• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,438 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

  • ...

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Act II - Ch. 11 Seeing Stars

I had a bit of spare time and worked a lot on this at uni, so it’s a bit earlier than the last one was. How great is that?

Anyway, the character ‘Bulwark’ present in this chapter was originally named Barricade and was lifted from the stories ‘Mothers’ and its sequel ‘A Little Chat’ by KnightMysterio who all credit for said character should go to. Those are both great stories, seriously, go have a read. I just liked Barricade so much I couldn’t help but include her. With KnightMysterio’s permission, of course.

RETROACTIVE AMMENDMENT: To give me a bit of freedom the character is now just based on Barricade and Bulwark is my own spin on the concept. She'll get spun out better, into her own character, in Act III where the story is when I'm adding this part here.

Totally awesome words formed into a cohesive sentence below from my valued friend and pre-reader Merujea! Behold them!

Hey guys, sorry for such a delay again. School’s just about to start up again for me, chaos continues to reign in my life, and problems, problems, problems. But what am I going on about that for?! This isn’t what you all are here for! Go read the magnificent work below and ignore this crazy person!

Or, if there aren’t any, don’t because it’s hard to behold things that don’t exist. I mean, I can do it but I’m just naturally amazing. Also very modest.

Enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 11 Seeing Stars



The showmare glared at them sulkily. She lacked her hat and robe, and though her coat was clean it was a mess. Her mane was equally unkempt and uncared for.

“That is the Great and Powerful Trixie to you.” Despite the combination of her appearance and being behind bars she managed to pull off a haughty air to do Rarity justice.

Rainbow Dash very nearly launched herself at the bars to snarl back at her. Instead she took a few extra seconds to drag Applejack and Fluttershy with her. “You!”

Trixie sniffed in the manner of one who had been accosted by a sweaty garbage-mare. “Did you not hear Trixie or are you such a foal that you did not understand her? That is the Great and Powerful Trixie to you, foal!”

“What’d you say to me, oh Guilty and Punished Trixie? Couldn’t hear you through the bars,” Taunted Rainbow mockingly, sticking her tongue out for good measure.

“Now Dash, it’s unbecoming to gloat...” Rarity scolded her while weighting up whether she could manage to be unbecoming for a few minutes. It was very tempting, especially when she thought back on what this monster did to her mane.

“Um...” Fluttershy tried to retreat from the fiery glares the show-offs were exchanging. There was enough heat to boil water. “I’ll just, uh, back away if you don’t mind...or not, I’m sorry, um...”

Without turning her attention from Trixie Rainbow kept her in place.

“Ease off there a mite, sugarcube.” Applejack gently pulled Dash away from the bars. “We ain’t here ta shout at her.” She shot a glance at Luna. “Are we?”

Regal in every movement Luna shook her head. “We recalled a Friendship Report making mention of this Trixie. While I wished to call on you at an earlier time for you knowledge of her, Celestia convinced me to agree to attempt to convince her ourselves. She has refused to divulge her purpose near the Gates of the Pit, as I said before. Yet neither my sister nor I wish to simply force our way into her mind. Tis a slippery slope, to do so for what seems a good reason yet may be the start down a...darker path.”

Twilight looked between the sulking but defiant unicorn and the astral-maned Princess uneasily. “Should you really let her hear you talking like that? I mean, we don’t want to sca-”

“Trixie demands you cease mocking her!” shrieked Trixie without apparent provocation, pointing at hoof at Twilight. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is not intimidated by your mastery of the mime’s arts! Not at all.”

They stared at her. Well, most of them did. Luna smiled knowingly and Paladin simply cocked an eyebrow curiously.

“What?” Twilight asked flatly.

“She cannot hear us.” Came Paladin’s deep voice. His bright eyes considered the now-ranting mare before turning to Luna. “Can she?”

The Princess still wore her knowing smile, now with a hint of satisfaction. “Indeed not. Unless addressing her, the magic of the prison prevents sound from reaching her. A precaution so we might discuss her without needing to leave, and sometimes useful for intimidation.

It took Twilight a few seconds to realise what the alicorn’s words meant. When understanding dawned she had to bite back an impressed whistle.

That’s powerful magic! I don’t know the exact spell the Princess used but I think I could re-create it with a bit of work. The core spell would need to be Divination since it needs to be able to comprehend words and meaning, not to mention communication. Abjuration elements would be fundamental for the basic structure since it concerns denying or blocking something, in this case sound. Is the spell applied to the bars or Trixie’s inhibitor ring? Maybe it was cast directly on her. If that were the case it would need Enchanting to bind it to a living creature but Transmutation would work more effectively to use as an object-targeted spell. Wait, is the effect mental-effective so she does hear the sounds but the spell prevents her from actually knowing that, or is it blocking the actual sound-waves around her unless directed specifically at her with the Divination elements creating a pathway for them to reach her-

Twilight’s eyes seemed to go dark as her thought fell into sorting a puzzle of energies and powers. Her hood absentmindedly rubbed her chin and she barely noticed her own magic levitation her notebook, quill and inkpot out of her bags.

Unheard giggles flew across the room but the only sounds she took notice of were the scratch of her quill mechanically taking notes. Half a page was covered in writing and arcane symbols before ten seconds had passed. Her attention focused inward, Twilight failed to look away from her second and shortly third page of notes. Metaphysical concepts formed only to be dismissed moments later when eldritch symbology was applied to the mental construct and theoretical power was twisted to a purpose in her mind’s eye. The outside world dropped away beneath the weight of knowledge and arcane wonderings.

