• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,702 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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23 - Renewed Friendships and more

It had been quite a long month for everypony. Not just for the chief, but for the whole town. Diamond looked over at the slightly smaller paint colt laying pony-loaf beside her, his side touching hers, the comic book in front of them sort of forgotten in the moment.

The counselor had come the very next day after the Chief sent his letter. He was a nice stallion, and his name was Case Study. The unicorn had been seeing all of the firefighters, the Explorers, and a good deal of the residences of the town. He resided in a little cottage near Fluttershy’s place out near the woods. In it, he had a quiet room where there were tons of shelved books and toys and all sorts of things in between.

The best thing about him was, anything somepony told Mr. Study, was private. He and Diamond conversed about how she felt, about the pain of losing Archer, and how it felt to see her friend and minor hero fall like he did. Mr. Study had done a lot in the sessions to help her understand and cope. There would be many more sessions, of course. It turns out the therapist pony and part-time firefighter had decided to move to Ponyville full time.

Pip turned and looked, catching her looking at him. He blinked, and gave a little confused smile. “What?”

Diamond shook her head and smiled softly. “Nothing, I just… Pip, h-have you ever kissed somepony before? I mean, like a real kiss?”

They both knew they likely shouldn’t be alone, thankful however for the fact Applebloom was covering for them, and the other two fillies were making sure no one came around the little clubhouse. It was their way of giving them some private time out of the eyes of the adults.

Pipsqueak blushed some and shook his head. “Well, not really. My dads will when they tuck me in, and once Princess Luna gave me a kiss on the top of my head. Oh there was that one kiss you gave me when...” he paused. “But not, um, you know, well like, uh—”

She shook her head. “You talk too much,” but her smile said more than anything else. Leaning over, their first kiss happened. It was kind of awkward and shy, and it wasn’t like he hadn't seen his father's kiss once when he walked into the kitchen. However, it made his heart beat hard, and his eyelids shut tight.

After looking over at Diamond, he could see her blushing profusely, and did what any gentlecolt should. He leaned in and nuzzled her softly. “W-was that your first, too?”

She nodded gently and then looked up to his eyes. “Yeah, it... was nice.”

He agreed by leaning over and pressing his lips to hers again. Once more, it was not the deep Prench kiss of his parents. There was a lot of innocent joy in that moment. But it was all ruined as they both heard from the doorway behind them.

“Awww, that is so cute!”

Glancing back, both of them blushed as hard as could be. Standing in the doorway was Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. All three, even Scoots had a kind of dopey grin on their faces. Perhaps oddly it was Scootaloo who said, “Told you they would.”

Apple Bloom shouldered her friend gently. “Ah bet you haven't done that with Rumble," only to have Scootaloo blush hard and look away. “Oh my Celestia, you have!” earning giggles from Sweetie Belle.

Diamond rolled her eyes but gave a smile and glanced at Pip who was still blushing hard. “I don’t care what anypony else thinks, I liked it Pip and... I like you, a lot,” she said, making the paint pony’s eyes grow even wider. Then, she saw and felt him lean over and press his cheek to hers, a soft touch, simply doing what he had seen his fathers do. She liked how he was always so caring about her feelings.

It was all right, then they heard Applejack’s voice call out from the base of the ramp up to the clubhouse.

“Now, I gave y’all time, but ah don’t want to hear nothing more. Applebloom, it's time to do your chores. Diamond, you and the rest should be getting home—”

Applejack cut herself off, seeing Pipsqueak step out of the doorway behind the pink filly. She could see the paint’s face flush along the cheeks. They were growing up, ain’t no harm she figured as long as they didn’t go doing too much. However, she had to make sure, and she clicked her tongue.

“Pip, ah am a little disappointed in you, young colt. Alone with a filly at your age, what do you have to say for yourself ?”

Pipsqueak blinked and tucked his ears down, but it was not lost on Applejack when he moved forward a bit putting himself in front of Diamond and the other girls. She gave the colt points for standing up like that.

“Miss Applejack, we were just reading comics and talking, that is all.”

“Ho ho, and pull the other leg why don’t ya. You can’t fib to me, young colt.”

He paused, then said in a weak tone. “P-perhaps a kiss, too.”

Diamond gave a light squeak and blushed, the other fillies all giggled but hid their faces. Applejack just gave a single nod of her head. “Fair enough, ah believe you. Ain’t nothing wrong with a kiss, long as that was all it was. You two are too young fer gettin' serious. Now, you three run along. Bloom, you get yer chores done.”

After they all embraced each other, Pip escorted each of the fillies home. First, it was Scootaloo who was to wait for Rainbow Dash at Sugarcube Corner. She said she was going to do her homework while she waited for her mother to return from training.

Next, he walked Sweetie Belle home. It was on the way to Diamond’s house, after all. Lastly, he found himself on the front porch of the pink filly's house. She blushed and leaned in, kissing his cheek once softly.

“Pip, I... got tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala. I was hoping you would—I mean, if you wanted to. You could go... with me?”

The colt smiled just a bit and then nodded. He paused before saying, “Okay, but, I have to ask your father. Dad says it's a colt’s job to get permission to take a lady out someplace.”

