• Published 25th Dec 2015
  • 14,384 Views, 149 Comments

Paradoxes, Timelines, and Consequences - Frost Bear

Starlight Glimmer is now Twilight's daughter! But what does this mean for Equestria?

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Royal (Un)Welcome

“Breath in… Breath out… Breath in… Breath out…” Twilight chanted during her exercise.

Twilight was set for meeting the princess today (after scheduling it under the name Mrs. Anon last year). She had hoped the time with her parents would calm her nerves and lessen the tension. Instead she was about to have a heart attack before stepping near Canterlot Castle’s gate!

“You ok in there Twi?” Spike knocked on the bathroom door.

“I’m fine! Everything’s fine!” Twilight jittered, “We’re about to meet both princesses, I’m more beautiful than them for some reason, and I adopted an ex-villain that altered the time stream several times!!!”

Spike kicked the door down, “That’s it, you’re so not ok with this!”

“I’m sorry, Spike, I want to make Starlight look perfect in their eyes but I don’t know if I can,” she sniffled, “What if Celestia decides to throw her in a dungeon or banish her or execute her?! I can’t let her do that!”

Spike covered her mouth, “Listen, if Celestia has a problem with it we’ll leave Equestria. I’m sure we’ll be welcomed in the Crystal Empire or the human world where Sunset is.”

“Thanks Spike, but I don’t want to do that. I’ll… try to talk Celestia out of any problem she has.”

“And get some answers about your super beauty.”

Twilight groaned.

“Mom! Are you ready yet?” Starlight yelled.

Twilight and Spike walked down the stairs. Starlight was as eager as ever. Today’s plan to meet the princesses was a surprise to her. She truly wanted to spend the day with her grandparents but knew there was plenty of time in the week they were in Canterlot.

“Now don’t go off on some epic quest while you visit the princess,” Velvet ordered.

“Don’t worry, mom, it’s just tea and cake,” Twilight waved goodbye.

Their little stroll to the castle was a little long but exercise was good for them. Especially Spike who gained a little extra weight last night.

Once they arrived at the castle, the guards escorted them to the garden where a round table and five seats greeted them. On the table was a lovely bouquet of lilacs, a pot of tea, and a large vanilla cake. Twilight levitated the tea pot and poured tea in three of the five cups.

“Shouldn’t we wait until the princesses arrive?” Starlight asked.

Spike sat down and took a slice of cake, “Nah, they’ll be ok with it. Besides, Twilight’s a princess too.”

Starlight furrowed her brow but decided to go along with it when Twilight took a seat as well.

It was a few minutes before Starlight started to hear two mares bickering to each other.

“I told you it was the left hallway!” an elderly voice cawed, “Now we’re late! Our guest is possibly starving for us!”

There was a elegant scoff, “Sister, our citizens should know they’re allowed to eat without our permission. Honestly, I have never seen everyone question their own judgment to the point where they can’t even decide where to sit! You really should reconsidered…”

The voices stopped as two graceful alicorns resembling night and day came into view. They both froze with their jaws hanging open. The white one wore a look of horror and shock while the dark one held a look of pleased amusement.

“I should had known it was you, Twilight,” Luna chuckled, “Only you know that I prefer vanilla over chocolate.”

Celestia sniffed the air, “Is that… banana leaf tea?”

Twilight smiled, “Both of your favorites. I thought it’d help you two prepare for the news.”

Luna jumped in her seat, “The news that you achieved a level of beauty that neither of us can hope to achieve?”

Twilight spat her tea out, “NO! Well… I do have questions about that but…”

“Twilight,” Celestia interjected, “who are your… new friends?”

Spike swallowed a large piece of cake, “C’mon princess, you know who I am.”

“This is Spike,” Twilight introduced, “and that’s Starlight Glimmer… my daughter.”

Celestia’s eye twitched.

“Greetings Mrs. Glimmer!” Luna shouted, “It pleases us to finally meet you.”

Luna violently shook Starlight’s hoof, “The pleases all mine, princess.”

Starlight vainly tried to hold on to her seat. Luna’s alicorn strength nearly tore her leg off! Starlight was excited to see the princesses but didn’t expect either of them to be just as happy to see her. Thankfully she had Spike to keep her from flying out of the garden.

