• Published 28th Nov 2016
  • 5,147 Views, 101 Comments

The Dusty Trail - Unicorncob

A down-on-her-luck Lightning Dust tries out to be a courier

  • ...

Special Delivery

Rookie Wonderbolt Steals Show!

Visitors to the 50th Annual Rainbow Falls Airshow were left in shock and awe yesterday, following the finale of the event. Along with the games, contests and food, a staple for the celebration of Equestria’s greatest flyers was the ever popular aerial stunt show by the world famous Wonderbolts.

However, this year, fans were treated to a very special performance, courtesy of the stunt team’s newest member, Rainbow Dash. The Element of Loyalty and Ponyville’s star athlete, who graduated from the Wonderbolts Training Academy just three years ago, made her performance debut as a reserve just last year at Princess Celestia’s Royal Garden Opening. Last night marked her debut as a member of the official Wonderbolts roster, and nopony in attendance will soon forget it.

Dash’s show of complete mastery in speed and agility took attendees’ breaths away, and the beautiful rainbow streak left by her speeding mane and tail lit up the night sky in a beautiful cascade of colour. The rookie performer received a well-deserved standing ovation following the finale of the show.

Wonderbolts captain Spitfire commented, saying “Dash proved to us in training that she deserved a spot on the team. Tonight, she just proved it to Equestria.”

The mare growled and crumpled up the newspaper into a jagged ball before tossing it over her shoulder. The sports section of the Manehattan Horn was always garbage. Especially that stupid photo they used for that stupid story. Stupid Rainbow Dash in her stupid Wonderbolts uniform wearing that stupid smile.

What was so special about her anyway? Sure, she was the Element of Loyalty and helped save the world from certain doom all the time, and she was Ponyville’s star athlete, and she passed the Wonderbolts Reserves exam with top grades.

But nopony knew her the way Lightning Dust knew her.

Lightning Dust was Rainbow Dash’s partner at the Wonderbolts Academy. No, not her partner. Her superior. Spitfire had made her the lead pony, and Dash the wingpony when they were cadets. The two of them flew circles around the other cadets together, thanks to her leadership. They were cleaning up, and could have made reserves in a matter of months.

And how did Dash repay her? By whining to Spitfire about her stupid friends nearly getting hurt when Dust flew past them. They popped up out of nowhere in a balloon in the middle of the course, so why did she get the blame?!

She remembered trying to explain herself in Spitfire’s office, but she heard none of it, saying that the last traits a Wonderbolt needed were ‘dangerous’ and ‘reckless’.

She left the camp with her dreams shattered and her pride bruised.

Reading about her ex-partner’s graduation in the article got Dust to snarl under her breath. She should have been there with her. She should have been a reserve. She should have been a Wonderbolt right that second, standing right next to her wingpony!

Instead, she was drifting around Equestria, trying to find anypony who would give her work and either didn’t know about her expulsion, or didn’t care about her past.

She had been blacklisted from joining the Wonderbolts. A fact that still tugged at her chest every time it decided to surface into her thoughts. All her life she had wanted to wear that majestic blue uniform and rule the skies with Equestria’s best flyers, and in just under a week of training, that dream had been ripped away from her.

Rainbow Dash ruined her life, and one day, somehow, she would return the favour.

Word spread fast about Dust’s dishonourable discharge from the Academy. Word of mouth and misinformed press had painted her in a bad light, saying she was reckless and careless. That she didn’t care if anypony got hurt, so long as she got what she wanted. It didn’t help that everypony from Vanhoover to Fillydelphia knew who she was, and that they wanted nothing to do with her. Even when wearing her tracksuit to cover her head and cutie mark, ponies still recognised her name and face from that week’s papers. Not even cheap street-corner grocery stores wanted her application.

She couldn’t go home. Not after that. What would her parents have said? Would they have believed what they heard? She was always a rambunctious filly, but she never meant to really hurt anypony. Would they take her word? The fear of being kicked out of her own home was too great for her to even attempt approaching the door.

Manehattan was her last chance. She left the big city till last, fearing that she wouldn’t be able to go one block without a dirty look. But everypony was so absorbed into their own lives that she was practically invisible. Which was just fine with her.

She had just spent her last few bits on a mug of cider at the Silver Horseshoe, and the copy of the Manehattan Horn that laid on the floor behind her in a crumpled ball. She needed a job, to get some decent food and avoid sleeping under another rain shelter.

Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes widened as she realised what she had bought the paper for--to check the job listings!

She swivelled her head around and saw a unicorn waitress picking up the ball of newspaper in her magic, and she dived off her stool to grab it, rolling onto her hooves with great athleticism before unfurling it. She flicked through the creased papers frantically for the jobs section, and scanned the little squares of info for any possible openings.

