• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 2,551 Views, 47 Comments

Shadowbolts Adventures: Choices - DragonShadow

Sugarcoat has been monitoring the human world's Sunset Shimmer for a while now, and she has finally found an avenue in which to learn more about her. But in order to take advantage of it, she may have to become something she doesn't want to be.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Friend of a Friend

Chapter 1: A Friend of a Friend

Sugarcoat sat back in her office chair in the warm glow of the monitor. Swords N Bullets swiftly left the screen, leaving her sitting back with a wry snarl on her lips. Why did it always seem like everyone else paired off whenever something happened except for her? Sunny Flare spent a large chunk of her time placating Twilight Sparkle's social neurosis, while Lemon Zest and Sour Sweet were spending more time together than ever before... which left herself and Indigo Zap, who usually disappeared to do her own thing.

Sugarcoat was usually fine with that. She liked doing her own thing... but maybe she could stand to spend a little more time with her friends. The computer was starting to give her a headache anyway, and her blog was currently exploding with idiots asking her the dumbest questions she had ever seen in her life. She wasn't sure what else she would have expected from the internet, but she didn't really want to deal with it right now.

So she slid from her computer chair, gathered up her things, put on her shoes and made her way outside towards Indigo Zap's house. It was only two blocks away, so it wasn't long before she reached her destination, and it was a pretty nice evening anyway. The weather was warm and there was just enough of a breeze to keep what heat there was from becoming uncomfortable.

She was just approaching the lawn when Indigo Zap slipped out the front door and locked it behind her. She turned around to spot Sugarcoat just coming up towards the house. "Sugarcoat? Hey, what's up?"

Sugarcoat smiled as she approached her friend. "Just thought I'd come see what's going on."

"Um..." Indigo Zap looked around as if expecting to find a camera crew. "Really?"

Sugarcoat nodded. "Yes." Indigo rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "What?"

Indigo Zap shrugged. "I dunno, you've never wanted to hang out with me one-on-one before. I didn't think you liked me all that much."

Sugarcoat looked her up and down, as if appraising her worthiness. "Eh, you'll do when everyone else is busy."

"Gee, thanks, that makes a girl feel special." Indigo smirked.

"Unless you're busy this evening?"

"I was just heading out to do some unwinding. You can come clubbing with me if you want." Indigo moved around to the driver's seat of her car. "Who knows? You may even find a boy who can make you less lonely."

"I don't know..." Sugarcoat rubbed her chin. "Where are we going to find baby seals in this town?"

"Excuse me?"

"Nevermind." Sugarcoat accepted the offer by sliding into the passenger's seat of Indigo's convertible. The top slid down to let the beautiful evening air into the vehicle before it pulled back and began its trek down the road. "I didn't know you frequented clubs. Do you go often?"

"I try to get out and meet people every so often, yeah." Indigo's left arm rested on the car door while she steered calmly with her right. "You'd be surprised how many people you can run into there, from school and otherwise."

"Are they worth running into?"

Indigo snickered. "With my car or as friends?"

"I like you more than I thought I did."

They fell into companionable silence for the rest of the short ride to a youth club in the center of the city called The Youth Club, with a giant wooden club sitting over the front door in bright neon lights.

"That pun makes me want to just go home." Sugarcoat grimaced.

"Well I've got the car, so you can either deal with it or walk home." Indigo snickered as she made a show of dropping her keys into her pocket and patting them through the denim.

"If this were an after school special I would be walking already." Sugarcoat closed the door behind her with a sigh.

"Come on, cheer up! We're here to meet hot guys and get our dance on!" Indigo pumped her arm energetically in front of her. "And that's exactly what we're gonna do! Right!?"

Sugarcoat considered for a moment. "Probably not."

"Well I'm dancing, no matter what!" Indigo Zap took her arm and yanked her inside. "And you're coming with me!"

The inside of the club was pleasantly subdued. The driving music beat was at a tolerable level, and there were many booths and chairs set up around the spacious dance floor. There was even a bar that gave the illusion of being an actual club, though the menu behind the bartender was packed with non-alcoholic drinks. The club wasn't very packed with people, either. It was actually rather nice, Sugarcoat had to admit to herself.

