• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 4,826 Views, 285 Comments

Reformation Brigade - Metool Bard

Crystal Prep needs a friendship makeover. And who better to give it one than Discord and the Dazzlings? Yeah, it appears Sunset didn't really think this through.

  • ...

Divisive Déjà Vu

The next morning, Sunset was barely conscious. She lumbered off of the bus, nearly tripping as she misjudged the steps. It was a struggle for her to even keep her eyes open. This didn't go unnoticed by Indigo Zap, who was outside waiting for her.

"Sheesh. I know that look," said Indigo. "Let me guess. Long night studying?"

"S-something like that," Sunset murmured, stifling a yawn. "I-I also looked into the device we found yesterday."

"Oh. Right. That thing," said Indigo. "Um, you find anything useful?"

Sunset took a moment to rub the sleep from her eyes. "Well, I think so. H-hang on, I'll check my bag for my notes."

She slung her bag from her shoulder and began rummaging around. Indigo sighed.

"Maybe you can show me later," she said. "Y'know, when you're actually awake."

"I-I got it, I got it," Sunset insisted. "Just, give me a minute. Where did I—?"

"Looking for this?"

Sunset blinked and noticed a lion's paw poking out of her bag, holding a bunch of papers.

"Oh. Thanks," she said, taking the papers from the paw. After a few seconds, a realization dawned on her. "Discord's in my backpack, isn't he?"

Indigo took a quick peek inside, only to be showered by a spray of confetti. She soon shared Sunset's deadpan expression. "Yep."

Discord emerged from the backpack, though this time, he was wearing the Crystal Prep uniform inside-out. "Just doing what I can to help, seeing as I can't go in the school without being annoyed to death and back," he said simply.

Sunset didn't even bother to question Discord's bizarre use of hyperbole. She instead stretched herself out and gave her notes a once-over.

"Okay, right. I-I remember this," she said groggily. "Apparently, this device was specifically designed not to syphon energy from anything. It's just meant to detect it."

"And if they're all over the school, Cinch can clamp down on anyone using magic," Indigo mused, knitting her brow.

"It also explains the noises Discord's been hearing," Sunset continued. "Seeing as he's been using his magic all the time, he's been setting off the devices left and right. I don't know why only he can hear it, though."

"I don't think that matters at this point," said Indigo darkly. "All that matters is we have proof that Cinch has a No Magic rule."

"Evidence, not proof," Sunset corrected. "We still don't know the extent of Cinch's plans. All this device does is detect magic. What is Cinch supposed to do with that information, exactly?"

Indigo thought for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh. "Okay, you've got a point. Still, it's something, right? We're making progress. We know what happened with Sonata yesterday. Those devices caught her using magic, and Cinch brought the hammer down on her for basically nothing."

Discord looked around and scratched his head. "Curious. Where is Sonata Dusk? Don't you all take the same bus?"

Sunset blinked and took stock of her surroundings. "Geez, you're right. I-I must be more out of it than I thought. I didn't notice."

"Need a cold shower, Smitty?" asked Discord, taking out a smartphone.

Sunset blanched and shook her head. "N-no, that's fine. I-I can manage."

Indigo raised an eyebrow. "I'm not even gonna ask."

"Hey, guys! S-sorry we're late."

Sunset spun around to see the Sirens. Sonata sprang out in front, waving at Sunset and wearing a big smile. However, Sunset couldn't help but notice that something was off.

"Sonata? Are you alright?" she asked. "You look, pale."

Beads of sweat formed on Sonata's brow as she averted her eyes. "What? What're you talking about? I always look like this. I'm fine, really."

"She's been saying that ever since she saw Principal Cinch yesterday," Aria explained, folding her arms. "It's really starting to annoy me, actually."

"Same," Adagio concurred. When she noticed Discord around and about, her eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?"

Discord circled Sonata a few times, observing her from every angle. "Well, now that you mention it, this does look familiar."

"Aha! So you admit it!" Adagio exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at Discord. "You're the reason she's like this!"

Discord sighed. "Adagio, do you know what this is?"

He stood upright and turned his nose upward, turning completely away from Adagio. Adagio gave him a bemused look.

"Unpleasant?" she guessed.

"No," Discord responded cooly.

"Infantile, then?"


"I got it," said Adagio, pounding her fist into her palm. "It's the moment before your nose was broken."