As such the studious young unicorn was entirely unprepared for hot, wet, slimy somethings jamming into her ears. Had she been paying any attention previously Twilight would have heard whispering, frankly unnecessary whispering at that, on either side of her head and a softly barked ‘Go!’

Alas she had not been and thus she did not, so when the hot, wet, slimy somethings barged in with not even a perfunctory ‘hello’ and started wriggling Twilight was caught completely by surprise. Her magic crushed the quill in a shocked-burst of kinetic power and she let out a considerably undignified squawk as she jumped backwards. Such was her surprise that Twilight’s rear legs failed to get the metaphorical memo and remained in standby. Trying to leap backwards without looking traditionally has a chance of yielding the result ‘falling into an embarrassed heap’.

Attempting to leap backwards without looking and without realising your lower half was not up to date with operational procedures made this result a near certainty.

Princess Luna peered down worried at the red-cheeked pile of Twilight Sparkle. She pulled her tongue back and looked at Rainbow Dash questioningly. “I did it correctly, yes?”

In response Rainbow Dash fell to the floor clutching her sides with the force of her laughter. She was joined near enough to instantly by Pinkie.

“Y-yeah, Prin -snort- Princess!” Rainbow Dash wheezed out between gales of laughter. “Got it in one, ah hahaha.” She collapsed back with hooves once again holding herself.

Thought she tried to look stern and above it all Applejack could not keep a chuckle or two from sneaking their way out.

“Rainbow Dash! How could you?” Needless to say, Rarity was appalled. That Rainbow had gone too far this time! “Convincing a Princess to do such a dirty thing, shame on you” She tutted unhappily.

The pegasus in question just rolled her eyes. “Pfft, lighten up. Besides, it broke Twilight out of her weird-brainy daze didn’t it?”

“Yes.” A groan from the pile confirmed. Twilight unsteadily came to her hooves. “It did. Was not expecting that.”

Luna blushed slightly. “I do apologise, Twilight Sparkle. I did not realise you would react in such a way to Rainbow Dash’s proposed method of ‘snapping you out of it’.”

The unicorn got back to her hooves. “It’s alright Princess, I’m fine.” Twilight shuddered slightly at the wetness in her ears and turned her gaze upon Rainbow Dash. Her pegasus pal was too embroiled in her mirth to notice. “Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof...”

Before Twilight could do more than trail off ominously a strong orange hoof pulled the target of her ire up and gave her a good shake.

“Ah think that’s about enough RD.” Applejack scolded her, giving Dash another shake for good measure.

Swallowing her laughter Rainbow flexed her wings and with a flap pulled free of the farmpony’s strong hoof. “Haha, alright alright, fine.” She adjusted her borrowed hat with exaggerated care. A last snigger got out as she saw Twilight’s irate expression.

“Trixie demands you cease your infernal miming!” an imperious voice cut in. They all looked at Trixie, who was staring at them with her face scrunched into an expression of confused aggression. She pointed at them when they looked at her. “She will not be taken in by your cunning tricks! Your devious attempt to make Trixie lower her guard by acting foalishly and wearing safety goggles at random has failed! Trixie has done nothing wrong and will not say otherwise!”

Luna reflected that she was blushing too much today as she teleported the safety goggles away.

“Princess?” Though she cringed at drawing attention to herself Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Um, I was just wondering, if you don’t mind could you tell me, uh, why is...Trixie locked...up...?” the timid mare retreated slightly with each word until her rear hit the bars. She let out a frightened squeak and jumped forward again. “I mean...how do you, um, you know...she did something bad...?”

“You are quite right to ask.” Luna gave her the most reassuring smile she could. “The wards around Tartarus had been struck with a weakening spell that traces back to her horn. Fortunately she lacks the power to do more than set off a warning spell which informed my sister of the disturbance.”

“Heh, guess she ain’t so great.” Rainbow said, though it lacked her usual conviction. She shivered slightly and fought the urge to tug her friends closer.

“Stop miming!” yelled Trixie. “Trixie will not have it! She has done nothing wrong and will not be held against her! Release Trixie or-”

“Or what?”

Trixie jumped, as did everypony except Luna and Paladin. He tensed for a moment before relaxing as he realised who it was. Luna trotted over and nuzzled her sister. Celestia returned the gesture. How she had entered without being noticed he could only guess at. Magic, he assumed.

“Princess!” Twilight scrambled to bow, only stopped by Celestia’s hoof interceding.

“Please, my faithful student, there’s no need to be so formal.” She turned her attention to Trixie, who was frozen. “As for you, Trixie Lulamoon...” she stepped closer, practically looming over her. Celestia lowered her head to Trixie’s level, right in front of the bars.

The girls all took deep breaths without realising it and Trixie scrambled backwards a bit.

“Will you please tell me what you were doing?” she asked politely.

The girls all let their breaths out, wondering why they had been so tense.

“Trixie was doing nothing!” denied the magician stubbornly, shaking her head furiously.

Celestia sighed in apparent defeat. “My little pony, you keep saying that but I traced the residual magic back to your horn.”

Credit where it’s due, Trixie managed to keep a strong attitude up before the ruler of ponykind. “Y-you must be wrong!” she stuttered.