"Come on!" Indigo tried to pull Sugarcoat to the dance floor, but Sugarcoat yanked back.

"I've come with you this far. Try to drag me further and things might turn less cordial."

Indigo Zap rolled her eyes. "Right, you go do your snarky wallflower thing and I'll catch up with you after my groove's been satisfied."

"I'll see you when you're out of groove." Sugarcoat waved her friend off towards the dance floor and made her way to the bar, where she slipped onto one of the stools to relax and order herself a nice glass of tea.

Her eyes swept around the other student-age folk gathered around the small club. They were mostly split off into groups, aside from those who were dancing and looking for dance partners. In fact one such boy slipped up behind her while she wasn't looking and gently tapped her shoulder with one finger. She looked back to see a boy with short blue hair leaning against the counter and giving her a smooth smile.

"Hey, you look familiar..." The boy mused for a moment.

"Wait, let me guess, did you see me in your dream last night?"

"Nah, you go to Crystal Prep, right?" The boy snapped his fingers. "Yeah, from the Friendship Games."

"Oh, you must be a Canterlot High student." Sugarcoat nodded as she turned towards him more fully. "Yeah, I was there. Though I don't recognize you."

"No? I was on the Canterlot High team..."

Sugarcoat narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "No, sorry, not coming to me. You must not have left much of an impression."

"I'm Flash Sentry."

"I'm Sugarcoat." Sugarcoat took a long sip of her drink before continuing. "And I still don't remember you."

"I was knocked out kind of early I guess..." Flash Sentry rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, once you're finished with your drink, would you wanna maybe get a dance or two?"

"Nah, I don't see anybody I would like to dance with."

"I... uh... I mean with me..."

"Yeah, I know." Sugarcoat took another sip of her drink. When Flash just looked confused for a moment she sighed. "Look, maybe you're nice and all, I really don't know and don't really care, but I'm just not interested in dancing. Don't take it personally."

"Yeah, right..." Flash shrugged a bit bitterly. "Nothing personal about it at all..." He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the counter. "Did I mention I play the guitar?"

Sugarcoat raised one eyebrow, then broke out laughing and slapped her empty tea glass down on the wooden bar. "Wow, you are seriously desperate. I'm guessing you have a girl back home you're pining for but can't get so you're rebounding here."

"I..." Flash blushed. "I-uh..."

Sugarcoat finally managed to stop laughing enough to speak as she slid off of her bar stool. "No, I'm not dancing with you Flash Sentry, but I do wish you luck. Maybe you'll find a cute little bunny who's fine being some guitarist's rebound, but that's just not what I'm looking for. And I never will. So you can never talk to me again."


"Good." Sugarcoat patted his head, then turned to head towards the rest of the room, more to stretch her legs than to join the throng of students in the center, which had grown more dense as the hour grew later.

As she circled the dance floor she spotted a hallway in the rear of the club, which led to another series of rooms. The word 'enter' blinked in a bright blue neon sign above the door. Curious, Sugarcoat made her way into the hallway, which was much more dimly lit with a series of wall-sconces, which were also accompanied by more neon lights above a series of doors. On further inspection, each seemed to house an activity that could also interest high school students. There were rooms for arcade machines, card games, board games, karaoke (which thankfully seemed to be soundproofed, from the silence), and two rooms for bathrooms, which likely saw as much use as privacy chambers as they did bodily functions, judging from some of the sounds coming from inside one of them.

The last room further down the hallway had a pink neon sign reading 'the future', and she could smell the strong scent of lilac through the door made of silk curtains rather than wood. It looked suspicious, but her curiosity got the better of her good sense and Sugarcoat pushed the curtains aside to make her way into the final room. The scent grew stronger as she made her way further in through another small hallway.

She rounded the final turn to see a woman seated behind a table wearing silk and gold, with a look of mischief in her eye and a deck of cards flipping with practiced ease between long, slender fingers. "What is this I see?" The woman asked with a twinkle in her eye. "Is there a girl here to see me?"

Sugarcoat smirked. "Not really, I don't believe in fortune tellers, especially ones who lay it on so thick. You look like you stepped out of a cartoon."