Discord scoffed. "As if you could. No, my dear Adagio. This—" He repeated the pose. "—is me not rising to the bait."

Aria tilted her head. "Huh?"

"I've learned my lesson from trying to befriend Smitty," said Discord plainly. "When she threw these sorts of accusations at me, I took them personally, and that led to a fight. Here, I'm deciding to ignore it and not get riled up."

Adagio shot a glare and Sunset, who shrugged.

"Like I said, he's trying," she stated simply. "And I really doubt that he's the one responsible for this."

"Well, of course I'm not," said Discord. He reached into Sunset's backpack and pulled out a black medical bag. From that bag, he produced a stethoscope. "Sonata Dusk is just as much my friend as Smitty and Fluttershy. I wouldn't dare hurt her." He paused. "Intentionally, that is. Always have to add that caveat."

"Um, what are you doing?" Indigo inquired.

Discord snapped his fingers. Sonata let out a yelp as a metal table sprang out from under her.

"What does it look like? I'm helping my friend," Discord replied. He rummaged through his medical bag and pulled out a small mallet. With a curt nod, he floated over to Sonata. "Now, tell me, Ms. Dusk. How do you feel?"

"Wh-what, me? I'm fine," said Sonata. "No problem here. Nope. Just ready for another fun day of hard work at school."

Discord furrowed his brow and stroked his chin. "Hmm. I see." He then brandished the mallet. "Alright, Ms. Dusk. Let's test your reflexes."

He tapped Sonata's left knee, causing her to kick it into the air.

"Good. Now this one."

He did the same with Sonata's right knee, producing the same result.

"Now that one."

The left knee was struck again, triggering Sonata's reflexes.

"Now this one. Now that one. This, that, this, that, thisthatthisthatthisthatthisthat..."

Over and over again, Discord tapped Sonata's knees in quick succession. As the tempo of his strikes increased, a mysterious force overtook Sonata. With little provocation, she leapt off the table, folding her arms and performing a strange dance. After a few seconds of this, Discord floated up behind her, wearing a black fur cap and red coat.

"Hey!" he proclaimed.

Soon, the two were dancing back-to-back. Sunset couldn't decide what amazed her more: the bizarre display taking place before her very eyes, or the fact that it didn't draw anyone else's attention. Suddenly, Discord and Sonata sprang into the air.

"Hey! I, actually feel a lot better," Sonata chirped. Still floating in midair, she extended her hand. "Thanks a bunch, Discord!"

Discord accepted the handshake. "Always a pleasure to help a friend."

The two landed on the ground and began dancing again. Sunset stifled a giggle despite herself, while the other girls just gave the two blank stares of disbelief. Sonata leapt into the air again.


Without much warning, she landed on the ground, almost falling over. Her sunny demeanor had vanished once again, leaving her a husk of her former self. Discord noticed this and frowned.

"Oh dear. This is worse than I thought," he muttered.

Sonata looked up and forced a smile. "Huh? I'm fine. Nothing wrong here."

"And, back to square one," Aria sighed. She gave Discord a look. "You doing alright there, Discord? You seem to be off your game today."

"Yes, but I shouldn't be. That's what has me worried," Discord mused, scratching his head.

"Are you sure it's not your powers refusing to cooperate?" asked Sunset.

Discord shrugged his shoulders. "I honestly couldn't say. If it is, I'm going to have to have a very stern talk with them later."

Just then, the school bell began to chime.

"Whoops! That's my cue," Discord said. He bowed to Sunset. "Do keep me in the loop, Smitty. And I hope Sonata gets well soon."

He then dove into his medical bag, which disappeared in a pop. Adagio scowled.

"He's messing with us," she said. "He has to be messing with us."

Aria arched an eyebrow at Adagio. "In case you didn't notice, he just tried to help Sonata. Why would he do that if he wanted to mess with us?"

"Because he's Discord. Nothing he does makes sense," Adagio growled.

Sunset sighed. "Let's forget about Discord for now. He's decided to stay out of the school, anyway. C'mon, let's get to our next class."

"Yeah, let's do that," said Sonata. "Go to our next class, I mean. That's more important than anything else, right?"

Indigo's face darkened. "Okay, now I'm getting suspicious. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard those words during my time here. What did Cinch do to you?"

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" Sonata insisted. Without another word, she marched off towards the school. Aria and Adagio quickly followed suit, with Sunset and Indigo fast on their heels.


