• Member Since 6th Feb, 2014
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Autum Breeze

a home-grown australian who embraced being a member of the fandom 2 days before joining. Willingly delved into the fandom whole-heartedly and has never looked back


Cover art from HERE

Idea given to me by Night--Mist

Twilight Velvet and Night Light leave on a week-long vacation, arranging for Princess Cadance to foalsit filly Twilight. Things start out alright at first, but when Twilight asks about an odd spell she found outside a bookstore that had been shutdown, Cadance tries to stop her.

In trying to get the book away from the young filly, however, their magics collide and Twilight vanishes... but Cadance's belly has suddenly bloated out.

Cadance now has to face an unexpected turn in her life, one Celestia was NOT expecting either.

sex tag for sexual references. might change it down to everyone later depending on how people feel.

Wait, seriously? Featured already 9-11/10/2020?

I mean, I'm not complaining but... I did NOT see that coming.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 73 )

I am intrigued. Please, continue.

good luck trying to explain this Cadance.:rainbowlaugh:

Twilight parents when they found out.

Interesting. Please, continue.

Goodness me, this is a fun start. I look forward to what might come of this...and wonder about lil' Twily's state in there too. I encourage you to press on as you are able, as I am invested now.

Sounds kinky

"sex tag for sexual references. might change it down to everyone later depending on how people feel."

Wuh? Shouldn't you tune it up to 'Mature'? :pinkiecrazy:

Only one thing I'm going to say... is magic does weird shit but I'm inclined to continue to read.

Also hope you get better and stay safe out there.

Verry interesting go so far and I am looking forward for more.

Twilight, where did you this book?” Cadance asked sternly, ignoring the other statement, no matter how much a part of her really would like it if Twilight was her little sister.

Sorry to said this but I think you missed something there.

Good start to a story. I'm looking forward to more. Good luck with the story and your health. Hope you never get COVID.

I was expecting a romance story but this works too. More, please!:yay:

This is an interesting idea. I'll be tracking this.

Well... Shining Armor, your little sister is no more and your future wife is now a mother with your previous sister as her child...

This is not awkward... at all...

Georg #15 · Oct 9th, 2020 · · 1 · Prologue ·

Very interesting concept. Hope to see it... develop.

I'm absolutely have no Idea where this is going, but I'm curious what would happened next.

It's in it's fetal stage, but it appears healthy.

Man, this is gunna be interesting and I’m sure if nothing else it will become a funny story for Cadence to tell Flurry one day.

Also happy to hear you haven’t got covid, hope u her better soon

This looks interesting and I can't wait to see where it goes :twilightsmile:

Well. This is different.

Darned if I'm not going to at least see how it ends now, though. :rainbowlaugh:

This should definitely have the Dark tag instead of the Comedy tag.

Well now, this is certainly a thing. Let's see where this goes.

I have... several questions.

The story look good, but if we think about the many stories that you have that are good and look good and yet are still unfinished after years... I don't think I will follow this one precisely

Celestia: *Reads the letter*

(Great chapter. Keep going.)

Totally missed Twilight falling apart like the Thanos Snap. "I feel kinda funny" as she falls apart into magical sparkles or some shit that coalesces up Cadence's coochie.

yes I like the story it's good and I got to see where it goes keep up the good work

I want that book, NOW! RIGHT NOW!!!

Good thing Discord isn't out of stone yet. He'd have a field day with this kind of chaos :pinkiecrazy:

And Twilight, how many times have I told you that poking around where you're not supposed to be poking around is never a good idea?


really interesting :)

...yeah, all I've got to say at the moment is to basically repeat what I said last chapter...we'll have to see where this goes.

“How was Twilight reborn an Alicorn ?” Velvet looked to the taller princess. “She went in a unicorn? How in Equestria did she come out an Alicorn?” Velvet blinked. “And I only just now realized how weird a set of questions that was.”

Weeeeell... I have a theory! *ahem*
e know that either Night Light or Twilight Velvet have the "Alicorn Gene", for lack of a better term, because in the main timeline, Twilight was able to activate it and become an Alicorn that way, so she has, say, a 25% Alicorn Coefficient.
Now, Cadence IS an Alicorn, so that gives Twilight an extra 50% Alicorn Coefficient right off the bat.
Conclusion: Being re-born activated her Alicorn Gene and hence, her current state.

“I… I honestly do not know,” Celestia shook her head, her expression bewildered, something Cadance wasn’t as put off by as the unicorns. Not many got to see Celestia looking anything but regal and composed. “The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen. It is beyond even my understanding.”

HA! I see what you did, there.:rainbowlaugh:

I’m holding a double edged sword here because I REALLY want to read more soon but I don’t want the writer to get unmotivated so it’s pain either way but if I had to choose please make it quality

A nice little update.

Man, I felt so sad when she called Cadance Nama abd broken Velvet’s heart. That really got me.but then I was happy.
But then I realised cos shes younger now she might not get into Celestia’s school, get the rainboom connection with her friends... or even hatch Spike.
Can’t wait to see how this universe plays out though, good work

Shining is most likely going to faint like his father did as his little sister was rebirthed by his marefriend. Is Cadence his marefriend at this point in the timeline?:rainbowhuh:

Celestia sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Okay, maybe more than one problem.”


When are you going to update unexpected aftermath

I had a similar thought, however given that this wasn't Twilight's conscious choice, I am lead to believe that destiny is still at play here and thus Twilight will still hold a roll in the future. My question now, however, is: What roll does NMM/Luna play in this equation? The rainboom put them in the same place, NMM brought them together, the elements facilitated the trials and ascension. But now there is no need, so, perhaps it could end up like the Sombratic or Discordant timelines we saw in season 5, where the reconciliation between Celestia and Luna was handled without the elements.
Here's a bit of a stretch but I think that Rainbow and Flutters are going to be very important in the foreseeable future.

I had a similar thought, however given that this wasn't Twilight's conscious choice, I am lead to believe that destiny is still at play here and thus Twilight will still hold a roll in the future. My question now, however, is: What roll does NMM/Luna play in this equation? The rainboom put them in the same place, NMM brought them together, the elements facilitated the trials and ascension. But now there is no need, so, perhaps it could end up like the Sombratic or Discordant timelines we saw in season 5, where the reconciliation between Celestia and Luna was handled without the elements.
Here's a bit of a stretch but I think that Rainbow and Flutters are going to be very important in the foreseeable future.

We’ll just have to wait and see. I just hope Spike still makes it into the sparkle family. Can’t imagine Twilight without him

Is it possible that he may yet still hatch by sheer coincidence of it being the right time of the millennium?

Maybe. Like I said we’ll have to wait and see what the author chooses

You have to see more stories about this, it is simply incredible, you have officially become one of my favorite writers, the plot is great, you cannot imagine how long I have been waiting for stories with this development, in fact I have some ideas that could interest you , but I'll wait for now, you're doing great, keep it up:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

And take care of yourself, my friend, in these times that we have passed.

Honestly, I thought that Twilight would still have her physical appearance, plus wings, but also have the fur and mane color if her new Mama and old mama combined a bit. Still great story. Can't wait to see what happens next. Perhaps Twilight's magic blasts at Shining upon entering cause she got scared, and he gets sent to Cadence's tummy, or even more of a plot twist, Celestia's tummy. XD That would give the ponies something to cling to the conspiracy that Celestia's royal guard are all her sons.

I tease. Most likely, I'm guessing Shining will react similarly to how his dad did. But this is your story, so we will see what happens. Have fun with the next chapter.

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