• Published 10th Apr 2017
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Operation: D-Dusk - CrackedInkWell

It's been two months since Dusk and Solaris became a couple. However, because Dusk Shine spends more time with his coltfriend then his friends, and he had been missing taking his turn over Berry's antics, his friends decided to do something.

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Chapter 5: Date Night (Game Time)

Friday evening came, and unbeknownst to Dusk Shine, all of his friends were ready. While Berry, Spines, Rainbow Blitz, and Butterscotch remained hidden in the foliage of the trees, the alicorn and his two best friends waited on a nearby hill for the Sun Prince’s arrival. They had already set up a table with various amounts of food they each brought. Dusk kept asking Elusive for the time from his pocket watch, meanwhile, Applejack was trying his best to keep calm. The Prince of Friendship thought both of his friends were somewhat overdressed, being that they were in suits, but he put that thought aside as he looked back to the sky.

“It’s almost seven-thirty.” Dusk tapped his hoof. “You would think he would be here by now, or at least we could see his chariot.”

“Don’t worry, Dusk,” Elusive replied as he closed the lid of his watch and slid it into the vest pocket of his suit. “I’m sure that His Highness is probably planning on a grand entrance.”

The alicorn rolled his eyes. “Please, the only times he does that is when it’s a formal occasion. This, on the other hoof, is a little more casual… Oh, where is he?”

“Maybe he’s been sitting here for the past five minutes wondering why none of you thought to turn around?” A deep, rich voice spoke from behind the three. With a jolt, they spun around to see the Sun Prince chuckling at them.

“Y-Your Grace!” Elusive spoke as he and Applejack bowed. “We didn’t hear you come up.”

“Rise, you two,” said the bearded stallion. When they obeyed, he gave them both a smirk. “Rumor has it that you and Honest Applejack have recently become an item. I would ask if it were true if it wasn’t for our present situation. Oh, and before we continue, may I add that you are looking stunning your coat, Elusive.”

Chuckling nervously, Elusive pulled the Prince’s seat out with his magic. “Thank you… Prince Solaris. I just thought I’d throw something on for the occasion.”

Solaris sat at the table, smiling at Dusk as he rested his head on his hooves, completely ignoring the hummus that he had forelegs sank into. His eyes widened as he realized his situation. With a guilty smile, he used his magic to remove the offending substance from the table.

“So, Elusive…” Solaris beamed at the two ponies sitting opposite one another. “Please, tell me how you two got together.”

Elusive chuckled nervously as he met Solaris’s gaze. “Well… Applejack and I became quite close after I began to help out on the farm. I actually caught him in the act of creating a monologue for me in the orchard one night. It was so sweet that I couldn’t resist.”

Dusk frowned for a moment. “When were you working in the orchard, Elusive? I can’t seem to recall.”

Elusive began to sweat, putting on a large smile and stammering out an answer. “W-Well, it was just the odd hoof with apples high in the trees, mostly while you were in Canterlot. Very untraceable, the guys wouldn’t really know about it so I wouldn’t bother asking them.”

“O… kay?” Dusk raised an eyebrow.

Applejack quickly cut in. “Them apples at the top never come down properly. It’s always good when ya have a unicorn ta help pick them before they rot. The night we got close was amazin’.” Applejack looked to the stars while Elusive shot him a glare.

“We both sat under the stars, Elusive snuggled up to me, and we watched the moon rise over the beautiful landscape. Ah had an amazing, loving pony ta keep me warm through the night.” Applejack smiled, sinking into his seat.

Elusive stared daggers at his date as he smiled nervously. “Hehe, yes, he loves his sentiments, my Applejack.”

Solaris picked up on the awkwardness. “Dusk has also made me aware that you have yet to tell any of your other friends. Though looking at you now, I can say that I completely understand what you are both feeling right now. It’s not easy for ponies like us to let anyone, even your close friends, know about a new relationship.” He glanced over to the other Prince. “Believe me, I know.”

Dusk hummed for a moment. “I… suppose you’re right. I shouldn’t be one to judge. After all, it wasn’t exactly easy for either of us to come out to begin with. Still, I’m impressed that you guys decided to have this double date with us.”