Just like the last few days, the morning classes were absolutely rigorous and brutal. Sunset did her best to pay attention and keep up with everything, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was on the brink of burnout. Sonata wasn't faring much better. She was struggling with the material a lot more than usual, even though she kept insisting that everything was fine. With so much stress and worry plaguing her mind, Sunset felt the day go by in a blur. Up until, that is, gym class.

A sharp whistle snapped Sunset out of her dazed trance. Shaking herself, she looked over at the coach. He was a tall fellow with blue skin and wavy grey hair. He wore a beige jacket and an ivory-colored ascot. He took a quick look at his clipboard.

"Alright, ladies. Listen up," he said, pacing back and forth.

"Professor Wind Rider?"

The coach turned to Sugarcoat, who was raising her hand calmly. He let out a snort.

"This better be important, Sugarcoat," he warned.

"I just wanted to point out that if you were using the term 'ladies' as an insult, then it doesn't work in this context. Most of this particular class is female."

Wind Rider scowled. "Don't get smart with me, Sugarcoat," he admonished, shaking his pencil at her. With a sigh, he continued his lecture. "Alright, now listen up and listen good. As you may know, I'm the one who trains Crystal Prep to win. Been doing that for years now." His gaze shifted over to the Canterlot High students. "Which means you lot shouldn't get a swelled head just 'cause you won this year's Friendship Games."

"Actually, it was a draw," Sugarcoat pointed out, prompting an elbow jab from Sour Sweet.

Wind Rider sighed and rolled his eyes. "Smart aleck," he grumbled, clearing his throat. "Anyway, I think it's time we took you Canterlot High girls down a peg."

He took out a red rubber ball. "The game is dodgeball. Canterlot High against Crystal Prep; just like old times. And if I see so much as a hint of cheating, all of you are going straight to Principal Cinch. Do I make myself clear?"

No one missed the fact that he was addressing the Canterlot High students when he said that. Despite her fatigue, Sunset managed to stand her ground.

"It's clear, Professor Rider," she stated firmly.

"Good. I sure hope so," said Wind Rider. "Everyone, to your positions!"

Both sides shuffled to other ends of the gymnasium. Sunset and Indigo met in the middle, leaning in close to give off the appearance of staring each other down.

"You sure you're up for this?" Indigo whispered. "You and Sonata look kinda out of it."

Sunset sighed. "Well, I can't speak for Sonata, but I think I can manage."

Indigo nodded. "Alright, if you say so." She then smirked. "Just fair warning. We're not planning on going easy on you just because we're friends."

Sunset smiled back. "I don't expect you to. May the best team win."

The two of them shook hands.

"Let's keep this moving, people!" Wind Rider barked. "On your mark, get set..."

He blew on his whistle and tossed the ball over to Sugarcoat. Her motions a blur, she caught the ball and threw it with all her might. Lyra barely managed to catch it. Wind Rider sneered.

"Not bad, missy," he said. "But try this!"

He threw another ball into the arena, this one at Lyra. Before Lyra could react, Bon-Bon dove in and snatched the ball from the air. She flung it clear across the room, and it came close to grazing Upper Crust's thigh. Aria made a face.

"Well, I guess we know what side his bread is buttered on," she grumbled.

"Don't let it get to you," said Sunset. She then noticed Lemon Zest winding up through her peripheral vision. "Heads up!"

Aria snapped to attention and swiftly dodged Lemon Zest's projectile. She smirked at Sunset and gave her a thumbs-up, which in turn prompted a scowl from Adagio. Sunset let out a sigh and tried her best to focus on the match.

Back and forth, both teams exchanged fire and held their ground. For a time, it appeared both sides were evenly matched. Every time the Canterlot High side lost a player, they managed to retaliate and get one person from Crystal Prep out. All the while, Wind Rider watched both sides intently, his face nondescript.

However, even though both sides were holding their own, it was painfully obvious that Canterlot High had a slight handicap. All throughout the match, Sonata was in poor form. Her throws barely made it into the opponent's territory, and more often than not, she had to be saved by her teammates. As both sides whittled down their players, Sunset became more and more aware that Sonata was not herself. After managing to hit Suri with a ball and getting her out, she rushed to Sonata's side.

"Hey, take it easy, alright?" she said, keeping an eye out for incoming projectiles.

