• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 26,656 Views, 2,907 Comments

Gilded Sister - Kind of Brony

A young girl who never got a chance to live is gifted that chance in the form of a new body, life, and brother. How will this old soul take to her strange world?

  • ...

The Way Forward

Celestia, along with the foals on her back, went to the kitchens, where she knew her nephew and his wife were waiting for them.

She did her best to keep the disheartened expression from her face, knowing that the twins, and especially Pure, would pick up on it if she didn't. In truth, she had truly hoped Pureblood's meeting with Twilight would have alleviated her new student's melancholy, but she realized now that she had been foolishly optimistic. She had come to expect too much from the filly on her back, especially after she had told her the seemingly impossible.

Even now, the thought that Luna, not Nightmare Moon, might have aided in Pureblood's awakening filled the alicorns heart with a myriad of conflicting feelings. Joy that her sister was not lost completely within that monster. Hope that she could be saved, and that they could be together again.

Fear of what she might be forced to do if she couldn't free Luna from the Nightmare.

"How'd it go?" the elder Blueblood asked as they arrived at the small dining area directly outside of the kitchen. There was a larger one on the other side for bigger parties, but this place was used for small lunch meetings.

It took a moment for the alicorn's thoughts to catch up, having let her mind wander while her hooves carried them here, and it was Pureblood who answered first. "Fine, I guess," she said glumly. "Twilight is still sad, but she said she'd try to write me letters."

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey," Ornate said, coming over to remove her daughter from between Celestia's wings while her husband did the same for their son. "Maybe she just needs time."

"The chefs here are making us all a snack," Blueblood continued, hoping to cheer up his filly. "They were even telling me that they'll be taking out a fresh batch of cookies from the oven soon."

Both foals perked up at that, and Celestia smiled. "That does sound lovely," she agreed. "I believe they're making shortbread today, yes?"

"Mhmm," Ornate confirmed. "And it smells amazing every time the door into the kitchen is opened. I'm even afraid that they'll be better than my chocolate chip cookies."

"Impossible!" squeaked Pure with the same look of disbelief that was on her brother's face. "Your cookies are the best."

While Ornate blushed, Celestia nodded. "I do have to admit, those cookies of yours are quite delicious."

"Coming from sweet-toothed Celestia, that's a real compliment," her nephew said with a chuckle.

Celestia giggled herself. "Well, I suppose I have eaten quite a few cookies in my time, and yours are at least in the top twenty." She sighed wistfully. "I still wish I could have Merry Macaroon's signature macaroons again. Alas, she took the recipe with her to the tomb... and the raiders I hired came back empty-hooved."

There was a choking sound as the two adults stared at the princess in shock, but then she started laughing. "I'm joking, of course. Though those macaroons were positively scrumptious."

"Right," Blueblood began, rubbing at the back of his neck, "Well-"

"Ahh!" Just then, a mare with her mob cap on fire ran into the room. "Water! Water! Sink!" she yelled, darting past the ponies in the dining area without a glance as she charged into the kitchen. There was surprised shouting before the hiss of an extinguished fire came through the swinging door.

Just then, another mare rushed in, a gurgling, purple mass bouncing on her back. "Nursery! Nursery are you alright?!" she shouted before screeching to a halt to stare at the ponies in the room. "Princess Celestia!"

"Rhyme," the princess greeted calmly, tilting her head slightly to peek around the maid's neck. "If I'm to guess, our little dragon friend here was the cause of your sister's flaming hat. What happened?"

While Ornate squeaked at the mention of a dragon and held her daughter tighter to her chest, the maid shifted the reptile from her back to her foreleg. "Um, y-yes your highness, though it wasn't his fault. I had set him down to play with his toys while I prepared a bottle of quartz powder in milk as you instructed, and he just-just vanished! I must have left the door open a crack, or-or I don't know, but he had gotten into the halls, and then my sister and I were searching for him. I still had the bottle when I left, completely forgot about it, so when we found him, I figured he could drink it on the way back, but then he burped, and Nursery's hat just went up in flames! Goddess! I had no idea how flammable they were!"

As the mare grew more frantic, the baby in her grasp began to whimper and wriggle. Celestia stepped forward, taking the infant in one hoof while reaching out with a wing to place gently on her withers. "Shh, calm yourself, Rhyme. You're scaring the little one."

"I'm..." the mare started, taking a deep, calming breath. "I'm sorry, Princess. I'm better now."

The door of the kitchen opened as the mare from before stepped out, concerned faces peeking out after her. The hat was removed from her head, and the smell of burned hair wafted from her soaked mane. "Nursery," Celestia greeted, turning to her. "Are you alright? Do you need to take the rest of the day off?"