Ignoring the outraged spluttering of shock from her student Celestia made sure her sister was holding back the angered unicorn before looking at Trixie again. “I want to believe you, Trixie, I do but you have to let me look at your memories. Just let me check, I promise not to look at anything else. Once you do you’ll be free to go and I’ll reimburse you for spending so long locked. Please.”

“No! T-Trixie will not let you p-play with her mind!” Trixie shouted back, her attitude suddenly becoming more aggressive.

“I’m not going to play with your mind! Please, my little pony, you don’t have to stay locked up here. It will take only a moment. Then you can go.” Celestia told her, tone gentle.


Withdrawing Celestia sighed. Her horn glowed and Trixie slumped to the ground. A second later she began to snore.

“Another day, another failure.” She smiled tiredly down at the Bearers, taking a single step to reach them. “I’m sorry you had to see that. She is proving quite stubborn. That is why I- why we” she corrected herself with a glance at Luna. “-called you here.”

“Us?” Twilight asked doubtfully. She looked at the snoozing Trixie uncertainly. “Well, I’m not sure we’re the best ponies to ask Princess. I mean, it’s not like we really know her.”

“Right you are, Twilight, but I’m hoping perhaps you can convince her to let me into her memories. Find some common ground, that sort of thing. Things I cannot attempt.” Explained the Princess. Luna nodded in agreement.

“No offense Princess, but can’t you just, y’know, look without asking?” Rainbow Dash asked, ignoring Rarity’s scandalised expression. “You’re the Princess!”

Twilight’s expression had become horrified. “Rainbow Dash! That is highly illegal! Forcing mind magic is one of the most heinous crimes a unicorn can commit!” she burst out.

“Really? Didn’t you kind of, y’know, do that with the whole ‘Smarty Pants’ thing?” pointed out Dash bluntly.

Face red and expression ashamed, Twilight looked at the ground, mumbling incoherently. Celestia took pity on her favoured student and stepped in.

“Yes, she did.” She said. Reaching down she wrapped a leg around Twilight’s shoulder comfortingly. “That is why it was such a serious incident. Only the fact that Twilight was still recovering psychologically from Discord’s torment and her own previous restraint in exercising her power gave me enough room to pardon her. If I did not have many good reasons the law would demand her imprisonment and the draining of her magic.”

The girls gasped, shocked by the revelation. They looked at Twilight with various expressions of hurt that she had not told them and relief that she had managed to avoid such a fate.

“A brute force method may very well damage her mind as well.” Luna cut in. “While both my sister and I would be able to work our way in carefully there is always a chance of hurting her if she resists too much. Judging by her reaction I suspect she would resist most heartily.”

Celestia nudged Twilight, getting her to look up and meet her friends’ eyes. To her relief they swarmed over to her, voicing various platitudes along the lines of ‘you could have told us!’

“I fear I must retire.” Celestia said, interrupting them. She gave Twilight another smile, reassuring her after the reminder of the incident. “I hope you will think of some way to help. I will leave you to rest the night while Trixie cools.” With a final farewell Celestia departed, vanishing in a discreet teleportation.

In her wake the mares began to talk amongst themselves, each suggesting ways to get Trixie’s cooperation. It goes without saying one of those ways was a party, as it does who suggested it.

“Parties always work!” Pinkie declared confidently. “I’ve nearly worked out all the kinks out of my P4 as well!”

“P4?” Rarity asked doubtfully, not sure she would like the answer. “Pinkie dear, what does the P stand for?”

Pinkie’s grin was wide enough the top of her head looked about to topple off. “P for party! Geddit?” she all but screamed happily. Suddenly she frowned. “Wait a minute-I didn’t bring any with me! Ah, muffin batter.” Pinkie grumbled the odd curse.

Smiling down at the plotting mares, Luna’s gaze sought out Paladin. He was studying Trixie with his stone wall of an expression from the sidelines.

“That is enough for today, I think.” The door swung open under Luna’s magical influence. She spread her wing out to block their sight of Trixie. “Perhaps some time to think and ‘cool off’ would indeed be a good idea.”

With a minimum of protests the alicorn herded the girls out. Paladin withdrew in her wake somewhat reluctantly. He glanced back at the sleeping Trixie, a troubled expression mining its way through his stony expression.

“Come, put Trixie from your thoughts until morning. I shall lead you to your chambers.”

Obediently they let the royal pony lead them from the bowels of the castle.


Tyrael lay on his stomach, wings stretched out on either side as he stared up into the starry sky. He was on the balcony attached to the room he had been given. Below he could make out the vague shape of somepony apparently tending to the palace gardens. He ignored them, his attention on the light dotted sky.

How many times have I gazed on the stars and felt nothing?’ He wondered. Somehow, when he had come out to ensure the balcony was secure Tyrael had caught sight of the night-time view. It had...taken his breath away. ‘How many times did I look but not see?’ Now he would never look upon the endless star scapes again. A chance to see something he once taken for granted without really realising what he had been blessed with lost forever.

Was all mortal life like this? Missed chances, forever regretting the past? A curse to long for what could never be or what had once been. How did they stand it?

No.’ He didn't know where the thought came from. ‘I missed the beauty before me. Eternity blinded me, blinds all my kind, to what was already there. Such a simple joy as stargazing is lost to one who has forever to watch. The endless march of time did not touch us as it does mortals, passing millennia learning less than they do in a decade.

The large pegasus sighed, the sound almost covering another. His ears twitched.

“Greetings, your Highess.” He said without turning.

