• Published 8th Apr 2017
  • 5,694 Views, 325 Comments

Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia - bigbear

Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

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Chapter 27 - Surprise Promotion

Twilight put down the last page of the morning’s briefing books. The magic around her horn dimmed and the pupils returned to her eyes. She blew out a held breath and smiled. The mass of information from the briefings was swimming in her brain now. But in a few minutes, it would be organized and available. Then Twilight would be ready for court.

She looked around the sitting room. Raven was retrieving the briefing papers and Spike was checking his pocket watch. Twilight knew the time because she could feel the position of the sun. They were right on schedule.

Today was turning out to be an excellent day to be a ruling princess. Twilight mentally reviewed today’s checklist. Luna had met her on the Grand Balcony to begin the cycle of the day. There’d even been a small crowd in the castle courtyard. They “oohed” and “aahed” as Luna lowered the moon and Twilight raised the sun. Twilight didn’t know if it made any difference, but she tried to put a little extra “oomph” into the sunrise to please the onlookers. The bubbling warmth inside her made it seem like the sun appreciated her efforts at the very least.

Celestia had even joined Luna and her for breakfast, which had been a great treat. Spending time with Celestia tended to put a grin on Twilight’s face and made her feel happy inside all day. Celestia had decided not to sleep in so she could meet a new friend and take care of some personal errands.

The early morning briefing with the Day and Night Guard had gone as expected. There were many potential threats to Equestria. It was reassuring to know there were also many stalwart defenders. The briefings she’d read promised some interesting cases in Morning Court. After lunch, Twilight had a meeting with the Education Minister to talk about apprenticeships for adult ponies. Then she could cap off her day with teatime in the garden, hopefully with Celestia again. She’d cycle the end of the day with Luna, then have dinner in either Canterlot or Ponyville. It was a well rounded agenda for what should be a satisfying day.

This pause before court was one of Twilight’s favorite times of the morning. She, Raven, and Spike set aside this time to be sure everything she absorbed with the speed-reading spell had a chance to settle in. Assuming everything else had been dealt with, it was a time for small talk before the big events of the day.

“I’m very proud of Starlight,” Twilight said to Raven and Spike. “She’s taking her Friendship Lessons seriously and reaching out a lot more. This week she’s been helping Rarity at the Boutique.”

“Starlight’s been busy, busy, busy,” Spike said. “I hardly see her around the castle. And when I do, she’s either in the study or in the lab.”

“She also volunteered to go to Canterlot and follow up with Professor Crystal Clear at the School for Gifted Unicorns.” Twilight smiled proudly. “I think she’s decided to take full advantage of the opportunities that come with being the student of a princess.”

“Having all Canterlot see her on the dais with you in court may have made a difference,” Raven said. “She’s seen the responsibilities of her position and of yours.”

“She’s certainly been a changed pony these last few weeks,” Spike said.

Twilight felt the information swirling in her head lock into a stable organization. She mentally flipped through the pages and nodded. She could get to the information when she needed it. Twilight touched a hoof to her crown to be sure she was ready for court.

Spike and Raven recognized the “I’m ready” look on Twilight’s face. As the clock struck the hour, the three of them entered the Throne Room and took their places on the dais. Twilight nodded to the Seneschal.

“Hear ye, hear ye, the Royal Court of Equestria is now in session. Her Royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle presiding.”

Twilight looked down from the throne at Raven. “When did I become a Royal Highness?” she whispered.

“Your student talked to the Seneschal. She pointed out that as a ruling princess you were deserving of the additional honorific,” Raven whispered back. “We checked the rules and she was right. The entire staff apologizes for the omission before now.”

“If that’s what the rules say,” Twilight whispered. She stood a little taller.

In the back of the Throne Room, Twilight spotted a familiar lavender unicorn sporting a big grin. “Starlight? What are you doing here,” she thought.

Starlight flicked her eyes up as if there was something over her head. Twilight scanned the ceiling at the back of the Throne Room but saw nothing amiss. Starlight face hoofed, then pointed over Twilight’s head. She looked up.

As always, a pair of purple banners hung from the ceiling to either side of the throne. But in place of their normal geometric designs, the banners had a great pink eight pointed star. They were the same as the banner on her castle!

Twilight’s eyes went wide. Then she remembered where she was and tried to bring her expression under control. “Are those new banners?” she whispered to Raven.

“In the same meeting, your student noted there were many sun and moon symbols in the Throne Room. But none of your star symbols,” Raven whispered back. “The Royal seamstress worked up these designs. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna approved them. I saw Princess Celestia send you a note by dragon fire.”

“Oh, that note must have gotten misplaced.” Spike whipped a scroll out of his messenger bag and passed it to Twilight. A note on the outside read, “Don’t blame Spike, I told him to keep this note hidden so you would be surprised. Celestia.” Inside were patterns so Twilight could get more banners if she wished.

Somepony in the Throne Room coughed and Twilight realized the assembled were all waiting for her. “Seneschal, call the first case.” While that was going on, Twilight scanned the back of the Throne Room for Starlight, but she was nowhere to be found.