The woman just chuckled in acceptance. "Your mind is as sharp as your tongue is quick, but I assure you that while most of this is fashion quite slick, what I have to say will change the world for you, so have a seat for a minute or two."

"I'm not paying you to read my fortune, that's stupid."

"The club pays me to entertain their guest, your money is not my primary quest." The woman flipped the cards back and forth nimbly across both hands, letting them spin through her fingers from her right thumb to her left thumb. "But do not think that means my words won't ring true, you've got nothing to lose to learn about you." The deck completed once more, she let it slap down onto the velvet tablecloth in front of her. "So what do you say? Shall you stay with me and play?" Her eyes lit up with mischief again as her eyebrow lifted questioningly.

If nothing else, Sugarcoat had to admire the performance and the confidence. And if it wasn't going to cost her anything, she had no reason not to take a seat across from the strange, but friendly-seeming woman. So she did. "Alright, you've got my attention for a while. There's nobody else here who can hold my interest anyway. I'm Sugarcoat."

"Zecora is what they call me here, it's a pleasure to meet you my dear." Zecora gestured to the deck of cards between them. "Now cut the cards into stacks of three, and your heart's future we will begin to see."

Sugarcoat sighed internally. She was just going to ramble about Sugarcoat's love life, wasn't she? What else would a twenty-something woman assume a teenage high school girl would want to hear about? Oh well, she was here, might as well play along. Sugarcoat reached out with both hands, plucking two piles of cards off of the main pile to rest them on the table.

Zecora plucked the first card off of the left stack and set it face up. It had a picture of a woman on it with no face. "You will meet a stranger soon."

"No more rhymes?"

"The heart doesn't speak in rhymes, but riddles."

"Touché." Sugarcoat smirked. "Let me guess, it'll be a tall handsome stranger who sweeps me off my feet."

Zecora flipped a card from the center stack. This time it had a picture of a chest filled with gold and jewelry. "You will see opportunity in this encounter."

"An opportunity for looooove?" Sugarcoat batted her eyelashes mockingly.

Curiously, Zecora flipped the next card. This one had a picture of an angel holding a pitchfork. "You will be faced with a choice that will shape your heart for the rest of your life."

Sugarcoat cocked her head at that one. "What does that mean? How could one choice change a person's heart entirely?"

"We are all the end of what we were yesterday, tomorrow we will be the end of what we are today." Zecora took another card from the center stack to plop it down beneath the other three cards. This one had a picture of a shadow holding a dagger, coming up behind an innocent-looking girl. "There will be great danger in this time..." Zecora's eyes flicked up towards her from the cards. "Though whether for you, or from you, I cannot divine."

"I'm not dangerous to anybody, your deck is just silly superstition."

Zecora swept the cards back into her deck with a flick of her wrist across the table as she gave Sugarcoat a warmer smile once again. "Then I suppose you have nothing to fear. It's just a game after all, my dear."

"A fascinating one though, I suppose." Sugarcoat blinked as she stood up from her chair. "It's been fun, and thanks for not feeding me sappy junk about finding my true love or whatever."

"The cards reveal the future of the heart, though their warnings are nothing but a start." Zecora placed her deck in front of her as she fixed one more steady gaze on her customer. "Approach strangers with great care."

Sugacoat couldn't help but shiver slightly at the serious tone in her voice. She hadn't even rhymed that one. She gave the fortune teller a quick, stiff smile, then made her way back down the long hallway to the dance club proper. Indigo Zap was still out on the floor dancing with some boy she didn't recognize, while more and more kids were gathering to waste the evening away. Some girl brushed past Sugarcoat on her way into the back, where she vanished into the silk doors that led to Zecora's room.

Sugarcoat forced herself to chuckle and shook her head. She was actually feeling tense after that. But perhaps in a fun way... she certainly didn't feel bored, at least. Which was why she had come here in the first place, so Zecora had accomplished her mission, just not in the way she intended.

She started to make her way back to the bar, but her steps slowed when she spotted a girl sitting on one of the stools in front of the bartender. She had dark skin and snow white hair cut into a bowl... but most importantly, Sugarcoat recognized her. She had seen her with the human world's Sunset Shimmer several times during her reconnaissance, but she had never found the girl alone. This was her chance... her chance to finally crack the mystery of Sunset Shimmer and resolve this annoying, dangerous conflict.