Sonata panted and gave Sunset a look. "I already told you. I'm fine."

"Sonata, you're not—"

"She said she's fine, Shimmer," Adagio snarled. "Leave her alone."

Aria smacked her forehead. "You were just complaining this morning that Discord did something to her! Stop being so stubborn and—"

Sunset's eyes went wide as she saw Sour Sweet taking aim. "Heads up!"

While she and the Sirens scattered, Sonata was too slow to the draw. The ball flew across the room, bashing her right in the face and causing her to spin around. She fell to the ground, scraping her knees and elbows. Aria gasped in horror.

"Sonata!" she exclaimed. She rushed to her side and gestured with her hands. "Time out!"

Wind Rider sighed and blew on his whistle. The flurry of projectiles had stopped. Aria hefted Sonata up and cradled her in her arms.

"C-C'mon, Sonata. Speak to me," she whimpered.

Sonata didn't say a word. All she could do was cry. Aria sighed and bit her lip.

"This is the worst," she muttered. "I-it's gonna be okay, Sonata. Y-you'll be fine. You gotta be." She looked up at Adagio. "Hey, give me a hand here, will you?"

Adagio blinked. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure."

"We don't have time for this, Adagio. Stop being so—" Aria stopped herself mid-rant when she realized what Adagio said. "Wait, what?"

Adagio gave Aria an incredulous look as she walked over. "Come on now, Aria. After everything we've been through, do you really think I'd leave Sonata like that? You two might be idiots, but you're still my idiots." She then leered at Sunset. "Despite what others might say."

Aria was about to respond, but she thought better of it. "Whatever. C'mon, help me get her up."

Slowly but surely, she and Adagio dragged Sonata to her feet. Sunset watched Adagio intently, her tired mind trying to make sense of her last comment. But her train of thought was derailed by Wind Rider's whistle.

"Alright, time in!" he announced.

Sunset took a quick glance at Sonata. She was clearly in no condition to keep playing. It was apparent that Indigo thought the same thing.

"Hold up! What're you talking about?!" she barked.

Wind Rider snorted and gestured to Sonata. "She's back on her feet, isn't she?"

"She can barely stand," Sugarcoat observed.

Wind Rider turned to Sonata and scoffed. "Just go walk it off, Dusk. You'll be fine." He tossed a ball at Indigo. "Now let's keep this going! Show these Wondercolts who's boss!"

Indigo looked down at the ball in her hand, a dark shadow cast over her face. After a pause, she looked up and dropped the ball to the floor.


Wind Rider raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not doing this," said Indigo, crossing her arms. "We can continue the game once Sonata's off the field, but not before."

Wind Rider's eyes narrowed. "What's gotten into you, Zap? You of all people should know that the Shadowbolts do whatever it takes to win."

"That's the mentality we had back at the Friendship Games. It led to Twilight nearly destroying all of reality," Indigo stated frankly. "You see where I'm going with this, coach? I'm not taking the Shadowbolts down that road again. I refuse."

Wind Rider scowled. "Not smart, Zap. You'd better believe that I'm going to be reporting this to Principal Cinch."

He then tossed another ball over to Sunny Flare. "Flare, show Zap how a true Shadowbolt clinches the win."

Sunny Flare swallowed, her eyes darting every which way. "I—"

"Sunny, don't listen to him!" Indigo snapped. "You know this isn't right!"

"It also isn't wise to go against the professor," Sugarcoat pointed out.

"Not helping!" Indigo growled.

Sunny Flare trembled, looking between Wind Rider and Indigo like a dog being summoned by two masters.

"Quit stalling, Flare!" Wind Rider boomed. "Unless you want to join Zap in the principal's office!"

"Sunny, don't you dare throw that ball!" Indigo commanded. "If you do, we're no longer friends!"

"Oh, great job, Indy! Threatening her will surely get her on your side~!" Sour Sweet purred. "You're such a good leader~!"

"You shut up, too!" Indigo barked.

Sunny Flare let out a strained sigh and closed her eyes, holding the ball aloft. "To throw, or not to throw. That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to take a stand for what you truly believe in, or recognize that this is a battle you cannot win. Shall I suffer the slings and arrows of arbitrary punishment, or shall I keep myself out of trouble's treacherous jaws? And while I keep myself afloat, my friend dives in headfirst, and I lose her forever. Aye, there's the rub."