“Apologies,” Luna bowed, “and please call me Luna.”

“No problem pri- Luna,” Starlight blushed.

Meanwhile, Celestia sat with a stunned expression. Twilight did her best to bring Celestia back to reality.

“Princess Celestia… are you ok?”

Celestia blinked twice, “Y-Yes… Twilight, may I speak with you? In private?”

“Of course, princess,” Twilight followed Celestia to the entrance of the hedge maze while Starlight and Spike stayed to chat with Luna.

“How long has she been your daughter?” Celestia questioned with a serious expression.

“Years,” Twilight stated.

“How? How is it even possible?”

“Starswirl’s spell. She perfected it.”

Celestia jerked away, “Time magic? Her?! Who could possibly… no, you didn’t.”

Twilight nodded.

“Oh Twilight,” Celestia sighed, “I’m so disappointed in you.”

“What?!” Twilight felt her heart stop.

“You shouldn’t have taught Starlight time magic. The consequences behind that is unimaginable! None can predict what sort of chaos altering time can cause.”

“I already seen what altering time can cause,” Twilight lamented, “I taught Starlight not to alter history. She really enjoys studying time magic and I support her.”

Celestia placed a hoof on her back, “Twilight, you must not encourage this time magic!”

Twilight raised a brow, “Why?”

“I just told you! The results are unpredictable!”

“Celestia… you need a vacation.”

Celestia stood slack jawed.

“I know what I’m doing. This was all for the better of Equestria.”

“For the better of Equestria?” Celestia barked, “I fail to see that.”

“Well, you never asked how I became Starlight’s mom. You did noticed that she’s the age I was yesterday, right?”

“Um…” Celestia looked to Luna, “I had other things on my mind…”

“Starlight was the mare that ran that ‘equal mark’ place I wrote to you about.”

“Oh… that sounds nice…”

Twilight frowned, “You didn’t read the letter.”

“I-I was about to but I had duties to attend to!”

Twilight sighed, “It’s ok, I understand,” she shook her head, “Starlight used to be a villain. She used the time travel spell to alter history. We fought, talked, and ended up adopting her past self.”

“Twilight, you are simply too young to teach ponies advanced magic," Celestia whispered.

“I raised Starlight since she was a filly. I taught her magic. I know what I’ve been doing.”

Celestia shifted uncomfortably, “But… she did do bad things when she was on her own?”

“Only to protect the time stream!”

“She still has potential to do wrong!”

“So does Luna!”

Celestia tripped over herself. She gave Twilight a stern glare.

“Leave my sister out of this,” Celestia growled.

“I’m sorry, princess, but no one threatens my daughter.”

The two stared each other down. Twilight’s knees buckled and Celestia’s eye twitched.

“I tried to make this a friendly conversation but there is clearly something wrong with me having someone to love.”

“I am not preventing you from love. I’m preventing you from making a mistake.”

“What mistake would that be?” Twilight challenged, “Luna was once a bad pony but now she lives happily with you. Starlight is practically the same.”

Celestia shuddered, “I believe you should not have stayed in the past. Who knows what damage you caused by adopting her?”

Twilight looked over herself, “You’re jealous!”

“I am not!” Celestia gawked.

“You are! You’re jealous that I’m prettier than you! I don’t even know how I became so beautiful. I just woke up like this.”

“We believe alicorn princesses retain traits of the forces they embody,” Celestia explained, “For me and Luna it was day and night. For you… I guess it’s magic?”

“That’s your hypothesis?”

“It is,” Celestia nodded, “And I am NOT jealous.”

“I’m sorry, Celestia, I wanted to show you my daughter in a civil manner but I guess that’s too much to ask,” Twilight walked to the table where Starlight and Luna laughed cheerfully.

“So, Starlight, how long have you been Twilight’s daughter?” Luna asked curiously.

“Since I was a filly,” Starlight chimed.

Luna raised her brow, “Interesting…”

“Yeah,” Spike sipped his tea, “me and Twilight were sent back in time and she decided to adopt Starlight.”

“And how did you two get sent back in time?”