“We’re jus’ not as experienced as Y'all are.” Applejack rubbed his foreleg. “‘Sides, it’s a first fer us in that we’re not exactly sure what we’re doin’.”

“Just think of it as, as Blitz would say, ‘a glorified version of hanging out, but better.

“In other words,” Solaris picked up a dinner roll, “there’s no need for either of you to be so nervous around us. We like to have a good time just as much as anypony else. So let’s have some fun.” He smiled.


This is going so perfectly!” Bubble whispered gleefully behind the bush. He turned to face Butterscotch. “Butter, it’s time to activate stage one! Go tell Blitzy that we’re ready for him!” Bubble Berry ordered.

Okay… Bubble.” Butterscotch whispered so quietly that even somepony standing next to him could barely hear him.

Staying low at the top of the hill until the picnic was almost out of sight, Butterscotch flew hesitantly towards Rainbow Blitz who stood ready on a large mouse of clouds.

“Rainbow, Bubble says they’re ready for you,” he called out.

“Thanks, Scotch! Head up to the barn to get phase two ready.” Blitz replied. While the yellow pegasus started to make his way to the barn, Rainbow hid carefully as he pushed the ticking time bomb of a storm cloud over towards the hill.

However, what the sabotagers didn’t expect was that both Applejack and Elusive were already prepared for this. As the unicorn spotted the dark cloud heading toward them, he elbowed the apple farmer. “You ready?” he whispered.

Applejack adjusted his hat. “Let’s do this.” He then stretched out his legs. “Golly, Ah’m full,” he announced as he stood up. “Y’know, since it’s gettin’ ta be such a fine night, do ya fellas wanna take a bit of a walk fer a bit? Ah, know a scenic path down yonder.”

Dusk blinked, oblivious to the storm cloud slowly and silently approaching. “But we haven’t gotten to dessert yet.”

“I’m sure it can wait.” Elusive stood up as well. “Why don’t you gentlecolts come along, too? It is a rather nice night.”

“In that case…” Solaris lit up his horn and picked up an entire tray of cake, “I’m taking this with me.” He spied an eye-roll and smirk from his consort. “Come along, Dusk. We’re burning daylight.”

“Coming.” The Prince of Friendship finally got up and followed the three away from the hill.

“What happened?! Where are they all going?” Berry was just about ready to jump out of the bush and go rope them back to the picnic area. Suddenly, a blast of lightning exploded right behind him, causing him to let out a yelp and jump forward. He looked up at the source as Blitz shrugged from atop the cloud.


“Wow. What a stunning night it is. I must say gents, you have picked the perfect night to do this on.” Prince Solaris smiled, looking across the vast fields of apple trees around them.

“Yes, well, romance can be an art form at times.” Elusive replied, gently nudging Applejack with a smile. The farmpony himself had a slightly dopey smile on his face and the two walked closely side-by-side, much like the royal couple.

Elusive suddenly felt a vibration coming from inside his coat. His eyes widened as he looked over to Applejack.

“If everypony would excuse me for a moment, I need to walkie-tal-- uh, walk over here for a second and tend to something.” Dusk and Solaris looked at each other for a moment before shrugging.

“Alright, but you’ll have to catch up,” Dusk replied.

“Ah’ll stay with Lucy. Y’all have some alone time. We’ll be right with ya.” Applejack added, following Elusive.

So the group parted. Elusive waited for the two stallions to be out of earshot before pulling a bulky walkie-talkie out of his coat.

WHERE. THE BUCK. ARE YOU?!” yelled a high-pitched voice from the speaker. “You were supposed to keep them there until the storm cloud come! Not only that, but you’re going in the complete opposite direction! Mind telling me where you’re going at least? Over.

“Y’all take this,” the farmer told him. “Ah ain’t that good at lyin’.”

Elusive thought for a moment before pushing the button. “Bad news, I’m afraid. Solaris suddenly decided to take a detour, taking us all along with him. I hope this doesn’t complicate things.” He said before winking at Applejack.


You’re meant to say over! Over.” Bubble’s voice hissed.

Elusive rolled his eyes. “Sorry, Bubble… Over.”

Where are you guys going? Over.” Berry inquired.

