• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2011
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This story is a sequel to Rumble's Cutie Problem

Sunset and the others have been trying to live at least somewhat peacefully after the events prior. However, it seems fate doesn't want to let up. Ponies are going missing in and around Ponyville and a new Inquisitor has been sent in to oversee the town's defenses.

As well, a griffin and his apprentice have set up roots in Ponyville as of late and there are growing suspicions abound on them. Are they at fault or is there something else going on?

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 183 )

Great start on this story. So Suri Polomare is in this story too? I wonder what she is like in this verse? And as for the elephant/griffon in the room, Crowland does he look he's part cheetah like the one in the picture or does he have the body or a lion?

7444582 Okay, thanks for the answer. And I'm going to assume his bird half is that of a Secretary Bird.

7444589 You got it. I thought about just up and saying 'he's half Secretary Bird/Cheetah' but that would seem like an awkward description and wouldn't tell the audience anything. Besides, I doubt Coco really knows what either of those creatures looks like. Also, thanks for leaving a comment. I'm hoping to get another chapter out soon enough.

7444691 Okay, good luck with the rest of the story.

The whole 'master' thing has me raising an eyebrow.

7444935 It's a Master and Apprentice style relationship, where he's basically her teacher {or sensei as it were}.

Interesting twist, having Suri here.

I'm a bit confused though. I thought in this universe Griffons were so evil they literally ate ponies en masse, and were one of Equestria's fiercest foes to this day. Did Pizzelle actually travel to a land with friendly Griffons?

7448455 There are a few subspecies of griffins, like Crowland's for example {secretary bird/cheetah} that aren't nearly as blood thirsty as their kid. I didn't really specify this in the info about this do to momentarily forgetting to include it, but since they weren't part of the collective, it doesn't count. Short story, his sub-race of griffins are rare because of other griffins hunting them. It's just that since he's still a griffin, and aren't numerous, they get a bad rap because of it.

7448497 Ah, thanks for the clarification.


If in this universe gryphons are so nefarious (legalized warlocks ? :twilightoops:) and anti-pony, why hasn't Celestia gone trigger happy on them?

7457321 THeir nation is quite large, they have numerous resources, and Celestia is {finally} making progress with getting them out of their more 'aggressive' actions. Not a lot, but still. A war would be costly.

I didn't expect Inquisitor Trixie

7492252 No one expects Trixie's Inquisition

NOBODY expects Trixie's Inquisition! Her chief weapon is
surprise!... Surprise and fear... fear and surprise... Her two
weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency! Her
three weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless
efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Princess...
Her four... no... Amongst her weapons... Hmf... Amongst her
weaponry... are such elements as fear, surpr... I'll come in again

NOBODY expects Trixie's Inquisition!... Amongst her
weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise,
ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Princess,
and nice wizard capes - Oh damn!

Oh, nice. We're getting a dose of Chaos Twilight too? That should be enough to offset an obnoxious Trixie.
I see much fun ahead! Much fun and... CHAOS!!!

Twilight's here....


Whelp.. Ponyville.

You're screwed. Especially if she has her... new pet~

Ah the Great and Powerful Trixie, just as arrogant as ever. And what's this, Twilight chaos is in town? This should be entertaining. So what's the story with Dot and Cato? How did they get stuck with Trixie?

I will make Ponyville great again!

Oh no....

Trixie's going to build a wall around Ponyville, isn't she?

7493529 ....Maybe.:twilightblush:

7493392 I do plan on telling that a bit later, or in possibly a little 'origin' story.

7493559 "I know many ponies, lots of ponies, classy ponies, they'll tell you I defeated an Ursa Major, just ask anyone." :trixieshiftleft:


Worse. In this universe, Trixie is a Prench, pretty much the local smug elves. She basically has "better than you" as a template trait.:facehoof:
I wonder how she accepted having a human boy as slaveassistant considering Prench natural xenophobia. In any case, I don´t envy the poor boy.:applecry:

Trixie snorted and put away her sword, “Very well, Dot. Now then,” she turned to Time Turner. “I am your replacement.” He opened his mouth to protest, but stopped when she held up her hoof. “You are not to protest or anything of the sort until I have surveyed this town. If everything is well, then your position remains. If not, then I shall take your place and your rank shall be removed.”

“A Time Charger has turned their back on Celestia,” Time Turner pointed out.

I feel like there's information missing here.