She nudged him. “But I am taking you, so, doesn’t that mean I have to ask your dads?”

That made him pause and then give a little smirk. “Well, okay, just this time,” as it was with them. He knew who was the more aggressive, and he didn't mind it.

As both talked for a few minutes, they had no clue two stallions watched on from a window above and to the left of them. Filthy glanced over at the slightly purple older pony next to him. “She is growing up too fast, Randolph.”

The older butler pony smiled very softly and nodded. “She is, Master Rich, but look at her. You did a fine job, and she is a perfect filly.”

The two looked down at the two on the stoop again. “Randolph, she talked to me yesterday. She expressed a possible desire to go to the Fire Academy in Canterlot once she graduates. I mean, she has almost six years of school left and she is already thinking about that? Then, a firefighter, I mean, I know she is...but, it’s so dangerous.”

Randolph glanced down, then at his employer for many years. “May I be quite blunt, sir?” He asked, watching the other stallion nod in response. He then gestured his hoof. “She is a strong-willed young lady. She knows who she is, and what she wants. You can encourage her, or you can do as your wife tried and squash her. That is your call to make. Just remember how she was, and how she is now.”

Rich gave a smile and a nod. “You are right, of course, Randolph. And, for what it’s worth my old friend, thank you for everything you have done for this family.”

Clearing his throat, “It is as always, sir, my pleasure.”


Rescue sat in the small chair, looking around the group of eight other ponies at the meeting. There was Berry Punch, and next to her, Applejack who was running the meeting, and others he knew. He exhaled as Applejack held out a red chip with the number '30' on it, taking it from her as the others clapped their hooves lightly together.

“Thank you. I... it's hard,” he began to speak. “But, I am going one day at a time. I see the doctor twice a week now. I want to make this work.”

Applejack gave a nod and the meeting broke up. He found her coming up along his side and talking once everypony else had left. “Twilight still not speaking to you?”

He shook his head. “No, but I have been trying to stay out of her way. I know I hurt her, bad”

The apple pony gave a nod and looked out at the town. “Well, things are going to change. I have had just about enough of that filly’s attitude.”

Rescue shook his head. “AJ, don’t let her alone, okay. She has a right to be upset.”

The orange mare smirked. “Too late for that, now, let's go.”


Her smirk widened as she reached up and tugged her hat down some. “Well, by now, the girls and Ailan are over at the castle and forcing her to sit there.”

Rescue groaned. “How about we just ignore that and find a bottl—” getting the poor joke no farther out as she cuffed him in the back of the head with a hoof.

“Quit yer sassing and get a move on.”

Rubbing the back of his head, he muttered. “Damn oversensitive mares,” but his tone made it clear he was joking about.

The trot there wasn't long, but he did wish it was. Once inside, they headed over to one of the many rooms, the door opened to show Pinkie sitting on Twilight who was splayed out on the floor, the other mares all sitting and talking. Then there was Spike, who had an apron on, and was holding out a plate of cookies to Ailan.

“Pinkie, get off of me! I said I would talk to him when I feel like it!”

“Oh, good, and now you feel like it because, guess who is heeerrree.”

Rescue shook his head as Applejack walked out in front of him. Pinkie, who had just two weeks ago thrown him a ‘welcome to being my friend again’ party. He was elated she was back to normal, and would forever remember how close he came to losing her friendship. Of all of the things and all of the events, that was almost the most painful.

Twilight got up off of the ground and fluttered her wings, looking around with a scowl at all of her friends before setting her gaze on Rescue. He saw her eyes flash from anger to hurt and worry.

“Hello, Chief. I... trust you are doing well?”

So formal. His ears laid back, and then he gave a soft nod. “I am, yes. Oh, I got this today, too,” he tugged out the thirty-day chip from the pocket on the back of his badge holder and held it out to her.

The purple alicorn relaxed some and her eyes met his. “Congratulations on that, and... are you are feeling okay now?”

Rescue lowered his head. “Look, I know I hurt you. I have talked about it a lot with ponies who know you,” he looked up at the purple alicorn, looking her right in the eyes.

“Archer, then my act. It was unfair to everypony. However, you of all ponies, I... well—"

She lifted a hoof and cut him off. “Rescue,” using his name now as she looked in him in the eyes. “Before that day, I had never had to face the end of life. I had never helped or had to watch a pony so young put to rest. Then, finding you so close to…”

Her eyes closed and she hung her head. “You almost died. I didn’t know how to deal with it. I was so angry at you, and yet so relieved you were okay too. You are my friend, but I should have had this talk a long time ago with you.”

She paused once more, up at the big stallion again. “I... am sorry I treated you like I did, it was unfair to you, unfair to all of you,” she continued, looking around at the gathering of ponies, before looking back to the chief. “If you can forgive me, I would like to be friends still.”

He just gave a nod and then said in a soft tone. “We never stopped being friends, Twily,” a little slip. A name whispered to him by a quite playful and surprisingly jovial Princess of the Night. He watched her eyes widen and then get a slight smirk.

“Okay, sunny,” she said with a bit of an evil but playful grin.

Everypony laughed as the big draft stallion's head snapped around to lock eyes onto Ailan, who fell out of his chair as he was laughing.

“Great, just great,” he muttered.

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