“Applejack said it’s a little trail that goes by the north-eastern pond. At this rate, it may take a good amount of time to head towards the direction of the barn. Over.”

Uuuuuuuuugggggggggerahhhhh!!! Over.

With a triumphant smirk, the unicorn pressed the button. “It is rather disappointing, I know. Maybe we should call this off? Over.”

Silence. For a long minute, there was nothing on the other end before a crackling was finally heard. “No. We’re not giving up that easily. We just have to adapt is all. You guys said you’re heading towards a pond. As in, a body of water? Over.

Both stallions glanced uneasily at each other. “Indeed,” Elusive replied back. “Why? Over.”

Okay, new plan. You guys head over there and make sure you keep those two close by the pond until we get over there. I’ll give you new instructions by the time we get there. Over and out.

Elusive looked confused. “Pardon? Over.”

It’s Walkie-Talkies for goodbye. Over.

“Oh, why didn’t you say so? Over.”

Nevermind, just start heading to the pond. Over and out.” With that, the device fell silent.

Hmmm, he’ll get suspicious if we don’t head to the pond.”

Applejack smirked. “Well, he didn’t say which pond.”

Elusive looked quizzically at the farmpony. “Applejack, dearest, you live here. Surely you of all ponies know that there is only one body of water on this whole farm. Big as it may be, I hardly understand where you are going with this.”

“Lucy, that righ’ there is where yer wrong. We have a small creek on the west side of the farm for when we let the pigs free.”

“Applejack, you’re a genius!” Elusive shouted, hugging and nuzzling up against his fur for a moment before pulling back. “I could marry you on the spot for that brain of yours!”

Applejack’s eyes widened in panic. “W-What? So soon? Wow Lucy, Ah didn’t think that Ah--”

A blushing Elusive interrupted him with a hoof over his mouth. “It’s a figure of speech,” he coughed into his hoof. “Anyway…” He released Applejack and stepped back. “Alright, show us the way.”

Applejack sheepishly moved forwards in the direction that the other couple had gone off to, a sad look spread across his face. He turned away from Elusive and went off.

Unbeknownst to him, Elusive did catch his sadness. Guilt flooded his chest. Looking down at his hooves, he started to think, then looked back to his face beside him who was hiding his face. Elusive took a look behind and around them, then smiled and started rubbing against Applejack as they walked.

The work pony nearly jumped out of his skin at the first touch. Looking at Elusive in confusion, he was met with a smile and a nod towards the couple ahead. Elusive walked a bit closer to Applejack, nuzzling as they went along. He actually enjoyed the warm feeling and the work pony’s muscles. He smiled as he looked up at Applejack, but then stared at the ground.

Maybe I do like him? I don’t know… What should I do?

“Dusk! Prince Solaris! Wait up!” Applejack shouted, making the couple spin around.

The royal stallions paused as the other couple caught up to them. “So where exactly are we headed towards?” the tall alicorn inquired. “I’m afraid I’m not exactly familiar with your farm.”

“Ah know a place,” the farmer said, pointing a hoof. “See that fence there? We’ll follow it ‘til we get to a gate. Through that is a pond that’ll give ya a clear openin’ ta the sky.”

“Sounds good to me,” Dusk shrugged. “You guys can lead. We’ll follow.” He and the Sun Prince allowed them to go ahead before following after them. The lilac alicorn turned to his towering coltfriend. “So, how’s Arty?”

“Keeping himself busy these days,” replied Solaris. “He’s going around defeating nightmares, hunting for monsters in the Everfree, scolding the nobility with his traditional Canterlot voice, hogging all the moonshine… Those sort of things.”

“And… Bluebelle?”

The white alicorn sighed. “She’s at least talking to me. Of course, she’s still not used to our relationship, but I can say in that good faith that she will come to accept us with time. I know her. She can be stubborn when it comes to tradition, but we’re family and I’m sure she’ll come around to it.”

Dusk breathed in the orchard scent for a moment. “In a way, I’m glad you’re here. Now more than ever at least.”

“Oh?” The Sun Prince unfolded a wing and wrapped it around his consort. “Is something troubling you?”

“In a way…” he hesitated. “Yes, I’m facing a problem, only I’m not exactly sure how to phrase it. I guess to put it simply, my friends miss me being their friend.”

