• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,415 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter Twelve

Today's the day winter is finally over and I was just volunteered by my loving mates to help with Winter Rap-up.

But first, let me tell you what happened after my trip to Canterlot. See, three days later this small blue scaled drakena showed up and I had to say she did not look happy to be here, hell she didn't look happy to be anywhere.

"Hey, I'm looking for some drake called Spark," The now rude small blue scaled drakena said while looking around outside of the nest.

I was about to stand when I felt a hand on my side looking over it was Draca shaking her head. "Spike has to accept the challenge we can't interfere."

"Fine but can we watch?" I asked raising an eyebrow which is kind of hard when I don't have any.

" No, I think it would be best if you remain in here and we'll tell you what's going on after all, if she sees you it might distract her from the challenge," Freya said as she passed by giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Giving a huff, that sounded more like a growl, I went over to lay down by the nests. I just wanted to see Spike put that spoiled little dragon princess in her place. But nooooo, I have to stay inside because I might scare her.

Looking at the opening I took a deep breath and sighed "I hope this gets over quickly because I'm getting bored and hungry."

Seeing movement I turned to saw Ava crawling over to me. "Hey there Sparket, not allowed to go outside either?"

She didn't say anything, well she's still a baby but, you know what I mean. Anywho she just crawled over and up onto my head. I don't know when or why I became her favorite napping spot but I did.

Sorry for getting off track there as I was saying Fraya was going to tell me what was going on and yet I haven't heard a single thing. So I will use the magic of the writer and switch over to an others POV, oh my God I'm starting to break the fourth wall like Pinkie.

Draca POV

Hearing that little upstart dragon call out for the challenge that away, makes me want Spike to not only win but dominate the little salamander right in the center of Ponyville. "Hey I'm looking for a drake name Spark," please if I wasn't able to grab Barb fast enough there be one less drakena in the world. It took almost all my strength just to keep her still and not fly out there. After calming her down while reassuring her that Spike could handle this I made my way outside to stand as judge over this challenge. Looking at them both I could tell they were both ready as is the custom the challenger would go first. Watching as Ember took a large breath and let out a roar did show she had promise it showed power and the lack of fear. But when it was Spikes turn I remember when Greg took him aside and spoke.

Short flashback

"Now Spike, I know the girls are teaching you how to deal with this challenge but there's something I think you should know." First off is the roar I know they said to make it as loud as you can, but a true roar comes from within it's not just noise but the proof that you are strong and can protect your family.

End flashback

I stood there and watched as Spike closed his eyes and smiled taking a deep breath and digging his feet into the ground. Spike took a good deep breath then opened his eyes and let out a roar that I could swear that if Greg was not out here you would have thought it came from him.

Needless to say, the first round went to Spike.

The second round was to show the power of one's flame for a weak flame could not keep the nest warm and the eggs safe. Ember once again went first and I have to say her flame was quite impressive, the sheer size and the heat it generated could be compared with a full-grown dragon. When Spike released his flame it was more of a stream that slithered around only burning what he wanted almost as if it were alive, but I believe it has to do with his own magic from when he was hatched by Twilight. Both of them consider this a draw and continued to the last challenge, that being strength. So both of them got ready and in a flash, they were off using any means of combat to defeat the other. In the end, after a grueling two hours both had fallen to exhaustion but it was Spike who first showed any signs of movement declaring him the victor.

The challenge was over and Ember had consented to Spike's victory. Only to have Bard stand in front of her and tell the drakena that she may have been the daughter of the dragon lord but she was the second mate in this horde. Seeing as how she has laid the first egg for spike and is the mother of Ava. Ember nodded in agreement before she was allowed to enter the nesting grounds. Where she stopped dead in her tracks at seeing the most amazing and confusing sight before her. There lying on its back was an ancient lord crying out to be saved from a dreaded tickle monster which turned out to be nothing more than a giggling dragon hatchling.

Back to Gregs POV

I was lying there with Ava on my head waiting for word about the challenge when I heard the roars. Smiling when I recognized Spike's roar, it brought a smile to my face knowing that my little brother took to heart what I told him. The truth about the posturing of any creature was base on three things. One confidence in one's self, two showing no fear but embracing it and three being bigger does help, seeing as Spike was about ahead and a half taller than her. While this was going on Freya did relay what happened with the second part but didn't come back to tell me anything more.

It was sometime later that Ava woke up and wanted to play so tapping my head she looked down. "Unca Geg pway."

So carefully grabbing her in my claws I rolled over on my back, placing her on my chest area, and proceeded to play her favorite game the attack of the tickle monster. It was during this that the others made their way back into our home and for mean to hear the strangled words coming from Ember.

"But, but how, why, he's an ancient lord and he's acting like a," She was cut off by Spike.

"Like a what, a weak pony or like someone who cares about their family so much they want them to be happy," Spike said looking down at Ember daring her to say something else.

The drakena knew when to keep her mouth shut as she looked around at the others daring her to say something. Nodding after a sigh she apologized for her remark.

Kirin walked over to her smiling down and spoke. "I bet you were never told about the Ancient ones were you?" Receiving a nod from the younger female. " Well, the truth is the ancient lords were the kindest and gentlest rulers to ever, some times they could even put Miss Fluttershy the element of kindness to shame. It was only when the lives of their families and those they swore to protect were put in danger is when the true nature of their kind would be revealed. It is one of the tombs of Equis history that the demon ram Grogar experienced this fury when he attacked a place called Pleasent Valley. Needless to say, there was very little left of him after that."