She didn’t have the physical strength to be a bodyguard, nor was she a unicorn so she couldn’t be an assistant at Manehattan’s Society of Magic building. She had no interest in fashion, so that new cushy clothes store was out. And she did not want to be a waitress on Restaurant Row. She still had her pride.

However, one article caught her eye.

Couriers Wanted!

Are you fast?

Are you brave?

Interested in seeing the world?

Starstorm Express is looking for speedy couriers!

Good work!

Better pay!

Guaranteed adventure!

Pegasus applicants only

Apply at Starstorm Express HQ on Business Boulevard

Dust’s eyelids raised as the opportunity presented itself to her. She was a brave pegasus, and just as fast as Rainbow Dash. No, she was faster. Unlike that overblown candy-haired cheater, Dust didn’t hold back.

Business Boulevard was the place. That was just a few blocks away, and it was only early afternoon--she could make that.

“Um, ma’am?” The waitress was still stood there, a little concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Y’know, I might just be,” she smiled, and handed the crumpled newspaper to her. “In fact, I’ve never felt better in a while! Thank you!”

The unicorn was left bewildered, clutching the paper at her chest. “For what…?”

Lightning Dust’s heart began to pound in her chest as she entered the Business Boulevard district. She never had reason to come this way before--she was convinced that it was restricted to company owners and attorneys and the like. Especially considering she was walking past some tall, very professional looking buildings, like banks and law offices.

She got a few condescending looks while walking down the sidewalk, though they were more aimed at her attire. Her tracksuit really stood out from the five-hundred bit suits and business dresses around her.

She wasn’t phased, though. Her spirits were starting to lift as the prospect of a perfect job opportunity was getting closer with every step.

Lightning Dust, Equestria’s fastest courier. That had a good ring to it.

A grin crossed her muzzle. She’d have a fun job, some decent pay, and she’d be getting back into everypony’s good graces! What could go wrong?

Apart from being rejected for the Academy incident? Her bitter thoughts decided to remind her.

Though, strangely, she was feeling good about her chances this time. A courier business might have a lot of pegasi. Maybe they won’t care about her past, and give her the benefit of the doubt? Forgive and forget, like they say.

Maybe they’d see the bright side, and realise a former Wonderbolt cadet would mean she had some real flying skill under her figurative belt?

The pros were definitely outweighing the cons, in her mind. So on she trotted.

It didn’t take Dust long to come across the place she was looking for. The building wasn’t nearly as tall as the others surrounding it, despite having quite a few floors--she counted seven rows of windows. Through the ground floor window, she could see an earth pony mare sitting bored at a desk.

The sign above the door was dark blue, with the logo of a pegasus’s silhouette in front of a star above the name for the place.

Starstorm Express

Local & International Delivery

This was definitely the place. Lightning Dust took a deep breath, attempting to lower her thumping heart beat. She would never admit it, but now that she was at the door, she was nervous. Maybe she shouldn’t embarrass herself and try somewhere else…

Come on, that’s not what Lightning Dust would do! she reminded herself. You’re not a wimp like Rainbow Dunce. Get in there and show them what a real flyer can do!

Her resolve hardened, Dust took another deep breath, pushed out her chest, and pushed the door open.

A soft ding-a-ling of the bell above the door alerted the mare at the desk of Dust’s presence, and she sat up, trying to look as interested as possible. Even Dust could tell that was a struggle.

“Welcome to Starstorm Express HQ,” she greeted in as bright a voice as she could muster, “would you like to make or pick up a delivery?”

“Um, not really,” the pegasus muttered with a shake of her head, “I’m here for the courier job?”

“Oh, right,” she nodded, and pressed a button on the desk. “Breeze, we got a new applicant.”

A mare’s voice sounded, tinny from the intercom. “Great! Send them up!”

The mare took her hoof off the button and looked at Dust while nodding to the elevator. “Seventh floor, first door on the left.”

“Thanks,” Dust nodded and trotted to the elevator, pushing the button.

After a few seconds, the doors split open, revealing a rather tired looking earth pony stallion who instantly trotted out. “Scuze me.”

Dust looked at him as he left through the door, seeing he was wearing a dark blue uniform matching the sign outside, with a brown messenger bag slung over his shoulder.

That guy’s definitely seen better days, she thought as she entered the lift. Maybe they were low on numbers and the poor stallion was being overworked?

She pushed the door for the seventh floor, watched the doors close and felt gravity gently increase as the lift raced up to the top.

Within about fifteen seconds, the lift stopped and opened to reveal a hallway. She stepped out and looked to the left. There was indeed a door there, with Breeze Runner and Manager on it. She took another deep breath and gently tapped the wooden door with her hoof.

