• Published 12th Jun 2017
  • 5,321 Views, 290 Comments

Once a Time Lord... Well, actually still that, but now a Pony as well... - The Bricklayer

The Doctor once again finds himself in the middle of a... situation. Mind you, situations for him never involved getting turned into a talking horse. Well, pretend you have a plan and just go for your trusty Sonic I suppose. ONCE A TIME LORD REWRITE

  • ...

Part 6: "Hush hush, here comes the Boogeyman..."

Author's Note:

Sorry, so sorry for the long-ass wait, but between schoolwork and my other stories and needing an idea, thing happened. Anyways... here we go! Allons-Y!

Canterlot Castle:

“Think you've seen it all? Think again, outside these doors we may see anything,” the Doctor asked with a wily grin as they exited the vault. Still grinning, he pulled out his Sonic while the Captain showed him his sword. Shining smirked back at the Time Lord.

“Mine's bigger,” he teased. Raven rolled her eyes and shook her head as she charged up her horn.

“Oh, we're really doing this?” The Doctor sighed before continuing as he heard old timey music coming from a few feet ahead of them. Evidently, the Castle’s ventilation system carried music quite well. The Doctor began humming the song under his breath before he slapped himself in the face with a hoof getting his mind back on task. He looked directly at Shining, his age-old eyes poring into the unicorn’s soul.

“Look, I don't know what happened to you that made you lose your trust in others, but I don't care. You need to start trusting me now if we're going to live through this and save anyone and everyone in Canterlot. Now, are you with me?” He asked firmly, without question.

After a few moments of hesitation, Shining sighed and answered. He still didn’t like the Doctor, but the enemy of his enemy was his friend.

“...Yes, now let's get to it.” Shining muttered to himself.

The threesome searched the Castle at one point even running back into the ballroom where the party was still in full swing. Soon, the Doctor and Shining found Fleetfoot talking to her fellow Wonderbolt Soarin’.

“Hey, you haven't seen a statue around here have you? Mad, possibly with fangs bared,” the Doctor explained before lying through his teeth. “Official statue inspectors. See, here's our card.” The Doctor said as he pulled out what he hoped was his Psychic Paper. It wasn't.

“...That's a library card.” Fleetfoot said dryly in her distinctive raspy tone of voice.

The Doctor looked at it and saw an old and faded picture of his first incarnation on it. He grinned in embarrassment, while Shining and Raven facehoofed in unison.

"So it is…” the Doctor laughed nervously. “Oops. Uh, So who are you two?"

Everypony present stared at him in slack-jawed disbelief. Surely he couldn't be serious, right?

"How can you not know who the Wonderbolts are? Best stunt flyers in Equestria, hello?" Fleetfoot asked arrogantly while Soarin’ sighed to himself and shook his head. He really needed to have a talk with Spitfire about Fleetfoot’s rather substantial ego.

“Sorry, I'm a member of Hobos United. All of us meet up every so often to talk about, uh, caves.” the Doctor stammered out, quickly thinking up an excuse.

As soon as he said this, the Doctor remembered he'd used this excuse before. Old age... must be getting to him at last, he thought for him to forget things like this. It had to happen eventually, he supposed.

“I'm not with him,” Shining said to nopony in particular before he cleared his throat. “Just looking around. You haven't seen any statues by perchance as of late?”

If that statement confused the class, the Doctor certainly didn't help the matter.

"Yeah, big, gray, solid stone, moves on its own and very deadly?"

Everypony present slowly shook their heads in a no gesture. Fleetfoot turned to Shining.

“Boy, your coltfriend's not well in the head, is he?” She snarked. Shining's jaw dropped.

“I'm not... He's not... I'm not gay!” He sputtered out. “I have a marefriend for crying out loud, the Princess of Love!”

“So?” Fleetfoot remarked. “Even Colton John had a cover marefriend.”

The Captain looked upwards at the ceiling and muttered “Why me...?” as Raven covered her mouth with a hoof to hide her giggles. He very quickly changed the subject.

