• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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A place to store all my scrapped stories and ficlets that didn't make the 1000min word limit. I might continue some of these in the future, but for now, I'm posting them here in case anyone is interested.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 47 )

I am gay for this minific.

Pleaaaaaaase, I need to know more about the demon one. And the Rarilestia one. And the moon one as well... How about you just finish all of them? :raritystarry:

Oh dayum.

These... Are very interesting. Seriously. Glad you decided to do this.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Rarity the succubus? Man, that'd be fun to see. Not many bother to do it, really.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Hey, I recall you showing me this one.

I think I said it before, but I'll say it again: these two as lovers would actually work, what with how they interact with high society and such.

Or something to that effect.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I can fully see her starting that rumor.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Whoa. This could have been a heartbreaker.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Wow. Really nice. I can understand why you haven't finished it, I’m writing something similar, indeed with Rarity as the vampire but with Fluttershy as the victim. And the beginning was more fun to write than the resolution. But still, good! I hope you find the time to finish it sometime.

In some way, this actually works as the short snippet it is.

Of cource it is... Wallace and Gromit thaught us that.

I love this. This is why raridash is so fun to read as a ship. Also, possibly why it's a bit underrated.


Still love this

space ponies



This is a nice offering to place upon the altar of my undying OTP

I am appeased

Awww man possession would've seen a good read. To bad you didn't finish it, though if you mind me ask why did you stop writing it, I know you said you couldn't properly post. Like how ? :raritydespair: :raritycry:

First, this is my favorite Hey Ocean! song, and it totally needs a sad fic with it, I agree.

Second. You just broke my heart with this. I just, I mean, tbh Twi needs to stop lying to herself and realize her loves Rarity. (Even if she doesn't in the fic, that's what I'm going with. Yup.)

I can just Invision so many different endings to this, one happy one and so many sad ones and...gah.

As always, great job dear.

This is the first time I've ever read these two shipped together and just.

I'm sold.

OMG ACTUALLY,,,, I ALSO HAVE A,,, vampire!rarity rarilight fic lmao

I was going to post it in this compilation as well but decided against it because it's like

wildly nsfw.....

I want to read these because MC is awesome bit I also don't want to end up holding however many torches end up in here for stories that won't happen....:pinkiecrazy: send help

Oooo, now this is some good bait for a larger story, even if there isn't one. (Yet. Perhaps? :raritywink:)

Succubus Rarity? Wow you really do have an AU for everything. I actually thought this was pretty good. The scene is actually long enough that I can pretend it's a story and finish it in my mind.

This one was over the 1k word limit so it could be it's own story. I'm actually pretty happy with how this story unfolded. I feel like this was an actual short work.

well, count me intrigued. I love the bit of world building and character set up. If this is ever continued/added to/whatever, I look forward to reading it.

You know for night writing Rainbow as a main character very much she was great here. Short scene but it was pretty cute.

Wow so a sad story from you, but no ending to it. Knowing you, it would end bittersweet at worst. Probably like Twilight going to Pinkies, Pinkie talking to Twilight and making her admit she loves Rarity, then Twilight going back to Rarity to reconcile.

I feel like I have read this story before. something is very familair about this. I don't know if I've seen this conflict in your other works, or the same theme from a different author. but I feel like this is a part of a bigger story I have read.

“Yes,” she said. “It was quite a rarity.”

“Perhaps even celestial.”

Ugh, the puuuns...

I ship it.

*Slams fists on table* YOU HAVE ME DAMN HOOKED TO THIS :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

I will say nothing more than this:


:rainbowdetermined2: "Yeah, I'm a great marefriend like that"


Oooooooomg I remember this ficlet from The Seamstress and the Librarian :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry: *SOB* I love this fic and you changed a few things and added a few things and continued it and made it even betteeeerrrrrrrr!! :raritydespair::raritydespair: I'm so happy! Thank you! This fic! If I'm lucky enough, maybe one day you'll finish it and complete the ripping out of my heart (of which I'll enjoy every second of, because apparently I love the pain this fic causes.:twilightoops:)!!

You made it longer than the other one just try further wrench my heart, didn't you? Such a horrible, terrible creature you are, Mono.

...And then the foal handed over a very dead fish, exclaiming, "Here's my sole!"

Wait, when did I add this to my following bookshelf and why have I not actually read any?

What a shame there isn't more of this, I'm hooked!

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