One could almost call it an opportunity...

Sugarcoat shook the brief thought out of her mind and approached the counter to slide smoothly onto the vacant barstool on the girl's right. "Two iced teas, please." Sugarcoat gave the girl a sidelong smile. "You look like you could use one." The girl's eye swiveled toward her, but her head didn't move. "Forgive me for being forward, but you seem like you could use some company."

"I shouldn't talk to others," the girl noted tensely.

"Then why are you here?" Sugarcoat raised her eyebrow. The girl's eye lingered on her for a moment as Sugarcoat pushed one of the glasses of tea in front of her with her fingers. Her eye flitted back to the wooden bar as her fingers wrapped around the glass and she lifted it to her lips for a slow sip.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm Sugarcoat."

"Night Glider." The girl finally turned her head to look into her eyes curiously.

"Oooh, I approve." Sugarcoat smiled. The girl's dark cheeks glowed a soft crimson color. "So what are you doing here if not to talk with others?"

"I enjoy the atmosphere." Night Glider looked down at the bar again, turning her drink idly back and forth between her fingers. "It's a guilty pleasure of mine..."

"I'd hardly call socialization a guilty pleasure." Sugarcoat cleared her throat. "Well, not anymore, at least. There was a time in the past when I preferred to keep to myself. Focus on my studies, get ahead in life, nothing was more important than that."

"So why are you here?"

"Because I learned better." Sugarcoat took a sip of her tea with a satisfied sigh. "Plus the tea here is actually pretty great."

"I've had better." Night Glider took another tiny sip. "Just please don't tell anyone I'm here, okay? I should be at home right now."

"I don't even know who I would tell, so relax." Sugarcoat smiled and companionably punched her fist against Night Glider's shoulder. A slight smile told her she was on the right track. Instead of pushing her luck, Sugarcoat decided to let the companionable silence settle over them until their tea had begun to run out. A girl like this could easily be frightened off by someone too forward, especially someone who started asking about her friend out of nowhere.

Indigo Zap came toward the bar stumbling slightly in exhaustion, though she had a broad grin on her face as she plopped down on the stool to Sugarcoat's right. "How could you resist going out there? The music and atmosphere are perfect!"

Sugarcoat looked down at her friend's exhausted and sweaty form. "I've been trying to resist. It's been a struggle, but somehow I'm holding on." She heard a soft giggle of approval behind her.

"Well get out there already. I'll hold down the fort here." Indigo playfully pushed Sugarcoat from her stool. "And I'm not taking no for an answer this time."

"And who exactly am I going to dance with?" Sugarcoat demanded.

"There's people out there, go find someone!" Indigo Zap demanded.

Sugarcoat huffed in irritation. Indigo wasn't going to let her avoid this, was she? Well, she didn't hate dancing, but she refused to do it with some energetic stranger who was going to try to grope her when he thought she wouldn't notice.

"I'll dance with you..." Night Glider cut in. "For one dance... if you want."

"Oh, uh..." Indigo Zap stammered for a moment. "Heh, sorry girl, but she's not really-"

"I'd love to." Sugarcoat cut off her friend quickly. Indigo gave her a strange look as she took Night Glider's hand and helped her stand up from the stool. "We'll be back in a minute, Indigo Zap."

"Yeah... sure." Indigo just watched as Sugarcoat led her new friend out onto the dance floor.

It was doubtful if this club had any slow songs in their library, but the two of them found a nice empty corner where they could sway together away from the seething, throbbing mob of teenagers that occupied the rest of the dance floor. They held hands and slowly drifted back and forth in place to a slower rhythm that only they shared.

"Do you dance often?" Sugarcoat opened up the conversation in a low, private tone.

"A couple times with my best friend." Night Glider nodded. "Never with a stranger I met here..."

"I'll consider it an honor."

"You shouldn't." Night Glider shook her head. "There's nothing special about me."

Sugarcoat cocked her head to one side. "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's the truth. We're all equal, so there's no reason to feel honored or pressured by another person." She smiled. "There's no conflict without inequality."

"That's certainly an interesting perspective." Sugercoat gently nudged her partner away from her, spinning her out to the tips of her fingers before spinning her back again, a bit closer to her this time. "Me? I've always thought conflict was pretty important. It pushes us to be better."