Luna watched him, impressed, as she emerged from the moving shadow she had been occupying. A few steps and she dropped down next to him. Minutes passed in comfortable silence until at last Tyrael spoke.

“The stars” he murmured “are beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“I never... looked at them before. Not really. They burned above a million battles and more but I never truly looked at them. Never saw what is obvious now.” His voice low, Tyrael never took his eyes off the sky.

Saying nothing Luna simply sat and listened. Whatever was going on in his mind she would hear him out. She wondered when he had last voiced his thoughts and feelings to another being. Had he ever exposed himself to another this way? Bared his soul to them?

Her head throbbed. With a mental groan she pushed the ache down. The unfortunate price she was paying for knowledge, important knowledge she had lost only through her own folly, but lost nonetheless. If pay such a price she must, pay it she would and gladly.

He was talking again. Luna turned her ears to him.

“I cannot help but wonder what else I missed.” If he had noticed her distraction Tyrael gave no sign. “Were there other such sights I did not bother to notice? Things which existed for less time than we did were rarely of importance, yet when I saw the potential of mortals I should have realised how wrong that was. The High Heavens were beautiful and eternal, the jewel of creation from which Anu’s light shone. When demons came in endless hordes to crash against the Diamond Gate the Silver City remained as it had always been. Not even the force of the seven Great Evils and dozens of Lesser Evils could so much as besmirch our inner domain.” He practically glowed with pride and his voice spoke of great satisfaction.

Luna nodded to show she was listening but she was not even sure he was paying attention to his surroundings anymore.

His voice fell and Tyrael lowered his eyes from the sky to glower at the ground. “I think that was – is – part of the problem. When you have forever in which to act you may never do so. We never changed because we felt we had no need to. I was the same as the others, steadfast in my belief that we were infallible. The Light of Anu’s soul was our source and he was Perfection. How could the children of Perfection be wrong? And yet we were.”

“How?” Luna asked softly, hoping she would not disturb his train of thought.

“Humanity. The mortal offspring of the rebel angels and demons who forged Sanctuary who had power beyond their progenitors until the rebel Archangel Inarius used the stolen Eye to suppress it. Their descendants fumbling with magic drew the attention of the Burning Hells. The Primes sought to corrupt them through subversive means and turn humanity’s hidden power upon us using a false religion led by one of Hatred’s children in mortal guise. Inarius responded with a cult of his own, using his Angelic power to spread it far and wide. They waged a war in the shadows, the Sin War. It came to a head when a group of humans began to show power that surpassed angel and demon. We finally found Sanctuary when their leader began to alter the Eye so that it would no longer constrain humanity’s might.” He paused, taking a deep breath.

“We brought the Eternal Conflict to their world. The earth shattered and the armies of Hell marched forth. The sky split as the Angelic Host fell upon them. In between them the nephalem, the true heritage of mankind, stood firm and lay waste to both. The power was too much, too great and threatened to undo their entire world. We did nothing, watching and judging from on high until the leader of the nephalem sacrificed himself to save their world. He showed me what his race was truly capable of. Uldyssian burned himself from existence to save his world, sacrificing his own soul and chance to move on so that his people could live. It took that, the utter destruction of a soul, to even stir the beginnings of a chance in me.”

“But you did change.” She pointed out gently.

Tyrael nodded slowly. “I did. Auriel and Itherael voted to let them live while I held the balancing vote. Imperious, my brother-in-arms who I had fought beside more than any other, urged me to vote with him. With my vote and Malthael’s choice of absenting he would unleash destruction upon the realm of man. The Laws of the High Heavens compelled me to judge humanity wanting and let them be unmade. I made a choice that day, to pursue Justice beyond words and into the spirit. Yet it took such a cataclysmic event to change me. To make me ever doubt what I thought.”

“You make you people sound so...” Luna searched for the right word.

“I do. I believe we are- they are better than demons by so very far but it is only in recent years that I realise the gulf between me and many of them. Even Auriel and Itherael have not changed, eternal in their actions and being. W- They just need to...’lighten up’ I suppose, to realise that change is not always a sign of evil.” He sighed, rubbing a hoof against his closed eyes. “I am sorry. I have...done much thinking, little of it good.”

Luna shook her head. “Tis no worry to me, Sir Ty- Paladin. Thank you for telling me such important things.”

He grunted ruefully. “Only you and your sister know what I truly a- was. Thank you for listening, however. It feels...good, to talk to another.”

“It was a privilege to hear. Now, sleep.” Luna told him, rising back to her full height. She began to meld with her own shadow. “We will speak once more in the morning.”

“Very well.” Standing, Tyrael cast one last look over the night view. He frowned. “Why do you have gardeners during the night?” he asked curiously.

“I am afraid we do not. Gardening is generally done during the day.” Were Luna’s slightly confused parting words a moment before she was gone.

Tyrael stared at where she had disappeared, a dark look in his eyes. He looked again, seeing in his memory once more where the vague shape had seemingly been tending the plants in the darkness. It could be a guard, or a somepony having a midnight stroll. It could a trick of the light. It could be any of a hundred harmless things.

It could also be an enemy, a threat skulking in the night.

His decision made Tyrael turned and trotted through his room to the door. It could be anything, but he was going to find out what it was.

No sooner had he emerged into the wall than Tyrael found something blocking his path as he rushed out. Or rather more accurately somepony. Together they fell into a pile of tangled legs and wings.

“Oh, Paladin, I’m so sorry.” Fluttershy whimpered even quieter than normal.

