• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 1,984 Views, 163 Comments

Hard To Find The Right Words - Nameless Narrator

There are thousands of stories about changelings lost and broken after the explosion ending the invasion of Canterlot. After all, there were thousands of changelings caught in it. Some found love or peace, and some found death. I'm just one of many.

  • ...


“Stop pacing back and forth, Fury.”

“Stop talking to yourself, Fury.”

“Stop thinking about that, Fury.”

“Damn it, how didn’t I notice that? Changelings gathering around. This isn’t just few stragglers trying to gain control over a pony city for themselves. There was too many of them, I felt it.”

“What do I tell Crest?”

“Do I even tell Crest?”

“I mean, I’ve managed to wrap most of the police force around my hoof… before I blew it. Crest is still on my side, though, and I can use it. I can help my kind get access to those who would otherwise resist them. After all, the police are the only real armed force Riverside has.”

“There was so many of them… it’s unreal. Is this place some gathering spot for those who survived the explosion? From Crest’s yammering I know that we’re somewhere north of Canterlot, between there and Stalliongrad. Hmph, the city faces south so I must have done a pretty cool flip over that mountain.”

“What does that mean for me then? If the queen herself is around… even she can’t heal me, right? Or can she? If I bring the police to her, will I gain her favor?”

“Do I want to?”

“Of course I do. Of course I do. Don’t be stupid, Fury.”

“Fury, not Sixteen.”


“Queen is all about efficiency. In and out, quick strikes. Use the best, get rid of the weak. If I prove I’m the best even in this shape… imagine it. I could become One. The best, right after the queen herself. What honors would I gain?”

“Actually… WHAT would I gain?”

“A bigger cave? More slaves from captured caravans and cities? Perhaps the honor of being the queen’s consort? Damn, I’m shivering just thinking about it. And yet...”

“It kinda pisses me off.”

“I could toy with all other changelings, command them, have their unquestioning obedience, but I would still be under my queen, a guard with no will of my own if she ordered.”

“I used to like it.”

“No, I didn’t know anything better.”

“Fuuuck I just love screwing with Crest’s head. The unquestioning obedience of other changelings… it would just be so BORING.”

“There would be no more fighting for scraps of love after we conquered Equestria. Riverside can be the beginning.”

“And then what?”

“Enslave. Drain. Break. Ruin. Move on. Ponies. Griffons. Minotaurs. Diamond dogs. Devour the world.”

“Die out.”

“That’s the irony of queen’s plan. Our success means our failure. We fail… or we fail.”

“So, back to the core of the problem. What do I stand to gain? Some imaginary freedom, some illusion which shatters the second the queen says so? But… they are still my kin.”

“They wanted me dead. Well, one of them did. To the others I don’t exist. No, the infiltrator must be behind all this. He stole a TON of love I got from Palisade and Puff the first time. If he shared with the others, be it under orders from the queen or not, my word is not going to mean anything.”

“But we are adaptive, that’s what being a changeling means, not just a shapeshifter. Perhaps the queen can listen to me and learn. We stand to gain nothing from sucking this land dry, but if we use ponies...”

“So much power. Love for everyone. All we need is to institute ourselves above them and let them live their lives. Harvest them without breaking.”


“Oh no.”

“We tried that. Well, those before us did, even before queen Chrysalis. It never worked for long. It always ended the same - revolts, and the eventuall need to wipe the slaves out.”

“Heh, I wish I was one of the dumb drones who never had access to the deeper parts of the hive mind and the memories inside.”

“Kinda surprised I remember it after all the beating my head went through.”

“So, back to the drawing board. Do I sell them out or do I use them for myself?”


“I’m back, miss Fury!”

“Aaah! Puff, what are you doing here? I thought you decided to keep away from me until the old fanatic returns with his execution squad.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For breaking my word.”

“I’m still kinda lost here.”

“I… I told you I was trying to become a paladin to help ponies in need.”

“Yeah. I don’t mean to undermine my case, but that’s actually what you are doing right now. More than you know.”