The two walked along in silence before Solaris broke it. “I see. I mean, we have been spending a lot of time together. That is tricky. I love you, Dusk Shine, and well… I don’t want to spend any less time with you. Besides, you are too cute when we’re in bed.” Solaris chuckled.

Shut uuuuup,” Dusk nudged Solaris, smiling and laughing.

Elusive looked behind to see the two laughing. “See that behind us?” he whispered, pulling Applejack closer. “That right there is what we are fighting for, Applejack. Nothing that beautiful should be taken away by somepony else.

The two ponies in front glanced behind every now and again, smiling at the sight as they brushed closer together.

“Anyways, Dusk,” Solaris began. “If you want to spend more time with your friends, I completely understand. They need time with you as well. In fact, how about this? You stay in Ponyville and be with your friends. No more of these overnight things. Instead, I will clear my schedule in advance, maybe for two weeks or so every couple of months. We will have a lot of unacquitted time together, just you and me. Sure, I will still have things to do here and there, but we will get more time to be with one another. Your friends won’t have to worry about not seeing you.”

Both stallions ahead of the royal couple stopped dead in their tracks and craned their necks around in disbelief. “What?” Dusk inquired. “Is something wrong?”

Applejack and Elusive looked at one another. “We’ve gotta tell ‘em,” the farmer stated.

“Tell us what?” the Solar Prince asked. “For a moment, it seemed as though you two saw Starswirl the Sorceress pop out of a toaster.”

The unicorn scanned around them, making sure that Berry wasn’t around. “Dusk, Solaris, there’s something that the two of you ought to know.”

“You fellas are about ta be bushwhacked,” Applejack stepped in.

Dusk blinked. “What?”

“Sabotaged,” Elusive clarified. “Berry is out there trying to sabotage your relationship with Solaris. He has recruited the guys to help so that you would have more time to be with us.”

The Prince of Friendship’s jaw dropped. “What?!

“Now before Y'all get mad,” Applejack objected, “he and the guys ain’t doin’ this out of spite. It’s jus’ that since ya’ve been goin’ away to Canterlot so often and considerin’ how many times it be yer turned ta get Berry out of his messes, they were willin’ ta do anythin’ ta get ya back. But now that Solaris brought up that idea…”

“We didn’t want to go through with this,” Elusive added. “We’re trying to double-cross Berry for your sakes. He is going through a plan for you two to get so angry with one another that you’ll break up. But Applejack and I could not allow something like that to happen--”

“Dusk! DUSK! DUSK!!!” The group heard a mare call in the distance.

“Sis?!” Applejack cried out as a desperate-looking Macareina trotted up to their group.

“Ah thought about it, Dusk! Ah thought about us and after that night in th’ barn last week, Ah wanna be with you!”

Every stallion’s jaw dropped at the speed of sound.

“Macarena, did Bubble Berry put you up to this?” Applejack asked, looking up at his big sister.

“Wh-why Ah don know what y’all are talkin’ about.” She mumbled nervously.

The country stallion rolled his eyes. “Sis, Ah’d say you put on a convincin’, yarn, but y’all are lyin’ to th’ Element of Honesty.”

“I have to say, logically I thought that was instantly part of Bubble Berry’s plan, but had I not known, that would have killed me a little inside,” Solaris added, earning a drawn-out awww and a cuddle from his coltfriend. Suddenly, the Sun Prince’s neck straightened and his eyes widened. “Oh… Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!” He laughed, grinning from ear to ear. “Actually, this is perfect!”

“Huh?” the red mare blinked in confusion. “Yer Highness?”

Solaris was figuratively hopping in place like a child with a new toy. “This is deliciously brilliant!” He turned to the other stallions. “Gentlecolts, I think that now would be the perfect time to pull together a little prank for our pink friend.” His attention returned to the elder Apple siblings. “Madame, how good of an actress are you?”

She shrugged. “Okay, Ah guess?” Her brother smirked.

Solaris then turned to Applejack and Elusive. “And I assume that you two know what Bubble Berry has in store for us?” They nodded. “Excellent!” He rubbed his hooves giddily. “This is really going to be fun!”