“It is of no concern.” Paladin grunted, pulling himself up. He offered a helping hoof to Fluttershy. “Though I do wonder what you are doing still awake at this hour. It is late and you need sleep if you wish to function tomorrow.”

Fluttershy blushed and looked down. “Sorry.” She squeaked from behind the pink curtain that was her mane. One of her hooves cuffed the floor nervously. “I was just...sorry, um, never mind. I’ll, uh, just go back to bed. Sorry.”

It would probably be safer if she was in her room. If there really was something out there it would be better if the guards knew where she was. He was certain her going back to her room was safer for her.

On the other hoof...he thought there had been a wet sheen to her eyes when she turned away. For a moment, despite not having actually done anything wrong, Paladin felt like a complete and utter bastard.

“Wait.” He held up a hoof beseechingly. “What...” she looked back, peering soulfully at him with one eye visible, wide and gentle. He coughed. “Where were you going?”

“Oh, I-I just wanted to go out for a walk in the gardens. I never really got a chance to, um, appreciate them before.” She blushed again and looked down before looking up at him hopefully. “I couldn’t really sleep, so I thought a walk would help. I’m really sorry that I woke you.”

He shook his head. “I was already awake. The garden, you mean the one my room overlooks?” Paladin asked cautiously.

Fluttershy nodded before a smile spread across her face. “Oh, were you going for a walk as well? Do you want to go for a walk together?” she looked at him with a hopeful expression, remembering that it was a bit dark outside.

I should tell her to go back to her room.’ he thought as he considered her request. ‘She will be safer, and it would be irresponsible of me to let her go out when there is a chance there may be a threat.’ Mind made up, he began to reply. As he did so, he met her hopeful gaze.


“Thank you for coming with me.” Fluttershy smiled shyly at Paladin. He grunted in reply. “I was a little nervous, going out alone at night but with you I’m sure to be safe as can be.”

This display of trust would have been touching if he had not been thinking ‘ Confound these ponies.’ For whatever reason he found he was unable to say no to Fluttershy when she looked at him like that. He blamed mortality for weakening his resolve.

“Um, Paladin?” she peered at him, biting her lower lip uncertainly at his lack of response. “Is everything alright?”

They came to an intersection and he took the extra time they spent making sure they were heading the right way to reach the gardens to think of a proper answer. They set off once more.

“I am perfectly well, thank you. Merely...thinking.”

“Oh, okay. Um, what were you thinking about?” she asked somewhat hesitantly.

Paladin’s expression became thoughtful. “I am...not sure you would find it particularly interesting. Do not let it trouble you. I believe the garden should be beyond that door.” He nodded down the hall to what Fluttershy guessed was a service entrance.

Even Fluttershy could tell he was just using this as an excuse to avoid talking about whatever had been occupying his thoughts, but she let it go. Paladin still seemed to find the company of other ponies awkward and endeavoured to spend much of his time when not working alone. As far as Fluttershy had learned from her friends the sole exceptions were Spike and Big Mac. The former she was not completely sure why but the latter was clear. Neither liked to talk very much and, according to Applejack, if she ever broached a topic while the three were at work they just seemed to communicate entirely in grunts and nods.

She smiled and nodded, going alone with it. If he wanted to keep his thoughts to himself she would not press, although hopefully he had someone to confide in.

“It’s beautiful.” She whispered as the door closed behind them, staring at the garden spreading around them. There were ornate light-posts dotting the thick plant-life occasionally, enough to provide faint illumination and when coupled with the moon’s strong clear light it was not as dark as she had been worried. Fluttershy glanced through a gap in her mane at Paladin for a second to see his reaction.

Though his expression remained unmoved, he inclined his head a few inches to indicate his approval. She noticed his eyes darting to and fro. ‘He must want to see it more than he’s admitting.’ thought Fluttershy cheerfully.

He started off without warning, stopping after a bit to look back at her.

Damnation, I cannot allow her to go off alone. If there is something out there it might find her while I seek it’ he thought, fighting back annoyance. She was here and was his responsibility, that was the reality of the situation.

“I intend to look at the flora beneath my room. Would you care to accompany me?” he offered, glancing to either side again and stretching out his senses.

Fluttershy, who had been getting a tad nervous and confused when she thought he was leaving, nodded and quickly scampered to him. “I’d be happy to. Um, which was is it?”

“I suspect...” Paladin looked around them, comparing the path they had taken to get there to where their rooms were. He pointed in what he was fairly sure was the right way. “That way.”

They set off, Fluttershy quietly admiring the amazing garden spread out around them and her stallion companion looking into every shadow with piercing blue eyes.

As alert as he was, his attention was locked on the garden around him and the watcher who was following their movements from a cloud went undiscovered. The watcher did exactly that, they watched.

A frown came to the hidden observer’s expression and a hoof, cast in shadow by the tower the cloud hovered near, rubbed thoughtfully against their chin. This action would have conveyed, had anypony seen it, both curiosity and a distinct lack of pleasure. So distinct it may, in fact, have been displeasure.

Either way, there would be a reckoning. With a flap of wings the large figure took off, soaring silently in the wake of the pair. It grinned, eager to see their reaction. Especially the little pegasus.


Nothing.’ Paladin stared hard at the plants surrounding them. He sought any sign of an intruder but there was nothing. They had gone deep into the garden between the castle and the outer walls, far from the castle proper yet he could detect no clue to what he had seen before.

