• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


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Twilight Sparkle has grown more confident in her role as the Princess of Friendship, though her methods - primarily, hatching crazy indirect schemes to solve friendship problems - are a tad unorthodox. Still, she hasn't turned anyone into houseplants or destroyed any historic monuments lately, so things are looking up... until she shares her latest scheme with Rainbow Dash, who proceeds to ruin it, mostly with a volatile mixture of violence, honesty, loyalty, and even more Rainbow Dash.

( References to Equestria Girls movies, and some comics. Reading the comics beforehand is unnecessary. This story works as a standalone, but is also a sequel to Librarian Twilight Sparkle, Tutor of the CMC)

( Now has a sequel! Librarian Twilight Commits Abduction, Extortion, And Treason To Solve An Inconsequential Friendship Problem )

( Cover picture is from MyLittleFaceWhen. Artist unknown )

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 30 )

So, definitely an interesting hook you got here. I await with great interest the utter disaster that is coming.

I suspect that Human!Dash is gonna have a bad time.

6811804 It is very amusing you say it that way...

"Friendship. Mushy stuff. We're bad at it. But hey - I came here to outdo Twilight. The Princess of Friendship. And check it out - I knew you would understand what was wrong just like that - " Dash snapped her finger for emphasis - " and I totally called it! So like, sure, maybe we're bad at this stuff on our own, but like - now there's two of us, right? No way Twilight can compete with that."

... We're doomed.

6811957 You must be at least this awesome to survive the Dashocalypse.

This story directly implies that Rainbow Dash has meaningful, legitimate friendships with other ponies, and as such, I find it difficult to get immersed.

Never Forget

Comment posted by Pwnego deleted Jan 9th, 2016

Inb4 Human Dash hops through the portal just to sonic boom.

Rainbow Dash fighting herself and yelling at herself to shape up? Meditations on divided loyalty by the two girls who'd best understand the pain and confusion it causes, even as they remain in character?

My goodness, you did write this for me, didn't you? :raritywink:

In all seriousness, I'm very glad to see you continue this story, and I love what you're doing here. Eagerly looking forward to more.

Comment posted by SoloBrony deleted Jan 9th, 2016

6812651 Glad you're enjoying it! Let me tell you, it's not turning out how I expected - I originally conceived of a plan basically similar to what Twilight suggested in the first chapter.

And then Dash bodychecked my fic's plotline.

6812651 Also, I write most of my stories with authors and discerning readers in mind. If you check out the people who comment on my fics/follow me, you will see it's mostly authors.

6813176 On a scale of 0 to 10, this fic goes to Rainbow Dash fighting Rainbow Dash.

"Not all of us can be so... egg-like."


6811804 Are you saying that Horsedash is going to put ~Horsedash through a really tedious sequence of meta-platforming challenges in an attempt to destroy her soul?

There's a special circle of hell for people who make ancient Greek puns, and assuming the correctness of one Thomas Aquinas, I will greatly enjoy seeing you down there.

That said, I liked it. A lot of the emotional content was stuff I'm fairly interested in and up my alley. I felt you captured the characters and their voices well. A lot of this is kind of heavy for me, so I'm unfortunately not really sure I can go into it in to much depth right now for a few reasons.

Still. Thank you.

You aren't ending all of those phrases in question marks because they're all part of the same expression?

I find this chapter title amusing, because it's technically true. I mean Dash did rebel. Even if it's a nation of two, rebellion is contextual.

6814888 I guess that's just your opinion (Wait, rebellion is subjective now?)

We do see that rebellion is quite transient by the end of this story. It was a quite personal rebellion, all told, too.

But hey, as far as rebellions go, it wasn't that bad. I guess rebellions are relative.

The whole "Hey, that title is technically accurate" joke seems to apply to all of my titles in this fic. I'm terrible at naming things.

You know, there needs to be a term for charging ahead so blindly, smacking facefirst into every conceivable error, and still managing to succeed. I propose "Dashinine."

In any case, a wonderfully heartfelt conclusion. Nice work.

6816330 I find the term "Dashinine" far funnier than I should.

All of my RANDOM-COMEDY stories end up being heartfelt and sappy. Dash would be so disappointed.

6816460 It may be the image of a determined Derpy Hooves giving the impression of her saying "I'll call it...Dashinine!" in derpily innocent triumph.

"Oh-ho, Rainbow Dash has a soft side after all!"
"Well yeah. Not all of us can be soft on the inside like you, Twilight."

Actually, the series has shown multiple times that ponies are soft on the outside... as well as very squishy...
I wonder what the bodies of Equestrians would feel like. It looks like they have fur, but they squeak a lot....
...Quick, we need someone to build a real life portal to Equestria, ASAP.

"I don't just mean she has higher standards for herself. She actually seems to think that it's okay for other people to treat her more poorly than they treat each other."

What's wrong with that? I wake up every morning with a randomly generated string of recoded insults spoken by me, and I also insult and belittle myself to pass the time. I you have no pride, then nothing anyone says can hurt you.

I'm Aether, you're glue, anything you say goes through me and comes back to hit you.

I feel nothing, and that's how I live.

"That's so awesome! I was worried other-me wouldn't get a chance to throw down with monsters or anything, since the human world is apparently all boring. Man, if I ever meet her the first thing we need to do is throw down."

"Second thing is make out. You just can't resist that much awesome."

Proper way of saying Lieutenant, bonus points off the bat tenouttaten full applause.

Additional points: Sunset mentioned.

The other Dash sniffled – she must have had allergies or something, of course –

The characterisation of Rainbow as putting great effort into maintaining a great barricade of awesome she then deliberate stands behind in defiance of what she can see in front of her is one i dig.

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