• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫


Pinkamena Diane Pie, long-time server of Equestria's military, has spent years awaiting the day that Sombra would be defeated. Time after time she watched him, avoiding their attacks and never gaining a scratch.

In the midst of battle, she decides to leave one for him to remember her by.

Proofread and edited by: Note Sketch
Art by: konik006(derpibooru)(deviantart)

Again, special thanks for Note Sketch and Azure_Shadow for pre-reading this fic and helping me get it done~

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 51 )


Brilliant, simply brilliant!

Very well written and, from what I've been told, rather accurately sums up war's chaos.

MAJOR LOL AT THE END but this was nice and beautiful :raritystarry:

Nice. More possibly?

I'm hoping so! If I get around to it, that is. :twilightsheepish:

Suck it Sombra.

Yo. Was a long time since I read something from you. And this. I really like. Even through all the dark and stuff. I really liked it.

Now THAT'S the author we've been missing. Truly spectacular.

That was a fun read. Doesn't matter the universe, you never, ever, underestimate Pinkie Pie.

She is definitely a force to be trifled with! I grew rather fond of this incarnation of Pinkie while writing her, actually. :heart:


>>Harmony Charmer BEAST MODE ACTIVATED. DESTROYING WORLD IN 3... 2... I TOLD YOU NOT TO POKE THE PINKIE!! 1... Then the world was covered in cake... huh. Is this a malfuncion?

Lol, and that's this world's version of the Cake Batter Incident, haha.

Epic!!! Let's hope this pinkie doesn't go crazy like the one in this video

"In a different world, maybe you could have defeated me."

I see what you did here... :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, and this was quite the experience to read. I like it. :twilightsmile:

While editing this on Gdoc with my editor, I commented on that line and put, "AND SHE DID, HAHA." I was sleep deprived and it was just the funniest thing in the world to me at the time.

I love the description you have used to create a clear image of w:pinkiehappy:hat is going great on. This very imaginative and it sews the bits and pieces together and shows why things happened. This is an amazing fanfic ! :pinkiehappy:

If anything, I'm partially anticipating a fix where Sombra and Pinkie slip away from war and make out, or something, while explosions go off in the background.

Feels like a random and funny type of thing, but it could happen, nonetheless.

All that frustration has to go SOMEWHERE. Ha.

Pinkie: I HATE YOU.
*fierce makeout session on the battlefield as everyone watches in uncomfortable silence*

... I don't know whether to think that this is just a comment, or a hint for a future chapter that's less than a few hundred words long.

Well, I do have a sequel idea that's planned out (to a degree, heh), but I don't know if I'll ever get to it with everything I got going on already. We'll just have to wait and see~ :raritywink:

That was pretty cool. It's earned a favorite from me. That's rare these days. Well done.

Man, now I ship it. Thanks a lot! D:<

All in a day's work~!
"You ready to screw some stuff up?"
"You know it."

Oh god, now I ship Pinkie/Sombra. This was awesome. Sombra was perfect. :pinkiehappy:

What is the gif at the end of the story?

Miraculous Ladybug! Particularly the character Chat Noir.

So the epic game of cat and mouse begins.

'Twas an good read.

Still, rather lacking in Octavia, though.

I shall now speak in the tongue of my people.


Oh you magnificent bastard.

~Skeeter The Lurker

F:yay:king brilliant!!

Subarashī! Buririanto! Excelsior!


My goodness, where to start, where to start...

Lets start with the beginning. Once upon a time, you wrote super cute fanfics...

No, no, that is too far back. (Maybe not far enough?)

I will start with the actual story, this time. I apologize for wasting your time. :ajsleepy: (Forgive moi)

Upon the start, I was very ecstatic to get some Pinkie and Maud. Goodness, they are like the best sisters ever! Their teamwork was excellent, and I liked how you portrayed them in this story, especially Maud. Their precision and coordination, mixed in with Pinkie's silliness (That fighting style, so brutal, but at times, so Pinkie; I loved it) was just beautiful. I really enjoyed reading them, and darn, I even enjoyed with Rainbow Dash coming in. It was super cool and I got so enticed!