Fluttershy lifted her head from smelling a flower. “I’m so glad you suggested we come over here, this is such a nice spot. Oh, I wish my cottage had all these little flowers around it.”

Although he had more ‘decided’ than ‘suggested’ Paladin nodded anyway. “It is a...pleasant sight, yes.” He conceded. Nothing compared to Auriel’s Gardens of Hope but the nearest match he had seen crafted by mortal ha- hooves. “Perhaps we should go back ins-”

The timid mare looked up when he failed to finish his sentence and found Paladin glaring at the shadows as he backed towards her. She blinked a few times to make sure she was seeing right. “Um, is something wrong?”

“We are not alone.” He snorted, and failed to notice the involuntary act of pawing at the ground aggressively. “Fluttershy, stay behind me. Whatever lurks here will not harm you.” Powerful muscles tensed as he prepared for battle.

Before Fluttershy could react a laugh came at them, seemingly from every direction in the maze of varied plant-life. Both ponies’ eyes widened at the sound though for very different reasons.

“Hmm, very protective. I wonder...” the source of the laughter said again from too many places to trace.

Freezing, Fluttershy’s brain took a few seconds to process a revelation based on what she was hearing.

Paladin’s wings flared aggressively. “Reveal yourself!”

“Um, Paladin? I don’t think-”

He spread a wing out to shield Fluttershy. “Fear not, nothing will pass me. Not while I still live.” He declared with a determined snarl.

The voice laughed again, a low chuckle. “Well now, colour me impressed. Can’t say I fault you for being so protective of my little Flutters after all.”

Paladin frowned, confused, but kept his battle-ready stance. “What? Explain yourself!”

Rubbing at the dirt Fluttershy blushed slightly. “Uh, that voice, she’s...my...”

Dropping from the sky to land before him was a pegasus who looked like Fluttershy down to mane and coat colour save for the important distinctions of being A) over twice her size and B) covered in the armour of a royal guard. She grinned at Paladin.

“I’m her mother of course!” the voice that sounded like it was being provided by throat-mounted explosives told him cheerfully. “The name’s Bulwark! Pleasure to meet you, kiddo. Good to see my little Flutters has found a special somepony.”

Fluttershy’s cheeks flared into colour. “M-mama!” she squeaked, staring at her in shock. “W-wha-what?”

The armoured pegasus who rivalled if not outmatched Paladin for size smiled at her daughter and said in her thunder-voice “Now now, your old mum understands. Your father and I never did get the chance to have a midnight tryst in the royal gardens but it does my heart good to see you here.”

If anything Fluttershy’s face became even redder. “M-midnight t-tryst?” came out at a pitch that set nearby dogs barking.

For his part Paladin’s expression forced stiff muscles into a substantial look of confusion. He looked between the two pegasi. “I...am not sure I understand. You were watching us from the shadows, yes?”

Bulwark nodded. “Right you are. Surprised you noticed me.” She eyed him appraisingly before grinning again. “I guess my little Flutters got her taste from her father, going for a big one like you.”

“Mama! I-its n-not...” she tried her best, but Fluttershy’s own embarrassment impeded her progress in actually saying anything.

“Oh, I’m sure it’s not.” Bulwark winked at her daughter in an exaggerated fashion.

“I do not believe I am following this conversation.” Cut in Paladin before they could continue. He rubbed a hoof against his forehead. ‘I never got headaches before I came here.’ he thought sourly.

Something apparently distracted Bulwark from her current subject. “No cutie mark? I’m surprised a lad of your age is hasn’t found his special talent.”

He shrugged. “It does not concern me. Now, please, explain what you are talking of. I dislike being ignorant.”

Bulwark lifted an eyebrow in an expression of curiosity and glanced at Fluttershy. “Certainly chose an odd one. Not that I’m complaining, of course. A lot of ponies thought your father and I were rather odd and we’ve turned out pretty good.”

Taking a deep, deep breath Fluttershy steeled herself against the embarrassment. “Mama, he’s not my...my special somepony. This is Paladin, he’s a friend.” She frowned slightly. “Zecora thought the same thing as you, actually.”

The massive mare sighed. “I’ll have to take a week off and come meet this Zecora sometime, don’t see many zebras around here. But ah, what a pity. Oh well. So, what are my daughter and her not-special-somepony doing on a midnight walk through the royal gardens?” she asked curiously, trotting over and catching her daughter in a hug. “It’s been too long and I find you here?”

“Oh, I’m sorry mama.” Fluttershy apologised.

Dismissing her daughter’s worry with a wave of hoof Bulwark just hugged her again. “You’re a grown mare, no need for me to be barging in on your life. Besides, I’ve been out on the border for the past few months. Mail’s a bit hard to get out there.” She laughed.

“Oh, like Paladin.”

Paladin froze. The lie that he had been beyond the borders of the pony nation relied primarily on the fact the chances of running into somepony who actually knew anything about the lands beyond. He was not particularly skilled with lying on the fly.

Bulwark looked down at Fluttershy with confusion. “Pardon?”

Smiling up at her mother Fluttershy explained “Paladin was out really far away doing...um, I’m not sure...but when he got hurt the Princess brought him to Ponyville to recover!”

The older mare looked up, meeting Paladin’s eyes. He was not sure he liked what he saw in them. “Oh, really?”

“Uh-huh. Um, he hasn’t really talked about it so...” she whispered uncomfortably to her. Fluttershy brightened a moment later. “But he saved me from Timber Wolves!”