Good work on this chapter. Poor Crowland, he's going to be in a world of trouble when Trixie finds out about him. And the bit at the end,:rainbowlaugh:

Well, Trixie is a hate sink. Question,can Trixie really have anyone she wants killed for hearsay on her word alone?

7540941 Matters on the place. In most cases, yes. The inquisition has nearly unlimited power, however, given that the town has a High Sun Priestess, she can't order large executions or the like without consulting Bon BOn. In essence, Bon Bon can mitigate Trixie's methods, but Trixie still has free reign. That is, unless Sunset has a say in it.

7540949 So this Equestria has a large number of government officials who have the ability to order at least individuals to be put to death with very little checks to their power? :rainbowderp:

7540953 Matters on the circumstances, and Celestia is working on it since most of these laws were put up when she had taken a leave of absence of the government a sometime after Nightmare Moon's rebellion. However, yes, she has that sort of power. Of course, Inquisitors are held accountable if it is found that the individuals were innocent or due process wasn't followed through.

7541012 As long as it isn't supposed to be a good thing that the law is still in the books.
Actually, an imperfection like that lends some depth to this place. Nice.

Twilight and Lyra are friends.

Ohhh dear.

I love Trixie's little family. Quite an adorable trio!


I know comedy is a factor in your verse, but I cannot imagine how Celestia tolerates the mindless praising of her subjects. She seems sensible enough to realize how problematic are fanatic followers, and unlike a certain Emperor she is not a corpse sitting in a throne.

7561029 She doesn't exactly tolerate it and she does do her best to mitigate and control the more 'fanatic' branches of her armies and nation. However, many of these institutions powers and fanatiscm were born in the first three to four centuries after Nightmare Moon's betrayal and Celestia herself was a little unstable and didn't have much interaction with her nation for some time during that period, allowing some laws and such to pass and come to fruitation that she now discourages. She's mitigated it to the point where it's not nearly as harmful as before, but with threats coming up constantly, sometimes they are still needed. She's not happy about it, but given her work has made the world much safer then it was a thousand years ago, she's on her way to downplaying and getting ahold of it soon enough. They still hang on her every word.

I am theorizing what the plot twist might be, but I will save that for when it is reveled

Canterlot high or not, sunset is really living up to that lazy highschooler trope.

Wow Trixie, sending your human to spy in school...you must really want something to condem


Trixie logic :Sending a human kid who stands like a sore thumb to spy at the school, while having a shapeshifter lover companion at her beck and call. :trixieshiftleft:

This chapter was enjoyable, I love the part with Twilight and Lyra.

Trixie never lets me have any alcohol. Not since that one time I sunk Atlantis.”
“But Atlantis doesn’t exist,” .
“Yep,” “Not anymore it doesn’t.”

:rainbowderp: Did that really happen or Twilight just being silly?

Nice Marvel reference.

7603703 Perhaps you'll find out one day.
{Marvel reference?}


I knew you’d love it. Another!” She slammed her hoof into the bar, breaking it.

From a certain Marvel movie about a certain God?

ato was taking notes whenever he could. His posture was erect and trying to be threatening. However, he was still a human child so it didn’t work.
‘Awww, he’s trying to impress me. That’s so cute~ No, no I will be professional. I will snuggle my little one later.’ Trixie thought to herself.

Yessssssss. Inquisitorial Snuggles!

7602392 Quite possible. Or Trixie wants her adopted child to go to school and learn things and socialize with others, but knows he will raise a stink about being separated from her unless she makes it an assignment.

Sunset just left Twilight and Lyra unattended...

That's totally not going to come back to bite her later.

Its official, Trixie has gone mad with power.

Angry-mad so to speak.

I´m really disliking this version of Trixie: a fanatic, unstable bully with a badge. :ajbemused:

It's interesting that Coco is so afraid of Griffons when she spends so much time with Diamond Dogs.

7657804 I do hope we see a situation where Trixie has to choose between her beliefs and the safety of Cato and/or Dot.

7667771 While both griffons and Diamond Dogs regular attack and sometimes eat ponies, Coco's had enough time to get used to Dogs. As well, ponies culturally from the dawn of their species feared and hated griffons. Diamond Dogs are a more 'recent' threat, only stretching back to Queen Majesty's rule. So it's also part of their genetics. If Coco was a pegasus, it would be a more aggressive reaction, given the two species' rivalry.

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