• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 24,815 Views, 531 Comments

Doctor Whooves - The Series: Episode Two - Game of Stones - Loyal2Luna

Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack travel 3000 years into the past with their new friend the Doctor, to the ancient city-state of Roan. They meet the famous Leonard DiHoovsie, and find themselves embroiled in a deep mystery with dark implications.

  • ...

—Coming Soon—


*Background music; a soft African beat.*

*Scene opens on a close up of a familiar older mare, her black and white striped mohawk making her instantly recognizable.*

"One thing you are certain to call a sure bet..."

*Scene in black and white, a memory of a time not so long ago, four ponies standing opposite of the zebra over an overturned cauldron.*

“If you will, remember how it was that we met.”

*Another black and white scene, Twilight and her friends lounging in a bubble-bath, with Applejack comically sitting back in a tiny tub as Zecora and Apple Bloom laugh with them.*


*Background music takes a darker turn, drumbeat speeds up.*

"Memories we share shall always endure..."

*Scene of Twilight and Fluttershy standing inside the door of Fluttershy’s cottage, opening it to see a distressed-looking Apple Bloom.*

"But take my advice: Do not be so sure."

*Scene of a hospital waiting room, a doctor pony stepping out and shaking his head as Apple Bloom puts her face to Fluttershy’s shoulder, crying.*

*Scene of the Doctor facing the yellow pegasus with tears in her eyes. The Time Pony is clearly concerned, but also hesitant.*


"There is more to this tale than within any tome…"

*Scene of the Doctor, Twilight, and Fluttershy stand on an open plain, looking around in horror as they take note of the decrepit, drought-stricken landscape.*

"But the hope for my future…"

*Closeup of Fluttershy, turning slowly, eyes wide in fear.*

"…lies in the past of my home."


*Background music explodes in rhythm and beat. Racing. Frenzied.*

*Scene of a dozen striped zebra, each with a harsh glare and thin enough to see their ribs, turning at once with a frightening unison.*

*Scene of another zebra wearing an enormous voodoo-style mask, black with eight eyes cut out around the top bearing down on the Doctor, who is clearly restrained and glaring angrily.*

*Scene of Twilight, covered in strange glowing glyphs, floating in midair as a look of confusion runs over her face.*

*Scene of the Doctor, a torch held in his mouth, waving it about frantically as bats dart past him, then pausing to drop it in shock.*


*Background music stops entirely.*

"But know this, my friend…"

*Scene of Fluttershy, curled into a ball, covering her head and peeking out between her hooves*

"...be you ever so sweet."

*Another scene. Fluttershy standing, looking over a great square-shaped pit in the ground.*

"If your fear overcomes you…”

*Fluttershy closes her eyes and puts one hoof out over the pit, trembling. Fade to darkness.*

*Scene opens up again on a sickly-looking Zecora, drawing back to reveal the golden rings around her neck have been removed, showing green-colored veins running up from one side of her neck, with bandages soaked in a similar green fluid.*

“...we never shall meet.


*Background music plays - Tune of "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider."*

Scratchy Feminine Voice
"The Itsy-Bitsy Spider…"

*Scene shows Twilight, covered in glyphs, struggling against a curtain of webs violently to no avail.*

"...woke up from her warm bed…"

*Scene of Fluttershy wrapped in a cocoon, struggling apparently for her life, a shadow cast over her as tears run down her face.*

"Found herself some ponies…"

*Scene of a young filly Zecora, identifiable by her mohawk mane and unique stripe pattern, unrestrained, but lying very still, her eyes wide open and breathing shallow. A monstrous, hairy spider leg silhouette looms over her, setting down right in front of her face.*

"...and soon she was well fed."


Go beyond Equestria...

Doctor Whooves: The Series - Episode Three
“Along Came a Spider”

Comments ( 86 )


Uh, yeah, that pretty much sums it up.


Okay, but only because fluttershy demanded it... *posts --Coming soon-- So... Fluttershy... are you ready for...

*looks around* Fluttershy?


Oh GREAT! Now I feel bad. :twilightoops:

We're in for one wild 'n crazy ride, that's fer sure. Uh huh. :rainbowderp:

Sweet. Though I note a distinct lack of a certain wacky pink party pony:pinkiesad2:.

396610 Don't forget that Pinkie had the Doctor all to herself in Episode One. She even got him in a tub and brushed his fur... which is more than any of the other Mane Six can say. :pinkiesmile:

Oh, poor Fluttershy. I fear this will be quite an experience for her.:fluttershysad:
But hey, there's zebras! I can't wait!

hey, a spider. I remember seeing one in the Doctor Who series :3 what' s her name again? i forgot.

Hmmm Zebra lands. Modern time or in the past? Puts on Pith helmet Revs up the Olde upper class Trotingham accent. I say old chap! :)

YAY! MORE! I can't wait! I love how you write Doctor Whoof stuff! So much like the show it's awesome!

It sounds like relatively recent past - as in, back when Zecora was a filly.

Well, this certainly looks interesting. Zecora's homeland, Voodoo-Spider Witchcraft, and a 75% chance of High-Octane Nightmare Fuel.

... I LIKE where this is going.

My god!!! How do you manage to copy the feel of the original Doctor Who so well?! This needs to be made into an animated series


hey, if somepony wants to animate this, I give full permissions and would gladly screen-play it... but Unfortunately, my talent is limited to writing... so that would require another very deticated animator and vocal group.