The strange look in Bulwark’s eyes vanished as if it had never been there. “Timber Wolves? You’d better tell me all about it while I walk you two but to your rooms.” And like that they were walking back to the castle.

Fluttershy walked between the two, partly because it felt more comfortable for her to have a pony on either side and partly because both wanted to keep an eye on the other. With eagerness Paladin was surprised to see the normally timid mare began to tell the tale of the Black Root. Her mother asked questions occasionally and Paladin interjected at one point with a very brief description of what he had done. Bulwark stepped up the number of questions at that point and he was forced to expand as much as he could without revealing his temporarily regained powers.

Through the entire conversation, the indignity of being called ‘kiddo’ by a creature whose lifespan was barely a drop of water in the ocean that was his own uncounted eons of existence was not lost on him.

Bulwark whistled loudly when Fluttershy finished the tale, explaining what they had done with the Elements of Harmony. “So proud of you, Flutters.” She swept a wing over her daughter and pulled her close. “And I’m glad to hear your friends are looking out for you.”

Blushing, Fluttershy pressed closer to her mother. Paladin looked away, uncomfortable with the display of affection. It was...alien to him. When he looked at them it was brought starkly to his mind the knowledge that one of them had grown inside the other, a lump of flesh, blood and bone that slowly formed into a new creature. Yet a lump that bore the power of a soul, rife with potential good and evil. He was coming to understand some little bit what mortals had to deal with. It was easy to be good when you never hungered, your muscles never ached and your mind was never clouded with hormones.

He...didn’t want to think about the last one. Sheer force of will had staved off any related effect and he was determined to keep it that way. He was not even sure how Inarius coupled with Lilith to produce the first Nephalem and he had no interest in experimenting in the process.

They reached the hall dotted with doors leading to the rooms given to the guests shortly after, mother and daughter engaged in small talk and catching up.

“I think it’s well past your bed-time.” Bulwark gently guided her yawning daughter to her room. “I’m not on duty tomorrow, we can catch up and I’ll meet these friends of yours. Now, you get to bed.”

Fluttershy nodded meekly. She gave Bulwark another hug. “Alright mama. See -yawn- see you in the morning.” She smiled at Paladin and, before he could stop her, gave him a small hug as well. “Thanks for keeping me company, Paladin. Sleep well.”

He nodded awkwardly, noticing the amused expression on Bulwark’s face. “It was no trouble. Rest well.”

The moment Fluttershy’s door closed Bulwark advanced on Paladin. He kept his place, meeting her gaze head on. Bulwark’s face was set in an expression as stony and unyielding as Paladin’s. They stared at the other silently. Neither said anything for a few minutes, just observing their opposite.

At last, Bulwark spoke. “You know, it’s a bit odd staring somepony in the eyes without having to look down.” She said with amusement in her voice.

Having spent much of the week in Big Macintosh’s company it was not as odd as it could be for Paladin. “Indeed.”

“So, you were out beyond the border?” she asked lightly, her tone merely curious.

She knew it had been a lie. Paladin could see that the moment he looked her in the eyes. She was waiting to see how he would try to dig his way out. Instead, he decided to take another option.

“No, that was – for the most part – a lie. I have never traveled beyond the borders of this nation.” He answered calmly.

If this surprised Bulwark she didn’t show it. She simply looked at him curiously. “Really? And how should I take that you’re lying to my daughter?” Now her expression became darker. It was one thing to say ‘a look that could kill’. It was quite another to actually see a look that could not only kill but do so with an alibi and bury the body where it would never be found.

He just snorted in response. “I cannot answer that for you. Perhaps you should consider that I saved her life, the lives of her friends and likely to the lives of everypony in Ponyville. After that, you can consider that I arrived with the aid and blessing of your lieges who you are sworn to obey. But please, inform how you wish to ‘take it’ when you know.”

Bulwark’s eyes narrowed dangerously and for a moment Paladin prepared to face an attack.

Instead she grinned. “Right you are kiddo, right you are. You’ve certainly done more than then enough to get my trust – and if you ever change your mind about my little Flutters, well, let’s say I won’t be unhappy.” She added with what could be described as a ‘cheeky wink’.

Paladin felt his face warming for some reason. He didn’t feel angry so he assumed it was ‘embarrassment’. Faces were overrated.

“...I believe I will retire for the night. Good night.” He grunted, turning away. He had just opened his door when her voice caught him.

“Thank you for saving my daughter.” She said, surprisingly softly.

“It was the only thing I could do.”

The door clicked shut behind him.


Shattered stone rained on the fleeing shadows. Applejack felt her body – it was hers, right? – move, seeming to stride through the air as easily as she could the ground. Her arm lifted a sword in its hand? She had a hand?

A strange being clad in armour and cloth stood to one side, a brilliant blue blade held at the ready. It nodded towards the retreating shadows and said in a masculine voice “Ever the coward.” His voice was filled with contempt.

Before she could think to respond a pillar of mist seemed to consolidate between them, in an instant going gathering into a block of ice which seemed to become another a creature like the first. In its hands this one, covered solely in thick icy steel, wielded a pair of swords. Behind it a pair of metallic struts like the wing-structure of a bird was hung with frosty blue lines of fire forming a nearly wing-like shape.

The newcomer looked between her and the other, or at least so it seemed to Applejack. “Why” it began in a hostile voice “did you interrupt? He fled when you came!”

To her surprise her own body answered in a very male voice. “The Lord of Hatred lies nearby and I require that you join us in the assault.”

