCP-2219-2: "I rebel against tyranny in rulers."

SCP-105: "So...you're a terrorist."

SCP-2219-2: "...I wouldn't call it that."

SCP-105: <SCP-105 appears annoyed> "Really? What's the definition of terrorist?"

SCP-2219-2: "Well fine then. I guess I'm a terrorist."

SCP-105: "How did they find you?"

SCP-2219-2: "Well...do you know the, uh, Elements of Harmony?"

SCP-105: "Duh. Everypony does."

SCP-2219-2: "Well, I tried to, uh...I tried to..." <SCP-2219-2 appears uncomfortable.>

SCP-105: "You what?" <SCP-105 moves towards SCP-2219-2. SCP-2219-2 walks backwards until his back hits the chamber wall. SCP-105 keeps moving until she is approximately 3 inches from his face.>

SCP-2219-2: <Quietly.> "I tried to steal them."

SCP-105: "And what were you gonna do with them?"

SCP-2219-2: "I was gonna hijack live TV and...hold them for ransom."

SCP-105: "So, your a criminal and a terrorist. Good job." <SCP-105 turns away from SCP-2219-2.>

SCP-2219-2: "I just...I...wanted to show them that they...they weren't invincible."

SCP-105: <She slowly turns back to SCP-2219-2.> "Well...of course they're not...no one is."

SCP-2219-2: "I don't think that they think so. I wanted them to know that they were vulnerable."

SCP-105: "Everyone is vulnerable."

SCP-2219-2: "I...I'm sorry."

SCP-105: "It's alright...I guess I was too hard on you anyway."

SCP-2219-2: "It's fine."

SCP-105: "No...no it's not."

SCP-2219-2: "Well, what can you do? While we're in here, there aren't any gift shops or anything."

SCP-105: "Well...I can do one thing."

SCP-2219-2: "Really? And what's that?"

SCP-105: "This."

<SCP-105 kisses SCP-2219-2 on his left cheek.>

<SCP-2219-2 looks at SCP-105, blushing. He says nothing. SCP-105 also blushes. They are both taken out of the testing chamber, and both put back in their chambers.>

Aww, that was sweet. Him and 105 certantly make a cute couple, right? -Dr. Cadance.

I guess. But not as cute as us. -Shining Armor, Chief of Security.

Okay, this is ridiculous. I don't care how many other personnel agree. This is break chatter. Don't do this on reports. -Smart Aleck, 05-9.

Author's Note:

Awwww! This was fun to write.