“So what's with that mirror you grabbed? You gaze into it every so often or something?” Shining asked, looking towards the small hand mirror in the Doctor’s suit pocket.

The Doctor was only too happy to answer.

“Glad you asked! If the Angel takes a gander, it won't move ever again. Simple!” He cried gleefully before muttering to himself: “Simple insanity, that is…”

"You're not having a very good day, are you?" Shining asked.

“Let's review the kind of day I'm having shall we?” the Doctor stated, sucking in a deep breath. I got ponified in a regeneration, thrown unjustly in prison for a few good solid hours and now I’ve got to hunt down a bloody Weeping Angel to prevent you lot from being killed! So no, I'm not having a very good day! Not a good one at all…” He ranted, causing everypony to take a step back.

There was silence in the ballroom for the next few minutes before Fleetfoot finally chose that moment to speak up again.

“...So, not a statue inspector after all?”

It was about then, a bright gold flash lit up the room and next thing anybody (Aside from the Doctor, Shining and Raven) in Canterlot Castle knew, they found themselves outside in the city streets. The populace began to wonder what exactly had just happened, and why Princess Celestia had thrown them out of the Castle like unwelcome party guests. The Doctor looked outside a window along with Shining and Raven and saw Princess Celestia creating a golden bubble of magical energy surrounding the entirety of Canterlot Castle.

“I apologize for the party’s end, my little ponies.” Celestia began to explain as best she could. “But something has arisen, a mistake I created has now put all of you in grave danger and now I must attempt to remedy it along with the Captain of the Royal Guard,”

The populace began to whisper amongst themselves. A mistake? One that Princess Celestia had created, and one that had put them in danger?

“I promise, soon as the threat is quelled I shall give you an explanation as best as I can, but for now you must stay off the Castle grounds,”

Next thing they knew, another bright flash lit up the room and Celestia was standing next to them.

“They’re all out, now we can conduct our search in peace,” Celestia stated with Shining nodding.

“She… She teleported all of the Castle’s staff except us outside into the city with one single spell…” The Doctor thought to himself. “And now she’s putting herself in danger. If she really is an immortal, a Goddess, then the Weeping Angels would love to get her as a snack…”

For not the second time today, the Doctor found himself questioning his own opinions. Could he have been wrong about Celestia?

“Now Doctor…” Celestia asked with a warning tone in her voice as she turned to him. “What exactly are we dealing with?”

“I told you before-”

“But not all of it,” Celestia put in. “I’m thousands of years old, I can tell when I’m not being told the full truth.”

The Doctor let out a long sigh.

“Alright, you deserve to know. Fascinating race, the Weeping Angels,” the Doctor began and began to pace back and forth as if he was about to start a lecture. “The only psychopaths in the Universe to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss. They just zap you into the past and let you live to death. The rest of your life used up and blown away in the blink of an eye. You die in the past and in the present they consume the energy of all the days you might have had. All your stolen moments. They’re creatures of the abstract. They live off of potential energy.”

“Then that means…” Shining whispered, eyes widened as he realized how much danger Flash and Cadence were in. The Doctor nodded in confirmation.

“Come on Cadence, where are you… ?” Shining thought fearfully. “Please, be safe and just come back to me...”

999 Years Before:

Cadence groaned in pain as she rubbed her head and slowly looked around her. She was in a garden of some sort, that was for sure, but where? She then heard the sound of hammers beating against nails and various other sounds of construction.

There, in the distance was what could only be Canterlot Castle… Yet not quite Canterlot Castle at the same time. It wasn’t fully built yet, the foundations and inner structure had only just begun to be laid down.

“Impossibile ... No, non può essere…” Cadence thought to herself in her native language, lapsing into it out of pure shock.

“No, that’s Canterlot Castle Lady Cadence,” A voice said from behind her. The Princess of Love whirled around to face the new voice, horn crackling with magical energy. In front of her was an orange pegasus, dressed from head to hoof in Royal Guards’ armor.

