• Published 5th Jun 2017
  • 4,001 Views, 111 Comments

The Stars Of Twilight - MatCor1337

Ever since she first became a princess, Twilight faced hardships. Her only solstice is in the company of a being she met in another plain of reality. Then one day Equestria is greeted by aliens that believe Twilight to be their god.

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You Can Skip This Chapter! No Reading Necessary!

[A/N] Hey everyone, it's MatCor1337 and I'd like to make a quick announcement. I'M NOT ENDING ANY STORIES!!! I'm just having some difficulties with writing up the next part of my stories. The one I'm currently working on is A Mother's Love and as i just said, putting the metephorical pen to paper is a little tricky, though I should be posting the next chapter either tomorrow or the day after. I know what's going to happen, it's wording it in a way you can understand it that's got me.
So until then, here's a peak at one of some new stories that I've got in the works. Let me know what you think and I'll talk to you all later.

P.S. I'm writing this here because a need over 1000 words to post:ajbemused:


An instant.

An instant is all it took for Twilight’s whole world to turn upside down.
She and her friends were traveling to Appleloosa to celebrate the engagement of Braeburn and Little Strongheart, something that the Princess of Friendship fully supported. Applejack was ecstatic that her favorite cousin had found someone special to him, and wanted to give him her support, and that of her family in Ponyville. This was supposed to be a joyous moment, but it was destroyed with tragedy.

Mere hours after their arrival, the small farming town was attacked by Traditionalists; radical ponies that despised Twilight for the change she sought to bring to Equestria, believing that it would condemn the nation. The nobles that made the bulwark of the Traditionalists spread lies about Twilight and slandered her name, claiming that she was manipulating the princesses to take the throne for herself. Many, ponies and buffalo alike, were killed by the deranged madponies, innocents that did nothing wrong, as most others were gravely wounded. When the young princess and those who survived the surprise attack were cornered, her magic shield the only barrier between life and death, the stars began to fall, impacting all around the town.

And emerging from the craters came a force of bipedal, ironclad warriors as large as minotaurs that brought death to the Traditionalists with weapons that breathed fire, spat metal and roared like thunder. Their armor, which seemed to be of three different models, bore a purple color - like a darker shade of Twilight’s coat - with their shoulders, knees and elbows being the same blue as her mane, and a bright silver trim. Upon further inspection, Twilight was shocked to find her cutie-mark on their left shoulders. The simple spears, arrows and swords of the Traditionalists couldn’t even scratch the armor of the warriors, and even a single blow from their fists could cave chests and shatter skulls.

The skirmish was over in moments, those that surrendered were brought to the main square, where a large vessel of purple and grey descended from the skies and landed several meters away. The traumatized survivors watched as the vessels front opened and formed a ramp, where more warriors walk out, some of them larger than the others. The injured ponies and buffalo were treated by medics as Twilight stared at who she presumed was the leader. Unlike the others, its armor was pitch black and adorned with bones, long parchment and talismans, its own head looking like a bare skull and and an actual equine skull attached to something above it. The only thing in it had in common with the other warriors was her cutie-mark on its shoulder.

It stepped up to the arrested Traditionalists and spoke with a male voice that was grave, deep and aged, but still strong and commanding. “You stand accused of crimes against the goddess Eywa and her chosen acolytes. Crimes consisting of the murdering of innocents and the attempted murder of our Merciful Goddess and her faithful followers. How do you plead?”

One of the Traditionalists spat at the figure’s feet. “We are guilty of no crimes. Our mission is just, and that is to protect the integrity and traditions that Equestria’s lived by for thousands of years from those that seek to destroy our perfect society.”

“An empire that refuses change and progress in an evolving world will trap itself in a cycle of decay and renewal, held back by ignorance and falling behind more developed nations, making it vulnerable to outside enemies.” He shot back.

Another Traditionalist spoke up. “This mare besides you wishes to bring ruin to our nation and overthrow the princesses. She wants to bring other filthy creatures to our land and taint its purity. These vermin are proof of her corrupting the minds of our people by allowing them to breed with non-ponies. Equestria belongs to ponies and ponies alone. No, our princesses control the sun and moon, and for that, the whole world should belong to us!”

Twilight was sickened by the mad ravings of these ponies, and the figure seemed to have had enough himself. “If this is your case, then my decision is clear. By the power invested in me by the God-Emperor and with Eywa herself as my witness, I sentence you and your ilk to death. May your souls burn in the fires of Eywa’s stars for all eternity.” He gestured to the warriors that came with him. “Brothers, cleanse this soil of their filth with holy fire!”

With that command, the gestured warriors stepped towards the Traditionalists and unleashed jets of fire from their weapons, the defenceless ponies screaming in agony as their flesh burnt off their bones from the searing flames.

Twilight and all onlookers stared in shock and horror at the scene before them. Moments later, when the last Traditionalist fell silent, Twilight asked the question that all in Appleloosa sought to know the answer to. “Who… who are you? What are you?”

The leading figure and all the other warriors turned to Twilight… and knelt before her. “My apologies, o’ Merciful Goddess. We are the Stars of Twilight, the XIth Legion of the Adeptus Astartes, created by the God-Emperor of Mankind. We live to serve you. We are yours to command as you see fit.”

With such a shocking revelation, the Princess of Friendship could not think of a logical or even intelligent response, only the one that anypony would come to. “...Wha…?”