“That… was my fault,” Starlight confessed, “I sort of had to do a lot of bad things to protect the time-space continuum.”

Luna chewed and swallowed a bite of her cake, “Tis fair.”

Spike and Starlight waited for her to continue.

It took some time for them to realize she didn’t have anything else to say.

“That’s it?” Spike asked, “You don’t mind that Starlight did bad things?”

Luna gave Spike a deadpanned look.

Spike remembered who he was talking to, “oh… right…”

“What? What’s right?” Starlight squeaked.

“Luna used to be a bad villain too.”


Luna nodded, “I was once Nightmare Moon. My plan was to caste the world into darkness and rule Equestria alone.”

Starlight rubbed her chin, “Well… that’s not too bad. Equestria pretty much gets everything through magic so no one would starve or anything.”

“It does throw the universe off balance, though,” Luna scowled, “Without day or night there would be an imbalance in nature. Nocturnal animals would become restless, sleep schedules would be in confusion, the dead rising from graves, pony sacrifices, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!”

“Ok! I get it!” Starlight shouted, “But you’re here now? Everyone is ok with you?”

Luna sighed, “More or less. I fear there are still some who view me as a monster.”

Spike looked into his tea cup, “I know how that feels.”

“What do you mean, Spike?”

“One of my birthdays, I got a lot of presents and just wanted more and more,” he poured some extra tea into his cup, “Dragons grow faster when they hoard. Eventually I grew into a giant monster and rampaged through Ponyville,” he set the tea down, “Some ponies there still think I might destroy the town.”

The three looked at each other with sympathy. Spike sipped his tea, Luna chewed her cake, and Starlight gazed at her own hooves.

“I guess we’ll just have to move on,” she smiled, “That’s what I’m going to do. I have a princess for a mom, my brother’s a dragon, and I’ve been studying advanced time altering magic!”

“I regained my throne and have gained new friendships with the citizens of Equestria,” Luna smirked, “The fear that once gripped them no longer holds them and see me as a guardian. Plus the modern ‘night life’ pleases me greatly. All I ever wanted was appreciation for what I do.”

Spike chuckled, “I guess I have nothing to complain about. Starlight’s right, even though Twi and her friends leave me at the castle while they go on adventures, I’ve been getting better at taking proper responsibility and become less selfish.”

Luna levitated her tea cup to the center of the table, “A toast. To redemption and living happier lives.”

Starlight levitated her cup while Spike leaned in with his. The tapped each other’s cups with a loud cling. Tea splattered around as the three of them laughed joyously.

“Spike, Starlight, we’re leaving,” Twilight stated firmly.

The laughing stopped.

“Um… ok,” Spike got out of his seat.

Starlight followed close by. She waved goodbye to Luna who waved back. The three of them headed back to Nightlight’s house.

“Sister, you seem distraught. What did you and Twilight speak about?”

“Nothing,” Celestia averted her eyes.

“Tia, I know when you lie,” Luna frowned.

Celestia looked away.

“Was it her new form? I must say, there has never been another as beautiful as she.”

Celestia grumbled under her breath.

“Sister? Are you… jealous?!”

“I AM NOT!” Celestia insisted.

Luna laughed, “Oh Tia! Of all the ponies to be jealous of, I never thought you’d have envy for your own student.”

Celestia blushed, “I’m NOT jealous! I’m not!” she cleared her throat, “Starlight Glimmer may pose as a threat.”

Luna ceased her laughter, “What do you mean?”

“Time magic is dangerous. It can alter history. With Starlight’s past, she may cause devastation to Equestria.”

Luna furrowed her brow, “Celestia… you’re jealous of Twilight.”

“I’m not jealous of my faithful student!” Celestia yelled, “Just because she’s prettier, smarter, younger, has more friends, is very talented, legally has two children…” she trailed off a list of things describing Twilight, “a-and managed to do things better than I would’ve… ok. I’m jealous.”

Luna patted her sister on the back, “First step is admitting it.”

“I’m starting to understand how you felt 1000 years ago.”

“Only difference is I’m actually listing to you.”

Celestia groaned, “You’re not going to let me hear the end of it, are you?”

“Not in a thousand moons,” Luna grinned.