Cadence blinked. No, it couldn’t be… Could it? He looked familiar, but the image she got in her mind was that of a much younger pegasus. This one looked to be in his sixties at least.

“F-Flash Sentry? But how?”

“Wound up here much farther back in time than you did, Milady,” Flash explained. “You’re one year after the banishment of Princess Luna exactly, Canterlot Castle’s just now began construction after Lady Celestia abandoned the old one to the Everfree.”

“Oh Flash… I’m so sorry…” Cadence whispered, stroking his face in sympathy and feeling the whiskers of his gray beard. It just looked so… wrong on him.

“Nothing to be sorry for milady,” Flash smiled. “I’m actually happier here than in my own time. Even got a wife and kids in Clover the Clever’s granddaughter,” he explained. “Leader of Celestia’s personal guard when I was in my prime, got to see Princess Luna before the fall… What more could a stallion ask for?”

“But-” Cadence tried to object.

Flash placed a hoof to her lips.

“No buts, I’m happy so that’s all that matters right?” He asked.

“Yeah…” Cadence whispered. “But, and I hate to sound selfish here… I’m not going to be happy here, not if Shining’s not here with me.”

“I can understand that. I don’t know where I’d be without the mare I love,” Flash stated. “Who knows, maybe that Doctor will find us, maybe not. He’s been in this time before.”

“Doctor Who?” Cadence asked, not sure on who Flash was referring to before she remembered her earlier conversation with Shining and her eyes widened in realization. Her eyes narrowed. “Well, as long as we’re here, I say we give the Doctor and his company whatever help they can get, right?”

Flash smiled.

“And I think I’ve got just the way… Your time and my time isn’t the first time the Angels have been here. Run into them before, so I know how to deal with them. Come along, milady.” Flash stated, gesturing with his hoof.

Cadence followed Flash all the way to Canterlot Castle, where they found a brick wall and began writing a message across time on it.

“Let’s just hope they get this…” Cadence thought to herself.

The Present Day:

Back with the Doctor and company as Cadence had referred to them, the now group of four found themselves wandering an empty castle. Lights began to flicker, dampening the halls in darkness.

“...Okay, even I have to admit this place is creepy. Just too quiet,” Raven muttered to herself as Celestia used her horn to keep a light around them.

“Careful… It’s in here somewhere…” the Doctor murmured as he creaked open a wooden door and scanned left, and then right for the angel. Something laughed in the distance and Raven and Shining nearly jumped while Celestia’s eyes narrowed.

“W-What was that?” Raven asked nervously.

“Just the wind,” Shining replied, trying to reassure her.

“Y-Yeah, just the wind,” Raven laughed nervously.

“...Since when is it ever just the wind, my little ponies?” Celestia asked and Shining nodded.

“Good point,” He admitted when he saw the Doctor scanning a stone wall with his Sonic. “What are you doing?”

“Something’s behind here… Traces of magical energy… Somebody left something here,” He murmured as he continued scanning the wall.

“Somepony,” Shining corrected.

“God, your species is so narcissistic, isn’t it?” the Doctor muttered. Shining growled.

“Look who’s talking,” He snapped.

“Really the time, you two? I mean, you can sort out who’s got the bigger ego later can’t you?” Raven asked, eyebrow raised.

“Celestia?” The Doctor asked, gesturing to the wall. The Princess of the Sun nodded before firing a blast right at the bricks, revealing a message scrawled behind it.

It read: “Your life could depend on this. Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don’t turn your back, don’t look away, and don’t blink!”-Flash Sentry, Captain of the Royal Guard and Princess Cadence.

“She’s alive… They’re alive…” Shining whispered, breathing a sigh of relief. Then, the lights flickered again and in the distance, the Weeping Angel could be seen.

“But for how long we are… Well, that’s another question,” the Doctor remarked. “Run!”