Understanding what she had just learned Ember swore to herself to learn the truth the real truth about the Ancient Lords and protect her new family even against her own father.

Now since all of that drama was out of the way Ember was properly introduced to everyone. Ava immediately took a liking to Ember calling her Mama ooh (Mama two) and welcomed her with a big sloppy kiss. It was Triva who reminded Spike and Ember of their obligation to complete the challenge finishing off with the mating night. I had to laugh at this because those two turned redder than I have ever seen. This earned me five slaps four from my mates and one from Barb. When Spike decided that he and Ember would leave now for it.

I told him to don't do anything I wouldn't do, but if she liked it do it more earning more slaps, but it was worth it.

It was two days later that they returned with a smiling Spike and a very please and content looking Ember, but when she pulled the other over and asked where Spike learned that tongue thing I knew it was time to leave. I got up grabbing Spike who protested until I said girl talk shutting him up, making our way to Ponyville.

The trip was mostly made in silences knowing full well neither of us really wanted to talk about that, after all, it was private. I decided we should make a quick detour so turning towards the castle of the two sisters. Following a path not far from the rope bridge we headed down into the canyon.

"Hey Greg where are we going there's nothing down here,"

"Just wait a little longer I want you to meet a very good friend of mine who helped me when I was at one of my lowest moments, and here she is," Pointing to the Tree of Harmony.

Spike couldn't say a thing he just stared at the giant crystal tree with ah.

"I know breathtaking isn't she, well come on say hello," Saying as I nudged Spike closer.

The tree didn't actually speak at this time it was more of feeling the energy coming from it.

"You what to know something that even Celestia doesn't know?" Smiling down at my little brother.

Spike just nodded so I proceeded to tell him the story about Starswirl and the ponies known as the Pillars about how before they disappeared from Equestria they planted a seed that held all of the qualities that made them great, and how the seed had grown into what he saw before him.

Looking up at me with tear-filled eyes he just asked one thing. "How do you know all of this?"

"She told me," I said pointing to the tree. "See I've been coming here every now again, just to think, and one day I just started talking and she listened and started to talk back. "She told me about the past the real past, you see harmony, true harmony is balance, the balance between order and chaos."

"I learned that long there were seven sins that plagued the world and during this time, from the primordial magic, seven virtues appeared to bring harmony back to the world. The sins came in the form of the seven great races of Equis. The Griffons, Changelings, Yaks, Dragons, Diamond Dogs, Minotaurs, and the Ponies. The virtues were the Ancient Lords or Dinosaurs."

"Now, I told you all of this is for a very important reason, you see the tree has shown visions of the future, well a possible future, and I'm afraid without help it could be a lot worse. So I asked if there was something that could be done and the answer was you."

Spike jumped back looking at me with confusion and fear. "What do you mean the answer was me?"

"Well, you see, um, how can I put this? Oh, the Tree of Harmony chose you because you represent the seven virtues, and that thing with your birthday doesn't count because you learned and grew from it. So she has decided to give you a boon as it were but I wouldn't make the decision just yet, talk with Barb and Ember about it," Greg said as he turned and walked out of the cave heading back in the direction of Ponyville.

Spike just stood there looking at the image the tree was projecting. The form he saw was not as big as Greg maybe half the size but it was formidable and it possessed all of Greg's abilities but he would be faster and more agile but he would also retain his dragon fire.

Realizing he was alone Spike turned to leave, taking one last look could he do it, could he give up his dragon form and become an Ancient Lord he needed to get back and talk to his mates. With a sigh, Spike knew this was going to be a long thought-out discussion.

After leaving Spike I made my way to Sweetapple Acres, saying hi to some of the residents of the town. Reaching my destination I was greeted by Applejack, Big Mac, and Twilight. Twilight was smiling that scary smile of hers you know the one. Well, what she was smiling about was one of her greatest achievements, a snowplow the ponies use, but big enough to fit me. See I found out my loving mates volunteered for free labor, scratch that it's not really free after all the work is done everyone gets some cider and cupcakes to celebrate. So we spent some time talking while I was testing out if I could run the plow and it turns out it's not that hard and I clear out the same space as four ponies. After the test, I offered to give Twilight a lift home due to her Pregnancy while making our way there we stopped at Sugarcube Corner for a bite to eat before dropping her off at the library. On my way back I took down two small sauropods for the others, when I got back I saw that Triva was playing with Ava while Spike Bard and Ember were off in a corner having what looked like a heartfelt discussion. I interrupted them by letting them know the food was here, we all made ready to dig in. Looking around I could only think my life was almost perfect I say this because it will be perfect when our hatchlings are here and in two more days we will be done with winter.

The race to the sin.
Humility against pride, Ponies
Kindness against envy, Griffons
Abstinence against gluttony, Minotaurs
Chastity against lust, Changelings
Patience against anger, Yaks
Liberality against greed, Dragons
Diligence against sloth, Diamond Dogs

Author's Note:

Should Spike take the offer or stay a dragon? Your votes will decide.

Comments ( 14 )

Yes spike should take the offer

He should take it.
A Yes for me.

If he can keep his colors sure if not ok no harm

Yes he should change to a dinosaur and keep the colours of the indoraptor

He should take it and protect his family if not he can become the true dragon lord picked by harmony itself.

yes he should take the offer

So far one for Dragon and seven for offer.

Here, take all the yes *Throws foam yes's in your general direction*

Helps load more yes’s into a catapult to toss at the author
Yes take the deal

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