“Come in!” A mare called from inside.

Dust pushed the door open, and looked at the rather nice, if compact office inside. The desk commanded most of the floorspace, with piles of papers stacked on it. A light pink pegasus mare was sitting behind it, smiling right at Dust. Her rose-red mane was slightly out of place, likely due to working so hard.

“You’re the new courier applicant, yes?” she asked, and waved a hoof to the chair across from her. “Take a seat. I’m Breeze Runner.”

Dust closed the door and sat down. “Nice to meet you… yeah, I’m here for the job.” She decided to avoid telling her name for the moment.

Breeze Runner nodded and opened a drawer in her desk, taking out a sheet of paper and lifting the quill already on the desktop. “Okay, let’s start with your name.”

Dust cursed in her head, and gulped. “Um… L-Lightning Dust…”

To her relief, the manager seemed to think nothing of it. “Nervous? Nothing to be scared of, just a few questions.” She proceeded to ask the routine questions, such as her flying experience. Dust chose to avoid mentioning the Academy, and instead mentioned she was on the Cloudsdale High racing team.

Could have made captain if it wasn’t for Dash hogging it for herself, she thought sourly.

After a few more simple questions, Breeze Runner put down her quill and looked up at Dust. “Looks like it all checks out.”

Dust’s amber eyes lit up, and she lifted the hood off her head, revealing her ginger, lightning-streaked mane. “Does that mean I got the job?!”

“Well, before we officially--” she began, then looked up at her interviewee, scanning her face closely. “Wait a second… I recognise you.”

Dust’s pupils dilated and she quickly pulled the hood back over her head. “W-what…?”

“I thought I heard your name before,” she said, her voice more level, “the mare who was booted from the Wonderbolt Academy for dangerous conduct?”

Dust pulled the straps on her hoodie, closing it to hide her trembling lip and tearing eyes. It was over. She was officially unemployable.

“That must mean you’re quite skilled with your wings, right?” Breeze asked. “Really speedy and agile?”

Dust froze, not expecting that question, loosened her hood and poked her muzzle out. “Um, yes…?” Breeze saw her… smiling?

“I thought so,” she chirped, then went on with a bit of a frown, “my father tried out for the Wonderbolts too, you know. He was really good. But he didn’t make the cut. I don’t think he ever got over it.”

Dust wasn’t one for sob stories, but she felt a twinge of regret for Breeze’s father. “I know how that feels,” she muttered, taking her hood back off.

“But, I don’t want to bore you with that,” the pink pegasus smiled again. “What I was going to say was, I like to personally assess new recruits before they officially join the Starstorm Express family.”

Dust felt a little clench in her chest. She had a feeling there’d be a test, but the idea made her no less nervous. She took a deep breath and nodded. “What do I have to do?”

“Oh it’s simple,” Breeze said, then opened a drawer as she went on. “All you have to do is make one delivery. A local job, nothing big.” She set a sheet of paper on the desktop and slid it to Dust’s side. The top read Delivery Review. “Then you get the customer to fill out this review card, so I can get an idea of what your attitude is like. Your ‘Courier Conduct’, if you will.”

Dust managed to avoid rolling her eyes at the last statement, and took the card in her hooves. “Anything else?”

“Not from me, but Spring Step downstairs will give you the package,” Breeze explained. “She’s our receptionist, you’ve met her already. She’ll give you the details. Good luck!”

Dust suddenly felt a spark of confidence out of nowhere as she leapt from her seat. “I don’t need luck, just skill!” she boasted with a smirk. But before she could register that she had just sassed her potential new boss, Breeze Runner just returned the smirk.

“Confident, I like it,” she praised, then nodded to the door, “and I expect to hear good things. I’ll let Spring know you’re coming.”

Dust nodded and gave a mock salute before exiting the office and returning to the elevator. On the way down, she couldn’t help but squeal and patter her hooves with joy. Somepony was giving her a chance!

Now she could start cleaning up her name, and show up that overrated rainbow-head in the process. She’d show Equestria that Lightning Dust was just as big a star as Rainbow Dash. An even bigger star.

Slow down, Dust, she thought, first you need to land this job.

She took a deep breath and nodded, refocusing her thoughts on the task at hoof.

Once the elevator landed on the ground floor, she exited and trotted to the front desk. Spring Step was looking at her expectantly.

“Breeze told me she’s giving you a trial run,” she said, then set a folded up shirt and a brown messenger bag on the desktop. They were exactly like the one the stallion from earlier was wearing, only… older, and more threadbare. “This is some old gear we keep for the trainees.”