"I'm fine, Princess," she answered tiredly, stepping forward to take the baby dragon without hesitation. She poked him on the snout, eliciting a giggle from the creature that got a tired smile to tug at her lips. "This little fella was just drinking his bottle too fast. I was probably bouncing him a bit too much on my back, as well. This was mostly my fault."

"Is that really a dragon?" Bluey interrupted, looking incredulously at the purple reptile from his place in his father's hooves. "He's even smaller than me."

"It's a baby dragon," Pure answered as she stared with a confused look. "Why is it here, though?"

"Yeah," Bluey agreed. "I thought ponies were supposed to fight dragons and stuff 'cause they foalnapped princesses..." He frowned and looked over to his sister worriedly. "It's not gonna try and foalnap Pure, is it? Aunty Celestia's too big for it to carry, but Pure's tiny."

"Hey! We're the same size almost! Maybe he'll foalnap you!"

"Nah ah! I'm the prince! I save princesses!"

"No! Grandpa says that princesses can be heroes too, and I'm a better fighter, anyway!"

"Yeah, well I can use magic!"

"Blueblood!" both parents shouted, aghast even as their son realized what he said and covered his mouth. Pure looked taken aback a moment, then scowled at her twin. A high-pitched giggle drained the room quickly of tension as all eyes went to the baby dragon, whose eyes had been darting back and forth during the whole exchange between the siblings.

"Sorry, Pure," Bluey whispered, unable to meet the other foals' gaze. "I didn't mean it. I was just being stupid."

"You were," she responded after a beat, pointing over at the dragon. "I mean, really, look at him. Does it look like he's going to foalnap anypony? He's in diapers."

It was an obvious attempt at changing the subject, and Bluey laughed a little. "I guess... That was pretty silly of me. I mean, it, um, he can't even fly. How'd he get away?"

"Right," Pure agreed, looking back over to the dragon who was sucking on the tip of his tail like a pacifier. "Um, actually, you never said how he got here, Aunty Celestia."

"I must admit, I'm curious, as well," Blueblood added as his wife nodded her agreement.

Celestia sighed. "That is quite a long story, though the abridged version would be that he came from the egg that Twilight Sparkle had hatched during the exam."

Bluey blinked in surprise. "He came from that egg?" he asked. "But I couldn't even hatch it!"

"That would be because you weren't meant to," Celestia explained. "The test was one meant to not only measure your magical prowess, but your patience and how you reacted to failure. The egg was inert - not alive - but during Twilight's surge, well..."

"Oh," Pure muttered, then gave a strained giggle. "That's going to be a weird birthday to celebrate."

The sentiment was clear, and Celestia closed her eyes. "I had intended to introduce the little one to Twilight Sparkle, seeing as she was the one who hatched him, but the memories of that day are not pleasant for the filly, and I fear that he might be an unwelcome reminder of the accident."

"It wasn't his fault, though," Pure said with a frown. "Just like it wasn't Twilight's."

"I know," Celestia agreed. "Though making Twilight believe that has been difficult."

"Um, actually, I've been meaning to ask," Ornate suddenly piped up, looking nervous. "I heard rumors around town. It's been hard not to, really, what with all the pandemonium of that day, but some ponies have mentioned that there was a large explosion of color in the sky when the incident occurred..."

"Ah, yes," Celestia said with a nod. "I know what you're talking about, and what some ponies are saying."

"And...?" Ornate prompted. "Is it true? I mean, it'd be easy to say it was just another part of Twilight's surge, but I've heard it happened before."

"Yes, that's true," the princess confirmed with a sigh. "Though the origins are still under investigation, and the answers haven't been forthcoming."

"There was an explosion?" Pure piped up curiously.

"Yes, and having asked Twilight, it's actually what had set off her surge," explained Celestia. "Though she's adamant about shouldering the blame entirely on her own, it's clear that it was in fact the stress brought on by believing she had failed the exam, then being frightened by the explosion."

"And yet you still haven't discovered the source?" Blueblood asked skeptically. "How is that possible? Surely something like that would have a pretty clear origin."

"You'd think so," Celestia agreed, "And my first instinct was that it had been a weather factory explosion or something similar, especially seeing as how it came from the direction of Cloudsdale, but word from there is that they're just as confused as the rest of us."

"So it really wasn't Twilight's fault," Pureblood suddenly uttered in awe. "She's beating herself up over something she didn't even do."

"She still did the surge thing," Bluey pointed out, sounding bitter. "Just 'cause she got scared by a big sound doesn't mean it wasn't her that hurt you."

"But it was an accident!" Pure shouted back. "Even more an accident than before, so she shouldn't be sad." Her eyes lock on the dragon. "And... and even if she should blame herself for some of the stuff that happened, she's been ignoring the good stuff."