ALTHOUGH in this line of thought... Everypony DON'T Forget to go over to youtube to listen to and comment on the radio-play of Squeak-Anon's Number 12, the fic from which my Doctor Whooves series has grown.

My dear friend, THAT Prophecy has been fulfilled... there are more... pressing...concerns for the Doctor in this incarnation...which carried over from the last one.

I may loose geek points for this... but... I don't get the reference.:ajsleepy:

Hmm. From the brief glimpses, I'm thinking the next story will be taking cues from "Planet of the Spiders".
Which is a very long time back for the Doctor.
Let's just hope it works out better for the Doctor this time around.

the queen of the racnos.



One word: Brilliant!

Can't wait! :pinkiehappy:

No shame in not knowing. Its a OLD OLD OLD Who reference. The Celestial Toymaker was a reality warping individual that plagued the Doctor. He would often capture the TARDIS in his "Celestial toy-box" and force the Doctor and his companions to play his often deadly games. He did it all for good fun and to have a clever opponent to face.. Essentially he is a (bearly) kinder Discord or a meaner Trollestia.

Oh. HELL. Yes.

My heartbeat 4 minutes ago: DuDunk DuDunk DuDunk...
My heartbeat right now: DunDunDunDunDunDunDunDun...

Spiders in an african setting. Very well done, not many would know about Anansi the spider spirit.

Oh God:pinkiegasp:.....Spiders...

My only natural enemy:fluttercry:

You're going to kill me with this new installment, you know?

All the want. All of it. ALL OF IT.

hahahaha! :rainbowlaugh: .... ah.... :rainbowderp: shit just got real didn't it? :trixieshiftright:


My god, I hate spiders.

Anyway, excellent story thus far, and I look forward to part 3!
Here's hoping it doesn't get hit by the curse of the number three.... Nothing three ever comes out.


If by the time this becomes an animated series I have a decent mic, I'd gladly provide voice work! Sadly though I'm not sure how my schedule would entirely hold out with it D: but as I said, I'd be very willing!


Sorry for the late review! The sate keeps getting reworked and now I have 130 Tracking notices for some reason. :derpytongue2:

Another fantastic adventure with Dr. Whooves comes to a end Bravo! I can't wait for the next one.
I do love happy endings

I believe the Doctor says it best
OH YES!!!!!!!

I don't know how you manage to be consistently awesome, but you make it look easy. Can't wait for the next one.

This is going to be good!

btw. small spelling error: A young filly Zacora -> Zecora
sorry for being a grammar nazi

Oh. My. God.:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

This would have been far more an epic read of a preview if my mother wasn't shouting her head off over Gears of War 3 in the background. :facehoof:

looking forward to it anyway! :pinkiehappy:

oh screw it on to the next story who needs sleep anyways
wait i do everyotherd day crap ill read it tommrow

:ajsmug: You know what they say about certainty, Sugar-cube. *lets you keep reading*

MAGNIFICENT! This series has really gotten me hooked. I am very entertained with all of it even though I have not once watched a single episode of Doctor Who. You just amaze me on every turn, and, well, You are just to good to be true.
Some Side Notes:
The scene with Twilight and Leo, in the TARDIS, at night, and they enter Twilight's room, :rainbowderp: Um, Brown chicken, brown cow?
Every single scene in Roan, Loved it. I also enjoyed how you changed the names. That was one of the greatest things ever.
Um, yeah. :twilightsmile::ajsmug::rainbowlaugh::heart: KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

What manner of sorcery was this!?
hahaha i love that:pinkiehappy:

This has been a very enjoyable read and has earned a spot in my all time favorite fanfics, as did the first in the series. It was on the longer side of what I usually read but it has been well worth the time. I read it over a few days while driving through Yellowstone and despite all of the spectacular scenery and wildlife, I couldn't put the story down. I found your characterization to be very accurate, especially in dialogue containing Applejack's southern accent. The slight shipping between Leonard and Twilight tied in well with the story and I thought the plots all came together very smoothly. I eagerly await the completion of the third installment to this series

810978 uhh, can you be more specific? :derpyderp1: *not sure to what you are referencing*

Absolutely excellent writing.
looking forward to the next one.

I'll admit i went into hysterics when i read "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM".

Don't stop writing.

Awesome story there, like the whole arc. :twilightsmile:
I wonder who is the one behind the whole scheme... could this mysterious mare be Twilightwo?

game of stones, game of thrones. See what ya did thar.

925536 now who EVER said that the Princess was 1000 years old? No, it's hinted she's been around for 'at least' 1000 years... but she was an adult even during the story of Nightmare Moon.
The truth is, very little is known of the Princess' past, save that according to history books there have been other Alicorn leaders.

1396766 It has it's roots in Prance. :pinkiehappy:

Ron Weasley would FREAK OUT!


Yup, this was pretty much Doctor Who with ponies in it. With all it's greatness, but saddly with all the bad things as well. Still a great read though.

by starswirls beard..... you should write movie scripts! :pinkiehappy:

2158583 Yes Fairly Oddparents. Although actually it was Timmy's Dad. Still amazed folks pick up on that reference at all *thought I was being obscure*. :twilightsheepish:

Is it just me, or did 12 (in-show 11 pony) start to look like in-show 9 (pony)?

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