"Better than what?"

"Than others. Than ourselves." Sugarcoat shrugged. "Whatever helps you get up in the morning."

"That sounds like a stressful life."

"As opposed to your own life?"

"I don't have any stress in my life, no."

"If that's true, why would you run away to be here when you're supposed to be home?" Sugarcoat asked. Night Glider's steps faltered slightly, and she quickly fell still on the dance floor, staring up into Sugarcoat's eyes. "I apologize if I spoke out of turn. I often tend to say whatever pops into my mind. It's a flaw I've been dealing with for a while."

"I... I should go home. You're right, I don't belong here." Night Glider whirled to rush away from her, but Sugarcoat grabbed her wrist gently to bring her to a stop.

"Can I see you again?"

"I shouldn't... I can't..."

Sugarcoat reached into one of her pockets taking out a small piece of paper and quickly jotting down her phone number while the shorter girl waited. After a moment she slipped the paper into the girl's palm.

"For if you change your mind," Sugarcoat told her.

Night Glider hesitated for several seconds before rushing towards the exit, though her fist closed tightly around the phone number.

Sugarcoat made her way more slowly back towards the bar, where Indigo Zap was giving her a long, piercing stare. "I'm ready to go if you are," Sugarcoat told her.

"You're not planning to explain any of that, are you?"

"Not really."

Indigo rubbed her forehead with the fingers of her right hand. "Look, I don't care if you're into chicks, it's just... since when?"

"I'm not into chicks. We're friends."

"That sure doesn't explain the looks she was giving you."

Sugarcoat shrugged. "I didn't say anything more than that. If she's getting the wrong impression, that's not my fault."

"It is if you know it and don't tell her!"

"There may be a grey area there."

Indigo threw up her hands and pushed off of her barstool. "Yeah, maybe we should just get out of here before you go setting up more people for future soul-crushing humiliation." She led the way outside, where her car was still parked in the much more tightly packed parking lot.

Sugarcoat stayed silent for a short while. Indigo was right, she knew it... but it wasn't as if she was doing this for no reason...

"She's Sunset Shimmer's friend... the evil Sunset Shimmer," Sugarcoat explained. Indigo remained silent while she spoke. "This is the first time I've managed to get close to her without Sunset Shimmer around. If I can get close enough, maybe I can get some dirt on Sunset to get her off our backs permanently."

"So you're using her."

"Yes." Sugarcoat nodded. "Basically."

Indigo leaned her left elbow against the door of her rolled-down window, picking at her lip with two fingers. She spoke again next as they pulled up to a red light. "I get it, I guess... but doesn't that still seem kind of crappy? Getting her hopes up just to use her to get to Sunset Shimmer?"

"Compared to what Sunset Shimmer has done to us? What she did to Fleur De Lis and Sour Sweet?"

"But that isn't this girl's fault, that was Sunset."

"And I'll do anything to stop Sunset from tormenting my friends further, even if it means a little... obfuscation. Besides, it's not like I plan to lie to her. If she asks me to tell her outright, I'll tell her the truth. It can be a funny misunderstanding, in the end."

Indigo Zap took a deep breath as she eased the car forward again through the green light. "Sometimes I wonder how you and I are friends."

"Mutual association, mostly." Sugarcoat smirked. "Does this mean you don't want to go out with me again?"

"Guh..." Indigo shielded her eyes from Sugarcoat's smile. "Where did you get those big puppy dog eyes?"

"Years of practice on my mother."

Indigo waved at her. "Alright, alright, we can hang out some time, just turn them off." Sugarcoat settled back in her seat with a satisfied smile. A smile spread across Indigo's lips as well. "As long as you promise not to drag it out any further than you have to. What you're doing doesn't exactly seem 'friendly'. What would Twilight think?"

"I counter that question by refusing to come up with an answer."

Indigo Zap pulled up to Sugarcoat's house not long after, where they bid their amicable farewells and went their separate ways. Sugarcoat made her way inside to her bedroom, where she took her shower in preparation for bed, and was on her way there in her nightgown when the phone on her nightstand began to vibrate.

