• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

I Am The Night

Mares are cute. They are also fluffy. I want to pet the pretty mares and give them snuggles.


Even after mankind and ponykind formed unions and shared their resources, their culture, and unified as one - there are some differences that can never be solved.

There will always be Divide.

Quick little short story I cooked up on a whim. Bored, wanted to try something interesting. Not meant to be perfect.

Cover done in Garry's Mod and touched up in Pixlr in about five minutes.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Woah. That was cool.

Good job!

I'd be really careful about stuff like this, mentioning the death (even a fake one in an attempt at humor or otherwise) of a political figure is sure to draw some very unwanted attention, especially after the events of the recent tragedy in Florida. I strongly recommend removing or altering that.

There’s two major things here that I feel needs to be said.

1. This reads like it was written for the sole purpose of killing off Celestia because reasons.

2. With what little context we’re given, the reference to the actual current Pres. of the US almost suggests he was offed in a similar fashion to Celestia. I’m getting some heavy personal bias vibes from this story.

After seeing the like/dislike ratio and the comments, I can see that this story has received mixed results, I liked it though, after all, we don't know what Celestia does offscreen in the show

Dude, one word. Timing.

This was honestly going to be a much longer story, with more plot to it and character development. I plan on getting rid of this story anyway. :)


1. The story, at the time I wrote it, was meant to be its own depiction of humans and ponies living together. Not everybody gets along, and if you get the right person, it won't end well. This story was meant to be a lot longer, but I held it off for a full year before I published it.

2. The mention of Trump was brought up on a whim in the span of two seconds, but I mentioned him in the same way I'd mention any other president. If Obama was still in office, I would've said his name, or Bush, depending on the date set in the story. I felt like adding some mention of a sitting president would give people an indication of the date. It wasn't meant to be political bias at all.


As tragic as the Parkland incident was, we can't let an incident prevent people from writing or coming up with something that has violence related to a gun going off or somebody dying. It wouldn't be fair to make everybody not make dramatic or violent stories for several days because there was a shooting somewhere. As insensitive as that sounds, it's just how I see it. It'd be like holding off on making anything with an explosion in it because 9/11 happened. It wouldn't be fair to compare the two.

Plus, this story was written over a year before Parkland.

Plus, I doubt me mentioning the assassination of a talking pony princess will gain the attention of the US government, if that's what you meant? The story was written to be fun and simple, not political bias or in response to a high school shooting.

That's just my two cents on this whole debacle.

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