• Published 27th Oct 2016
  • 3,061 Views, 33 Comments

United By Bait - Bookish Delight

When a rival team crashes Crystal Prep's soccer practice, Indigo Zap has trouble standing up to their taunts. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash shows up, ready to even the score.

  • ...

Project: Poetic Justice

Indigo Zap wiped the sweat from her brow and looked up at the sunny sky. Today's session had been intense, even by her high standards.

Which was good. They'd need that intensity for next week's soccer game.

With a contented exhale, she turned towards her teammates. "All right, girls, that's the end of practice for today! Good job—if we keep this kind of energy up, Cloudsdale won't be able touch us!"

Indigo did some practice dribbles as her team departed the field. It was her first year captaining Crystal Prep’s soccer team, and she’d led CPA all the way to the quarter finals. Only two games stood in the way of the championship. No way was she going to let the school down.

"Nice moves out there, Sap," a girl's voice called. Indigo's train of thought derailed, and her foot completely missed the ball.

She inwardly groaned. Only one person ever called her that—and kept calling her that—and it had gotten old long ago. "Whaddaya want, Dust?" she said to the blonde blue girl who'd just walked in front of her.

"Awwww, Sappie, why are you acting like that?" Lightning Dust retorted, hands on hips. Her voice dripped sarcasm. "I just wanted to congratulate you on some good practice! For a whole five minutes, it almost looked like you weren't the most choke-tastic thing to ever stumble onto a soccer field!"

"Yeah, amazing what a few years of training will do," Indigo said. "So, are you ever gonna let it go?"

"Gimme a reason to! I heard about what happened in your 'Friendship Games.' Guess Crystal Prep doesn't always come out on top." Lightning sneered at Indigo. "Certainly not with Little Miss Blowhard on the team. All talk, no results!"

Indigo felt herself getting hot under the collar. The worst part was, she knew better. She seriously knew better. But tell that to the red creeping into her vision.

Indigo kicked up the soccer ball and gripped it hard in her hands. "Oh, you'll be seeing results all right," she said, louder than she'd planned. "Long as you don't chicken out of next week's game!"

A blur whisked by her, snatching the ball out of her hands. In a moment, a bright green-hued girl stood next to Lightning, balancing—no, wait, spinning? How was that physically possible—the ball on her forehead.

"Oh, we're so scared," Vapor Trail said, her voice as syrupy and sarcastic as her partner’s. "Can't wait to see what'll result from us totally stomping you into the dirt—oh, wait! I know! Crystal Prep's name will be mud!"

"Hah! Good one, Vape!" Lightning high-fived her teammate. Vapor put her arm around Lightning as the two laughed.

That did it.

"Fine, if you're so sure of yourselves!" Indigo shouted. "You want moves? You want skills? First to three goals! I'll take the both of you on right—"

"Whoa, there! Hold on a minute!"

A new blue girl jogged onto the scene, who Indigo recognized in an instant due to her rainbow-colored hair. No, seriously, all seven colors were up there, and for the life of her, Indigo had no idea how she managed that kind of dye job. It had to be murder


What was she even doing here?

"Do you two jokers really wanna do this?" Rainbow Dash said to Lightning and Vapor. "I mean, this is Indigo Zap you're talking about here."

"Pfft. So?" Lightning scoffed. "It's not like we're scared of her."

Rainbow guffawed. "Well, you should be! Even I am! You're not gonna find anyone in any school who works harder for her team! Well, except me, 'cause I'm awesome."

Indigo did a double-take at the unexpected compliments. What was Rainbow getting at?

Rainbow's tone shifted from earnest to derisive. "You, though? I don't even know why you bothered to show up here, outside of wanting to see some real pros in action."

Lightning's and Vapor's expressions soured.

"Yeah, that's right," Rainbow taunted. "I know you guys. Your footwork's totally lame and the rest of your entire team is a joke! They lean on you for everything. Seriously, instead of sticking around here, you should be running back to the hills you came from and practicing to be good enough to lose." Rainbow crossed her arms and smirked in confidence.

Lightning gritted her teeth, then stepped forward. "Ooooh! Look at all the big talk from the Canterlot High goody-good who got to sleep through her bracket 'cause she didn't have to face anyone with actual skill! Now she thinks she's hot stuff after playing against jokes like the Parasprites instead of us!"