Dust narrowed an eye in discomfort at the old navy blue shirt. “Um…”

“Relax, it’s washed,” Spring snickered, then placed a rectangular package on the desk while Dust--reluctantly--took off her tracksuit and changed into the shirt. “This is the package. The client insisted it be delivered ASAP; faster than the postal service actually. Breeze thought this would be perfect for an ex-cadet.”

Dust blinked at that last commented, and nodded quietly. At least Spring Step wasn’t judging her, or so she seemed anyway. Once she was dressed and had the bag slung over her shoulder, she took the package in her hoof.

“There’s a clipboard with the delivery invoice is in the bag,” Spring went on, then stressed the syllables as she continued, “make, sure, the, client, signs it.”

“That important, huh?” The pegasus scoffed, and flipped the package over to look at the address. “Who’s it for, anywa--”

Dust’s pupils shrunk, and her seafoam coat bristled. All she could focus on was the recipient's name.

Rainbow Dash.

Lightning Dust sped out of the Manehattan airspace toward Ponyville, absolutely livid.

She couldn’t believe it. She refused to believe it. This had to be some cruel joke. How could Breeze Runner set Rainbow Dash as her first client? She knew the story. Everypony knew the story. She was probably laughing it up in her office right now, how she pulled a fast one on dumb little Lightning Dust.

Did she expect her to storm back into the building and get in her face? Rant about this tasteless little prank?

Well, Lightning Dust was better than that. She’d take it on the chin and do the job perfectly. She’d show Breeze Runner, and Equestria, that she could put her feelings aside and be a professional.

For the moment, she focused on flying. The wind roaring in her ears. The cold spraying her face. Her mane flapping wildly from the sheer velocity. The ginger, lightning streak she left in her wake.

A grin crossed Dust’s muzzle as her temper died down. Flying was her passion, and she was at peace in the sky. There was nopony else up there, so she allowed herself the pleasure of a little agility practice, ducking and weaving through the many white puffs of cloud dotting the blue sky.

Her grin grew as she created a swirling spiral from spinning up around a cloud. This was how she liked to fly. No harsh drills, no amateur wingponies, no unexpected hot-air balloons. She was doing it her way. On her own, with nothing holding her back.

When Lightning Dust arrived in Ponyville, the sun had only set a bit in the west, providing a more golden beam as sunset peeked around the corner.

“Record time,” she purred to herself as she landed on the streets of the small town.

She took out the package and reread the address, trotting along as she did so while minding any ponies sharing the dirt road with her. She kept her glances as fleeting as possible, wanting to avoid any stares.

The trainee courier scowled as she approached Rainbow Dash’s house--a delightful and sizeable cloud villa on the edge of town, with trickles of rainbow dripping from the front and back.

Probably bought this on her new salary, she hissed in her head. Her heart began thumping as emotions flared up within her. Her once friend and partner, now mortal enemy was in that house right now. Enjoying the Wonderbolt highlife that she should have.

Deep breaths, Dust, her more reasonable thoughts began to surface. Don’t screw this up. Show everypony you can make a comeback.

She inhaled slowly, taking great lungfuls of cool, fresh Cloudsdale air. Her anger cooled down, and she mustered up the strength to approach the front door.

Within moments of her knocking, the door swung inward and she suddenly had a cyan face in hers, purple eyes glittering with foal-like excitement. “IS IT HERE?!” she squeaked, her rainbow fringe bobbing with her sudden stop.

Dust would have been angry, if she hadn’t been so surprised. “Um… yeah, I suppose.” was all she could think of to say.

“Wait a sec,” the other pegasus gasped, then took a few paces back. “Lightning Dust! Long time no see!”

Dust bit back a sarcastic remark and took the package from her bag. “Yeah, hi, Rainbow Dash. I got your--”

“SWEET!!” Dash squealed and snatched the brown cardboard, clutching it to her chest as she spun around in the air. “The new Daring Do! This doesn’t even come out till next week! You have no idea how many times I had to ask before I got this!”

Dust could only stare at the display, taken aback. She never pegged a sports pony like Rainbow Dash to be so keen on a book. Though she did mentally--and begrudgingly--agree that Daring Do was awesome. At least she now had an excuse to put on a somewhat friendly face.

“Yeah, I’ve got it pre-ordered,” she muttered, which wasn’t a lie, and pulled out the clipboard with the invoice and the delivery review card clipped onto it. “Just need you to sign this and fill that out.

“Oh, sure,” Dash nodded, and zipped up the spiralling stairs. She came back immediately with a quill in her wingtips, and signed the invoice. “So, how’s tricks?”

You’re the great awesome Wonderbolt, Dust snapped in her head, you tell me about tricks.

“I’m just sorta drifting,” she said out loud, trying to keep a nonchalant tone of voice, “finding work isn’t really easy these days, y’know? I just managed to find this courier job today.”

