• Member Since 30th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago

Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams


Hayfever's lived in southern Equestria her whole life, never going far from the town in which she was born. But one day, during her midlife crisis, she decides to get out and see the world, traveling to the Crystal Empire alone and on foot. Her journey will take her all across Equestria, opening her eyes to the land she lives in. As she travels, she records her day-to-day adventures in her journal, slowly compiling a travelogue of all sides of Equestria, of big cities and secluded villages, of mountain peaks and river valleys, of ponies friendly and hostile. This is her journal. These are her tales.

Chapters (58)
Comments ( 22 )

Not bad so far, but it wouldn't hurt for the chapters to be a little longer.

Crap crap crap crap crap

Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap

Crap crap crap crap crap.

Best haiku ever, 10/10.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

This is pretty cool. I wish more people would take a look at it.

This was a wonderful story! It was equal parts relaxing and interesting to read. Hayseed was a likable character while still being normal and relatable. The best way I can describe it is a slice of life traveling story. I really really like it! I wish I could offer a more detailed comment for you, but all I can say is this was a very enjoyable read and I hope more people find this and read it too!

This story needs more love. I spent today reading through the entire thing and thought it was utterly fantastic. Brilliant descriptions, a very likable main character and a journey I got drawn into right until the end.

Amazing work!

Read through this in an evening and was quite enthralled.

I had some expectations going in, and many of those expectations were met, with a few extras tossed in.

I liked how Hayfever gains experience as she goes, learning from her mistakes and coming up with some interesting ways to get around obstacles. I also like how she encounters situations she never would of thought to experience, but embraces them as a learning opportunity. Also, it'll make a good story when she gets back!

If I had one criticism, it was hard to pinpoint what type of personality Hayfever had. Perhaps it was the nature of the journal entries, being more clinical and descriptive. The result was that she came off as kind of bland for the majority of the story.

Still, I got plenty of enjoyment following her adventure, with all the highs and lows that came with it.

Nice job!

I guess I though Equestria would be bigger, if you can walk from one end to another in only about a month. And this is by an untrained middle aged pony (earth pony I assume, I don't think she talked about her tribe) taking a somewhat meandering route. I guess an expert could do it in 2-3 weeks.

That was quite fun, as I mentioned half way through Equestria seems a little small to me although I suppose that does fit what we see in the series when almost anywhere seems to be reachable in less than a day by train.

I do wonder if the Editor's note would work better at the end of the story, as it stands it takes a bit of tension out of the story because you know everything turns out alright and I think the news that she never travelled again would be more poignant after her plans to try other things in the last few chapters.

There are not many MLP Fanfics that I return to again and again and again for an absolutely wonderful story. This is one of those rare few stories that I love going back to and reading over every few weeks.

A truly fantastic job.

A very interesting work. Going in, I thought of the tradition of widows in the Middle Ages to take a pilgrimage to Rome, and then go home and turn the experience into a travelogue. This story didn't turn out like that, but nevertheless was quite an interesting read.

Each chapter left me with a smile one way or another.
A relaxing read that is certainly under-read.

Equestrian Yosemite, watch out for bears.

Excellent story, thanks.

Have reviewed this story HERE.

A lot of authors, when writing an epistolary story, use struck-out words as a cheap way to convey what the character is really thinking (as if writing were as spontaneous and irrevocable as speaking). So it's really refreshing to see an in-character journal where strike-outs in a context that actually makes sense.

A cute little adventure. Thank you for sharing it!

Long and boring, lots of nothing happened.


A fit person can walk 4 miles per hour. 8 hours per day brings us to 32 miles per day. 32*36 is 1,152 miles. Equestria looks like it's decently big.

This is a nice travel log-style story. Has been done better than a few others I’ve read and I knew what I was getting into from the description. Hayfever’s haikus were short yet sweet things when she wrote them. Aged well for a six-year-old story.

Just am getting into this. It's a good departure from what I've normally read.

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