Lightning thumbed over to Indigo. "Sap over here said she was gonna take us on. But I'm willing to make it a two-on-two. Just to make you feel better."

Rainbow stayed silent for a few seconds... then burst out laughing. "Can you believe this, Indigo? Look how desperate they are!"

Indigo was confused, before she caught Rainbow’s wink. Instantly, she got the message. "Yeah, no kidding," she added, laughing herself. "That's why they came to our practice: they were actually hoping to sniff out our secrets before the finals! Heck, here they are, trying to get 'em out of us even now!"

"They'd probably have had a better chance if they'd just begged us." Rainbow backhanded the air as she turned away. "Please. Watch tapes of our greatness like everyone else, or don't even play. Come on, Indigo. Let's ditch these losers."

Indigo nodded, turned her back to the two Cloudsdale girls, and followed Rainbow. As she did, she heard a growl, and the thump of a soccer ball being kicked.

Instinct kicked in. Indigo leaned her head to one side and held up her hand. She caught the ball that Vapor Trail had kicked towards the back of her head at full speed. Her smile was as bright as the sun as Rainbow cheered, and she spun around one last time.

"Hey there, that kick was almost good! Try to teach that to all your players by next week, would ya?"

Rainbow and Indigo laughed all the way to Crystal Prep's main building.


The second they reached the girls' locker room, Indigo sighed, hard. She put her hands on her knees and shook as she gasped for breath.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Whoa. I guess I really did show up at the right time. Seriously, though: what were you thinking, getting ready to scrimmage 'em one-on-two?"

Indigo's breath slowed. "Let's just say, Lightning Dust and I have... met before," she disclosed, as a “highlight” reel from an absolutely brutal soccer game from years ago played back in her mind. "It didn't go well, and she's never let me live it down. I... I don't know what it is, but she's always known exactly how to get under my skin." Indigo balled a fist. "And every time I see that smug face, I just wanna...!" With a shriek, Indigo launched her fist towards a nearly locker.

Rainbow intercepted it in mid-flight with her palm and fixed Indigo with a serious gaze. "Yeah, not gonna let you do something your bones'll regret."

With another shriek, Indigo punted a locker hard enough to leave a dent instead.

Rainbow peered down at it. "Huh. Better idea, I guess." She paused, letting go of Indigo's fist. "So, that help any?"

"A little." Indigo sat down on the bench, arms crossed and pouting. "Still wanna use Lightning's face as the ball, though. And Vapor's as the net."

"Gruesome mental image, there." Rainbow sat next to her. "But you can still do the next best thing. Beat them, and win your bracket. Then you've just got one team left—us!" Rainbow pointed to herself.

"Yeah, but that's if we beat them." Indigo huffed. "Ugh, I can't believe I ever wanted to go that stupid school."

"I know, right? I mean, jeez, Cloudsdale's got the best sports-scholarship college in the business! I have no idea why their high school blows chunks. Still, can't leave anything to chance, which is why I've been studying them as well as you." Rainbow leaned in closer to Indigo with a conspiratorial grin. "You ever notice just how chummy Lightning Dust and Vapor Trail get around each other?"

"Well, yeah, but..." Indigo blinked. Her cheeks flushed the slightest hint of red. "W-what?" she whispered. "You think they're dating or something?"

Rainbow snorted. "As much as those two dorks deserve each other, that's not what I mean. I just mean that on the field, it looks like either one of them can't do anything without the other."

Indigo shrugged. "I've seen that at some of their games. Just looks like they're in sync, though. Happens with star players and even star duos, right?"

"That's what I said at first." Rainbow tapped on her smartphone. "But check it out." She showed Indigo a video of Cloudsdale's last game against the Vanhoover Lumberjanes. The 'Janes, sadly, hadn't stood a chance, as their fabled "tree-trunk defense" had been scattered all across the field in short order.

"Take a good look at how Vapor Trail moves," Rainbow said, pointing to the video. "And how Lightning gets to save energy cruising almost right behind her. Meanwhile, all the others do is cover and maybe take some passes to keep up appearances, but—"

Indigo gasped. "Those two otherwise get the field to themselves! Distraction is totally the name of their game! And Lightning gets to use her energy to catch any stray kicks or defense flubs, and... wow." She looked up from the video, mystified. "They're a well-oiled machine."

