• Member Since 22nd May, 2015
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Okay. So Mare-Do-Well has been unmasked, Rainbow Dash learns her lesson, and everyone lives happily ever after, right?

Not exactly.

The Mane 6 return to Town Square to explain everything to the townsfolk....and they learn that their plan was......significantly flawed.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 68 )

Hmm, well you did damn good with Anon-a-Miss. let's see where this goes.

This was a good start, and I actually appreciate how the ponies of Ponyville aren't acting blind. Now let's see what the others try to do to get back in her good graces again.

Headcanon accepted! You have no idea how satisfying it was for the townsponies to put those hypocritical assholes in their place. Good show!:scootangel:

7552334 so were ignoring the fact the whole just revisited it with the zombie thing, wow you must be a complete moron...

7552334 not to mention mare do well ony step in when Dash got so bloody high up her head in her ego that she put alot more in danger then they should be. mare do well only step in when it got really dangerous. that it.

but no, keep your head canon where the town bitched about the mare do well yet do a 180 on the zombie thing.

7552251 Why? they weren't in the wrong.

And then the town did a complete 180 when dash prank and decided to scare the crap out of her with the zombie thing... way to show them as hypocritical douchebags.

7552346 Actually they did get Pinkie Pie to try and talk to her but when she didn't listen and pulled a bigger prank, that's when they pranked her back.

This is labelled "incomplete" but I think it works as a one-shot. I'm not saying to not write more, I'm saying that you shouldn't feel you need to write more.

Can I assume that Princess Celestia would give the five ponies who posed as Mare-do-Well an angry earful for what they did to Rainbow, and for they way they hurt her feelings?

Oh and I've got one more thing; do you think it's fair for Celestia to scold Rainbow Dash as well for her boasting and egotistical actions? I have reason to think that she is NOT innocent in that "Mare do Well" episode; as a matter of fact, she is just as guilty as the five Mare-do-Wellers.

And yet, they made sure to avoid humiliating her. The episode made it look as if the five deliberately planned to lead Dash into a secluded alley before making the reveal. That way, Dash wouldn't be utterly humiliated in front of the whole town.
More evidence for this during the dam scene: rather than pull Rainbow Dash out by dangling her helplessly in mid-air with magic (which would have been really embarrassing) Mare Do Well just puts a tree in her way so that Dash can pull herself out. Humiliating Rainbow Dash doesn't seem to be part of the plan.
Made more obvious by Mare Do Well's actions. Not once does she cut off Rainbow Dash or keep her from helping; instead, she either steps in where Rainbow Dash won't (the balloon), where Rainbow Dash can't (the second bus, the dam) or where there's more than enough trouble to go around (the construction site).

Oh, already finished? Well, it was a nice good read, even with the classical, sappy happy ending. I usually prefer the reaction stories to this episode to take a turn for the worse, but sometimes it's not so bad to read a pacific ending.

Comment posted by SlicingShulk deleted Sep 10th, 2016

7552336 I didn't see that episode yet.

This episode reminded me of one on Full House. A notorious prankster finds her report card blown up in the school corridors for one and all to see. When she turns around, she's shown on the verge of a suicidal breakdown. They had gotten her back, good and hard, right where it hurt the most. It was not a pretty sight.

7552787 I think Rainbow Dash already got a good hard reality check here. Like some sort of apple cider hangover.

Ooh, boy. Don't mind me! *Grabs popcorn* Dis gunna be gud. Now, where's the hate? (Last chapter, ma'am.) Good. Good.

What about Newbie Dash? According to that episode the CMC are in the wrong for not liking to be called blank flanks. And that it's apparently 'wise' to stay in an abusive relationship for the benefit of being in that abusive relationship.

A Hearthswarming Tale: Oh shut up episode! If you need to constantly celebrate a holiday to keep on loving your friends and family then that 'love' is as shallow as shallow can be.

Tanks For The Memories: RD is hanging with the Wonderbolts too much, she's starting to scheme to hurt others just to help herself.