Ornate was the first to speak up among the confused adults. "Good? Pure, what do you mean?" Celestia was wondering that, as well, seeing as the filly was the one who was hospitalized.

"She became Aunty's student," she explained. "That's good, but she only thinks you did it because she's bad and needs to be taught to be good." She pointed at the dragon, who had started nodding off, his head resting against the chest of the silent caretaker holding him. "And the baby. He wouldn't be here without Twilight. It can only be a good thing that he was born, but you're afraid that he'll just remind Twilight of the accident." She pouted. "That's not right. You should take him to Twilight and tell her how good it is. He's isn't a reminder of the bad stuff she did, he's a reminder of the good."

The room fell silent as all eyes locked onto the filly, who in turn began to lose the stalwart resolution from a moment ago as she squirmed. "Um, right?" she asked hesitantly.

Celestia smiled, stepping forward to nuzzle her. "Right, that was very well said, Pureblood, and very sound advice."

Her mother hugged her tight. "That's my daughter. Sometimes I think she's wiser than us grownups."

"Won't be long, and she'll be handling the family finances," Blueblood chuckled as he looked down at his son with a proud smile. "I believe, dear, that we have two of the most incredible foals in Equestria."

"Yep," Bluey agreed with a confident nod. "We are pretty great, and if Pure says the dragon should see Twilight, than he should." Under his breath, he added, "Then if he does foalnap somepony, it'll be her."

The adults all had a laugh at that before the mare, Nursery, moved to stand by her sister. The baby dragon in her grasp had awoken at all the sudden sound, looking around with a curious expression before deciding to add his own peal of high-pitched, happy giggles to the mix. Bluey didn't seem to know what was so funny, and was too busy shrinking under his sister's baleful glare.

"Well, I think we've dallied long enough," Rhyme said, reaching over to tickle the baby dragon's belly, much to his delight. "After his bottle, and all of the excitement, this one is no doubt in dire need of a nap."

"Him and me both," heaved Nursery as she ran a hoof through her damp, singed mane. "And a visit to the manedresser."

"I'll arrange for you to be reimbursed when you do," Celestia told her. "You shouldn't have to pay for getting your mane fixed because of a workplace mishap." Nursery looked ready to protest, but the princess cut her off with a firm, "I insist."

"That's..." Nursery started to say, then sighed and smiled. "Yes, Princess, thank you for the kindness."

As the two left with their infant charge in tow, Rhyme could be heard whispering, "Since the princess is going to pay, do you think you can try out one of those fancy salons on Saddle Street?"


"What? You've always wanted to go!"

As the two continued their hushed argument, Celestia smiled and shook her head. Just then, the door to the kitchen opened, and a chef poked his head out, eyes scanning the room. "Um, sorry to interrupt, but... lunch is ready, if you would all like to eat."

"The cookies are done?" squeaked Pureblood excitedly, getting her brother's ears to perk up.

The chef smiled at the filly and nodded. After that, the food was brought out and the group ate happily. Despite the difficulties of the day, a tray of freshly baked shortbread cookies helped tremendously, and between the twins and alicorn, there were none left at the end of the meal.

Once the food was tucked away, it was time for her nephew and his family to go home, along with the books Celestia had bought for the foals. Seeing them off at the entrance of the castle, Celestia turned her gaze to the tower she had gifted her new student, and resolved to go speak with the filly as soon as possible.

It was news to the princess when Pureblood had said Twilight believed her position under Celestia's tutelage to be some sort of punishment, and she had every intention of setting her straight. Though she'd only known her for a short time, Celestia could see the intelligence and talent hidden beneath the young filly's closed-off demeanor, and she did not intend to let it be smothered by self-hatred.

Thinking on what else her niece had said, Celestia decided that she'd also be introducing Twilight to the dragon she had hatched. It is as Pureblood said, after all. It's because of Twilight that the infant even drew breath now, and that was something the gifted foal could take pride in.

She'd been holding off on giving the dragon an official name, having been unsure on whether or not she should find him a dragon family to take him in, as difficult a task that would prove, but perhaps it was time to forge him a proper birth certificate and make him an Equestrian citizen. She could even ask her student to help come up with a name.

Yes, Celestia decided, that sounded like an excellent idea.

Author's Note:

More of an interlude chapter than anything, hence not ever switching to Pureblood's perspective. I wanted to address the sonic rainboom and Spike at least some before doing a timeskip.

Speaking of, I think it's time for one, but my plans are a little foggy onto when and where would be good. Honestly, I'm thinking maybe a really big one. Like, CMC age so that I can do a cutie mark story.
Like always, hope you enjoy and I'm always happy to hear suggestions.