Indigo palmed her face. "For crying out loud, Sunny! Why are you even thinking about this?!"

"Well, at least she's not throwing the ball," Sugarcoat said with a shrug.

Wind Rider growled. "This isn't drama class, Flare! Quit holding things up!"

"Sunny, think for a second! Is winning really more important here?!"

"Who're you gonna listen to, Flare? This punk, or your professor?"

"You're better than this, Sunny! I know you are!"

Sunny Flare scrunched her eyes shut as both sides went back and forth. The pressure on her shoulders mounted astronomically, and her grip on the ball tightened. But through all the screaming, Sunset managed to pick up on a very different sound. She turned to see Aria carrying Sonata away, stroking her back and humming a familiar tune. Adagio glanced over at Aria and gasped.

"A-Aria. Y-you're glowing," she stammered.

Before Aria could react to this development, Sunny Flare let out a wail. She slammed the ball against the ground with all her might, causing it to ricochet up into the air. Everyone watched as it arched down right for Sonata. Sunset was about to dive in and protect the Sirens, but she was stopped by a bright flash.

When she had recovered her vision, her jaw dropped. Aria was now levitating off the ground, holding the ball with one hand. Silky fins sprouted from her back, and pony ears appeared on her forehead. Her pigtails also increased in length. She turned to Sonata and Adagio.

"You two alright?" she asked.

Adagio stared blankly at Aria. "Um, y-yeah. We're fine."

Aria smirked. "Good. I'm not letting you guys get hurt again."

Her smile faded into a scowl as she turned towards the Shadowbolts. Sunny Flare squeaked in terror, hiding behind Sour Sweet. After staring the two girls down for a moment, Aria shrugged.

"Meh, you're not worth it," she said. "I know you didn't really want to hurt Sonata."

Her gaze shifted over to Wind Rider. "In fact, I should probably focus on the real problem!"

Wind Rider tried to remain firm while backing away slowly. "N-now listen, Blaze. A-all I said was that Dusk would be fine. I-it's your fault for not being tough enough to—"

"Tough? You think I'm not tough?!" Aria pulled back as far as she could, taking careful aim. "I'll show you tough!"

"Aria Blaze, please report to the principal's office. Aria Blaze, to the principal's office, please."

Aira blinked in confusion, staring up at the speakers as her pony form disappeared.

"Hey! No fair!" she protested. "I didn't do anything!"

"Except for threaten a professor with violence in the middle of class while security cameras are watching," said Sugarcoat, adjusting her glasses.

Aria let out a frustrated roar as she slammed the ball into the ground and stormed off.

"Aria—" Adagio let out a sigh. "C'mon, Sonata. I'm taking you to the nurse."

Sunset shook herself from her daze and approached Adagio. "Need some help?"

Adagio responded with a cold glare. "I can do this myself, Shimmer. Back off."

With that, she led Sonata away. Wind Rider snorted.

"Hit the showers," he said, turning to Indigo. "As for you, Zap. I'm very disappointed in your behavior today. I would think my star athlete would know better than to act out like you did. Consider yourself suspended from the Shadowbolts until further notice."

Indigo let out an angry grunt and marched into the locker room. Sunset followed, and she had a sinking suspicion of what would happen next.


Once inside the locker room, Indigo slammed her fist against one of the lockers, immediately grabbing everyone's attention. She turned savagely to Sunny Flare.

"What was that?!" she screamed. "I told you not to throw that ball!"

Sunny Flare threw her hands into the air. "Prithee, what did you expect me to do?! Did you not hear my inner turmoil?!"

"You knew exactly what you were signing up for when we started this, Sunny!" Indigo snarled.

"Actually, she didn't," Sugarcoat stated flatly. "None of us could've known that this is what you had in mind. Indigo, our movement is not going to gain much traction if Principal Cinch ends up punishing us for going against our teachers."

Indigo shook her head. "You saw how Professor Rider reacted to Sonata getting hurt, Sugarcoat. He wanted us to keep playing before she even got off the field! It's as if he didn't even care!"

"Probably because he doesn't care," said Sugarcoat with a sigh. "It's true, I take great issue with how he handled the situation. But the stunt you pulled wasn't the solution."

"Okay then, Ms. Smarty Pants! What do you think we should've done?!"

"We should've reported his behavior to Dean Cadence and let her sort it out."

"And before then?!"

Sugarcoat gave Indigo a blank look before casting her gaze downward. "I-I don't know."