“Yeah, I hear ya,” Dash nodded agreement, and then bit her lip as she realised what she’d said while currently being a part of the Wonderbolts. “Uhh, I mean--y’know, uh--”

Dust just held up a hoof. “Don’t worry about it, I get you. I read about the airshow, sounds like you really cleaned up last night.”

“Oh, heck yeah!” the cyan mare’s signature smirk crossed her muzzle as she puffed out her chest. “Spitfire told me mine was the best rookie performance they’ve ever had!”

“Oh, that’s great,” Dust forced a smile. “Congratulations.”

The seafoam pegasus was practically snarling with rage in her head.

Rainbow Dash went to fill out the review card, then halted as she looked into Dust’s eyes. She seemed… regretful? Dust suddenly had less trouble holding back her contemptful sneer.

“Uhh, Dust, while you’re here,” she began, sounding rather awkward, “there’s been something I wanted to tell you. About… you-know-what.”

Lightning Dust wasn’t really in the mood for beating around the bush. Her patience was reaching its limit. “You can just say when I was expelled from the Academy. It was three years ago, Dash. I’m over it.”

“No you’re not,” Dash instantly retorted, “I can see it in your eyes. You probably really hate me for it, huh?”

Dust kept quiet, not wanting to answer that. Mainly out of wanting to keep her position as an upstanding courier trainee. But the memories resurfaced. Spitfire yelling in her face. The terrible rrrrip of the lead pony badge torn from her cadet uniform. Everypony glaring daggers as she left the Academy with her head hung low. The whispers and pointed hooves as she walked on the streets.

“Listen,” the rainbow mare went on, “I just wanted to say that I’m really, really, really sorry you got expelled. I didn’t want that to happen to you, I just wanted Spitfire to get you to chillax since nopony deserves to get hurt. And, after thinking about it, Twilight’s balloon showin’ up in the middle of the course was… okay, it was pretty dumb, I’ll give ya that one.”

Dust continued her silence, which Dash took as a sign to continue.

“I wanted us to graduate together. You seemed like a really cool pony, and sometimes, during Wonderbolt training, I imagine you there with me. We were really cleanin’ house at the Academy, just imagine us as true Wonderbolts, y’know?”

Dust breathed a sigh and broke her silence. “Well, imagining it is all I can do. I’ve been banned from returning to the Academy.”

“I know, it really sucks,” Dash muttered and shook her head, then looked up at her ex-lead pony with a friendly smile. “Y’know, I could talk Spitfire into giving you another chance. I know you can kick flank up there with us, so I could tempt her into letting you prove it to her yourself. Whaddya say?”

Dust blinked and her heart skipped a beat. Another chance? Rainbow Dash, the egotistical Element of Loyalty, star athlete of Ponyville and Wonderbolts rookie of the year, willing to give her a chance at the spotlight? To let her achieve her lifelong dream?

...no. It sounded too good to be true. What was her angle? Did she want good PR by reaching out to an unfortunate old friend? Show the world just how amazing and awesome she was?

Well, Lightning Dust still had her pride. She didn’t need this egomaniac’s pity.

“Well, thanks for the offer,” she finally responded, “but, I wanna try out this courier job first. See if it’s the one for me, y’know? My real calling?”

“Yeah, true, it’s a good job,” Dash agreed with a grin, “keepin’ everypony happy by getting their stuff to them on time. Speakin’ of that, ya got here pretty quick. I was expecting a delivery in the next few days.”

Dust couldn’t help but blush at the praise, even if it was from her enemy. “Well, I wanna make a good first impression. And make sure everypony’s happy, like you said.”

“Well you’re makin’ a good start in my books,” she grinned, then finished filling out the review card. “There ya go, Dust. That everything?”

The trainee stuffed the clipboard back in her bag without setting eyes on it. She didn’t want to see what Dash had written on it.

“Yep, all set,” she nodded, “enjoy your Daring Do. Don’t spoil it for me, huh?” She added, in a quick attempt to be friendly.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” she snickered, then grinned at her. “Hey, maybe we can meet up after you get your copy next week? Talk about how awesome Daring is?”

“Oh, uh sure,” Dust suddenly blurted out without thinking, then edged away from the door. “Look, I gotta head back. On the clock here and all. How ‘bout I stop by tomorrow and we’ll make plans?”

“Sweetness!” Dash pumped her hoof in triumph. “I’m holdin’ ya to that! Tomorrow at my place!”

“I’ll be there,” Dust promised with a forced grin, and both mares waved goodbye as Dust sped off toward Manehattan.

The grin instantly dissolved into a scowl the moment her head was turned.

Not on your life.

Sunset was in full effect by the time Lightning Dust had returned to the Starstorm Express HQ in Manehattan. She allowed herself a moment to mentally praise herself, amidst her conflicting thoughts on the way.