"Yep—and they're the same when it comes to hazing. Pinkie Pie's got party agents planted inside every high school, so I get all the dirt on demand. Turns out they've all gotten advance visits from Cloudsdale, just like you did. Psych warfare."

Indigo groaned. "And I almost played right into it."

"Truth is, that whole team's actually a lot better than I gave them credit for outside," Rainbow said. "They've been stomping the competition all year for a reason. But I wasn't about to let them know that."

Indigo balled a fist again and growled... then deflated. "Rainbow... you know how it is around here. Crystal Prep is all about individual greatness, even on our teams. Everyone wants the rep that comes from winning." Indigo placed her palms on her knees and looked down at the floor. "Sometimes I feel like... like I'm the only one who likes to win just 'cause it's fun."

Indigo saw and felt Rainbow’s hand lay on top of hers. She looked over, and saw Rainbow looking right back at her with a smile that radiated sincerity.

"You're not," Rainbow said, in a voice to match.

Indigo smiled back.

Rainbow lifted her hand. "Anyway, if you can't beat them at their own game, you gotta break theirs. I can help out with that if you want," she said, her smile persisting.

"What, so you can learn my moves?"

"No more than you learn mine—and I know we'll both be holding some tech back. Come on, it'll be fun." Indigo scrunched her face in thought as Rainbow scrawled out a note. "Meet me on the field at this address tomorrow. It's way out of the way—Cloudsdale will never see us practice. Until then? Go back over their videos, and watch their formations."

"Okay, time out," Indigo said, holding up a hand. "I know you CHS peeps are known for being sickeningly nice, but come on. There's gotta be a catch!"

"Duh," Rainbow huffed. "I just told you: I've already figured that team out. And now with my help, you have too. So you better win. Otherwise I'm gonna have a yawner of a finals. The two of us get on the field, though? I already know it's gonna be epic."

Indigo's competitive grin returned at last. She took the note. "Heck yeah, it will. Hey, Dash?"


"Thanks," Indigo said through a blush. "For believing in me."

"Just saw you needed it." Rainbow said, She held her fist out to Indigo. "Time for you to take up that slack again, though. I don't wanna see any mercy. Not tomorrow, not two weeks from now."

"You know it." Indigo bumped Rainbow's fist, and the two shared smiles again.

A pink girl with green hair burst into the room.
"OhmygoshIndieIheardwhathappenedbutdon'tworrySourandIchasedthosetwoCloudsdalemeaniesoffand—" Lemon Zest froze and blinked upon seeing Rainbow.

Her eyes glazed over. "Duuuuude, now I'm even more lost! Why are none of the students in their right schools today?"

"Guess that's my cue," Rainbow said, getting up and walking towards the door. "Don't be late, Indie," she said with one final wink.

"'Indie?'" Lemon Zest gasped as Rainbow exited the locker room. "Why's she get to call you that? Heck, what's she even doing here?"

Indigo stared out the door with a happy smile.

"Being awesome."

Author's Note:

The Shadowbolts Will Return.

Comments ( 33 )

Dare by Stan Bush is awesome. Period.

Not bad, Bookish. Not bad at all.

So, I really only have one question: Were you inspired by my fic Good Sport to make this story, or was it all on your own ideas?

It's fine, either way. The world could use more RainDigo shippers and now we barely find any stories like this here on FimFiction.

But then again, this fandom also need more RariFlare, SugarJack, SourShy, and LemonPie shippers...


So, I really only have one question: Were you inspired by my fic Good Sport to make this story

While I did read and enjoy that fic: nope! I'm just slow. :fluttershysad:

I've been messing with this dynamic in various drafts since the day Friendship Games aired (seriously, ask Cryosite :P) This is just the first one that made it to the surface.

Majin Syeekoh

That was sufficiently some manner of feeling I can't properly identify.

Cute? Heartwarming? I'll figure it out in time.

7675884 Alright. It's nice to know that there are still people who love the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts, even with LoE out now and getting mixed reviews.