Bats!: Those bats are vermin but because Fluttershy says so they apparently are not. And apparently coming up with a compromise is wrong. And apparently AJ is 'short sighted' because her produce is under threat.

Testing Testing 1 2 3: No the problem was RD wasn't APPLYING herself, not in need of learning a special way. This episode was just justifying bad behavior. Plus RD is an adult not a child, and Twilight was in the wrong for forcing RD like that. And this episode dared to say that country people are stupid.
This episode could even be the worst episode of the entire show.

I'm all for pointing out how horribly flawed the tv series is, but isn't this a little late? Usually fixfics are published a lot closer to the intended episode's air date.

This is exactly what a fixfic for that episode should be, in fact, this could've been what that episode should've been from the beggining...oh wait, I just repeated myself there didn't I?:heart::pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile:

Comment posted by JCY2k16 deleted Oct 17th, 2016

They stepped in whenever Rainbow Dash was letting her grandstanding get in the way of her heroism, AND when she was clearly in over her head. Mare Do Well 'stealing rescues' existed only in Rainbow Dash's distorted point of view.


It's actually real life air force tradition for your call-sign to be something embarrassing.


I had really hoped that after all the emotional charge had died down, people would stop seeing things from Rainbow Dash's twisted point of view this episode and look at it objectively. Rainbow Dash STOPPED FOR PHOTOS AND AUTOGRAPHS while a pony was falling to her doom! She doesn't get an excuse!


You have the cause and effect reversed. Without that love, that holiday wouldn't exist in the first place, Snowfall Frost failed to realize what retconning the holiday out of existence would do.


Applejack was handed the 'straw pony' t-shirt, (I didn't like the episode much either) sure, but it gave us Flutterbat! So I give it a pass.

How things should have gone, Rainbow Dash should have gotten on her knees thanking her friends for saving other ponies and Rainbow Dash herself from Rainbow's egotistical show boating as they were covering her ass!!!


Yes, HOW DARE THEY save all those ponies lives! HOW DARE THEY step in to pick up the slack while Rainbow Dash proved she couldn't do it alone AND that her showboat was putting ponies LIVES in danger. And that Rainbow Dash couldn't comprehend that Mare Do Well would wear a mask to hide her identity, AND that she never stopped to be praised (until the time that was obvious bait to end the performance), shows RD had a problem. And the fact Mare Do Well didn't instantly appear to save the pony falling to their death, IMHO implies the mane six SAW what RD was doing, and had to get into costume FAST, implying they were on the fence about the whole plan until Rainbow Dash herself gave them the push. And the fact they dropped so many transparent hints at their true identities afterwards, implies what they underestimate was how utterly THICK HEADED Rainbow Dash is!

7569321 Yes I'm sure it is. But it's wrong in real life and it's wrong in fiction to bully people and that's what the Wonderbolts were doing. Plus I doubt taking moral advice from people who literally murder for a living is a smart idea.

Comment posted by Ellington deleted Sep 16th, 2016
Comment posted by Ellington deleted Sep 16th, 2016


The problem was Rainbow Dash MISTOOK IT for bullying. And calling the Wonderbolts murders for hire is over the line. So is calling a holiday done in honor of the birth of a man who said "have your yes mean yes and your no mean no" and "let he who has no sin cast the first stone" evil. If anything, I was insulted for them turning it into a parody of the holiday, but I didn't go on a rant about it.

7569473 Christmas is NOT in honor of Jesus anymore than the golden calf was in honor of God.

7569473 RD crashed so the Wonderbolts were all "RAINBOW CRASH!" Instead of saying...oh I don't know, "Are you okay Rainbow Dash?" That is NOT "mistaking" for bullying, that IS bullying.


That's not what Christmas is for me.


Clipper. Slowpoke. Flatfoot. And "Can't Even Say That On Television!" And Rainbow Dash brought it on herself, ignoring rules that she'd just been told to watch out for. And Rainbow Dash had through a TREE and gotten back up without need for professional help.

7570949 And it wasn't what the golden calf was to the 3000 Israelites who were killed.


No. They wanted a god they could SEE, and that's what they got.