During the flight, all she could focus her thoughts on was the talk with Rainbow Dash. The new Wonderbolt seemed to show absolutely no malice, but rather… sympathy. She didn’t boast once about being in the greatest aerial stunt team in the world. She seemed more apologetic than proud.

And Dust just couldn’t get why.

She knew Dash. She was too full of pride and ego to let go of the opportunity to rub her new position in somepony’s face. So why didn’t she? She had beaten Dust to the punch--heck, she straight up kicked her out of the party.

So why was she sorry for her and even offering her a second chance?

One side of Dust was convinced that Dash was playing her. Trying to be nice for the sake of good publicity, so she could set her position as new Wonderbolt in stone. She’d do anything for it, even lie.

But on the other hoof, maybe she was serious? Three years is a long time--enough for anypony to change. Maybe she really did feel sorry for her, and want to let her show what she can truly do?

She shook her head and entered the building. She’d have to think about it later, after she turned in her delivery.

Spring Step was still sat behind the desk, and she glanced up at her. “Back already?”

“Yep,” Dust said, and handed over the clipboard. “Everything’s filled out.”

The receptionist nodded, and unclipped the review card, handing it back. “I’ll take the invoice, this goes up to Breeze Runner.”

Dust blinked curiously, before nodding and tucking the card between her wingtips. She still couldn’t bring herself to take a peek at it--it would either make or break her new career. Did Dash give her a good review and let her have a chance at this job, or forge a scathing one out of spite?

Her eyes narrowed as she entered the elevator. That was Dash’s game. She was secretly happy to have Dust removed from the Academy--less competition for the top spot. And now she was rubbing salt on the wound by getting her kicked out of a new job, likely after hearing how unsuccessful she’d been at finding some prior.

Well, she’d just take it on the chin. If she was to be fired, she’d be fired with her pride intact. Like she’d been expelled from the Academy. No ranting, no tantrums, just a silent, dignified retreat.

That’d show that conniving little egomaniac who really deserved to be a Wonderbolt.

The elevator opened at the top floor, and she knocked at Breeze Runner’s door.

“Come in!” The mare’s voice chirped once again. Dust could swear it sounded more chipper than the last time.

She pushed herself inside, and Breeze Runner was sitting up straight, a bright grin on her muzzle. “Ah, Lightning Dust! C’mon in, take a seat.”

Dust took a seat across from Breeze, while she went on. Her chest pulsed with a nervous pang as she remembered the card still under her wing.

“Spring Step told me the invoice was filled out perfectly,” she explained, then nodded. “Well done. You’d be surprised how many new candidates forget to do that. It’s important to keep records, y’know.”

Dust just nodded silently, trying to keep a straight face while holding out the review card as calmly as she could.

“Nervous?” The boss asked, smiling and grabbing the card in her own wing. “No need to be, if you did a good job! Now, let’s see what we have here…”

Dust bit her lip and her eyes darted. She tried not to twiddle her hooves, but she was just so nervous. How honest was the review going to be?

Her amber pupils dilated when she saw Breeze’s brows furrowing. “Hm, this is interesting… very peculiar. Have you taken a look at this?” She asked, her tone unreadable by the nervous mare who just shook her head. “Because I’ve never gotten quite a review like this before, not on a first attempt.”

I knew it! Dust snarled in her head, despite her nerves. She screwed me over! I swear, next time that prissy little candy-mane has another little show, I’m gonna--

“Lightning Dust was incredibly speedy getting here,” Breeze Runner interrupted Dust’s rampaging train of thought by reading the card out loud, “and the package was in great condition.”

Dust blinked, and her head suddenly drew a blank. She wasn’t expecting a positive start, but she knew there had to be a ‘but’ somewhere.

“We got to talking while I was filling out the card,” Breeze went on, “and she was really pleasant, with a great attitude. Hope you’re not gonna work her too hard, because I’m gonna wanna meet up with her outside work. She’s as totally awesome as I remember!”

Dust’s jaw dropped a bit. There was no way… there had to be more. But Breeze had stopped to look up at her.

“You didn’t read this?” she asked. She just got a slow shake of the head as a response. “Here.”

Dust took the card and skimmed it. Indeed, word for word, that’s what Rainbow Dash had written. Now that she thought about it, she wasn’t known for being a malicious liar.

Maybe she did want to bury the hatchet, and make up with Dust?

“Well, I’m certainly convinced,” Breeze said with a warm smile, “if you’re still interested, you’ve got an opening.” She reached her hoof across the desk, for Dust to shake it. To seal the deal.

Dust stared at the hoof, then back down at the card. At Dash’s little subtle message of “I’m sorry, wanna be friends again?”