With the other stories I made after that, Dresses and Daisies and The Truth Hurts, I wanted to have the other Rainbooms and Shadowbolts become friends and understand each other more. And yes, despite the fact that they do have some slight issues, they're still good reads. I do plan to finish the series with a Fluttershy X Sour Sweet story, then a Pinkie X Lemon story, finishing up with a Sunset and Sci-Twi story. And I will get to those in time, but right now, I'm busy writing my Yo-kai Watch crossover The Princess and the Yo-kai in the run up for when Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls releases in the UK...

Will now unilaterally endorse a sports-manga style take on Indigo and Rainbow Dash trying to make it to Nationals purely on basis of this story. That was adorable and you should feel good.

I wish I could write a more substantive response, but my brain is currently running on empty.


Will now unilaterally endorse a sports-manga style take on Indigo and Rainbow Dash trying to make it to Nationals

Given that that was exactly the sort of atmosphere I was going for here, I wholeheartedly endorse this endorsement. :rainbowdetermined2:

A new story by Bookish Delight? :pinkiegasp:

Anyway, that was a cute, fun tale. I did enjoy the banter between the different characters, and I do like how Rainbow and Indigo are shown to get along rather nicely after the events of Friendship Games. Lightning Dust was a nice addition as well, and I could definitely see her trash-talking when it comes to sports.

Also, this might just be me, but having the EqG version of Vapor Trail acting sarcastic got some chuckles out of me while reading it in her voice. I now wonder what the EqG version of Sky Stinger must be like. :twilightsheepish:

Excellent work as usual!

I approve of every moment of this. Especially Pinkie's teams of party agents. Funfiltrators, if you will.

Also, wow, this instance of Vapor Trail turned out a lot nastier. Didn't realize how much that codependent relationship mellowed her out.

In any case, great to have you back in the proverbial saddle, Bookish. Definitely looking forward to more in this vein.

Very good story with a great hook and ending. Nice to wee you back, Bookish!

I have to say this is very well done!

Such a cute little tale. Makes me wish that I could hurry up and write my own stuff with the Shadowbolts. So many ideas I have for them, particularly Lemon Zest and Sour Sweet...

Eh, I'll survive on yours for the time being.

It's funny to consider how much digging into a character's, or characters', psyche has been, at least on some level, the chief MO of your "Pony" work from the start. But I think this might mark one of the more interesting instances where the layers on which that's happening are as numerous and cleverly-linked as they are here.
I mean, on the one hand, duh, it's a great Dash/Zap bonding exercise; I loved back when you started your Shadowbolts work how you kept their voices distinct from the hu-Mane Six, even as you weren't afraid to work with the overlaps, and that plays out especially nicely here. Dash and Zap have a lot in common, but it's clear Dash has a degree of control and experience that Zap lacks, and moreover their goals feel distinct, if not necessarily disconnected, in some really interesting ways (Zap's distress at being the only one who wants to win because it's fun VS. Dash's natural competitiveness and desire to find the next Big Challenge to conquer).
But then there's also Dust and Vapor to consider; not only is picking them apart how Dash and Zap get themselves prepped for the next match (and help Zap soothe her own mood; it's understated, but I really dig how chewing over the Data of the Next Big Game helps Zap to cool down a bit after getting so riled up), but it gives us a bigger insight into the how's and why's of their picking on Zap the way they do too. That this dynamic finds equally-valid expression through their tactics on the field is a clever touch that throws it into nice relief.
It all works together to create this really intriguing mood of genuine analysis, both personal and pragmatic, that plays nicely to how strongly you characterize each of your players. I especially appreciate that Dash's motives aren't entirely altruistic - she does genuinely want a worthy challenge, after all - but nonetheless sincere even so, while Zap in turn may still have the Crystal Prep attitude inflecting her feelings, but also has a sincere and relatable desire to enjoy herself along the way; it's a fascinating balance that makes their dynamic really clear and compelling. And since literally analyzing the situation is what they're doing, it makes it that much easier and more enjoyable for us to do it right along with them. Topped off with an adorable Lemon Zest capper, and it stands as another in the proud, long line of great Character Studies you've so long excelled at.
I have my quibbles, I guess - there's the occasional leap in the pacing of the prose that feels a bit too sudden, like the appearance of the video footage Dash and Zap look over - but as a whole, I'd say this is an ideal start to the New Age of Bookish, one that recalls all your past strengths while showcasing clearly that there are new strengths to explore going forward. ^_^

Didn't even have to load the video to know the song!