The one with the blue blade added “We have no time for to salve your pride, Ardleon. You can have it out with Betrayal another day.”

Ardleon tensed and if he had eyes Applejack was sure they could be glaring at the other. “This is not about my pride! I was going to bring a just punishment upon him!”

“Which you want because he fought you to a standstill and would have slain you had Tyrael not-”

“Enough!” the voice of her body boomed. The word seemed to shake in the air, silencing them. “Ardleon, Izual is correct. While I admire your wish to bring just judgement upon the Lord of Betrayal for his sins you must not let vengeance cloud your sight. A chance to strike at the Lord of Hatred lies before us and we must not let it pass us by.”

After a moment Ardleon nodded, the tension running out of his body. “You are right. I apologise, Archangel. It is not my place to question you.”

She placed a hand on his shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie. “You need not apologise. We are brothers in purpose. Now, let us go. Dul’Mephistos awaits-” she lifted her hand, ornate blade in looking so sharp it seemed to produce an audible ‘shing’. “-and I plan to sink El’druin into his skull.”

The words made Applejack want to vomit. How could anyone speak so eagerly of killing? The others were nodding, both letting out roars of agreement.

Their wings flared and Applejack knew somehow that hers did as well. They lifted into the sky and she raised her sword once again as they cleared-
- the frozen red rock around them. A bowl in the desolate landscape lay not far away, from its centre a beacon of dark power flared with a foul blue brilliance.


“Onward, brothers!” she pointed her blade at the beacon. “The Lord of Hatred falls this day!”



Applejack groaned, slowly opening her eyes as the knocking sound which interrupted her already fading dream became a very real knock. It was quiet but her sensitive years picked it up easily.

“Landsakes.” She grumbled. She looked up, looking for the source of sound. It was one of the doors connecting her to one of the others’ rooms. Her room sat at one end of the hall in a set of three, and each was connected. Still groggy from her abrupt awakening she tried to remember whose room was in the middle.

RD! What in tarnation is that filly thinkin’, wakin’ me at this time a’ night? she thought irritably.

Kicking off the sheets she slid out of bed and marched over to the door.

“Landsakes! It’s two in tha darn morn...nin’....” Applejack trailed off, staring Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus, her feathers out of place and underneath her borrowed Stetson her mane was a mess, gulped and looked around nervously. “Uh, h-hey AJ.” She muttered, sounding more like Fluttershy than herself. “T-this is gonna sound kinda weird...but, um...”

When she failed to say anything Applejack sighed. “Now, ah’m tryin’ ta be patient but its two in tha mornin’. Spit it out.” She said, not unkindly.

Rainbow tensed for a moment as she built up the nerve to...well, to do something she would normally never do. “It’s just, well, the Princess gave me a room which is, y’know, huge and the whole wall is pretty much a big window and I don’t wanna seem rude or anything and there’s no clouds left in the sky to sleep on buts it still kind of hard because the walls are like big and closed and it’s not like I’m lonely after like three weeks of having one of you girls around at night -”

She came to a stop, a hoof covering her mouth.

A crooked grin on her face, Applejack stepped aside slightly. “s’okay, RD. I understand. Jus’ don’t hog the sheets or get up ta any funny business.”

“Th-thanks AJ.” Rainbow Dash muttered, embarrassed by her own incredible relief. It had taken all her will power to actually get past her own pride to do this but...

She shivered slightly, forcing away memories of her nightmares. They had largely abated in the past three weeks but being inside, no matter how spacious and open, without any of her friends around had left her tossing and turning until she awoke in a cold sweat.

The shiver did not go unnoticed by Applejack but she said nothing, well aware of how much it must have cost her cocky friend’s pride to ask for comfort this way. Getting back in bed, Applejack bit back a chuckle. The situation reminded her far too much of Applebloom’s infrequent nightmares, but she didn’t think Rainbow Dash would like to hear that.


Rising from the concealing shadows, the intruder stretched its wings. Wide and leathery, they quickly drew back against its back. That had been too close, the strange pegasus had spotted it. The delay of backtracking and remaining hidden until the coast was clear had been unfortunate but was not fatal to the plan.

A single sinister hiss-chuckle emerged from its maw as it set off, moving through the castle undetected. With the Bearers present a few more preparations were all that were left to ready the plan for action.

A thread of living darkness twined around its arm for a moment, sending thought-feelings of dark glee and the bloody joy only revenge could bring through its temporary carrier.


Aaaaand there’s chapter 11 done! I repeat that Bulwark is based on Barricade who is entirely KnightMysterio’s! Seriously, just to get the point across:


I’d say we’re about one chapter away from the action, which could mean the chapter after next (13) or the next chapter (12) depending on how you want to read it.

As always, any comments from Merujea here or at the start:

Hey look, two comments in one chapter, how about that? If that first comment was anything to go by I really shouldn’t do this so late at night. Then again, I find that’s most often the time when things get most hilarious, wouldn’t you agree? Anyway next time I Pinkie Pie promise I shall strive to be more punctual.

How fascinating! Weren’t you fascinated? I was. Extremely. And no, that wasn’t sarcasm. Sarcasm is something like: “4th Ed Dungeons & Dragons really is a superior system and is totally a natural evolution of 3.5!”

Now that is sarcasm, if a bit heavy handed.

Well, also always comment, comment and, guess what? Comment! I love comments, I feed them to the crocodiles of doom. In a good way, of course.

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