She nodded, a smirk finally forming on her muzzle, and she shook hooves with Breeze. “Glad to be aboard.”

“Brilliant!” Breeze cheered, and nearly span around in her swivel chair. “We’ve really been hurting for more hooves on the team. Where are you staying?”

Dust’s smirk contorted into an awkward frown. “Um… nowhere, actually…”

“Ouch,” Breeze frowned, then instantly her smile was back. “Well, this place used to be an apartment building, and we use the other floors as resting rooms for our… hoofful of couriers. Beds, bathrooms, even a minifridge in a few of them. You can hang out there if you like, free of charge.”

Dust’s eyes widened. She couldn’t even believe such a good offer was being made to her. “Really?!”

Breeze Runner nodded. “Really. Think of your hard work being your rent.”

“Whoa,” Dust muttered, and tried to fight a tear forming in her eye. Things were finally starting to look up. She had a new job at last, and somepony who she thought was her mortal enemy actually supported it. Suddenly, that meet-up tomorrow didn’t sound like the worst idea. “Thank you so much!”

“Thank you for taking it seriously,” Breeze said with a sagely nod. “Spring Step will give you a room key and tomorrow we can go over the intricate stuff. It’s not too hard to learn, so no worries.”

Dust nodded, and gave her wings a little stretch. She was feeling a little worn out after all that happened. “I could use the rest. Thanks.”

“Think nothing of it,” Breeze smiled. “Go get some rest, you’ll need it.”

Dust nodded and got up, giving her new boss another thank-you before exiting for the elevator. She had to fight the urge to spring up and squeal with joy.

Lightning Dust was back.

Comments ( 101 )

I really liked this story because it presented a very plausible scenario of what could have happened to Lightning Dust after she was kicked out of the Wonderbolts, great work.

7753588 You're welcome.

You can't keep that mare down no matter how hard you try. :twilightsmile:

7753631 Hey, you fall down, you pick yourself back up :raritywink:

I've been on a kick lately of looking for (uplifting) stories about Lightning Dust after being kicked out of the academy. I am so glad this one was written.

She should take Rainbow up on her offer. Worst that can happen is Spitfire says no.

7753645 Well I'm glad I could make your day a bit! :twilightsmile:

7753704 Very true :raritywink:

Really enjoyed this. Pony employment seems to be as unforgiving as the real world. But at least two ponies were willing to give Dust a chance and now she can get back on the up-and-up.

This was nice. I like the contrast of how Dust talks up her own confidence in her head and how clearly she's about to fall apart.

The being blacklisted thing makes me wonder... should Lightning even ty to get on the Wonderbolts anymore? Apart from Soarin and Rainbow, they're, well, kind of sh*tty people. Yes, Lightning Dust obviously had to face some consequences for what happened, but Spitfire and her ponies completely failed in their supervising role, and when things went south they banned Dust for life. They seem very eager about that banning for life business.

Makes me hope Rainbow improves things once she becomes captain, because they really need it.

YES!!!! a lightning dust story that she took a job of being a courier! :pinkiehappy: I have been waiting for something like this for so long. Lighting is one of my fave ponies and there is certainly a few stories with her being the main cast.

Imagine a scene where all flights were grounded by a terrible storm and Dust just stormed right through it.

ok wow I am super impressed with this story exultant righting and now if Hasbro will pull there head out of there plot and get Dust back in the show.
on a side not I know of a story the readers may enjoy as it is also a vary good dust story it is a five score based story that is a super good read.
yes I am a dust fan.

Dust on the wind

Love the story, glad to see a good ending for Lightning Dust! Great job mate! :pinkiehappy:

7754228 Exactly what I wanted to portray :pinkiehappy: Thanks!

7754523 Those are some good points to think about, which I shall :raritywink:

7754629 Wow, I didn't realise there was a demand! :pinkiegasp: And they don't call her Lightning Dust for nothing :raritywink:

7754675 Good to see there are more Dust fans :rainbowkiss:

7754865 Thanks muchly! :yay:

You know, I've always wondered what happened to Lightning Dust after she got kicked out of the Wonderbolts. Becoming a rock star, wandering the lands to find herself, to just staying outright bitter at both Spitfire and Rainbow for getting kicked out even when it was her own fault. But this is one of the most plausible scenarios of all. It presents a scenario where Lightning Dust pretty much becomes the Equestrian version of Sunset Shimmer, hated by pretty much everypony but in the end proves that maybe there's a chance for her to change after all.

Very interesting take on what may have happened after the events of Wonderbolt Academy, I enjoyed it!:twilightsmile: Here, take a fave.