Stellar work, as usual. All aboard the Friend Ship!

Thanks, you guys. It's great to be back :D

I really appreciate the long review, and you managed to brush up against some things no one else has yet, like the hidden backstory between Indie and Lightning. Good job. :raritywink:

It was originally going to be Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail (I have no pressing love for either of those characters; mind you I felt they were executed well for their episode but just their character types just aren't of the sort I enjoy, so I have no problems throwing them under the bus :D) but then the irony of having Lightning being one of Indigo's rivals bowled me over like a wrecking ball and I couldn't say no~

That was a great story. It would be great to see more stories like this.

7677136 Hey, it's my pleasure! Nothing quite beats sinking my teeth into a new Bookish Story, there's always SO MUCH to chew on. <3

Nobody beats Dash at badass boasting! :rainbowdetermined2:

A very nice story with cool characterization; your Shadowbolts stories are always worth reading. And yes, there was a really strong sports manga/anime feel to this. :twistnerd:

I only have to say Bravo on the story. There's isn't many stories about these two, and they are my favorite characters. Why this isn't in the feature box? :rainbowhuh:

Indigo wins by nakama power and training scenes. Definitely manga-style!

Sheez, I've stumbled into Indigoza Eleven.

I finally got around to reading this, and it's a pretty great story.
However, and this is just a personal issue, Vapor Trail's behavior here just doesn't sit right with me. Mainly because it's pretty much the exact opposite as to how she acts in the mane series.
Sure, EQG characters don't act exactly like their pony counterparts, but their personalities at least have some similarities. Heck, even EQG!Filthy Rich showed SOME kindness by giving Gloriosa the extension she wanted when he could've legally claimed the camp as his then and there, and then he gracefully, though not happily, accepted that they managed to save the camp with the concert.
Again, this is just a personal issue, and all things considered is probably a nitpick, but I just had to get that out there.



And yeah, I think Vapor is a mostly personal, but valid thing to bring up. I needed someone to run alongside Lightning, and my choices were somewhat slim? Few factors happened:

- I'm actually not a fan of her or Sky Stinger at all
- I actually really like the Wonderbolts and am tired of people dumping on them because of misquided personal projection reasons, so using any of them would have just been old and tired (plus they've been in the comics already)
- I'm actually a big fan of "alternate dimension version of character acts ractically the opposite of prime version of character" stories (even though when the first EQG comic pulled it with Babs Seed I didn't take well to it either ^^;)

And... thus we got Meanievapor! I regret absolutely nothing, but I wish I'd had better choices.


- I'm actually not a fan of her or Sky Stinger at all

I'm actually curious as to why you dislike Vapor. Sky Stinger, I can kind of understand.

- I actually really like the Wonderbolts and am tired of people dumping on them because of misquided personal projection reasons, so using any of them would have just been old and tired (plus they've been in the comics already)

That's something we're in 100% agreement on.

As for the issue of not having many characters to choose from, I guess you figured it would be easier to use a pre-existing character than make one up for the story.

Above: Vapor Trail.

Sky Stinger made me mad, but seeing Vapor blatantly support his nonsense for so long annoyed me just as much. :fluttershysad:

And yeah, I briefly thought of making an OC but adapting pony versions of characters to EQG is one of my favorite hobbies in this fandom, so...

7991937 To be fair, Vapor did have her valid reasons for what she did.
But then again, there IS a difference between a behavior making sense, and that behavior being likeable.


For story purposes, yeah, it's completely valid--I actually really like how Sky and Vapors' dual dilemmas are set up. S6 writing kicking ass as usual.

...but me, I woulda just let Sky face reality. :P

7991959 Fair enough.
I'm not really sure what I'd do in that situation, but luckily for me, I doubt I'll ever be put in anything like it.

Author Interviewer

Vapor Trail as a bad girl? I'm shocked! :O

Vanhoover Lumberjanes

Okay, but this is win. :D

Loved the interactions with Rainbow and Indigo

Pulls out Chainsaw

Alright, who do I have to kill to make Indigo happy?


Just ship these 2 already.

Very nice. I love it.

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