• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th

The Warmaster

Trying to keep up the motivation to write, and am trying to focus my attentions


This story is a sequel to The Warriors of Chaos (Old version)

(Note: Reading the First Warriors of Chaos is not required for the Archaon Saga.)

A thousand years ago, before Discord was imprisoned, a Warrior unlike any other rose from almost out of nowhere. Leading a vast Horde of corrupted ponies, This Warrior, Archaon The Everchosen, sowed ruination and destruction across Equestria, before being sealed in stone. A thousand years have past, and Equestria is no more, destroyed by another Warrior of Chaos named Ahriman, and his army, The New Black Legion. But Archaon has awakened from his stone imprisonment, and shall attempt to once again bring about The End Times. Ahriman's army must hold fast to defeat this foe for surely almost nothing can stop the path of destruction that Archaon walks.

A displaced story. I own nothing but the story itself. this is a Warhammer 40,000/MLP/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover.
Rated T for teen due to what could be intense violence, gore, and everything else you would expect from Warhammer.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 34 )

Well. . . if your guys need help here, send Oryx a PM through me, and the battle of will takers will commence. I don't care what the specifics are, I'm calling what that guy did will taking just like Oryx's ability to Take.

This should be interesting... Tracking beacon activated...

Do you know what this feels like? It feels like I finished an amazing game set in the future, great details, fun gameplay, and a very good story, and now the developers are announcing the sequel that is set in the medieval era rather than the future and they gave us a sneak peek of what is going to be in that game. That's what this feels like. Good luck :D

7347402 Huh? What in The Dark Gods names are you on about?

Is it about the crossovered stuff? Because that's Warhammer. Not Warcraft. Warhammer has the big Four Chaos Gods and Karl Franz and Sigmar and the Dawi. And the Vampire Counts, the Skaven,and the Greenskins.
If I am completely wrong in relation to what your on about, I apoligize

Vary interesting... Displaced will have to be watched encase of... Further Corruption...

Yes, I know one sentence of Archaon's isn't in bold. I don't care. I had to go through that and fix EVERY bold because the upload from docs to fimfic switched the beginning and end bold things. I'm not doing that

none shall best me for i AM ARCHAON AND I WIELD THE ARMOR OF PLOT AND NONE CAN PENETRATE IT, except Grimgor i fucking hate him.:pinkiehappy:

7553010 yep. And possibly friendship cannon. Plus, he has yet to get the true Plot Armor, the Armor of Morkar. Which is essentially power armor that isn't power armor.:pinkiehappy:

Plus Grimgore isn't around to bite his face off

7553187 and when he gets the Armor of Morkar he shall get plot armor several inches thick.:pinkiecrazy:

Hmm... Strange the Dark Gods still fight the Everchosen... No matter... They will see the truth in do time...

7625598 Ah, Marsy Marsy Marsy....

The favor of the Dark Gods is a fickle thing. It changes to different things all the time. All Archaon has to do is take back their attention. This is but a simple test by the Gods, to see if he is truly worthy of being their Everchosen. This is all part of their Great Game

However, Archaon had no fucks to give, so it did not disturb him all too much:moustache::trollestia: awesome.

as for the plot armor, unless grimgor sneaks up and kicks him in the balls he should be fine.

If Archaon was voiced, what would he sound like?

7892002 hmmmmmm

Think constantly screaming, and- oh wait! I forgot! Unlike Ahriman, Khârn, and Zhufor, Archaon is actually in a video game, so he actually has a voice!

If the video thing doesn't work (I forgot how to make it work) then This should do. This is all of Archaon's speeches from Total War: Warhammer!

It should give the answer you seek:pinkiehappy:

I do hope you enjoy the story! I know I'm not the best, but I still am interested in some feedback!

Oh dear...

Um.... Kirito?

You may wanna fix the attack of the bold italics...

8027806 No.
I'm not fixing that damn thing. In fact, I'm just gonna stop using them. Because fuck that fucking upload glitch

...Huh, so they got their version of Gaia Everfree as a subordinate of Tzeentch.

8160391 It's Warhammer, what did you expect?





Are you people still interested in reading this? Because I updated it (if you were tracking and it didn’t show up in your feed)


No, no it’s not gonna die. Since the current arc takes place before the events of Warriors, I’ll likely keep it going or restart it once the reboot is fairly caught up

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