Sugarcoat plucked her cell phone from the nightstand quickly. "Hello?"

"Hello, Sugarcoat." Night Glider cleared her throat. "Is it too soon?"

"Not at all." Sugarcoat plopped down on her bed with the phone against her ear. "Did you want to schedule another meet-up?"

"That sounds like fun. We can meet at The Youth Club..."

So the date was set, and the two girls had a good time a few days later. Then again a few days after that. Then again a few days after that. It became clear pretty quickly that Night Glider wasn't the most educated girl out there, but she had a sharpness in her eyes and tongue that betrayed the strong mind inside. It wasn't impossible for Sugarcoat to imagine a world in which they could be great friends, and indeed it started to feel that way before long.

Indigo Zap maintained her job as chauffeur, and even occasionally drove the two of them to other locations around the city. It got to the point where Sugarcoat offered to pay her, but Indigo waved off the suggestion. She really was a pretty good friend, despite her disapproving glare every time she saw Sugarcoat holding Night Glider's hand. It wasn't like handholding wasn't something friends did, Sugarcoat reasoned. She didn't do it with the others, but she could.

They had a great time together every time they met, but every attempt Sugarcoat made to prod Night Glider about her home life or her other friends was for naught. The girl was tight-lipped about her social life and her home life, brushing off her prodding questions with "I'm here right now." It was a sweet sentiment, but it didn't do Sugarcoat any good. If she wanted to know about Sunset Shimmer, she needed Night Glider to trust her completely.

Time, as it often did, slipped away from them. Indigo Zap was busy this evening with a project for her shop class, so Sugarcoat and Night Glider had opted to take a long walk around the park as the sun drifted into the horizon. Night Glider was more and more relaxed every time they met up, which was nice to see, though it made Sugarcoat wonder just what her home life was like. Whatever it was like, was it similar to Sunset Shimmer's...?

"I can't name the last time I've just wandered the city like this." Night Glider's smile was so serene she might as well have been walking on a cloud. "Actually... I don't think I ever have."

"It really helps you think, doesn't it?" Sugarcoat replied. "Sometimes I like to come out here, sit down under a tree, and just write."

"Really? You're an author?"

"I wouldn't say that." Sugarcoat shrugged. "I like to dabble a bit."

"Perhaps I could read something you've written some time."

"I really don't think that's necessary." Sugarcoat rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "It's just rambling nonsense, for the most part."

"That seems odd, coming from you. You're so intelligent, pretty, kind, wonderful..."

Sugarcoat tried to fight back her blush. "I've never been described with several of those words before..."

"But it's true... in my eyes at least." Night Glider turned toward her, gently taking Sugarcoat's hands in her own. Sugarcoat turned to face her, hesitating at the look in her eye. She had never seen it in her own nonexistent partner before, but she had seen it in Sunny Flare. That was the look of a girl who wanted or needed something very badly.

Something that she couldn't justify as an act of friendship.

"Are you okay?" Night Glider cocked her head. "You look worried."

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Sugarcoat nodded a little too vigorously.

Night Glider looked into her eyes a bit suspiciously, then squeezed both of her hands. "Then... kiss me. Please."

Sugarcoat looked away for a moment, at the fading sunlight reflecting off the surface of the lake in the park's center. "It's a little fast, isn't it?"

"I don't think so... do you?"

Not really, Sugarcoat thought to herself. They had known each other for several weeks now, a simple kiss probably should have happened long ago if they were in a real relationship of any kind. She raised her hands to Night Glider's shoulders, letting them rest against her gently. Night Glider's eyes closed and her lips puckered expectantly.

What was she supposed to do here? If she kissed Night Glider she would officially be passing the point where she could claim to be ignorant of her feelings. She would be officially using her, toying with her for information, like a cold and heartless liar. Maybe she would have been okay with that once, back before the Friendship Games... but not here, not now.

If she was going to come clean, she had to do it now... but if she did, she might lose her chance to learn more about Sunset Shimmer. Night Glider might get mad at her, or even hate her... and they could be at Sunset and Cinch's mercy for the rest of their school life. Sunset's last move had almost killed someone... what if the next one actually did?

This was too important to throw away, but what was Sugarcoat willing to become to protect her friends...?

To Be Continued