Indigo sneered. "See? It's not that easy, is it?"

"Verily, 'tis not," said Sunny Flare, slowly advancing towards Indigo. "But that right there is precisely the point! Have you forgotten our place in the hierarchy, Indigo Zap?! We are but students, and we are subject to the whims of the teachers! The egregious actions of the faculty matter not; we still get punished for disobeying their edicts! Has that thought crossed your mind?! Or have the flames of rebellion reduced your rational cognition to ash?!"

Indigo stared down Sunny Flare. "It sounds like you've forgotten why we're going through all this trouble in the first place. We're taking a stand against this stuff! We can't do that if we just go along with whatever the professors say!"

"If I recall, you've been warning our Canterlot High guests against this very course of action, Indigo," said Sugarcoat, crossing her arms. "Yet here you are, failing to practice what you preach. Remind me, why exactly are you our leader?"

"Well, duh! It's 'cause she can make tough decisions," said Sour Sweet, beaming at Indigo. "Isn't that right, Indy? You're good at making tough decisions for us~. I don't know what we'd do without you~."

Indigo glowered at Sour Sweet. "Oh, don't play this stupid game, Sour. This was all your fault."

Sour Sweet blinked. "Wh-what?"

"If you didn't get Sonata hurt in the first place, none of this would've happened!"

Sour Sweet gnashed her teeth and balled her hands into fists. "That was an accident."

"Well, I didn't hear an apology."

Sour Sweet fluttered her eyelashes. "Oh my. How terribly rude of me~. Though I must confess, it's hard to give an apology when you're rendered speechless from what you just did!"

"I noticed that you weren't in shock when you criticized me!"

"Hey, I was on your side!"

"Sour, I never know what side you're on! You keep changing your mind!"

Sugarcoat sighed. "Indigo, you're letting your temper get the better of you. Calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down! If anything, you should be more upset!" Indigo roared. "Did you not see what Professor Rider was doing?!"

"We all saw what he was doing, Indigo. There's no dispute here," said Sugarcoat. "What I don't understand is how going rogue and acting in direct defiance of the teacher is going to solve anything."

"Because we're making a stand and fighting for what we believe in!"

"And then we all subsequently get expelled by Principal Cinch. Indigo, Sunny's hesitation was not merely out of fear. It's just pragmatism."

Indigo let out a snort. "Lemon, back me up here. You know what I'm—"

She trailed off and palmed her face. Lemon Zest was engrossed in her music, just like always. But instead of a cheery grin, she had a solemn frown on her face. Indigo groaned.

"Of course you're listening to music. Of course you're not paying attention! I can't count on you guys for anything, can I?! Well, fine! I don't need you guys! I'll do this all on my own if I have to!"

She stormed off, punching another locker as she left. Lemon Zest perked up, looking around the room.

"What'd I miss?" she asked.

Sugarcoat deadpanned. "Let's just say I'm astounded that you haven't been kicked out of this school yet."

"H-hey! Low blow, dude! You know I'm trying!"

"Actions speak louder than words, young Lemon Zest."

"Oh, you mean like your action of throwing the ball at an injured girl?!"

"I-I threw it against the ground! If you must blame anyone, blame the wheels of fate who have seen fit to trample me into submission!"

"Dudes, can we just chill for a sec?"

"Oh, so now you wish to contribute? You could've said something before Indigo stormed off in a huff."

"Oh, Sugarcoat~. I doubt she has anything productive to say. After all, she's the reason Indigo stormed off in the first place!"

"So, you think this is all my fault? Dude, not cool."

The Shadowbolts continued to bicker and argue. Sunset listened with a heavy heart, wanting desperately to intervene. Unfortunately, she found herself unable to focus, as her weary mind was preoccupied with piecing together everything that had just transpired. What's more, the adrenaline rush from gym class had subsided, bringing her back to the brink of burnout.

The bell rang, and the Shadowbolts filed out without saying another word to one another. As Sunset followed, she received a text from Discord.

"I did warn you. It's painful to relive such an experience, isn't it?"

Sunset sighed and responded.

"You have no idea."

Discord replied with a picture of Dean Cadence hanging from a tree, with the caption "Hang in there" underneath it. Sunset managed to crack a small smirk.

"Thanks. I needed that."

She paused.

"Also, good call."

She then put her phone away and left the gym.