Then Sombra appeared, and I thought to myself, "Oh, yeah! This story is about you, too! :heart:" I really got immersed in the beginning, so I even though I knew beforehand he was coming, it was like I got lost in their world and when they were surprised, I was too. That is some good writing, you got there. I feel like your style became better than I would have imagined (I am such a bad writer, like, sheesh. My vocab is just the worst, and I'm an old lady compared to you (21))!

The fight between Pinkie Pie and Sombra was just beyond epic. There was a lot of suspense, and at first, I expected just a fight scene, with no dialogue but with raw emotions. THEN you added dialogue, and that made me love this story all the much more. Their banter is like a bitter conversation between a girl and her ex-boyfriend (I loved it). There were also some heartbreaking scenes (*hint* *hint* sibling talk; Luna), and I don't want to spoil anything too much if somewhere were to scroll down to the comment section...So, I will just say, that I was very moved and even felt shocked of Sombra's words. It was still wicked cool, though, and fitting to his character, I believe.

And, that ending...WOW, I...I thought things won't end well, I knew they were going to survive. But, still! When they fell, when Pinkie stared at Sombra and he saved her, I felt that maybe he gained respect for the enemy, and did not want to die so easily. OR because she held him so tight, that he literally had no choice but to save her, or he would die too.

The crown thing at the end we super cool, it was like a trophy and that the war is super long from over. I loved it so much, I crave more! :yay:

Also, let me just say, those bits with Rainbow Dash and the end...loved that too, I always loved origin stories.

Oh, another thing I wanted to discuss...

"Fight me!"

"Not until you admit it," he said simply.

"Admit what?!" she screamed, jumping and missing him yet again.

He grinned. "That you're scared."

THAT, that right there just made me feel...yes. All the yes! It's so eerie and it makes people realize that Sombra is a Master of Fear, he feeds on it, he loves it, and you can get fear out of anyone even without magic. That's what I love most from Sombra. Sometimes, you don't need power or overbearing magic to cast fear, you can pick at it, exploit in front of your enemy. Just having the enemy know that you know, is downright terrifying. And, darn, that's what really made this story really awesome to me. And, I even loved it more that Pinkie used fear against Sombra, she certainly is quite the match for him! You can feel that hatred, soon-to-be-passion!

I really got into this story, could you tell? :ajsmug:

I could go on and on about this story, but I don't want to ramble for too long (it's three in the morning over here. I thought about going to bed, but then I thought, "LOL, NOPE! I GOT A STORY TO REVIEW!")

So...overall I have to say...

This story was okay. (PFFFT, jk)

Before I take off, I may have thought of this song when I was reading the fight:

(It's basically a Boss Battle Theme, can you feel the suspense? :raritystarry:)

Well, thanks for reading this super long comment. I can't wait to read more of your work, including the ones I missed.

(P.S. Sorry for any bad grammar, I'm pretty sleepy)

(P.P.S I looked at all the Vegeta/Bulma pics you showed me through that link. I definitely get what you mean by them reminding you of a certain other couple. :pinkiehappy:)

Good lord, I forgot how much I love your reviews. This was a pleasant thing to read first thing this morning! Thanks for reviewing my fic so nicely! :pinkiehappy:


You could tell this story was thoroughly thought out and planned. That's a lot of work, so you deserve a long review. :twilightsmile: (Plus, I really just like reviewing things)

I'm so glad you are writing this

An excellent read.

Curse you, Pinkamena! You are a traitor and a turncoat! A disgrace to Equestria and to the name of Princess Luna! To Tartarus with your star crossed forbidden romance! It is my fondest hope that the day of Sombra's death comes quickly, and that on that rapidly approaching day, you die as well so you can have your little romance in the deepest pit of Tartarus.

Am I really only now getting to this?

Yes. Yes, I am.

Charmony, what's up? Where's the rest of it? I know there's an option in your Inventory menu to only share part of a story, but you won't go full SombraPie that way, and your readers are left wanting more too. You gain no tactical advantage whatsoever!

Oh, trust me, I got plans. It's just getting to them that's the challenge. :twilightsheepish:

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here. Also, who is the girl in the cat costume?

I've actually considered submitting fics onto EQD. I just never got around to it, I guess. And to answer your other question, that's Adrien Agreste. He's a character on a show I watch called "Miraculous Ladybug".

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

Sequel? Please?? Sequel? Sequel?! SEQUEL!?!? SEQUEL?!?!? SEQUEL?!!? SEQUEL!?!?!?!

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