7570954 I'm aware RD was in the wrong too. But just because one side was in the wrong doesn't mean the other is in the right. Both sides of the issue were in the wrong but the episode acted as if the Wonderbolts were in the right.

And not just this episode.

Wonderbolts Academy:
Spitfire kept praising bad behavior to the point where 5 lives were almost lost and then she yells at the one she victimizes as if Rainbow Dash did something wrong. And if Spitfire "learned" that she was in the wrong then I shudder to think how many ponies she's unintentionally killed ever since she's become the leader of the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Falls:
They'd dis one member for another.

Rarity Investigates:
They'd dis one of their members simply because one idiot says so.

I think they did try to talk to rainbow dash and failed. But the only thing that I can see fixing in that episode is a little scene where the five are all talking like this:

Was I that stubborn? Applejack asked.

A tie, twilight said.

So what can we do? Fluttershy asked.

We all tried talking to her but it was pointless of course, rarity said.

I got a plan but it may not be a good one, is it ready rarity? Twilight asked.

Yes, but I really don't like it.

It's time. Pinkie you are up.

The other scene:

Rainbow dash, you need to understand that we did it to save you of becoming a criminal, twilight said.

Yeah right.

The hot balloon crash. Even if mysterious mare do well didn't get there in time that pony would have been hurt badly. You could have been arrested for a crime.

I got you five.

Even as Princess Celestia student that crime I can not protect you. At worse you may have been banished! And right there is the issue. The wonderbolt do not ever take banished ponies at all.

7570981 I haven't read this yet, but this post, right here.

The episode wouldn't have been so bad... had it been the first time we've seen the outside perspective of the Wonderbolts sucking hard, y'know?


They tried to have RD figure out how Mare Do Well on her own by dropping transparent hints right in front of her ... but they underestimated how thick RD can be.


It was one of those lose lose problem. Sometimes there is no right way to solve a problem at all


You cannot write a fic about the mane 6 acting dumb an
D label it as a straight-up Drama, that kind of implies that ponies are naturally stupid

"Guys?" Pinkie Pie spoke, after a long moment of silence. "I think we done goofed."


The story was decent, but the ending kind of ruined it for me. The whole prank was bad enough, but expecting Rainbow to learn a lesson from it is just going to make everything worse. A lesson about bragging, at least. Showing off never got into the way of her heroic deeds, if anything the insecurities she gets from losing her fans did.

The problem is that Mare-Do-Well didn't need to EXIST in the grand scheme of things.

Think about it, Rarity contributed nothing aside from making the costume, Fluttershy didn't need to be in on it since all she did was fly by when RD gloated that it was the one thing she couldn't do.

Now, imagine that Twilight, AJ, and Pinkie pulled off their rescues WITHOUT the costume. Wouldn't THAT have had more of an impact considering the fact that it's her friends helping out with crisis that she couldn't handle alone?

But instead they simply pulled the costumed hero gig, stalked her around town in-costume (how else would they have known when the crisis was happening and managed to get in costume so quickly?) and simply did the hero act to teach her a lesson. Also how can they call her out on bragging if they showed up at the parade?

Heck, the costume would've worked if they left out Fluttershy's little stunt and gave her some words of wisdom to her after saving ponies.

And before you say "RD wouldn't have listened anyway", the Zombie-Pony episode worked better with that reason because of one solitary aspect:


We actually SEE them SIT HER DOWN AND TALK WITH HER. And when that fails they have Pinkie confront her one on one. That way it doesn't feel like they all just jumped in on the plan without thinking of other options.


Because Mare Do Well was cool!

The rule of cool only get you so far, and again, it would've been much better and effective they actually talked to her while in disguise, offering words of wisdom to her instead of just remaining silent.

And again, there was literally no point for Fluttershy to be involved, all she did was a flyby and just served to make it feel like they were just rubbing salt in the wound.

Simply pulling a stunt like that and expecting your desired results doesn't always work out in the long run. Especially since they didn't bother to simply sit her down and talk with her about it. Even if she didn't listen, it would've shown that they actually give a damn about her feelings and tried a different approach first.

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