What a wonderful Lightning Dust story. From the show I can see where the bad rep followed Dusty in this. Good eye on that. I guess my only gripe is how short this was. Not that it WAS short just it was a one shot and it was a damn good on e at that. It deserves to be in the Lightning Dust Pantheon of Awesomeness. Second to Trixie of course.

*Cause Trixie is best pony*:raritywink:

I'd like to think that after this story Dust would have turned down Rainbow's offer to pull some strings with Spitfire to get her back into the academy. It would have been after she realized what her big inspiration to join the Wonderbolts, Wind Rider, would have done she would have realized that the Wonderbolts weren't really for her.

Well done. Good story, good pacing, good characterization, all tied together in a short one-shot. Have an internet cookie.

At the same time, though, a redemption story where she gets herself back together and tries again for success would also be nice.

7755472 Thanks very much! :yay:

7755696 Always leave the audience wanting more :raritywink: But thank you!

7756174 My favourite flavour~ :rainbowkiss:

7755442 That's basically what I was going for :pinkiehappy:

7756108 That'd be an interesting twist :pinkiegasp:

Good story FYI my head canon for the EG Lightning Dust is that she is a surfer, like from this.

Damn that's nearly four years ago. I feel old now, I got into the show three weeks after that episode :derpytongue2:

7756453 Thanks! And that's a... very unique headcanon for her :pinkiegasp:

7756478 I've been in it since 2011 :raritywink: But even three years feels super long :pinkiegasp:

139 likes with no dislikes?! This has to be a good one.

Not that ratings really matter, it's just rare for me to see something like this pop up every once in a while

7756549 I know, it's really weird for me :rainbowhuh: But I really hope it's earned it! :pinkiehappy:

I liked this story, very enjoyable, and believable. I'm sad it's complete though, I would have liked to see what and where Lightning Dust's life would have gone from this point. How would the courier business have gone? Maybe there would be all sorts of business shenanigans, deliveries to princesses, or to far away nations. A Daring Do adventure, new friendships, etc.

7756693 Those are definitely some interesting ideas :pinkiegasp: I'll keep those in mind! Thanks! :yay:


Ya know, as a hardcore Lightning Dust fanboi, this is one of the best oneshots featuring her I've ever read. Great job Uni :pinkiehappy:

It can be jarring when you've built up an image of someone in your head like that, and then you meet them and they turn out to be a completely different person.

7756921 Thanks muchly, glad you enjoyed! :yay:

7757140 Thanks brah :rainbowdetermined2:

7757155 Exactly :raritywink:

There is a job opening and Lightning Dust didn't have a full line of Pegasi in front of her trying to get the same job?

Man, Equestria's economy must be AWESOME if they have that little unemployment.

Thank you Celestia! Best ruler ever.

7757258 Some have it better than others :pinkiegasp:

Very nicely done!

7757423 This is almost as good as money!

Very well done, and has earned a place in my "Best stories" list.

7757522 To be fair, money is hard to top :pinkiegasp:

7757530 Thanks man! :yay:

To the skies, this story soars.

7757773 And I still don't know how it happened :pinkiegasp:

On one hand, the summary was all I needed to read if I wanted to know what happend in this fic.

On the other hand, it was very well done. The characterisation was spot on, the scenario was very possible. Heck! I could see it being the begining of an episode of the show redempting Dust...
And you nailed why I think that neither Dash or Dust are really wonderbolt material, not at first at least: zero discipline. All the contraint don't look like things they would appreciate. And the way Dust was enjoying her freedom was a really good sell point to me.


7758185 Yeah, a good plot twist is nice to have, but sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination, if you get me :raritywink:

Thanks so much! I made it a personal creed to make canon characters as accurately portrayed as possible, and people seem to be digging it :rainbowkiss:
Dust is a really underrated character in my opinion, so I was happy to give her some limelight :yay:

A really nice story, I say. I'm not exactly a huge fan of Lightning Dust, but it would have been nice to see her return as something other than a villain (and only in the comics, even). I'm genuinely surprised that something like this hasn't actually happened with her in the show. The suggestion that Lord-Commander made actually makes me think of a Final Fantasy VII fanfiction that focuses on Cloud being a courier, and he doesn't exactly know how it works, but for reasons unbeknownst to him he gets deliveries that take him to the various Final Fantasy settings.

7759294 Thanks much :yay:

Sounds like an interesting fic too :rainbowhuh:

7759462 And an interesting story it is, if you're into Final Fantasy; just thought I'd recommend it is all. I mean, it's not like I'm trying to give you ideas or anything.



7759530 ...

! :rainbowderp:

Nooooo... of course not :raritywink:

A wonderful and touching story. Thank you for sharing this!

I loved this! This totally fitted the personalities of both Dash and Dust. Another favorite and thumbs up for thee!

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