“No, I thought about it again, and your… dislike for mister Star Trail. I’m not doing it to help ponies in need, I want to help everyone in need. I was just scared of what you did, of losing control and being made to hurt my friends, but that was my fault.”

“It wasn’t. There was nothing you could have done once I had my venom inside you.”

“I should have taken some precautions. There are few wizards in town and I have some money saved. I could have bought some paralysis potion which would allow you to confuse me and feed without me being able to do anything to anypony. Well, if it was too expensive I could have asked mister Crest to use police budget for that. I’ve done that once already when we reconstructed the police station garden.”

“If my eyes were fine I would be staring in utter disbelief now.”

“So, here I am. No potions or anything because of what you did, or didn’t do, when you had me under control last time. You could have kept it all secret and you still told mister Crest who told me and Palisade.”

“...someone up there must love me...”

“Mister Crest told me you almost collapsed by the end of the city tour. I… I can’t let it slide without trying to help. If I did that I might as well stop studying under mister Star Trail.”

“...foolish pony, you’re serving me everything on a silver platter...”

“Umm, why are you just staring at that painting like that?”

“I’m looking in your vague direction, dummy. Alright, if you’re so determined, then I will oblige. Turn the radio on, and meet me on the couch… or find me in case I get lost and move to the wrong room.”

“Will do.”

*Click* *Bzzzzzzt.*

“It is day five after the disturbance in Canterlot, and we have yet to gain a clear statement from the princesses about what exactly transpired. Our own veteran journalist Spyglass who has been investigating the situation since day one has a shocking new revelation. More on our main issue of daily news at eight o’clock. Don’t miss it.”

“They still haven’t said officially that changelings did it, but rumors travel fast. That, and the free press fueled by unknown sources. Oh, and I read a newspaper which said aliens from the stars did it. Said they arrived flying on giant spoons.”


“Well, you know the truth. Come and sit down next to me. I’ll make it feel a bit better than last time.”

“It was alright.”

“It can be a LOT better, Puff.”

“I know, but-”

“Yeah, yeah, saving yourself. But… I want something… as a, let’s say, penance for leaving me hungry for so long.”

“I… I… I don’t know about- mmph?!”



“Better than biting?”

“I, ehm, well, I mean… umm… yes.”

“Damn, I can HEAR you blush. Oh, and… hmmm, that’s nice… let the love flow, Puff.”

“I was supposed to kiss like that only with a pony I like.”

“Two things, Puff. First, I like you a lot for a pony. Second, the mare of your dreams you’re saving yourself for will be a lot happier if you know what you’re doing by then.”

“I… I guess deep kissing is fine. For practice.”

“Just enjoy it.”


*Sounds of a drained bathtub.*

“Haaaah, haaaaah, haaah-”

“Mmmm, that’s fun. Kinda getting to know why infiltrators like using this method so much.”

“...the tongue...”

“Heh heh, not wide and short like a pony’s, is it? Reconsidering my ‘deluxe’ offer?”

“No, I can’t-”

“Then I won’t force you. Buuuut… mmhmhm.”

“MMHMMMHM- haaaah haaaah!”

“I will sure as Tartarus take what is mine.”


“Trying to gather your breath? Good, you’re going to need it. I feel as if I could do this all night long.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“But I guess you need to do your pony job things and such, so let me just top off. Plus, having your brain drip out of your ears from venom overdose is something I’d like to avoid… at the moment.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“Alright, one more time.”


“Aaaah, excellent. Now lie down and hug me from behind. There’s no blanket here so you’ll have to do.”

“I can bring-”

“Don’t you dare move.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“Mhmmm, you’re soft and warm, everything the caves weren’t. Back home, I would have kept you around for so long as a worthy servant, maybe even given you the honor of carrying my eggs.”

“I can balance a big basket on my back, miss Fury.”

“Heh heh heh, go to sleep, Puff.”

“Yes, miss F...”

“Please don’t hate me for this, but I have the feeling I’m going to need your unquestioning servitude soon. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the overdose won’t harm you too much. The others trust you, so you’re the best tool for the job.”
