• Published 3rd Jan 2017
  • 6,738 Views, 298 Comments

The Wooing of Sunset Shimmer - Rose Quill

Sunset and SciTwi continue to explore the depths of their relationship.

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Chapter Twenty - A Quiet Morning

Sometimes, it’s the little things that get you. A well-worn coat, the much dog-eared pages of a beloved book, an old threadbare blanket…

The sleepy smile of a bookish girl as she hunkered down into the thick blanket on my bed.

I was sitting on the couch, waiting for the kettle to sing, a long robe and slippers on along with my flannel pajamas to ward off the minor chill of the early morning. I couldn’t help but smile as she murmured and snuggled even deeper into the warm shelter of the thick comforter.

I heard the kettle start to hiss, and I got up to pull it off the burner just in time to keep it’s piercing shriek from waking up Twilight. I added my standard compliment of loose tea and pulled out two mugs from my sparsely filled cupboards. Since I didn’t have friends over regularly - or even friends - until recently, a few mismatched plates and glasses, picked up from thrift stores, were all I needed. l had a stack of paper plates and plastic cups on the countertop to make up for the difference.

I spooned a bit of sugar into my mug and took a sip, savoring the thick flavor of Equestrian tea. Celestia had given me a tin full of her favorite blend before we had left and I had to say, it was a welcome taste of home. I poured a second mug and carried it over to the bed, sitting down and holding it before Twilight and giving the steam a gentle push towards her. Her nose wrinkled and she rolled onto her back and opened her eyes, squinting somewhat to see.

“This seems decidedly familiar,” she said with a sleepy smile, taking the mug and sitting up. She didn’t bother reaching for her glasses.

I patted her leg. “Not the first time I’ve brought you tea, you know,” I said, raising my own mug from the nightstand to take a sip.

“True," she said. She had changed quite a bit since transferring to Canterlot High. She reminded me a lot of the Twilight from across the mirror in the increased confidence, the intellect, and the strength of character. But she was also her own person, a lot more outgoing, willing to trade wisecracks with Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie still confused her, but truth be told, none of us understood how she did what she did.

“Remember when we first started dating?” she asked, pulling her knees up to her chest and giving me a half-lidded smile. “Rarity couldn’t be calm about it all.”

“Yeah,” I said. “She obsessed about the suitability and cuteness of it all. AJ, on the other hand…”

Twilight frowned at the segue, wrapping her arms around her raised legs. “Yes?” she prompted softly.

“She asked me once if I was sure,” I said. “Sure if you were the one or if I was actually interested in the other Twilight.”

“And?” I saw the unspoken question in her eyes along with an undercurrent of amusement through the bond. She knew the answer, she just wanted to hear me say it.

“Well,” I said, putting my mug down and sliding over to her, putting a hand on her arm. “I explained to her the differences between the two of you.” I leaned into her slightly, trailing my hand up to play with some of the hairs that had fallen free from her nighttime braid.

“How you are more outgoing, much more personable,” I traced a finger along her ear, seeing the twitch and giggle slip free. “You’re able to put aside that adorable bookish nature at times. And it’s more than that,” I said.

She set her mug to the side as well, turning towards me. “Yes?”

I smiled, knowing I was close enough for her to see me. “You’ve got the guts to stand toe to toe with me and make sure I listen.” She flushed as the few arguments we’ve had flashed through her mind, usually about her tinkering with electronics in an effort to understand magic. “The other Twilight needed to hit me with magic to do that.”

I leaned in closer and shook my bed-head mane back out of my face. “Also, I find you incredibly and irrevocably cute. And these are just the reasons I can put into words.”

She had a bright flush on her cheeks now, her head tilting back slightly, invitingly. “I’m sure,” she whispered.

“You are also a lot more forward and outspoken than you used to be,” I said huskily, leaning a little closer.

“I think the company I keep has something to do with that,” she said, her eyes glittering.

“Of course,” I said. “Dash and I are horrible influences.”

“AJ, too,” she said.

“We might as well include Rarity to the group of bad influences while we're at it,” I said. "The two of you were getting rather chummy at lunch the other day."

“Sunny,” she said, a mischievous smile. “Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”

I obliged her request, and when we broke, she turned and settled back against me, my arm wrapping around her. She traced a hand along my forearm, sipping her tea.

“There was another reason you woke me up like that, wasn't there?” she asked. “Spill.”

I smiled. “I seem to recall waking you up like that one day and a conversation that we had shortly thereafter.” I kissed the crown of her head. “I was hoping to reopen the conversation if you wouldn't be opposed to it.”

I felt her tense slightly, a tremble in her body. “Oh?” she asked, almost keeping the trepidation out of her voice. Or was it excitement?

“You asked me if I would want to marry you,” I said. “I deflected slightly at the time, since we had so many things to take of first. The ball, and then telling your parents about my origins, finding out that they knew, and so on. I was nervous about it from the time we got back to the moment your dad revealed that they already knew.”

She turned slightly and looked at me. “You were?” she asked in a surprised manner. “But I thought you were ok with the situation.”

“I like to keep calm in situations like that because I know you tend to over-worry and panic,” I said. “The entire time you were away with Twilight, I was a nervous filly, pacing around. If Applejack hadn't come by I'd have walked a hole in the floor.”

I took a deep breath. “But right now, with the revelation of things and the way I feel being welcomed in by your family, I think it’s appropriate we talk about it now.”

She turned around, and I saw as well as felt the nervousness and expectation in her. I was just as nervous, but I had three years of experience hiding my emotions behind a wall. Back then I had used it to block out my guilt and shame. Now, I used it to focus on the matters at hand.

“Twilight,” I said, taking her hands in mine, running my thumbs across her knuckles. “New Year’s eve is the day after tomorrow, and Rarity has been planning her party for weeks.”

I reached into the drawer of my nightstand and pulled out my mother’s ring. Her breath caught as she saw it. Gold and silver were woven together, a fairly simple ring with a small diamond caged in a silver filigree cage.

“This was my mother’s ring,” I said, holding it out, presenting it to my love. “She left it to me with the instructions to make sure it didn’t sit in a box and tarnish. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather have it, and I’d love it if I could introduce you as my fiancé at the party.”

Tears were welling in her eyes. I glanced down at the ring, then back at her.

“Um, Twi? This is where you…” She crushed her lips against mine, holding me tightly. When she pulled back, she was laughing and crying.

“Yes,” she said. “I’d love that very much.”

With tears starting to well up in my eyes, I slipped the ring on her finger, and surprisingly, it fit perfectly.

We kissed again, then settled back into the cuddle we had before, just enjoying each other's presence. After a short time, she tilted her head in thought.

“Who should we tell first?”

“Well, your parents, obviously,” I said.

“I meant after them and my brother and Cadence,” she said. “Do we tell our friends here, or in Equestria first?”

“I think we would do better telling the Princess and friends first,” I said, rubbing a hand along her arm. “That way we can also let my sisters know.”

She nodded and reached for her glasses, putting them on and looking at the ring on her finger.

“Mrs. Twilight Sparkle,” she murmured.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take my name?” I asked jokingly.

“Twilight Shimmer?” she mused. “I’ll think on it.”

Author's Note:

And a final line shout out to my friend BlackWater as a call back.